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Blogger NobobyExpects said...

Nice and dandy, if not for the documented warnings that were ignored by the Israeli high command.

They were prepared, but they did not use the preparations.

July 8, 2024 at 11:45 AM

Blogger riverrider said...

i'm afraid i'm suffering from alert fatigue. i've been on alert so long i can no longer do much of anything to prepare. most preparations have to be maintained but i lack motivation to do so even though i know time is running out, i'm just so tired of it all. this summer has been one small catastrophe after another, death by a thousand cuts. today was 1001 and 1002.

July 8, 2024 at 7:17 PM

Blogger Paul said...

I would have to agree with the alert fatigue. But then I think back to people in my past who would have been prepared for bad times for decades.

We have 10,000 in cash in a safe as my wife's family used a similar reserve to get through the depression. I have about 6-8 months of dried food and wonder if I should add to it. Wife points out I should try some to insure I like it, but I am of the opinion that between it and starving, like will not factor in.

Have water filters galore and the usual arms to dispel boarders, but I would like the threat to resolve a bit before I go out and get more stuff.

Suppose I should add some medical stuff. Imodium and Aspirin would be good choices.

Never stops

July 9, 2024 at 10:20 AM

Blogger riverrider said...

and needs rotating.... i spent so much trying to extent the food timeline, then since april about a dozen small by themselves disasters have come along. added together i'm about under the bus. the latest, get this, yellow jackets moved into my floor building a huge mega nest. its like the seven/teen biblical plaques around here this summer, lol.

July 9, 2024 at 1:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll add another addendum to the various inflations.

Check your "Best Before" dates.

I'm seeing local groceries "forget" to rotate "bad" stock out. Check Aesop's recent on canned goods, botulinum toxin, and GE for the usual 'ascorbic' wit. Hat tip to the masterful prose.

Everything is sitting on the shelves longer.

This bodes well.

July 9, 2024 at 7:45 PM