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About Us

Economic Empowerment for All Women

BlogHer, one of SHE Media’s flagship sites, is a leading content and events platform with a mission to provide economic empowerment for all women. Since 2005, BlogHer has evolved from in-person to virtual events, with an on-demand video and content library to feed an increasing demand for 24/7 small business education and inspiration. BlogHer now reaches 10M+ women business owners and decision-makers who seek to monetize their businesses and personal brands. SHE Media contributes to $15M+ in annual funding to help women independent content creators scale their businesses.

BlogHer’s annual events attract thousands of innovators each year online and in person, and feature celebrities, advocates, and entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise. Community-centric tentpoles like The Pitch and Voices of the Year Awards (#VOTY) celebrate and inspire change-makers who use their platform to turn their passions to profit and purpose. The brand’s signature editorial series, like A Penny For Her Thought$, Easy Does It, The Social Climber, and How She Did It, make BlogHer an always-on destination from women creators, publishers, small business owners, side-hustlers, and influencers alike.

Part of Penske Media Corporation (PMC), BlogHer is based in New York, with employees in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Scottsdale, Arizona. Follow BlogHer on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, and join the BlogHer Creators Community Group.