
Capitol Police Investigating After Dem Rep. Brad Schneider’s Office Vandalized, Photos of Israeli Hostages Torn in ‘Vile Act of Hate’

Illinois Democrat Rep. Brad Schneider announced on Friday that his office had been vandalized in what he described as a “vile act of hate,” which saw photos of hostages in Gaza — some of whom are Americans — being ripped off the wall. U.S. Capitol Police are looking into the incident but will not provide information, citing the need to “protect the investigation.”

JDCA 2024 Leadership Summit - Brad Schneider Brad Schneider at the Jewish Democratic Counc

‘Sweetheart Deal:’ Boeing Faces $243M Fine After Agreeing to Plead Guilty to Criminal Fraud in 737 Max Crash Case

Boeing has reportedly agreed to plead guilty to criminal fraud charges related to the fatal 737 Max crashes, a move that will brand the aerospace giant as a felon but allow it to avoid a trial. The company is likely to face of fine of $243 million — a drop in the bucket compared to its $78 billion in annual revenue, which a victims’ lawyer calls a “sweetheart deal.”

Boeing factory

Blackwell and Klukowski: Border Security, 2nd Amendment, Judges Examples of Winning GOP Platform Issues

Laws banning illegal aliens from carrying guns violate the Second Amendment, according to an Obama-appointed judge, highlighting an opportunity for Republicans to use their party platform to show how correctly interpreting the Constitution puts gun rights and border security on the same side, and that the future of those issues hangs on the 2024 election.

Brandon Oathout of Johnstown, N.Y., attends a Second Amendment rally at the Capitol on Tue