Nunes memo

The Main Author of Wikipedia’s Steele Dossier Page Is a Russiagate Truther

Wikipedia’s page on the infamous dossier crafted by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele is heavily slanted in favor of treating the dossier as a credible document, despite it being debunked by multiple federal investigations. One reason for this bias is the page’s primary author, “Valjean” a.k.a. Paul Lee, who is also an active member of the anti-Trump “Resistance” on Twitter as “TheDudeSeesAll” and relentlessly pushes baseless claims on Wikipedia and social media that Trump is a Russian asset.


Ann Coulter: Carter Page: Agent 000

A cabal of anti-Trump fanatics cooked up the Russia collusion story, and don’t-rock-the-boat bureaucrats went along with it, so we now have a behemoth investigative monster chasing unicorns.


Pollak: How to Evaluate the Democratic Memorandum

If the Democratic memo does not at least acknowledge that the government should have been more careful about avoiding even the appearance of political bias — especially after the Hillary Clinton email fiasco — then it should not be taken seriously at all.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee's Russia invest

DOJ Issues First Response to Nunes Memo Drop

Elements of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI are under fire Friday following the release of the House Intelligence Committee’s hotly anticipated memo alleging bias and misconduct among officials investigating Trump campaign associates.
