Arizona prof takes job as Democratic governor's press secretary

A University of Arizona assistant journalism professor has accepted a job to become the full-time press secretary of Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs.

A University of Arizona assistant journalism professor has accepted a job to become the full-time press secretary of Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs.

Liliana Soto had been working in both positions since March, despite multiple complaints by other professors, according to The Arizona Daily Star. There was no mention of whether Soto is still teaching in Governor Hobbs’ June 3 press release announcing Soto’s appointment.

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Per her LinkedIn profile, Soto has worked at the University of Arizona since January 2022 and began working as Hobbs’ press secretary in March. Despite Hobbs’ office telling The Daily Star that Soto will not be teaching at the university, Soto’s LinkedIn page lists her time at the University of Arizona as “present” as of publication of this article. 

The UA School of Journalism’s website also lists courses she will be teaching this fall.

The Daily Star also reported that multiple journalism professors raised issues with Soto working both jobs in March, but does not mention who the professors were. In response to the complaints, unknown students left a written message on the school’s office building, per the story.

“Your claims are unsubstantial, short sighted and dim-witted,” the letter said. “The fact that a majority of faculty went along with you or didn’t speak up for (Soto) shows a pathetic lack of any form of a spine, or brain. It must be so easy to voice your unfounded concern when you gang up on a person all at once. How admirable. There’s a word for that and it’s called bullying, now I’m going to bully you.”

The university reportedly investigated the letter and found that there was no credible threat to professors or students in April.

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When asked if Soto is still teaching at the school, a UA spokesman Mitch Zak said, “We congratulate Liliana Soto on her appointment as Press Secretary for the Office of the Governor. However, we do not comment on individual personnel matters.”

Campus Reform contacted Governor Hobbs’ office and Liliana Soto for comment. This story will be updated accordingly.