TERROR?: Anonymous anti-Israel group 'torched large portions' of UC Berkeley construction site

​An anonymous anti-Israel group set fire to a construction site on the University of California, Berkeley's campus on Sunday afternoon.

An anonymous anti-Israel group set fire to a construction site on the University of California, Berkeley’s campus on Sunday afternoon.

The group called “marilyn’s daughters” said on Indybay.org that the incident took place at 1 p.m., claiming credit for an apparent arson incident at a construction site on the college campus, writing that it’s the second phase of the “#Escalate movement.” 

”phase two of the #Escalate movement heats up at u.c. berkeley with a construction site set on fire in broad daylight. this was done in retaliation for u.c.pd’s violent assaults on vulnerable student demonstrators and to punish the university of kkkalifornia system for supporting the genocidal zionist-Israel entity,” the group wrote. “this was an autonomous initiative in concert with the current WEEK OF ACTION currently underway: operation campus flood.”

The University of California, Berkeley Police Department wrote that a fire was reported at the Dwinelle Annex Construction Site, and an investigation determined it was arson.

One day after a “firebomb” was thrown at a UC Berkeley building that’s named after a Jewish professor on Thursday, another group called for “a week of autonomous action,” calling it “Operation Campus Flood,” which lasts from June 14 to June 19.

[RELATED: Anti-Israel ‘student intifada’ claims credit for unloading ‘firebomb’ on UC Berkeley building named after Jewish professor]

Sunday’s incident was part of Operation Campus Flood, according to the post.

”this was done on father’s day for all the palestinian fathers who have lost their children at the hands of the zionist and amerikkkan settler states,” the group wrote. “this was done on father’s day for all the black and brown fathers who have lost their children at the hands of u.s.a. police forces in Berkeley.”

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”glory to the martyrs. blessed is the flame,” the group added.