Andersen: If Prince William or Kate ‘starts to wobble,’ the monarchy would crash

Princess Anne was kicked in the head by a horse two weekends ago and she spent five nights in the hospital, and there’s no talk of when she will be ready to come back to royal work. King Charles still has cancer and he’s still receiving treatments, and he’s curtailed his schedule somewhat. The Princess of Wales has only attended one public event in six months and, in her own words, she’s still receiving chemotherapy and has “bad days.” Queen Camilla is 76 years old and she hates traveling or interacting with people of color. There are other “working royals” who mostly toil away, doing a couple of events a week, with little attention. And then there’s Prince William, one of the laziest and most immature men to ever come out of that family. This is the state of the Windsors’ “working royals.” Out of spite and racism, they’ve organized everything around a slimmed down monarchy which provides little “bang for the buck.” Royal biographer Christopher Andersen sounds pretty disgusted by the turn of events:

Prince William and Kate have become the “pillars on which the future of the monarchy rests,” royal biographer Christopher Andersen told OK!. William reportedly has his own “slimmed-down” vision for the monarchy, however, Anderson notes that this could put a lot of pressure on William and Middleton, who are “far and away the most beloved members of the royal family.”

“If either of them starts to wobble, the whole thing can come crashing down,” Anderson said. “At the moment, Kate is at her most vulnerable. The ground beneath Kate is shifting in major ways. Only time can tell if she can stand strong.”

“The simple truth is that the royal family cannot be whittled down to a precious few without the risk of having it grind to a halt altogether,” Anderson explained. “For over 70 years, the Windsors had longevity on their side—almost to a ridiculous extent. Queen Elizabeth lived to be 96, and her husband Prince Philip was 99, the longest-living royal male in history [when he died]. The Queen Mother was downing her favorite gin and Dubonnets right up until the end at the astounding age of 101. There seemed to be no need for redundancy, with senior royals seeming practically immortal, and three generations of future monarchs waiting in the wings.”

But the recent happenings are proving that the family is not as invincible as they seem. “It’s hard to blame palace officials for not having a plan in place to cope with the simultaneous cancer diagnoses of King Charles and Princess Kate, much less the sidelining of such a valuable supporting player as the princess royal,” the expert continued. “The home team is running out of options.”

[From InStyle]

“If either of them starts to wobble, the whole thing can come crashing down.” Here’s the thing though… Kensington Palace just proved that Kate can disappear for six months and the monarchy won’t come crashing down. Of course the monarchy suffered some bad newscycles, mostly because of the palace’s screw-ups and William’s unsteadiness. But coming out of this whole six-month shambles, the message is actually “they would survive without Kate.” They would need a good explanation for it, they would have to manage the story to a ridiculous degree, but if Kate is gone, the monarchy wouldn’t come crashing down. But I agree with the larger point that the slimmed-down monarchy is looking skeletal these days. If they’re so stupid, selfish and petty to expand the working-royal list, what’s to be done, though?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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74 Responses to “Andersen: If Prince William or Kate ‘starts to wobble,’ the monarchy would crash”

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  1. seaflower says:

    William certainly wobbled at that medal ceremony a few months ago.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      My first thought and what I came here to say.

    • The minute QEII died it started to crash. There is no going back.

      • Liz says:

        I agree Susan. The adult left the room, the brats are in charge and they are rudderless.

      • Christine says:

        Yep. The fact that anyone is suggesting that William and Kate have ever been anything other than lazy, much less wobbly is hysterical. This is your hill to die on, England. You hate everything about Meghan and Harry, who don’t want to be anything related to a monarch, and yet you act like they are going to sweep into London and lay claim to all of the castles and jewels.

        You can fix your attention on Will and Kate, for life. They are your future, and there is no way Meghan and Harry will be U.K. residents, ever again.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      @seaflower 😂 👆

    • Amelia says:

      Let the monarchy crash!!! Modernize and follow the modern prosperous countries!!

  2. Em says:

    He’s right to a certain degree especially as their kids are young, it won’t crash but people will lose more interest unless if they turn it into another drama

    • pottymouth pup says:

      hence the constant screeching about how evil the Sussexes are /how everything they do is wrong or problematic, and how the poor Cambridges have been victimized by them

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    I’m ready for the crash and 🔥.. imagine how much good the income wasted on these people could do?

  4. Zoid says:

    Well, they certainly are phrasing things ominously for Kate. “The ground is shifting in major ways”? That doesn’t sound like a positive light for her preventative chemo. They’re making it out like it’s all still up in the air. But is it truly, or has she just decided to take the year off?

    • Jais says:

      It doesn’t even sound like he’s talking about her preventative chemo. Standing strong seems to be about her place in the slimmed down monarchy. It would be a very odd way to talk about someone who is fighting cancer.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Apart from Wimbledon.

    • BeanieBean says:

      The accompanying photos from Trooping remind me how unsolicitous (non-solicitous?) of Kate everyone was. No one seemed particularly concerned about her comfort, or health, or if she got about OK. I know a person with cancer should be treated however they want to be treated, and this may be her preference, but still. I

  5. sevenblue says:

    “At the moment, Kate is at her most vulnerable. The ground beneath Kate is shifting in major ways. Only time can tell if she can stand strong.”

    That is not how you talk about someone battling cancer. It is obvious there is a fight for power not just between Charles and Will, but also between Kate and Will. Kate has won for now, but Windsors always find a way if they want you gone.

    • ShazBot says:

      RIGHT? This was a disgusting way to talk about someone going through cancer treatment. People fight their asses off and it absolutely does not come down to whether they are strong enough or not, my god.

    • JT says:

      I think Kate’s “vulnerabilities” has anything to do with her health or being strong enough to fight cancer. It has everything to do with her place in that family. 6 months gone, a quickly forgotten appearance at trooping, and back to nothing means that Kate is a non-factor. I think it means she doesn’t matter to the royals in the grand scheme of things.

      • Anance says:

        I think Kate matters to William. Remember, all he has achieved is marrying his college sweetheart and becoming a father to three adorable children.

        William is not Charles. Charles divorced at the Queen’s instruction after a rocky marriage and indiscretions by his wife. As Prince of Wales, he was incredibly accomplished.

        William does not have the same profile. He has only Kate and three children, whom he will leave for some Norfolk Turnip Tramp.

    • Jais says:

      Agree. That man is not talking about cancer. He is talking about something else. What does he know that the public doesn’t?

      • JT says:

        I think he knows that Kate is a part of the royal family only on paper. I think he knows that she and William are separated, have been for years, and most of their engagements are negotiated appearances to keep up the image that those two are together and she is Charles “beloved daughter in law.” I think he knows that everything surrounding W&K is a sham. Now whether those two divorce or not is up in the air, but I believe the BM knows that it’s a house of cards when it comes to Kate and William.

    • Nic919 says:

      It is how you talk about a couple separating and going through a divorce. Power shifting relates to that. And it’s similar to how things were discussed when Diana and Charles separated.

    • Josephine says:

      I agree that he’s acknowledging that her power is not what she thought it was. The world did not stop when she was out of sight and England pretty quickly moved on. Her “triumphant” return fell flat. I think the best drama/scheme for the otherwise useless royals would be Will on the prowl to be honest. Her grifting parents, racism and laziness makes her damaged goods. If she was a royal by blood, she would be celebrated, but the pick-me people need to step up be useful.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed. They keep trying to throw this all on Harry and Meghan, but this is four people, none of whom are all that intelligent, fighting it out amongst themselves. Whatever, you claim to be the head of the commonwealth? You aren’t even driving your own PR.

  6. Lau says:

    I honestly can’t see british monarchy surviving William’s reign. Either it will be abolished either it would be completely reformed and I don’t see into what it could be reformed. They can’t even look at other European monarchies because the members of this family are too full of themselves.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I agree, William will be the Weeble that wobbles enough to bring it all down..

  7. Julia says:

    Kate doesn’t do much and doesn’t leave much of an impression so her absence has proved that things carry on fine when she is not around. The only reason her disappearance got so much press was because the palace failed to provide a decent explanation for it. No one is indispensable. The monarchy is slowly dying. It’s not going to disappear overnight but interest and relevance will fade over time.

  8. Tuesday says:

    Sometimes the Brit media is so heavy handed and overwrought with their coverage. I can’t tell if this is more over the top prose, or if the tabs are telegraphing that Kate may not actually recover.

  9. PC says:

    These lyrics come to mind from this story:

    Eliza (singing):
    🎶There’ll be spring every year without you. England still will be here without you.
    There’ll be fruit on the tree.
    And a shore by the sea.
    There’ll be crumpets and tea without you.

    Art and music will thrive without you. Somehow Keats will survive without you.
    And there still will be rain on that plain down in Spain,
    even that will remain without you.
    I can do without you.🎶

    From the musical, My Fair Lady

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ 🫡 💯 👌🏽 Little did the lyricist know that he was describing England/ U.K. sans dead weight monarchy.

  10. Lady Digby says:

    Current and previous monarch’ s mantra was the monarch has to be seen to be believed. Willy has made it clear , by briefing and flagrant dereliction of duty , that he is not now nor will he ever be a big hitter when it comes to public engagement. We are expected to be grateful and doff our hats and bow very low to a nonentity who turns up as little as he can. Yes to male sports matches and celebrity gatherings but nay and thrice nay to the muggles and their small concerns!

  11. Aerie says:

    73 year old Princess Anne was kicked in the head by a horse and they’re unsure of when she’ll return to royal duties. Royal duties is absolutely the last thing that should be on her or anyone else’s mind. Meanwhile, Catherine flits about at the beach and chocolate shops and other unconfirmed outings with fam, completely shunning her own royal duties. It’s not a slimmed down monarchy that may falter, it’s the unwavering support of British media that could crumble once they realize the public doesn’t care and stories about Kate’s wardrobe no longer sell papers.

  12. sparrow1 says:

    I think there’s been way too much pressure on these two already. I suspect her cancer is related, sadly and in part, to stress. The monarchy needs to stop thinking it’s of importance to the British public. No one has missed them. People would’ve greatly missed Diana under similar circs. They should get on with the ceremonial stuff and forget the pointless work. Only a few schemes have worked – the DoE and Prince’s Trust have been solid and worthwhile. The glamour factor of the BRF, I remember it in the 80s and 90s, has also disappeared. We were glued to it as kids and teenagers but that is long gone. These days, with all the social media celebs out there and sans Meghan and Harry, this lot mean precious little in terms of wow.

    • Sarah says:

      Pressure to leave the house once or twice a week for engagements or from the crappy marriage? Pressure of hiding your real home life and attacking others? Lots of pressure. Do more nothing than they already do? Interesting. And they still get the duchies?

      • JT says:

        I don’t really see any pressure applied to W&K at all. They don’t do much and haven’t for years. They’ve routinely been the royals who have done the least amount of “work” for over a decade. If anything, they’ve been given permission to do even less. You’ve got the WFH Future King and the Only Does Work that Fills Me with Joy Future Consort. What pressure?

      • sparrow1 says:

        I do think there’s stress in needing to have a literally picture-perfect marriage and family life, mainly to justify your very existence as an institutional couple. He is a raging anger monster. I suspect most women in her position would’ve left already. Now, someone will say “this is the C21 she can get out at any time” but I don’t think that holds true. Her family has engineered her into this position, and his family want her to stay in this position to hold it together. Equally, we know she argues back and they throw things at each other. It may be he wants out but the pressure is on him, in equal amounts, to stay for the sake of the BRF and its future. Toxic.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Sparrow1: “Her family has engineered her into this position…”

        I believe it has been Kate’s mother, Carole, who has been the chief architect of running after and landing Prince William post 10 dicey up-and-down years. But make no mistake that Kate was a willing participant. Forget about The Crown’s inaccurate depictions on Netflix. Kate wanted Big Blue. She desired to be Queen of the U.K., despite not truly knowing what life inside the monarchy, much less with selfish, unfaithful William, would turn out to be. At the very least, she should have already been familiar with William’s raging proclivities. 🤦‍♀️

    • Barbara says:

      Stress doesn’t give you cancer, period. Maybe it was her reported chain smoking or drinking? Or maybe it was just something that happened. One thing it wasn’t was stress.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Is stress not a factor? I’m not being patronising or faux ignorant here, Barbara. That’s really interesting to me, because I thought it was a given.

    • Sid says:

      But the Wailses don’t do anything. What pressure is there really? Royal engagements last for less than an hour, sometimes 45 minutes or half an hour, which is why Anne has been able to rack up her numbers the way she has. How is one engagement a day any kind of pressure? Especially as the BRF is essentially on vacation for almost half the year when you break it down. The Wailses are just two lazy do-nothings.

      • sparrow1 says:

        Hi Sid. I qualified it further by saying I think there’s pressure on these two to be in a perfect marriage for the sake of the BRF. It seems silly given how, at one level., the monarchy isn’t overly relevant to us Brits. It hasn’t got the purpose or glamour of days gone by. What is however of continuing relevance is the Crown in terms of many of our institutions, parliament etc.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate had no work stress she barely worked pre marriage. She always is the minimum or less. Her stress was waiting for the ring and William settling for her .

    • Aerie says:

      ‘there’s stress in needing to have a literally picture-perfect marriage and family life’

      No, there isn’t because no one is demanding that they be picture perfect. W&K aren’t on a reality show where their home life is broadcast around the world and other than carefully staged public appearances we never see them. Besides, if they are only pretending to be picture perfect, then the upkeep of the charade is entirely on them.

    • Nic919 says:

      Keeping up with the picture perfect marriage has more to do with competing with Harry and Meghan, who have had an affectionate relationship from day one, than the monarchy and its future. Charles divorced the People’s Princess Diana after years of cheating on her with now Queen Camilla. If the British cared that much then Charles would not have been able to be king.

      The only thing those two have had keeping them together since 2017 (year of the dad dancing at Verbier ) has been their jealousy of Harry and Meghan. Now that Harry has moved his family to the states, William and Kate have nothing left.

      • sparrow1 says:

        This is a good point, Nic919. William says he’s been abandoned by Harry and there’s no one to help. Thing is, I sense William’s pissed off he didn’t have the courage to jump ship first, before Harry, nor the wife to help him do it. Kate fought to get there, she’s hardly going to give it all up. It must be awful to have a job you don’t like, one you’ll never retire from, simply by being born to it. It must be equally awful to have married someone so desperate to be a part of it and all its traditions, including the fake accent. However, I think that’s all changed. I believe they want to split up. Like you say, hatred and jealousy have been a powerful glue for W&K. But now what? Her illness has brought everything into sharp focus.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Good point. Social media not only exposed their secrets more, and made them more accountable, it also robbed them of their allure. Pictures of Princess Diana were admired. Now people see Charles in a golden carriage and think, bah, how ridiculous…it’s more fun scrolling Instagram.

  13. QuiteContrary says:

    If they wobble?

    The Waleses aren’t Weebles; they’ve already wobbled and they’ve fallen down.

    And hopefully, the monarchy is nearing its end.

  14. kelleybelle says:

    Newsflash: WanK has been “wobbling” for years with incompetency and laziness. What a weird statement.

  15. blueberry says:

    I’m not British, but I have a hard time imagining how the BRF can ‘fall’ considering it would take a new constitution and require a lot of cleanup from the fallout. I see the British public as apathetic about them. And apathy is great for maintaining status quo. I think a King William will do bare minimum. He will scale back or cut out the patronages and parades. He will show up to open parliament, for Very Important Global Statesman-ing, and sports events. I think he will take a ‘pay cut’ in exchange for some opaque, lucrative deals with taxes, properties or some such money-making scheme. Maybe I’m cynical, but this is how I see it going.

    • sparrow1 says:

      It won’t fall. It’s embedded. Our parliament and legal system, even our failing CoE and certain public services, are entwined with the Crown. It could be William alone or Edward or someone else, it’ll keep going. There would have to be serious thought to the succession should another family member, such as Edward, pick up the poisoned chalice, but it would limp on. I can see the British public rallying around the one to give it a bash as the embodiment of service to his/her nation.

      • Nic919 says:

        It’s embedded for William but not for Kate. William doesn’t need to be stressed because outside of a revolution he becomes monarch. But there doesn’t need to be a consort. Charles was able to divorce his first wife and now he’s king.

        This is what Anderson is saying with all the ground shifting talk.

      • sparrow1 says:

        I get the feeling William and Kate both want out, even as unmarried individuals. I sense there’s a lot going on in letting them do it their way going forwards, as long as they stay together. However, the BRF is an embedded institution in and of itself, regardless of who is in charge. I think anyone in the family could pick it up. Edward always comes to mind. It would be messy but do-able, and that’s why I sense W&K will scale right back but keep going. No one person is embedded; only the Crown itself is embedded. Please let it not be Andrew!

      • blueberry says:

        Could it even be Eddie or Andy though? I thought if Willy abdicates it goes to his kids. Is that not right?

      • sparrow1 says:

        Hi blueberry. It would normally go to his kids. If it were George, now, there’d need to be a regent. However, I suspect, if William were to throw it all in, the kids would be out of the picture, too. He’d leave, lock stock and barrel. It would then be up in the air, in which case I can imagine an anything goes scenario. Edward and Sophie and their kids? I really do think that behind the scenes they are desperately trying to manage a way forwards with W&K. To me, their marriage isn’t great. To me also, they hate their royal lives. That’s why they’re putting out all kinds of statements to lessen the impact on themselves and their kids from hereon in: we’re scaling back our work (!); we’re slimming down the family; Kate won’t do as many appearances; only George will be the focus out of our three kids (poor George) etc.

  16. kelleybelle says:

    In other news, that hat is ridiculous and way too big for the outfit.

  17. BeanieBean says:

    ‘If’? If they start to wobble? What’s a cancer diagnosis if not a ‘wobble’? WTF is this guy talking about?

    • Well-Wisher says:

      Maybe, this is a ‘filler’ item,not really news mere speculation and the worship of mediocrity….

  18. Cheems says:

    Complete unrelated but did anyone else notice George repping the “west side” in the top picture? Must be a kdot fan

  19. Blujfly says:

    The “stress” is that Kate cannot and will not handle a predictable public life, William treats her badly and is difficult to deal with, and so whether out of guilt or appearances he has spent 14 years fighting to ensure she does not work regularly. Like most bitter, miserable, toxic couples, they come together in a great passion only when they can project their hatred onto an outside force. That force was the media, then it was Meghan, then it was and remains Meghan and Harry. Now they are faced with the prospect of inheriting the throne *together* and all the scrutiny and publicity that will entail at least 20 years before they thought. (I have no doubt they thought he would live into his 90s.) I do believe they cannot handle it, coupled with her illness, I just disagree their expectations are at all fair or reasonable

  20. Cheshire Sass says:

    I’m trying to decide if the “will it or wont it” is a threat or a promise

  21. wolfmamma says:

    I think that someone woke up and smelled the coffee here… and that this is a soft stroll/ perhaps gallop, towards what is tragically obvious.
    A lot is changing everywhere.

  22. Proud Mary says:

    If? I guess this it what it sounds like when an ostrich speaks.

  23. tamsin says:

    Wimbledon seems to get along fine without Kate. Plenty of celebrities both on the court and in the stands for an exciting opening.

  24. Angied says:

    Don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for either of them. Their jealousy got them into this mess. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  25. Pork Belly says:

    Really it’s just a few short years before George starts dating & the BM’s focus will shift to him & his siblings, I mean they’re more interesting than their mother now.

    • Aerie says:

      George is about to turn 11. It’s more than just a few short years before his personal life makes the tabloids. Besides, is his dating life all we have to look forward to?

  26. Tessa says:

    Us is now featuring William and kate cover story of their being so much in love