Be A Domain Reseller.
It's Easy. It's Profitable.

Ein Mann trinkt Kaffee, während er vor einem Laptop arbeitet

The ultimate solution for your reselling needs

Resell over 1,100 TLDs, including many rare ccTLDs and hundreds of popular domain extensions. With CentralNic Reseller’s API and WHMCS plug-in solutions, fully automated real-time system, and white labeled reselling options, you’ll reach your goals in no time.

Trusted by resellers worldwide, CentralNic Reseller, formerly RRPproxy, is your one-stop solution for reselling domains and lucrative related products, such as domain security, domain aftermarket and auction sales, SSL certificates, and more. All services are resalable and we offer numerous additional features to simplify your reselling business.

In October 2022, we proudly updated our RRPproxy brand to CentralNic Reseller. With a legacy of over 20 years as RRPproxy, we’re still the same team, technology, and leaders in the domain reselling industry – simply with an updated name and look!

Increase efficiency. Improve automation. Boost your bottom line.

Whether a registrar, web hoster, corporate domain management company, domain reseller, domain investor, website builder, data center, telecommunications or Internet service provider, CentralNic Reseller is here to make your life easier.

  • Symbol für einfache Integration

    Easy Integration

    Resellers have fast access to their choice of six API gateways, a WHMCS module (or a white-label web Control Panel) to sell domain names, SSL certificates, and more.

  • Symbol für flexible Preisgestaltung

    Flexible Pricing

    You can start reselling at wholesale prices today. More sales equals greater discounts.

  • Symbol für einen verlässlichen Partner

    Reliable Partner

    With over 20 years of experience in the business, we know what kind of support you need and we’re here to provide it. Our dedicated and personal support, gives you access to one of the most robust wikis out there and real-time support when you need it.

Wide range of premium products

  • Fully automated system for the registration and management of domains in real-time
  • Full coverage of open new gTLDs, TMCH service for Sunrise phases
  • Fulfillment of any TLD worldwide upon customer’s request
  • Domains, hosting and additional internet services all from one source (SSL certificates, SMS gateway etc.)
  • Resalable HostedDNS service for external domains
  • Trustee solutions for domains with special regulations (local presence services)
  • Registry Account Management (RAM): management of own registry accreditations via CentralNic Reseller
  • Whois privacy services: anonymization service for domain owners (if supported by the registry)

Advanced technology and features

  • Accessible through fast APIs (EPP, HTTPs, SMTP, XRRP, SOAP / XML-RPC) or via our multilingual control panel
  • Highly available and reliable DNS infrastructure
  • Tools for bulk registration and updates
  • Well structured hierarchical sub reseller system
  • Integrated invoice system for generating customer bills
  • Comprehensive test environment (OT&E) for testing functions and system connectivity
  • Access via external plug-ins such as WHMCS possible
  • User Management with ACL (Access Control List) via control panel

First-class support, customization, and offers

  • Real-time statistics and performance reports
  • Customization of important system components, white-label solutions for many services
  • Constant extension of product offers with no additional development effort required
  • Multilingual support via email and phone with a dedicated Key Account Manager
  • More than 30 years of experience in the domain industry!
Eine Frau arbeitet an einem Computer

What our customers say about us

“This constantly evolving industry requires solid partners. As true domain name lovers, CentralNic Reseller’s team demonstrates a deep understanding of the domain industry combined with great support and advanced technology. CentralNic Reseller is definitively a partner rather than a provider.”

Combell Group, Laurent Callens (Domain Name Specialist)

“CentralNic Reseller is, for us, the best domain provider. We most of all appreciate the consistent user control panel, the API quality and the detailed documentation.”

guebs, Aitor Ortuondo (CEO)

“CentralNic Reseller has allowed us to register an enormous variety of TLDs easily and enable us to quickly adapt to changing regulations instead of being tangled up in paperwork and procedures.”, Mark van Teunenbroek (NL Managing Director)

“CentralNic Reseller cares about their customers: Our questions are answered rapidly and really looked into. Not just a predefined ticket answer but personal contact and advice.”

DomainMasters, Ton van der Reijken (CEO)

Working for you

We know pricing matters and that’s why we work with the world’s leading registries to bring you promotional pricing and special offers. Check out some of our current promotions and let us know which TLDs are of interest to you.

  • .me LOGO

    .me Promotion

    As low as
    7.50 EUR
    Until December 31

  • .ca LOGO

    .ca Promotion

    As low as
    6.99 CAD
    Until July 31

  • a blue and white logo

    .eu Promotion

    As low as
    1.99 EUR
    Until August 15

  • .org Promotion

    As low as
    9.99 USD
    Until September 30

We’re here to help!

We know the importance of working with a trusted partner when it comes to reselling services. Our goal at CentralNic Reseller is to take the work off your plate so you can stay focused on your business.

Our experienced team is here to support you, whether you’re reselling a few domains or millions. Find out how we can help elevate your business.

If we already sound like a perfect fit,sign up with us today to get started.