Release the Lord of the Rings 25th Anniversary Special Extended Cut

Release the Lord of the Rings 25th Anniversary Special Extended Cut

September 15, 2023
Signatures: 14,868Next Goal: 15,000
56 people signed this week

Why this petition matters

Started by Hayden Myers

We, the undersigned, petition Warner Brothers to produce a 25th Anniversary Special Extended Cut of Lord of the Rings. 

Although Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings is a film masterpiece and boasts hundreds of millions of fans worldwide, the mountainous scale of unused footage generated by the trilogy has recently been coming to light, and has fans clamoring for a special 25th anniversary extended edition to include more of this footage. These scenes are far from the typical unnecessary chaff that gets cut out of other movies, rather they are entertaining and important pieces of drama, action and character development that would enhance the story, and even drive it closer in accuracy to the book. The gigantic scope of the films necessitated that these scenes go unused back during the theatrical releases. Director Peter Jackson has also been hinting at creating such a special edition for years. 

Since the films are already very lengthy, this petition adopts the proposal of the Youtube Channel Mythwest that this edition come in the form of a miniseries to be released on HBO Max (rebranded to "Max"), splitting each movie of the trilogy into a number of episodes so as to include more of the unused scenes that a film run time can’t. It goes without saying that this miniseries would be created under the guidance of Peter Jackson. Warner Brothers may consider each signature attached to this petition as an indication of interest in either continuing or purchasing a subscription to Max, should this edition be released, or the additional film be released in another form. 


56 people signed this week
Signatures: 14,868Next Goal: 15,000
56 people signed this week
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