We’re fighting to ban Junk Fees 

and we need your help

Big corporations use junk fees to cheat working Americans.

Junk fees — the bogus “convenience” and “processing” fees charged by big corporations across the economy — cost the average American family more than $3,000 per year.

By hiding the true price of an item until you’ve already sunk time and effort into a purchase, junk fees can raise prices by more than 20 percent.

Junk fees also hurt honest, local businesses, whose transparent prices appear higher than those backloaded with junk fees.

Let’s end this deceptive, anti-competitive tactic and make prices fair again.

There are many states considering bills to ban some or all junk fees in 2024.

But legislators need your help!

Use the button below to submit your story about junk fees you’ve had to pay. Then, with your permission, we’ll work with you to ensure your state leaders hear it.

Tell your state leaders: Ban junk fees now!

Active Legislation

New York: S7783B/A9192

Arizona: HB2122

Virginia: SB388/HB1320

Hawaii: SB2020

Alaska: SB180

Rhode Island: S2257/H7284

Pennsylvania: HB636

North Carolina: HB714

Colorado: HB24-1151

Connecticut: SB15/SB201

Illinois: SB3331/HB4629

Minnesota: SF3537/HF3438

Ohio: HB537

California approved a junk fee ban in 2023 that goes into effect in July 2024.

Minnesota approved a junk fee ban in 2024 that goes into effect in January 2025.

Pennsylvania House approved a ban in select industries in Oct. 2023 by a bipartisan 172-31 vote.

Virginia Senate approved a ban in Feb. 2024 on a bipartisan 28-11 vote.

New York Senate approved a ban in Feb. 2024 on a bipartisan 53-9 vote.

Colorado House approved a ban in March 2024 on a 45-18 vote.

Hawaii Senate approved a ban in March 2024 on a unanimous, bipartisan vote.

Minnesota House approved a ban in April 2024 on a 70-61 vote.

Illinois House approved a ban in April 2024 on a 71-35 vote.

Minnesota Senate approved a ban in May 2024 on a bipartisan 41-24 vote.

Connecticut Senate approved a ban in May 2024 on a bipartisan 26-10 vote.

Junk fees are more than a nuisance. Let’s throw them in the trash now.

End Junk Fees is a campaign of the American Economic Liberties Project