This was a stunning turn of events. Sony Pictures Classics revealed the first teaser trailer for Bennett Miller’s Foxcatcher – a movie I swore had an excellent chance at competing for a Best Picture Oscar this season – only to then announce that the movie will be pushed back to 2014… thereby taking it out of this year’s awards competition. 
Here’s the trailer, to give you an idea of what we’ll be missing, temporarily: 

SPC revealed that the film is being pushed so that Miller has more time to work on the finished product. Miller has earned this right. He guided Philip Seymour Hoffman to his first Oscar win in Capote

Then followed it up with the masterful, multi-Oscar-nominated Moneyball

By collaborating with an all-star cast on a based-on-chilling-events story of murder and deceit, Miller has the potential to deliver something truly gripping with Foxcatcher, a film based on a bizarre relationship that ends in murder. That’s The Office star Steve Carell underneath that prosthetic nose, in case you couldn’t tell. The clip also sells this as a competitive wrestling story, but that chilling final shot, of Carell’s character walking into a training room with a gun, hints at the tragedy that happened on the Foxcatcher campus… which this drama intends to spell out.
Sony Pictures Classics will now look for the proper release window for this unique project. Could the studio hold it all the way until the end of 2014, where it could get back into next year’s Oscar race? Anything’s possible, though right now, we’re just lamenting the fact that we have to wait so long to see a movie that – on paper – looks so amazing. 
