'Sucker Punch'Zack Snyder has always been known as a director with style; one who creates films that at times look like moving works of art, with mind-blowing visuals and sexy ensemble casts. He freaked us out with Dawn of the Dead, turned up the action in 300 and floored us with his attention to detail in Watchmen. Now, with Sucker Punch, Snyder brings to the table his first original piece of work that isn't an adaptation of something else. And, based on this newly released trailer, there will be plenty here for both boys and girls to devour come March 25th.

Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish, Jena Malone, Vanessa Hudgens and Jamie Chung star as a group of girls locked up in a mental institution who use their wicked imaginations to not only embark on some fantastical looking fantasy adventures, but also to search for a real way to escape their current hell. The latest trailer (watch below) proves the film really does have everything a proud geek could ever ask for in terms of sexy ass-kicking females, large, imposing monsters, ridiculously sweet weapons and more action than you'll know what to do with. Oh, and did we mention it looks cool?
What do you think? Does Sucker Punch win you over with this new trailer?