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Dolce & Gabbana Break The Internet Coming Out Against Gay Parenthood, Elton John Cries Vendetta

Updated Mar 25, 2015, 12:29pm EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

A debate regarding same-sex couples and children was ignited over the weekend from the most unusual place: comments by openly-gay former couple Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, who in an interview spoke of the “classical” family saying “no [to] chemical children and [a] rented uterus.” The reaction was immediate, with Elton John, who recently married his longtime partner David Furnish and with whom he has two children, lashing out and calling for a boycott of Dolce & Gabbana, the world renowned fashion brand run by the Italian billionaires.

The fashion power-duo, who are worth $1.65 billion each and are the 27th richest men in Italy, were the subject of a cover story for Italian weekly Panorama titled “Long-Live the [Traditional] Family,” in which the designers came out against the use of surrogate mothers while claiming children need “a mother and a father.” Dolce, in part of the interview, added “I’m not convinced with what I call chemical children, a rented uterus, semen selected from a catalogue.”

Gabbana went deeper into the concept of the “classical” Italian family, noting, “family isn’t a fleeting trend, in it there’s a sense of belonging.” In another point of the interview, they said "life has a natural trajectory, there are things that should not be altered."

The internet, though, erupted in flames in the aftermath of the comment, with Elton John taking the lead. In an Instagram post, he called Dolce and Gabbana’s comments “archaic” and “out of step with the times, just like your fashions.” After asking “how dare you refer to my beautiful children as ‘synthetic,’” Elton John indicated he would never wear the designers’ clothes again, kicking it off with hashtag #BoycottDolceGabbana. The following day, Elton John posted a picture of himself with Zachary and Elijah, his young children who were both born via surrogate mothers.

Initial reactions were overwhelmingly in favor of Elton John’s comments, as the likes of Ricky Martin, Victoria Beckham, and Courtney Love Cobain, for example, blasted the Italian billionaires on twitter. Through his social media account, Gabbana responded calling for “freedom of thought” while reposting a picture of Elton John’s response with the caption “this is the [sic] real respect for a different opinion?”

One group that did support Dolce and Gabbana was Panorama, the publication in which the controversial interview was published. The Italian weekly lashed out against “double standards” noting that Courtney Love took heroin during her pregnancy and that Elton John sang with Guns ‘n’ Roses frontman Axel Rose and Eminem, both of whom feature homophobic lyrics in their songs. None of those artists were demonized, so why should Dolce and Gabbana suffer a boycott for speaking their minds, they asked.

This is not the first time an Italian company has earned a boycott from the gay community and its supporters for homophobic comments. Back in 2013, Guido Barilla, the CEO of the eponymous pasta brand, said in a radio interview he “would never make a spot with a homosexual family. Not out of a lack of respect but because I do not see it like they do. (My idea of) family is a classic family where the woman has a fundamental role” After the backlash, Barilla backtracked, issuing a public apology. “It is clear I have a lot to learn about the lively debate concerning the evolution of the family,” Barilla said.

And it's not just foreigners, in 2012 Chick-fil-A got in trouble after the son of billionaire CEO S. Truett Cathy came out against same-sex marriage. Another controversial case was that of Hobby Lobby's David Green, who went to the Supreme Court in order to avoid providing contraceptive care to its 13,000 workers claiming it infringed on his religious beliefs.

Same-sex marriage remains a controversial issue in the U.S., with 16 states having a constitutional or statutory ban against it. While a Supreme Court decision in 2013 regarding the Defense of Marriage Act made it possible for some states to allow same-sex couples to marry and receive federal benefits, the top judicial authority has yet to make a final decision on whether couples have a constitutional right to marry. The issue, accepted in January, will be heard in April, while a ruling will be delivered by June.