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American Express

This content contains general information and is not intended to provide information that is specific to American Express, or its products and services. Similar products and services offered by different companies will have different features, and you should always read about product details before acquiring any financial product.

By Deborah Orr and Erin Chan Ding

Forbes Insights Contributors, Report Commissioned by American Express

Tapping into data from a recent executive survey, American Express and Forbes Insights published two reports assessing the state of collaboration and innovation in payments.

Explore the sections below to read key findings from each report, which are also available for download.

Methodology: This survey was commissioned by American Express and conducted online by Forbes Insights in October 2023 among a sample of over 500 U.S.-based business leaders across the retail, e-commerce, automotive, technology & software, financial services, consulting & accounting, food & beverage, healthcare & pharmaceuticals, hospitality & travel, manufacturing & industrial chemicals, entertainment & events, nonprofit, publishing & media and telecom sectors. All respondents came from organizations with at least $300 million in annual revenue, and 58% came from organizations with an annual revenue of over $1 billion.

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