Royal Oak commissioners censure member who flouted COVID rules at anti-Whitmer rally

Portrait of Bill Laytner Bill Laytner
Detroit Free Press
The Royal City Commission meet via a Zoom meeting on Monday, April 27, 2020.

All but ignoring a threat of a federal lawsuit, Royal Oak city commissioners voted to censure one of their own colleagues for joining a controversial protest in Lansing on April 15 challenging Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's orders for social distancing and business closures.

The resolution to censure Commissioner Kim Gibbs passed 5-2 near the end of a seven-hour "virtual meeting" held via the internet. It adjourned at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday, after commissioners — sitting in their homes — heard about 90 minutes of recorded public comments from about 100 citizens.

The vast majority of citizens chastised Gibbs and supported censuring her. A few said she was exercising her rights to freedom of speech and assembly. The comments were played back from the city's voicemail system or read by the city attorney from emails to City Hall.

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The censure wording said that Gibbs violated her oath of office and the governor's orders by failing to wear a mask and practice social distancing at the rally. It cited "pictorial and video evidence" — a reference to television news coverage that showed Gibbs standing closer than 6 feet to other protesters. She told reporters at the time that it was too windy for masks, although some protesters were seen wearing them.

The censure serves as an official reprimand but does not limit or otherwise affect Gibbs' standing as an elected official.

The resolution also said, "we respectfully request that Commissioner Gibbs immediately resign her office as city commissioner." But Gibbs denounced her opponents and said nothing about quitting her post.

"I had the right to express freedom of speech — the fault is on all of us who have made sacrifices for the freedom and liberty of the United States," she said, in a brief statement before the vote.

Royal Oak City Commissioner Kim Gibbs

Gibbs is being aided by the conservative Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor. The law firm's president, former Oakland County prosecutor Richard Thompson, told the Free Press on Monday that the firm would file a federal lawsuit against Royal Oak and the city commissioners individually if Gibbs were censured. Thompson said, "Commissioner Gibbs is being punished for participating in the grand design of American democracy."

More:Law firm says it will sue Royal Oak if it sanctions commissioner who attended protest

"Royal Oak City Commission seeks to punish Commissioner Gibbs because they don’t agree with her politics. They are using the Censure Resolution to destroy her reputation and livelihood, and ultimately her political career."

The anti-Whitmer rally that Gibbs attended was called Operation Gridlock because participants drove in creeping caravans of honking cars to tie up traffic for miles around downtown Lansing. The rally gained notoriety on late-night talk shows when film showed many protesters brandishing firearms while a few sported Confederate flags and Nazi swastikas.

Some observers have called Royal Oak's debate a proxy for the nation's increasingly partisan argument over whether Americans should abide by strict rules on masks and social distancing, generally favored by Democrats like Whitmer — or should demand that restrictions be lifted or defied, as many Republicans at the protest suggested, because they feel that stay-at-home orders are damaging the economy and infringing on their rights.

In the Royal Oak resolution that condemned Gibbs, commissioners said she deserved censure "for her violation of her oath of office, her violation of executive orders issued under the Michigan Constitution and state laws, and in violation of her duty to protect the public health and safety." Failure to abide by Whitmer's orders is a misdemeanor. 

Commissioner Patricia Paruch, a former mayor of Royal Oak, wrote the resolution and said, “It has nothing to do with her right to attend a public rally — she has every constitutional right in the world to attend a public rally — but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have to comply with the law."

Paruch, after saying she came from a family of health care workers, said Gibbs "put herself at risk, put other people at the rally at risk and, when she came back to Royal Oak, she put the community at risk."

She added, "We can request that she resign. She doesn’t have to. But voters will decide."

Commissioner Melanie Macey said she'd "never received so much communication on a single topic, and never has it been so one-sided." Macey said she was concerned that Gibbs failed to practice social distancing at the rally, yet she found Gibbs' statements about the pandemic even more upsetting. 

When reporters questioned Gibbs in mid-April, she said that, "in my eyes, the scare on the coronavirus is over." She told the Royal Oak Tribune: "I'm not a doctor, but my personal belief is that the people who got it, or are going to get it, have already gotten it, so let's get back to work."

More:'I broke no law,' says Royal Oak city commissioner who attended Lansing protest

More:Royal Oak mayor asks commissioner to resign after Lansing protest: Read the email

At the time, health experts were saying that the pandemic was in full swing. Since Operation Gridlock, Michigan's COVID-virus death count has risen from 1,900 deaths as of April 15 to more than 3,400 at the start of this week. 

On her Facebook page, Gibbs said she attended the gathering "to support the unheard voices of small business owners and those who work for them." Her critics countered by saying there were ways she could've supported small businesses without endangering others or flouting Whitmer's directives.

Coming to Gibbs' defense was Commissioner Randy LeVasseur. Gibbs and LaVasseuir frequently vote in tandem in their opposition to the majority of five who voted to censure Gibbs.

"Contrary to what I am hearing, this absolutely and positively has a lot to do with Commissioner Gibbs' right of expression, right of assembly. … It's all about this commission trying to shut Commissioner Gibbs down because she's not part of your group," LeVasseur said. He dropped an ominous hint of the possible lawsuit against the city, saying, "You potentially open up the city to litigation just so you can get your pound of flesh."

More:Thousands converge on Lansing to protest Whitmer's stay home order

Although the censure vote seemed inevitable, a surprise vote came immediately afterward. That's when Commissioner Sharlan Douglas responded to allegations from some of Gibbs' supporters by proposing that the other commissioners censure Douglas herself. Douglas confessed that she'd used her city email account for a political purpose, contrary to the city's ethics rules.

That prompted Mayor Mike Fournier to say, "I would never have guessed that a person would make a mistake, own up to it and propose to censure herself. This is a very unusual situation we're in tonight."

Douglas said she'd responded to 65 emails last Friday from residents concerned about Gibbs, who is running as a Republican for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, and she said that "in my responses, I endorsed Commissioner Dave Woodward" — the Democratic Party's incumbent.  

Douglas concluded, "I move that the City Commission censure Shar Douglas for using city equipment to endorse a political candidate. … I made a mistake."

That prompted another surprise. Although Gibbs' ally LaVasseur rarely sides with anyone else, this time he spoke in Douglas' defense, saying censure should be reserved for a more serious ethical breach. LaVasseur and Gibbs then joined two other commissioners in voting against censuring Douglas, and with Douglas forced to abstain, that led the motion to fail 4-2.

Fournier thanked viewers "for tuning in" and gaveled the meeting over, as the commissioners' computer clocks approached 1:30 a.m. Tuesday. 

Contact Bill Laitner: Free Press Staff writer Christina Hall contributed to this report.