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  • Get expert free-to-play insights in San Francisco on March 1st with this discount code

    If you’re travelling to San Francisco this March, you might have started thinking about how to get the most out of your trip. We’re happy to announce that Nicholas Lovell is continuing for a third year to...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Gamesbrief at Casual Connect SF

    Gamesbrief’s Deputy Editor Zoya Street will be on the panel of judges for the Indie Prize Critic’s Choice award at Casual Connect SF in July. Indie Prize is a program for up and coming indie development teams:...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Networking tips for indies

    This is a guest post from Arpita Kapoor of Indian game developer Mech Mocha. For indie game developers like you and me, it’s always difficult to manage multiple things on hand. One time this becomes prominent, is...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Surgeries are back at the Gamesbrief Business Masterclass

    Are you going to be in LA during GDC Next? Don’t miss out on the chance to talk face to face with Nicholas Lovell about your game. The Gamesbrief surgeries are one- or two-hour sessions with Nicholas...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • The Wall Street Journal Tech Cafe, featuring me on the State of the Games Industry

    The Wall Street Journal are running their TechCafe event this year. It’s a two day show on 26th and 27th September at the Rotary Bar and Diner at 70 City Road, London, EC1Y 2BY. The event is...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • ARMing yourself at Login 2012

    Acquisition, retention and monetisation dominate discussions about free-to-play gaming, and Login conference 2012 was no exception.

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Your quick guide to metrics

    I recently gave a talk at the Social Games Summit in Berlin about metrics in free-to-play games. Basicually, it's a quick-start guide to using the online games spreadsheet to start tracking your games' success and figuring out...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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