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 USD $50,000


 USD $7,105

Campaign created by Bonnie Baggett

Campaign funds will be received by Derek Gunby

Derek's Legal Defense

This is Derek's story:
On August 10, 2021, 20-30 FBI agents with full tactical gear and equipment raided our home and arrested me for being at the Capitol building on January 6, 2021. I was charged with 4 misdemeanors and released that day on a $25,000 personal recognizance bond. I praise God that I was not detained and have not been in jail like some others who have been arrested for exercising our rights as Americans to participate in a peaceful protest.

I had no intentions of entering the Capitol building but the doors were opened and the crowd was motioned to come in. In addition, without provocation, Capitol police started firing tear gas behind the crowd which pushed people forward onto the steps and into the open doors of the building. Videos clearly show I was in the building for less than 5 minutes, was not violent, did not destroy anything and quickly left because rubber bullets were being fired by my head and tear gas was released, but the FBI and DOJ have twisted my words from a Facebook live video to make it look like I said things that I did not. 

I have had 4 hearings in the office with a public defender and on zoom with a federal prosecutor and federal judge. It  became clear that the public defender only wants to plea and is not interested in fighting the charges.
I have secured a lawyer willing to go up against this tyrannical government overreach and am asking for help with legal fees. I am starting with an initial fee and will adjust as necessary.  I, in no way want to profit from your donations and pledge anything over any costs incurred will go to a fund set up for other J6 defendants less fortunate.

In September, the DOJ filed an additional charge, a felony, against me and other defendants who have have not taken a pleas deal.

My court date is currently set in DC for October 31, 2023 

I love my country, took an oath to the Constitution, served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, have a clean record prior to this, and just want justice to be served. 

Thank you for any help you can give and ask you to pray for me and all those involved in this travesty of justice.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

Kerri K
7 months ago

God Bless You!

Amy Osterman
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

We pray for you.

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

We are praying for your freedom and strength.

8 months ago

I went to hear Derek tell his story last night at the United Patriots United meeting in Greenville, SC. It is a horrible reality about fifth generation warfare. WE ARE AT WAR!

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

8 months ago

9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
9 months ago

Stand Strong

9 months ago

Derek. Met you tonight at Belton Gun Club. I think I was the last guy to shake your hand. So sorry that this has happened to you. Best of luck and keep up the fight.

Cyndie Walton
9 months ago

10 months ago

Anonymous Giver
10 months ago

10 months ago

With prayers from an ACRP member.

Anonymous Giver
10 months ago

Anonymous Giver
10 months ago

Wishing you the very best outcome!

Anonymous Giver
10 months ago


Update #2

November 9th, 2023

We are still in DC. Both sides have rested their cases and the jury is in deliberation. We are praying they are able to see through the deception and manipulation of the government prosecution but are prepared for any results. Our hope is in the Righteous Judge. 

Derek’s judge in this case has been fair and just. We are praying the jury will be as well

Derek’s lawyers have worked tirelessly at great personal cost and believe in the Constitution and his rights. 

Please help us pay them for their heroic labors. Many lawyers will not work for their clients like those Pierce Law Firm. They are unsung heroes. 

Any donations are greatly appreciated. 

We are in currently DC for the trial. Will give more details later. God is good!

November 6th, 2023

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