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 USD $325

Campaign created by Angela Miller

The Miller Family

Scott Miller was arrested on December 16, 2022 on charges related to the Stop the Steal rally. On January 5, 2024, he was officially remanded to the DC Central Treatment Facility and was later sentenced to 66 months in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. During his incarceration, he will be leaving behind a devoted wife who is currently pregnant with the couple's first child. Any donation provided will go towards Scott's commissary and messaging platforms, as well as towards his wife and child who will now be forced to live off of one income. Any prayers and well wishes are greatly appreciated. 

Recent Donations
California Patriot FC
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

We heard the good news on Freedom Corner! Congratulations on your newest addition to your family! Stay strong, Brother. Jesus is in the business of breaking chains. We continue to stand with you and your family and our J6ers. Thank you for fighting the good fight. God bless you, Patriot! “No weapon formed against you shall prosper” Isaiah 54:17

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Kelli Morgan
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

May the love of our Lord grow in each of your hearts to the point it diminishes the pain and worry you are must be experiencing. May His peace and hope complete you and may you grow in faith as you resist anything that distracts you from keeping your eyes fixed on Him.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Hold on Patriot. We are praying for you. Angelina and Cindy



June 10th, 2024

Scott was transferred out of FDC Philadelphia and sent to FCI Lewisburg on June 4th. We’re not sure if this will be his permanent spot for a while or if he will be moved to a different location closer to home. We’re not far from the Pennsylvania line, so I feel like placing him in any PA facility is pretty likely. We’ll just be grateful once visitation is approved as we haven’t seen each other since his sentencing hearing back in April.

h this move, communication has completely dried up. I haven’t heard from him in almost a week. He had been hoping that since he has been in the BOP for over a month that communication wouldn’t be greatly impacted, but of course that wouldn’t be the case. Other people have assured me that going 7-10 days without hearing from him would be pretty normal after a transfer. The fact that this is a normal occurrence is pretty sad. It’s frustrating to hear professionals talk about how important it is to maintain community ties and yet it is definitely not a priority for these facilities. The last I heard from him, his spirits were up because he was happy to finally be moving on. I hope that when I eventually get that call I will hear that same optimism from him.

I’m officially in the third trimester of my pregnancy. Prenatal appointments will start picking up now and baby showers are on the horizon. I’m still feeling pretty good, though I am starting to notice that I am not able to be quite as active. I have days where I truly question whether I will be able to handle things here without Scott. I know that I am not alone and have had many people reach out to offer support should I need it, but I’m stubborn and independent and I hate asking for help. I just wish Scott could be here to be a part of this miracle and to see our son brought into this world. It has been hard doing it all without him and the things I am able to share with him never feel like enough.

As always, prayers are welcome and if you feel the desire to write to Scott, please do. I know he appreciates every letter he receives.


May 21st, 2024

Today is a bittersweet day as it is my birthday. I am now 33 years old. This is the first of potentially four birthdays that Scott and I will spend apart. His birthday already came and went back in February and he will miss the birth of our son in August. It is always hard being separated, but it is especially difficult on important days like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.

The BOP just officially posted his release date as 8/27/2028. He is currently still being held at FDC Philadelphia, awaiting transfer to his permanent facility. I haven't seen him in over a month, the last time having been at court when his judge sentenced him to 66 months. I am hopeful that he will be transferred soon and to a facility close by so that I can visit often. The last time he saw me I was only just starting to show, by the next time he sees me I will be in the third trimester. 

He continues to have a good attitude and has adapted to every situation they've thrown at him. For now, he is just trying to keep himself busy and stay positive. He constantly expresses to me how grateful he is for all of the support he has received thus far. 

Thank you everyone for the prayers, donations to his commissary, and letters you have sent to him. They mean a lot. 

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