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Women in Charge: Meet Founder of SuedeWellness Life Resilience Institute, Sue Ramauthar

Seasoned physiotherapist and esteemed wellness ambassador, Sue Ramauthar, has gained acclaim for her innovative approach to corporate wellness. Her expertise has attracted prestigious clients such as Standard Bank, Hannover Re, Lombard Insurance, Sappi, and TCS.

Sue’s journey from being a physiotherapist to a prominent figure in corporate wellness and entrepreneurship has been nothing short of remarkable. “Starting my private practice in 2013, I found that the majority of my patients were corporate desk jocks that spent too much time at their laptops and struggled with musculoskeletal pain – often back and neck pain and repetitive strain injuries. It was here that I realised the need to empower and educate white collar employees on the importance of ergonomics, movement and body awareness.”

In her early days, she worked closely with several corporates, and she shares that this is where she gained valuable insights and trust that laid the foundation for the corporate wellness work she has now become synonymous with. “I have been fortunate in cultivating a unique skill set in diverse working environments across multiple sectors.”

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Glamour: What inspired you to establish SuedeWellness, Life Resilience Institute?

Sue: Through my corporate experiences, I recognized the importance of a holistic approach to wellbeing. While my expertise as a physiotherapist centred on the physical body and movement, I realized that true impact required integrating nutrition, mental health, and general wellness. This led us to establish the SuedeWellness, Life Resilience Institute —a holistic wellness hub that acknowledges an individual’s multifaceted nature and provides comprehensive care.

Glamour: How do you integrate clinical expertise in physiotherapy with corporate wellness initiatives?

Sue: My passion has always been understanding human biomechanics and how our daily routines impact how our body feels and moves. Integrating clinical theory and experience into my corporate initiatives allows employees to better understand their musculoskeletal symptoms and offer tools to create a better relationship with their body. I believe that the relationship we have with our body is one of the longest and most important relationships we will have in this life.

Glamour: Could you elaborate on innovative wellness programs that have made a significant impact on clients?

Sue: SuedeWellness is set apart by our agility and willingness to explore and customize solutions based on the needs of an organisation. No two corporates are the same, and therefore the approach to Wellness needs to be based on the needs of the employees. Many of our campaigns focus on the fundamental pillars of wellness and we focus on making it fun, achievable and sustainable. We recognise that the wellness journey is ongoing and that small changes today, can yield big results tomorrow.

Glamour: How do you measure success in corporate wellness initiatives with corporate clients like Standard Bank and Hannover Re?

Sue: We look at several areas that allow us to gauge success for example, are employees spending less time seeking medical attention, absenteeism, and participation rates from campaigns.

Glamour: Can you share a success story where your programs had a transformative effect on an organisation or individual?

Sue: There is a good case that comes to mind where a company was going through a transformation. Upon gathering feedback, we co-created a targeted wellness campaign that focused on empowering individuals to create balance in a highly demanding environment. The campaign key impact was that employees were able to happily communicate the appreciation to management for prioritising their physical and mental well-being through the journey.

Glamour: What challenges do you encounter in implementing wellness programs in corporate settings, and how do you address them?

Sue: Sometimes Wellness can be a tick box item and organisations can be quite rigid in their approach. We recently partnered with an organisation that wanted to promote wellness through a sports day, but the activities planned were very advanced and employees quickly lost interest. We must be led by the people of the organisation, and they must want to participate for our initiatives to be impactful and resonate with employees.

Glamour: How do you balance traditional physiotherapy practices with new technologies in your wellness approach?

Sue: Balancing traditional physiotherapy practices with new technologies in wellness approaches can enhance the effectiveness of treatment and improve outcomes. We do this by gradually introducing tools like tracking apps and video consultations. We encourage continuous learning on new technologies to supplement wellness. We are cognisant not to replace personal care and interaction. New technologies help gain insight to key data that help to create personalised treatment plans.

Glamour: Where do you see the future of corporate wellness heading, especially given recent global changes and technological advancements?

Sue: I believe that the need for corporate wellness is a must as every role comes with its unique stresses. As previously stated, technology should never replace human interaction.

Glamour: How do you define wellness personally, and how has your definition evolved throughout your career?

Sue: Wellness for me is a lifestyle, it's about being true to our feelings and not ignoring stresses to our bodies. Wellness is certainly not defined by a job title or one’s bank balance. Wellness is about taking the time and consistency to action the things that bring health, happiness and peace.

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