Legacy Society

Every day, vulnerable New Yorkers reach out to God’s Love We Deliver for help. We provide them with life-sustaining meals and nutrition counseling, free to all clients and their families and always full of love.

The Legacy Society is comprised of dedicated members of our community who ensure the financial strength of God’s Love by including us in their estate plans. Planned gifts create an extraordinary impact, providing God’s Love with the much-needed resources to improve the lives of current and future clients.  Joining the Legacy Society is easy – you can make God’s Love a beneficiary in your will, retirement plan, life insurance, trusts, or other estate planning vehicles.

Members enjoy benefits including:

  • Acknowledgment in our website’s public listing and Annual Report.
  • A distinctive Legacy Society pin and welcome gift.
  • Invitations to curated events throughout the year.
  • Regular updates and access to God’s Love developments.
  • Planting a seed of love that will nourish future New Yorkers.

If you have already included God’s Love in your estate plans, thank you! Please let us know by filling out our online form or contact our Planned Giving staff at 212-294-8186 or

God’s Love is a 501(c)(3) organization | Federal Tax Identification #13-3366846. Please note: this is not legal advice. Any prospective donor should seek the advice of a qualified estate and/or tax professional to determine the financial consequences of their gift.

Four Options for Getting Started


By including God's Love We Deliver in your will, you can offer support without giving up crucial assets you may need now.

401 (k), 403 (b), IRA, or pension funds

Retirement Assets

By making a gift of retirement assets, you may save your estate the significant burden of paying both estate and income taxes on those assets.

Life Insurance

Donating your life insurance policy to God's Love We Deliver may allow you to claim an immediate income tax deduction for the current value of the policy, and you may also be able to deduct your future premium payments.


Charitable remainder trusts offer supporters a way to provide for themselves and their loved ones while they are alive and also support God's Love We Deliver.

Meet Members of The Legacy Society

Legacy Society Members

  • David Abramson
  • David and Elizabeth Ahl
  • Carol G. Alexander
  • Elaine A. Anderson
  • Carol M. Anderson
  • Victoria Arzano
  • Nicholas Athanail and Tony Testa
  • Jens Audenaert and Amol Shah
  • Paul J. Backstrom and David S. Hutchison
  • Lawrence Balter and Karen M. Adams
  • Jordan Michael Barbakoff
  • Paul Beirne
  • Dayle Berke
  • Mark B. Black and Glen B. Leiner
  • Dorothea E. Blom
  • Eric Blomquist and Peter Webb
  • Christina J. Blythe
  • Rebecca Bond
  • Jonathan H. Bond
  • Arnold Boris
  • Richard A. Bradspies and Dore Everett
  • David Brandes
  • Mark S. Brashear
  • Rusty Breedlove
  • Steven J. Brill
  • Brandon J. Bryant
  • Anna Louise Canario
  • Ann Marie Carollo
  • Daniel Carrier
  • Mary P. Carter
  • Peter B. Carzasty
  • Maria Caso
  • Annie Chan
  • Amy R. Chasanoff
  • Lloyd Cheu and Douglas N. Mintz
  • Jonathan Stephen Clark
  • John D. Claypoole and Frank Vazquez
  • George Cominskie and John D. Turner
  • Robert Conley
  • Stephen and Tao Covello
  • Cynthia Cox
  • Kendell J. Cronstrom
  • Howard Davidson
  • Myles Davis
  • Nando de Carvalho
  • Laura de la Torre and Paul Walling
  • John Deremigis
  • John M. Dimor
  • Max Dobens
  • Raven Dolling
  • Miriam Driot
  • Stephen A. Earle and Mitchell Gross
  • Joan Ermish
  • Richard Feldman and Jon Nathanson
  • Mindy Ferguson
  • Donald M. Filicetti
  • Richard Fink and Jeri Fink
  • Jeri and Richard Fink
  • James D. Fox
  • Martin Friedman
  • Cynthia Furgang
  • Dale George
  • Timothy Gibson
  • Rhona L. Gilbert
  • Jon Gilman
  • Michael and Denise Gilson
  • Denise and Michael Gilson
  • Norma Grant
  • John Gray
  • Arlene Greco
  • Allen L. Gribetz
  • Howard L. Grier and Anton Dudley
  • Robert Gros
  • Lawrence Grossberg
  • Ann Gubiotti
  • Joan A. Harden
  • Trevor Hardwick
  • Richard W. Hatter
  • Susan and Kevin Heaney
  • Brian P. Hotaling
  • Charles R. Hovland
  • David S. Hutchison and Paul J. Backstrom
  • Jeffrey L. Jackman
  • Bryce Jenson
  • Robert P. Jepsen and Dean T. Lewallen
  • Adrian Kahan and Robert Leibowitz
  • Susan Kantrowitz
  • Elinor L. Kass
  • Linda Miriam Kates
  • Richard Kaufman
  • Christopher P. Kennedy
  • Barbara Kirsh
  • Raymond Klausen and H. R. Nicholson
  • Jeffrey M. Krauss and Deborah B. Vilas
  • Karen L. Krautheim
  • Barbara Kreisberg
  • Stuart Kreisberg
  • Darleen M. Krimetz
  • Thomas R. Lalla and Giovanni Mancini
  • Mark H. Lanspa
  • Jeffrey A. Lawrence
  • Eugene A. Lefkowitz
  • Irving B. Lerner
  • Belinda and Richard Levychin
  • Ann K. Lindenfeld
  • Andrew E. Linehan and Marguerite J. Franklin
  • Minna Lipkin
  • Richard and Mae Livesey
  • Jesse Lopez
  • T.J. Luty
  • Michael P. Mangone
  • Audrey S. Manners
  • Teresita Martinez
  • Charles and Giselle Masson
  • Michael J. Meagher and Daniel Romualdez
  • Carol Merkel
  • Laurence H. Merritt
  • Karen L. Miller
  • Bruce N. Miller
  • D. Molfetas
  • Henry Morrison
  • Helene Morrison
  • Jon Nathanson and Richard Feldman
  • Anonymous
  • Chantal A. Newman
  • Michael S. Normile
  • Violet Orosz
  • Joseph Page, Jr.
  • James L. Palazza
  • John L. Panarace
  • Nancy L. Parker
  • Arlene Pasquale
  • Donna Patrella
  • Dianne and James Patterson
  • James and Dianne Patterson
  • Shelley A.L. Pennachio
  • James W. Pesavento
  • Jeffrey A. Pfeifle
  • Karen M. Pohlig and Thomas W. Goodhue
  • Maria Polito
  • William Raff
  • Carol T. Rapoport
  • William R. Reader
  • Jerry L. Rehm
  • Robert Rizzo
  • Alan J. Rogers
  • Nicholas Rook
  • Randy Rosema
  • Naomi and D. Rosenthal
  • Paula A. Rossano
  • Arlyne Rothenberg
  • Ryan and Shari Rueckl
  • Margaret Russell
  • David A. Ryan
  • Michael Saint-Cyr
  • Michael L. Samuels
  • Eric Sanders
  • Donald M. Sayer
  • Janet K. Scapin
  • Richard T. Schack
  • Judith Schasberger
  • Robin Schweitzer
  • David L. Scott
  • Kevin Scullin
  • Michael Sennott
  • Sam Shahid
  • Matthew G. Sherwin
  • Christopher Shuff
  • Lisa L. Simon
  • Amiel L. Singer
  • Shirley D. Singh
  • Raj S. Singh
  • Thomas Skorupski
  • Kevin Smalls
  • Niall Smith
  • Shannon D. Snead and Daniel R. Jones
  • Edward W. Snowdon and Leon G. Violante
  • Robin C. Stark
  • Anthony Stefanoni
  • Analee and Emanuel Sternberg
  • Laurie Stewart
  • Robin V. Strasser
  • Dorothy Strauss
  • Glenn A. Stress and Michael Ginex
  • James F. Strickland
  • Lorrie I. Stuart
  • Patricia M. Suh
  • Jessica Svensson
  • Lawrence Swehla
  • Alfred Szymanski
  • Michele M. Tanzella
  • Alexander Tedford and Andrew Wallace
  • Raymond W. Townsend
  • Josephine F. Tuffy
  • Tamara Tunie
  • John D. Turner and George Cominskie
  • Hester Turner
  • Daisy Vasquez
  • Odette Veneziano
  • Edward Vladich
  • Sylvia Vogelman
  • Carol Faye Vorperian
  • Andrew Wallace and Alexander Tedford
  • Paul Walling and Laura de la Torre
  • Barbara Joan Wax Kassal
  • Lester C. Weingarten
  • Virginia Weiss
  • Elliott Wengersky
  • Tom Whitburn
  • Rod Winterrowd
  • Eva Wirth
  • Vicente Wolf and Matthew Yee
  • Annie Wong
  • Monika Zuckermann
  • Anonymous

Need More Information?

For more information on joining the Legacy Society, please contact Nigel Finley at or 212.294.8186.

Read our Blog Posts

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4.12.21 / Donate

Meet Brian Hotaling, Legacy Society Member

Our volunteer, Brian Hotaling, has been volunteering at God’s Love We Deliver for nearly 30 years. He’s seen us grow and change so much over the years, but still, the love in all that we do remains the same. Than…

11.13.21 / Community

Alfred Szymanski: Leaving a Legacy

Alfred Szymanski has been a supporter of God’s Love We Deliver since our early years responding to the HIV/AIDS crisis. When so many of his friends were suffering greatly with nowhere else to turn, God’s Love was there. He re…

10.18.20 / Donate

Meet Margaret Russell, Legacy Society Member

God’s Love We Deliver has been an essential part of my life for more than a dozen years and it’s extraordinarily rewarding to volunteer, serve on the board, and be a member of its Legacy Society. Like so many, I was devastate…