Travis McKie-Voerste's Reviews > The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing

The Racial Healing Handbook by Anneliese A. Singh
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it was amazing

To better see my privilege as a white, straight, cisgender male, has been a challenge that has come feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, and guilt (to name a few). This book has been an excellent tool to understand my role in racism better. It provides practical tools to leverage my privilege, to create a positive change, and work towards creating a world where diversity is celebrated, and equity is maximized.
I have had the privilege of having Dr. Anneliese Singh guide me through some of the exercises contained in this book in person. Fortunately, she has put her experience as a passionate educator, community organizer, and activist into this work to help guide both white folks and people of color in their developmental journey towards anti-racism. As someone who is guided strongly by logic and reason, I appreciated how this book includes the right balance of personal experience but also references to research as well as visual models to help see the relationships and progressions of the concepts. The activities helped to explore where I have been, where I am, and where I would like to end up in my development. The inclusion of activities that challenge what I know and how I came to know them fits well into my personal goal of maximizing believing things that correspond with reality and minimizing believing things that don’t.
Having one text that explores the topic of racism from the view of people of color, as well as from the perspective of white privilege, was useful to understand the interaction and intersections of race and racism.
This book will be a valuable resource to keep in your repertoire, whether novice or advanced in the topic of racism. I will likely use this as a way to measure my development and will share it with anyone who would like to explore the issue of racism in a deeply personal, authentic, and systematic approach.
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October 19, 2019 – Shelved

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