Csimplot Simplot

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E.M. Forster
“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.”
E.M. Forster

Albert Einstein
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
Albert Einstein

Sarah Addison Allen
“Oh, please. Everyone in this town always says that, like you have to be born here to understand things. I understand plenty. You're only as weird as you want to be.”
Sarah Addison Allen, First Frost

year in books
E.P.M. ...
238 books | 29 friends

Nick Al...
273 books | 42 friends

C. Lynn...
184 books | 719 friends

302 books | 30 friends

Ryder C...
422 books | 317 friends

768 books | 113 friends

mandi b...
30 books | 45 friends

175 books | 81 friends

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