Snigdha Deva

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Suzanne Collins
“One more time? For the audience?" he says. His voice isn't angry. It's hollow, which is worse. Already the boy with the bread is slipping away from me.
I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras, and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go.”
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

Scott Westerfeld
“What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.”
Scott Westerfeld, Uglies

Suzanne Collins
“I don't want to lose the boy with the bread.”
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins
“We could do it, you know."
"Leave the district. Run off. Live in the woods. You and I, we could make it.”
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins
“Sometimes, when I clean a kill, I feed Buttercup the entrails. He has stopped hissing at me.
Entrails. No hissing. This is the closest we will ever come to love.”
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

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