
To see a complete list of publications by C.R. Hallpike, in chronological order, click the button below

Some Important Publications by Category


Translated As

1984 Die Grundlagen Primitiven Denkens . Tr. L. Bernard. Stuttgart : Klett Cotta. 1990. 2nd edition, paperback.

1984 I Fondamenti del Pensiero Primitivo. Tr. S. Tre Re. Intro. M. Squillaciotti. Rome : Editori Riuniti.

1986 Fundamentos del Pensamiento Primitivo. Tr. F. Patan. Mexico : Fondo de Cultura Economica.

1977 Bloodshed and Vengeance in the Papuan Mountains. The generation of conflict in Tauade society. Oxford : Clarendon Press.

1972 The Konso of Ethiopia. A study of the values of a Cushitic people. Oxford : Clarendon Press.


1979 The Kukukuku of the Upper Watut. Edited from the published and unpublished fieldnotes of the late Beatrice Blackwood, with Introduction and Bibliography. Oxford : Pitt Rivers Museum Monograph Series No. 2.

Some Journal Entries

1997 'Social Evolution'. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 152(4), 682-689.

1992 'Is There A Primitive Society?'. Cambridge Anthropology, 16, 29-44

1986 'Social and Biological Evolution II: Some Basic Principles of Social Evolution'. Journal of Social and Biological Structures, 9, 5-31.

1985 'Social and Biological Evolution I: Darwinism and Social Evolution'. Journal of Soc. and Biol. Struct ., 8, 129-146.

1984 'The Relevance of The Theory of Inclusive Fitness To Human Society'. Journal of Soc. and Biol. Struct., 7, 131-144.

1976a 'Is There A Primitive Mentality?'. Man (n.s.), 11, 253-270.

1976b 'The Origins of The Borana Gada System'. Africa, 46, 48-56.

1975 'Two Types of Reciprocity'. Comp. Studies in Society and History. 17, 113-119.

1973a 'Aristotelian and Heraclitean Societies'. Ethos, 2, 65-76.

1973b 'Functionalist Interpretations of Primitive Warfare'. Man (n.s.), 4, 51-70.

1970a 'The Principles of Alliance Formation Between Konso Towns'. Man (n.s.), 5, 258-280.

1970b 'Konso Agriculture'. Journal of Ethiopian Studies, 8, 31-43.

1969 'Social Hair'. Man (n.s.), 4, 256-64.

1968 'The Status of Craftsmen Among The Konso of Southwest Ethiopia'. Africa , 38, 258-269.

Encyclopedia Articles

2008, 'Time Reckoning and Calendars', New Encyclopaedia of Africa. Ed. J. Middleton. V, 52-9.New York : Harper Collins.

1997 'Hair'. The Encyclopaedia of Religion. Ed. Mircea Eliade, 6, 154-57.

1995 'The Konso'. The Encyclopaedia of World Cultures. Eds. Middleton & Massam. 9,169-172. HRAF Press