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May 20, 2024 37 mins

Teddi talks about life with her rock star dad John Mellencamp and SO MUCH MORE that we had to split this episode in two!

From divorced parents, to partying to panicking...was her upbringing as rock and roll as you might think?

Plus, Teddi makes a shocking confession to Oliver!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):

Speaker 2 (00:05):
I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
We wanted to do something that highlighted our.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Relationship and what it's like to be siblings. We are
a sibling. Railvalry.

Speaker 4 (00:21):
No, no, sibling, you don't do that with your mouth, revelry.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
That's good. So I'm alone in my house. Kids are
gone to school. My wife is at Target. She loves Target.
I mean she really loves Target, like really loves it.
She seems to be at Target more than she's at

our house. So anytime I see her getting ready and
putting her sunglasses on and you know, getting her purse,
I'm like Target, and she's like, yeah, Target. I think
it's just a one stop shop for her. She can
literally get groceries and a dress for going out, all
on the same stop. But here's what I love about

my wife. She looks amazing. Number one, she's beautiful, she's
fifty one, still so sexy. She's just an amazing human being.
Number one. But she's so frugal in the best way.
And this is why this is part of the reason
I love her. She will go to Target and find
a dress and then she'll tailor it so the dress
will be like thirteen ninety nine, and then she'll tailor it,

and then we'll go out to some sort of an
event and everyone's like, oh my god, what is that dress?
You look amazing? And it's always target like that's her thing.
So she does very well there. Right now, my kid
is going on a trip, sort of a camping trip
with the school, and she is there sort of getting
mini things like me, need toothpaste, many soaps, many this.

So ill had to say, I'm alone in my house
and it's always nice. It's always nice. It's quiet. There's
not a thousand kids running around screaming at you, asking
you for things, making fun of you, dissing you, telling
you that you're not good enough. My oldest telling is saying,
oh I could beat you up. I'm like, dude, you
can't beat me up. Well try try, let's go. I'm like,

I'm not going to go. I'm not going to kick
your ass right now. I'm your father. You know you
don't have any So I'm alone and it's nice. It's beautiful. Today.
I got a guest today, I got a guest who
I've known for a minute. You know, I think we

met in Colorado. She came up to me because I
think I was looking particularly handsome that day. The Hudson
Express was like full steam, probably wearing some kind of
like a dope cowboy hat, maybe some kind of a
ranch shirt. Where I was walking this line of like

sophisticated cowboy, you know, where it was like, wow, he
looks polished, but still rough around the edges, you know.
I think I hit exactly what I was going for.
And I didn't have any spurs on or anything like that.
But I walked into this place called Kimasabi, and I
think I think I made an impression on this guest.
And her name is Teddy Mellencamp and she's she's John's daughter.

She's a real housewife. She's but she's more than that,
you know what I mean, Lots to talk about, and
let's uh, let's bring her on. Let's bring her on.
I hope hopefully she praises me and talks about how
cool I am and how handsome I am, because yeah,

I need that, I need it. I need the ego
to be pumped a little bit. Anyway, Let's bring Teddy
on and if she does and tell me how handsome
I am. Within the first five minutes, she's gone, we're
clicking her off.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Oh so you're going to click me off?

Speaker 2 (04:07):
Oh shit, she's been listening to this.

Speaker 3 (04:10):
Well, so it is now a good time or is
it going to make it awkward to tell you that
back in the day, not anymore. Sorry, no offense. The
liar that you were my hall pass?

Speaker 2 (04:22):
Really yeah?

Speaker 3 (04:24):
Wow, So that's why I came up to you and
asked him because my husband was like, your hall pass
is here now it's gotten too real.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
So it had to be so wait a minute, wait
a minute, but why did this have to change? What happened?
I mean, did I get older? I mean I've done
I've done a little botox and filler to try to
keep keep up.

Speaker 3 (04:46):
You know, facial hair was a problem for me.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 3 (04:51):
Facial I know, I just I can't it's just it's gone.
I'm trying to remember the movie that you were in
that what we were all the most You played a douchebag.
It was like in the nineties, and like you were
like sleek, like.

Speaker 5 (05:08):
That was that was our Oh so you like so
that's your style of man, more sort of refined, buttoned up,
kind of shaven.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
Yeah, really.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
Yeah, Like when my husband gets all like wooly mammoth,
I'm like, we need to reel it in.

Speaker 2 (05:27):
Okay, So, so like Brazilian wax, I'm fine.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
With a manscaping. I would appreciate a manscaping, especially if
you want like all the things like that, all.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
The things things need to be Yes, but what about
a Brazilian wax? What about full on Brazilian which, by
the way, I've done three times.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Well, do you do bleaching?

Speaker 2 (05:48):
No? No, I think that takes it too far.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
That's too far.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Well I imagine if I bleached my asshole. I mean,
I'm down to do a lot of crazy things, but
that sounds a little nuts, you know. I mean. But
I I was with my wife and she was getting
she was I was out running ears with her and
she was getting you know, waxed, and I went with her.
And it was this like seventy eight year old Italian

woman who barely spoke English who did her waxing, and
she was just so hysterical and amazing, and Aaron's like,
you do it. I'm like, all right, let's go.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
I really did do it?

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Oh I did it? Yeah? I pictures and video of
it because it was hysterical. She I was like, should
I get maybe a hand towel to put over myself?
She's like, nah, he's the guy. It's okay, And.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Like, I want manscape, but I don't want I don't
want to see it happening. I don't want to know
when it.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
Be funny, when it be endearing in some kind of
a way, to watch your man sort of go through
this pain.

Speaker 3 (06:44):
Yes, because I think it is an incredibly painful thing
that we're forced to do.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
Yes, but you know what the best part of this
was well, along with all of sort of the added
treats that come along with being completely smooth, you know,
which definitely is nice, right Entice. I liked it. It
was great. It felt good. The grow back was okay,
but no, no, everything was good. The best part of it, though,

was she took a liking to me. And the next
time Aaron went, she comes back home with a full
tray of lasagna that she had made me. She goes,
she she went to go get wax. Aaron's like, she
brought a huge plate tray of lasagna for you because
you told her that you love Lazania.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
So she so, yeah, I need to keep going to her.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
I know, so I got you know, a smooth ass
hole and everything else and Anne Lasagna. So it's that's
hard to beat, you know what.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
That's that's more than most people will do.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Well, next time I see you, I will be extremely
clean shaven. I'll have my hair slick back. I'll look
like Gordon Gecko or something.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
Yeah, I know, I mean, that's that's more of what.
And then maybe you could come back into the rotation
of Hall Pass. But you got you got movie.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
There's someone new there who can you say? You can say?

Speaker 3 (08:10):
I mean, I don't know that I can really say,
because like I don't want to make him feel like
he has a chance because he goes his kid goes
to my kid's school. Oh, so, like sometimes I'll see
him in the job. I didn't tell Edwin and I
saw this because I didn't want him to think that
there is a not that I have a shot.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
But I see him.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
Sometimes in a Yeah, do you think he noticed me
like looking racheful?

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Oh my god, that's so funny. But let me ask
you a question about the hall Pass situation, because you know,
obviously it's always a fun game to play. You know,
Aaron has a hall pass, like but a real one,
like for real, like if if, if, for whatever reason,
she had the opportunity to sleep with Brad Pitt, who's sixty, right.

Speaker 3 (08:56):
I love that you pointed that out. How old are you?

Speaker 2 (08:59):
Forty seven?

Speaker 3 (09:00):
Okay, young forty seven, young.

Speaker 2 (09:02):
Forty seven without a doubt, especially without facial hair, I
look twenty eight. Yeah, but uh and I only say
sixty because he's still like hot shit, you know, Brad
Pitt is the man I said, if that, if you
ever had that chance, I would let you do it,
like one hundred percent for real. I'm not kidding. I
wouldn't have a jealousy. I wouldn't not at all, Like

you go, go go for it. So is the hall
pass a real thing or is this just sort of
a fun kind of couply thing.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
Well, I can give you a story. So back when
I first started dating my husband, so whatever, fifteen years ago,
sixteen years ago, the guy origin my original it wasn't
a hall pass. My original crush was Enrique Iglesias. He's
gone as well now too. He's still wearing the same
outfits and I can't there's still like the chain and

the hat, and I'm like no, you've done. You're out.

Speaker 2 (09:55):
Okay, I got it.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
But we saw him out, and him and Wilmer Valderrama
like came to get me from like the vip like
they were in the VIPR. I was in like the
general admission like whatever, and they're like, you want to
come back here? And Edwin's like, you can go. You
could go because I thought Enrique was hot, and I
was like, I'm not going. That is psycho behavior. You

should have gone. And that night we got home and
he's like, you know, if I got the opportunity with
Kate Beckhensell, I probably would have taken it. So you
just lost your opportunity and now that time has passed.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
Uh okay. So so it.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
Never happened, And I don't know that I would actually
want it to happen. But would you be okay if
your wife were to accept her.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
Hall pass with Brad pay Yeah?

Speaker 3 (10:44):

Speaker 2 (10:44):
But would I mean, but.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
She would she be okay with you?

Speaker 2 (10:47):
No? I don't even know what my hall passed, you know,
I don't. I don't know.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
You know.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
I think Dua Lipa was my latest. I think she's
just talented, and you know, I think she's just sexy
but no, I mean probably not.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
Probably love the Barbie soundtrack. So you're like, I'm gonna go.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
I didn't see Barbie. I still haven't seen Barbie. No,
I know it's bad. It's bad. Well, I like how this.
I like how this intro. You know, because we've established
a few things in this short period of time that
I am no longer your guy except when I was
maybe twenty four years old playing a character. You do

not like men with beards. You like a manscaped guy.
I like clean cut, no chest hair, not.

Speaker 3 (11:42):
Completely bare, but I need it to be trimmed. Like
if there's a curl, I'm not happy about.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
It, Okay, And what if what if you if you
have kind of a dad bod, you know what I mean?
Or do you need someone shredded?

Speaker 3 (11:56):
I don't need shredded, but I need somebody that likes
to do things?

Speaker 2 (12:02):
Got it?

Speaker 3 (12:02):
So, like whether it's sports or exercising or whatever.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
What about personality? Is that like eight's down on your list?
Like what's going on?

Speaker 3 (12:11):
I mean no, I mean that's still that's still necessary.
But I mean I think I like somebody that can
make me laugh but also can take a joke, like
you can make fun Some people that are funny can't
can't take it back, and then that grosses me out.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Well, anyway, I'm excited to talk to you for a
million different reasons. You know, we've known each other for
a little bit now. I think we met in Colorado.
I had a fun time upstairs at Kimo Sabi having
some cocktails where your dad was sort of sitting down
holding court a bit.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
My gosh, I forgot I was there with my dad.
I thought I was there with.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
I feel m h, your pops are yeah, okay, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
So you grew up in Indiana, correct.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
I was born in Indiana, and then when my parents
got divorced, I moved to South Carolina. So like, it
was very it was very common when you were a
Midwesterner that you would have a house or something in
Indiana and then you'd go somewhere else in the summer,
and that place was holt Ned.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
How old were you.

Speaker 3 (13:22):
Third grade?

Speaker 2 (13:23):
Third grade? And do you remember it?

Speaker 3 (13:26):
I don't. I don't remember, like a lot of my childhood.
I kind of blacked out, Like I feel like I
remember pictures or videos that I've seen, but I do remember,
and it was definitely something still to this day because
they did a remake of this song. But I remember
my mom packing up for us to leave while Tracy

Chapman was playing mmm like the original Fast Car. Like
I can still remember that day, like this is the
final straw we're going and kind of packing up our
home and like I remember that.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
So that's what was playing when you guys were out,
you guys were leaving. Yeah, does that song have any
triggering effect or is it?

Speaker 3 (14:08):
I mean, I think I cannot even remember them together.
I don't have one actual and because this past year
is the first time they've been together other than my
sister or my wedding, Like when we did like a
drop off type thing, like they saw each other for

a second and I made them getting a picture together.
I was like, guys, like both of them are like,
but I don't really remember them, Like all my memories
of my childhood are separate of the two, Like I'm
either with him or with her.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Wow. Yeah, And then did you have siblings at the time.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
Yeah, I have one full sibling, she's four years younger
than me. Okay, I have one older sister from my
dad's first wife, and then I have two little brothers
from my dad's third wife.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
Okay, good, like a blended that's kind of what we have.
You know, did do you think the divorce like fucked
you up?

Speaker 3 (15:08):
I don't think it was necessarily the divorce that fucked
me up. But like one thing that I say to
this day, like I have a stepdaughter, and one thing
I always say to my husband is like, please don't
ever when you're upset with Bella, don't ever call her
her mom's name, because both of my parents would do

that to me, and it would make me so mad.
Like my mom would be like okay, John, or my
dad will be like all right, little Vicky, and I
was like, fuck you, like you chose this person. I
didn't choose them, Like and now you're throwing it in
my face as a negative. But they're still my parents
and I love you both, so why are you putting

me in the situation? So those kind of things affected me.
And you know, essentially, if I didn't have a sport
or something that I really cared about, I think I
probably would have been slightly more fucked up.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Right right right right, No, I know, because you just
never know how it's going to catch you, you know.
I mean when you're that young in third grade, you know,
you're loocid enough, you're clear enough to sort of maybe
understand what's going on, but you don't quite understand or
can process how that might affect you in your life
as far as what you become, your decisions and your relationships,

whatever insecurities you might have self esteem issues, and then
they kind of rear their heads. And I'm only speaking
just from experience, you know, because I'm sort of a
product of divorce. And at the time you're like, oh,
things are fine, Like everything's fine. But as you sort
of move further along in your life and you come
upon these obstacles and these roadblocks where you're like, holy shit,

why am I feeling this way? Or why can't I
feel that way? And then you come to realize, oh, well,
you know there's been issues that have been gone unresolved,
you know, that need to be resolved, and I think there.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
Is something about it, and correct me if I'm wrong.
When it comes to your experience, but when you do
rotate between you know, different parents, is like this sense
of needing approval from both people and like appeasing the
parent that might be upset or wanting to be all
the things so that you make that parent extra happy,
Like I still catch myself I'm forty two now doing that,

like when it like hey Teddy, are you coming for Thanksgiving?
Or Chris, you know whatever it may be in that
like panic, But what about mom? What about dad? What
about Like how am I going to manage this still
as an adult? And also be like I have my
own life too, Like you're welcome to come to me.

Speaker 2 (17:39):
Yeah right exactly, I.

Speaker 3 (17:41):
Actually can house us all, like let's go come.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
On, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I know. And where
was your dad? Was he like in this the payday
of his career, like when all this shit was going down,
you know what I mean? Like how did you deal
with him on being on the road and you know,
needing a father figure? Was he as present as he

as he wishes he was? You know? Because that shit
is real. You have to make a living. You got
to go do your thing, it's your passion. You go
play music, you go make a ton of money. But
you also have your children. So how did that work
out for you?

Speaker 3 (18:18):
My parents met My dad had married his high school sweetheart.
He had my older sister, Michelle, and then he was
he came out here because it was back in the time,
like I mean, this is when he was Johnny Couger,
so where record companies essentially curated your image and you
had this name and it was like that, you know,
he wores chaps and it was like all these things.

But he came out to La and it was one
of those dinners where the management company is like, all right,
bring cute girls, like we're gonna whatever. And my mom
was one of those girls. I think my mom was
like nineteen years old or what eighteen or nineteen years old,
and they immediately had like a connection. And when my
mom went back to like she drove her like VW

bus or whatever it was, to Indiana, she got pregnant
with me before they got married. And I think, I
just think so much that year nineteen eighty one, the
year I was born, was the year of his first
big hit. So the way our life changed from when

I was born, Like I see the pictures of our
very first house two you know, a couple of years later,
I'm like, what the hell happened? But like my mom
and dad are Jack and Diane like that song yeah
in that video, Yeah for the one second on Chili
Dog so it's like our life really changed, and then

a lot of my life became pretending that I didn't
think it was a big.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
Deal interesting, So it kind of like whatever, it's it's
just just what it is, Like, what.

Speaker 3 (19:57):
Does your dad do? I mean, there's nothing, you know whatever?

Speaker 2 (20:01):
Is that a defense mechanism, you think? Because I want
I wanted nothing to do with with not not my parents,
but I didn't want anyone to know who my parents were. Yeah,
I was like I wanted to sort of exist on
my own, you.

Speaker 3 (20:17):
Know, And that's everybody's favorite insult is to be like,
well this happened because you're so and so's kid or
this or whatever it may be. Like I would remember
like they'd come in to watch me, like play volleyball,
and like my dad would walk in with like his
supermodel wife, and like everyone would be like and I
just remember that feeling of like sheer panic, like oh,

you've outed you exist. But I mean I think he
was always a you know, he always tried his best.
Do I think that we're in a way better place
now than when I was a kid, Yes, But also
because I mean I didn't really understand the important of

a relationship with my parents when I was a kid,
like around eighth grade, when I started like having friends
and things were important, like social events, I would choose
like my friends or riding horses, overseeing my parents, like
overflying to my dad's Like it was supposed to be
like every other weekend accompanied minor flying at Indiana, and

then I just kind of stopped doing it.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
Yeah, yeah, well understandably, you know. I mean, you get
to a certain age where and that's the time where
your friends and your social life and wanting to sort
of stay in one place becomes paramount. It's like, well,
I mean, I love your dad, but like I'm over it.
I don't want to fucking go and get on a plane.

I want to like hang out with my friends.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
I don't want to miss out on this where really
Like now, looking I'm like, oh wow, those I probably
really hurt his feelings doing that. I mean, there was
there was one point we joke about this conversation because
it's probably so trum advertising. But I got mad at
him for something and he said, you know what, f you, Teddy,
I have other kids. Ooh, And we didn't talk for

a couple of years.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
That's a that's a hard thing.

Speaker 3 (22:12):
That's a tough We like, it was a real and
so now to this day, like you still joke, we're like,
remember the best couple of years of our life when
we could talk.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
How old were you when that went down?

Speaker 3 (22:25):
I think I was like sixteen, Yeah, But by the
time I was like graduated high school, like end of seventeen,
like it was like a year and a half or
whatever it was. I was moving to LA, I wanted
to be an actress, all of these things. I remember
his rep or his manager whomever calling me and saying,

will you be on behind the music? And I was like, well,
if he calls me and we can have a conversation,
then yeah. But we were both so stubborn that I mean,
and were very similar when you when you actually have
us in a room together, that is like shit, like
we're crotchety and particular and all of those same you know,

we have the same qualities. But once, once we had
the conversation, both of us were like, Okay, maybe maybe
we took it a little too far.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
Yeah, feelings can get hurt, but at the same time,
you kind of have to step outside of yourself and
look at the big picture, you know, where he sounds
as crazy as it sounds. That's coming from a place
of pain and hurt and frustration and love in a
weird way, because he just probably wanted to be with you.

Speaker 3 (23:36):
I was rejecting you.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
Yeah, yeah, rejecting him. Instead of being like, all right,
you know you're seventeen. I'm not taking this personally. I
know you love me, you just want to be with
your homies or whatever. Instead, it's like, well, fuck off.
And I totally get that because as a dad, I
have to hold back sometimes when I get rejected by
my children, which happens all the time, and my sixteen

year old all the time, all the time, and I
just want to be like I got you know. I
asked him to go on like a fishing trip with
me to Alaska, you know, possibly this summer, to have
like a you know, one on one type of trip.
And he's like, oh god, really, you know, bring a friend? Yeah?
Like like like what, like I'd rather be like here.
I'm like, dude, this is a memory we might make together.

You know, you're sixteen. It's going to be fun. And
it's just rejection, rejection, And yeah.

Speaker 3 (24:26):
I knew he was really he was stricter than my mom. Yeah,
so like I also knew going there was like I
probably couldn't smoke sicks. Yeah like whatever, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah,
there are more rules in place.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
Or they're interesting. Yeah, as someone who sort of lived
a rock star kind of lifestyle, maybe he saw what
was on the road sinking.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
Well, he never drank, like or anything drank growing up,
like he said, I was right, Yeah, so he it
wasn't necessarily that he was sober. He was just like
when I was young, I would drink and get in fights,
and I knew that drinking wasn't for me, so I don't.
I've never seen him have a drink.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
Wow. Yeah, they's still smoking.

Speaker 4 (25:06):

Speaker 3 (25:06):
Yeah. My brother tried even start back in the day
when like Facebook was it thing, you know, or my
Space or whatever, like a million people follow this. My
dad has to quit smoking. So he didn't get to
a million.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
Oh my god. So you came to La to be
an actor and to be in the in the movie business,
right and were you here all alone or did you
come with friends.

Speaker 3 (25:31):
I came out here by myself. Like my rule, my
parents rules for me. This is something they agreed on.
They're like, listen, if you don't you know you got
into college. If you're not going to go to college,
like will help send you out there, but then you
have to like figure it out after that. So they like,
help me pack up my Jetta and come out here.
And I started at CIA in the mailroom.

Speaker 2 (25:53):
You did, Yeah, I did too, You did. Yeah, I work.
I got expelled from high school and eleventh grade and
went to like some weird, little shitty school for half
the day and then the rest. In the second half
the day, I worked in the mailroom.

Speaker 1 (26:09):

Speaker 3 (26:09):
So did you serve ice cream?

Speaker 2 (26:10):
Served ice cream?

Speaker 4 (26:12):

Speaker 3 (26:13):
Yeah, yeah, so I did that. And then I was
a hostess at Mister Chow and your Own Chow. I
was an acting school and it was, you know, it
was kind of a real wake up call. And I
lived in a studio apartment with another girl that I
met in acting school and quickly learned I wasn't going to.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
Make it, did you though? I mean, you know, because actors,
if they're passionate about it, of course they'll they'll stick
to it until the day that they die. But at
the same point, on the same point, I always say, well,
you need to always have a backup plan, you know.
I mean, even if it is your true passion, like
you still have to survive and live and then realize, well,

maybe it's not working. It's a horrible pessimistic way to
look at things, and you know, but there's a reality here.
I mean, was or that moment we were like, you
know what, Donny, this isn't fucking working. Moving on, Well.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
I wasn't. I would say that I didn't necessarily want
to be an actor, and this is gonna sound badly.
I didn't necessarily want to be an actor because I
had a passion for acting. It was more like I
was craving almost fame or like approval or a note
to ride. I don't really know what it was, but
kind of the final straw for me is I had
done a couple of commercials, little things, and then I

had gone out on Pilot season. So I'm working in
the mail, I'm a hostess. I got on Pilot season.
I finally like book something. I think I booked something,
like my manager calls me, is like you're in the
final thing, like they want you. And then you know,
there's like that gap, there's like that three month gap
before then you go in and you start filming yea,

and I went in for like the table read, which
I was so excited about. And that night they called
my manager and they said, Teddy has gained weight. Oh
since we auditioned her, and she either needs to lose
twenty pounds within the next whatever it is, we're going

to recast her. Wow, because she's too She's at this point,
she's too heavy to be right. And I at that point,
I honestly was like I'm done. And I said, okay,
tell them to no, thank you. I mean I had
gained a bunch of weight. I was feeling a certain
kind of way from being a big fish, you know,

like I was a very small fish in a big
pond all of a sudden, and I think I was
eating my feelings and I wasn't taking care of myself
and I was feeling down and I just got to
that place. But then once somebody said it to me,
I was like, well, then F this and f this business.
And that's you know, that's kind of where I stopped.

Speaker 2 (28:56):
And how old were you when that when you were like,
I'm done with her.

Speaker 3 (29:00):
Twenty twenty one, okay, and then you know I've maybe
twenty because then that's when I went to like my
boss of the mailroom and said like, Okay, I want
to go into the training program and I want to
be an agent, Like I you know, I've done, I'm
done saying I need to leave it this time to
go to this audition, like I want to get serious
about this.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
And so what did your boss say?

Speaker 3 (29:23):
They were like fine? And then I went for the
head of the mp lit department and at CAA, and
then I got coached to UTA and worked for the
head of the talent department there. And that's kind of
how my life for GREU.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
And then when did it take this turn into sort
of becoming famous, being on the Housewives or you know,
like how did this all happen?

Speaker 3 (29:54):
I mean, I would say probably my first ten years
in LA were not like my my happiest years like
they were. It was rough. It was rough for me.
It was just I think I was kind of partying,
and then it was a lot of like self hate
and like trying to measure up and not going going

out and making out with everybody and like essentially just
making poor decisions. I'm lucky that I didn't like get it,
you know, I didn't get addicted to anything like I
just was living a too hard of a life for
what I probably should have been doing.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
Yes, and were you you're dating?

Speaker 3 (30:35):
Just well, I ended up getting married, and not to
my husband that I'm with now, But I got married
in two thousand and six, and he was a great guy.
But it was like essentially the first guy. I was like, Wow,
he's really nice. People could treat me well, Like he
was a little bit older, and he was nice. And
we got married and on my wedding day, my dad
said to me, I know, this guy's your best friend,

but like, if you don't want to do this, you
don't have to wowow, And I was like, what are
you talking about?

Speaker 2 (31:02):
You know, he knew, he knew.

Speaker 3 (31:04):
We got married and within a year like that was it.
It was it. But at that time I kind of
fully changed my life and I was like, all right,
I'm I'm out of the entertainment business altogether. Went back
to riding horses, did it professionally, did that for ten years,
met my husband had got pregnant, did all the you know,
went through IVF. My life life changed, and then randomly

I was I got contacted by just like somebody on
the internet, like on my Instagram because I was doing
like fitness influencing. Yeah, okay about because I changed my life,
like it was all about like.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
All right, wellness changing my life.

Speaker 3 (31:47):
Yeah, and it started growing, you know. First it was
like my twelve friends, and then it started growing. Yeah,
it got to be a little bit bigger. So someone
reached out to me about doing a reality show and
I went and filmed like a day of it or whatever,
and I was like, absolutely not. So I called my
old friend from CIA, who's an agent. I said, what

do I do? I don't know if I signed something,
but like, I regret everything that just happened in these
pause forty eight hours. I don't want to be on
this show. My family would kill me, you know whatever.
She was like, yeah, i'll help you. You didn't really
sign anything that we can't get you out of. But
would you go on Real Housewives because I've been watching
your life and I think you could do it. And

I said, I've never watched it. What do you think?
And she said yeah, but would you prefer Beverly Hills
or Orange County because I know you have a house
both places? And I said, I don't know what's better.
And she said, well, you know, for your business and
your career, like Beverly Hills is a little bit more
like dialed in. And I was like, all right, that's fine.
And then that's when like the process started.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
That's such an interesting decision, you know, because you obviously
know your life is going to be exposed. Did you
weigh out the pros and the cons being like, okay,
you know there's there's potential money, there's also exposure for
what I'm trying to do, and you know now unconsciously
or behind the behind your eyes, it's like, well, I

do want to be famous, Like there was a part
of me that's why I became an actor. I was
like I enjoy that that sort of attention. Attention, Yeah,
did that play into your decision or is that something
that you had kind of suppressed?

Speaker 3 (33:26):
Well? I think you know, I had always my husband
and I we had always been in a position where
like I financially had my own like my own jobs.
He had He did really well for himself, but like
I always wanted to keep separate because I have like
money issues, like I just I am very like controlling
in that way like this is and I didn't have

a trust fund or any of those types of things
that everybody thought I had. So I had always worked
and I'd always been able to do whatever I wanted
because I had my own income. And then all of
a sudden, I had kids, and the power dynamic in
our relationship shifted because all of a sudden, now I'm
not out of horse shows and I'm not making money

and I am. I felt it a real like even
if Edwin didn't make me feel that way, I made
myself feel that way, like I don't want to ask
if I can go to sushi with my girlfriend, like
I don't want to feel this way. And so that's
when I created all In, which was my business, and
it was but I wasn't making a ton of money,
but I was making enough money I didn't have to

ask him, you know, to go get my nails done.

Speaker 2 (34:32):
To explain what that is real quick.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
So essentially, after I had I had a couple of miscarriages,
I had to go through a bunch of IVF. I
had struggled, you know, with my weight, but also with
postpartum anxiety and depression and that kind of stuff. And
I was always like a misery loves company person, like,
oh okay, well, let's go complain about our husband's and
have Margaritez and a kids playedate and like, let's just

ignore what's going on in our lives. I won't ever
be in a picture with my kids because I care
about how I look, whatever be. And then finally, without
telling anyone, I just started an Instagram and it was
called La Workout Junkie. It was a bad name, right, okay,
but I said, I'm going to change my life today,
follow along if you're interested. And I did it for

a year straight and never made a dollar, but I
posted everything, all my workouts, what I was eating, what
I was doing. And then people started asking me, you know,
we want to do what you're doing, but we don't
want to put it on social media, you know, because yeah,
people saw me shed weight, but more so people saw
my personality, Like I started becoming more confident, more comfortable

in my own skin and just living life more.

Speaker 2 (35:41):
Did you con did you always consider yourself beautiful? Because
obviously you're a beautiful woman. You're a pretty woman, right,
so did you have issues with the way that you
physically looked?

Speaker 3 (35:53):
I wouldn't. This is gonna sound weird. I never felt
weird about the way that my face looked. I was
really mean to myself about my body, really, and then
what would happen is then it would affect my mental state.
But then I would feel almost paralyzed by that fact
of that anxiety, which now I know, I'm like, oh,

if I go on a run, or if I go
to hot yoga, or if I move my body in
some capacity, it's not going to make my anxiety go away,
but it does make it better. And then it makes
me like myself more and trust myself more instead of
lying to myself all the time, I'm going to change Monday,
I'm gonna do this Monday, I'm gonna do this next week.
And then it became like once my life changed, my

marriage started getting better, my life started getting better, my
business started growing. And that's when Housewives presented itself to me.

Speaker 2 (36:42):
Oh cool, So it was almost like this the timing
of it was really cosmically perfect.

Speaker 3 (36:48):
Yeah, and then I was really, you know, the first
two years are pretty great for me on the show,
Like I was like, hey, this is pretty good. But
then I got I got pregnant again naturally for the
first time, and doing the show pregnant was a completely
different ballgame. Oh god, this is a doozy, but I
mean it all. It all kind of worked out. But

I knew on my first meeting, like where they film
you and you're doing your kind of confessional. I told
my husband, I said, I'm going to get the job,
and he goes, how do you know? They told you
there's like eight rounds. I know, so, and then I
did will.

Speaker 2 (37:26):
I want to continue this conversation and get into mental
health and health. I love getting to know you more
and hearing about your past. So everyone stay tuned for
Part two, coming out with Teddy Mallen Camp very soon
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