All Episodes

May 23, 2024 31 mins

The conversation between Oliver and Teddi Mellencamp continues with even more rock and roll revelations!

Did her dad REALLY bed one of her besties? 

Plus, Oliver and Teddi tell some truths about their struggles with anxiety and overall mental health. 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

Speaker 2 (00:05):
I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
We wanted to do something that highlighted our.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Relationship and what it's like to be siblings. We are sibling.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
Railval No, no, sibling. You don't do that with your mouth, revelry.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
That's good, all right. I am back another episode with
Teddy Mellencamp, going back to this sort of your anxiety.
You know, I've dealt with that all my life. I'm
on lexapro you know right now.

Speaker 3 (00:52):
Cheers, Yeah, yeah, it's actually for me.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
Yeah, and uh, you know it's not a depressant, but
it was. It's more for anxiety for me, you know,
than it is sort of depressive state. But would you
say that it's no matter if you're on medication or not,
like it is. It is a constant battle. Meaning I'm
not saying that it's debilitating, but that anxiety rears its
head for you. I'm asking does it you know all

the time day every day? Right? You just kind of
have the tools to sort of figure it out or
know what it is.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
Now I can wake up and have that moment of
realization like your Teddy, whatever your hypotheticals you're going through
right now you are, you're creating them. You know what
you can do to make it better? Or you can
sit in here and keep scrolling on Instagram or doing
whatever it is that you're doing that's not helping. Or

you can go move your body, or go in the
cold plunge, or see a friend or whatever it may be,
or tell somebody I'm anxious today, Like those are things
I never would have done before.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
How does your anxiety man fest? Because everyone's a little different,
you know, I mean, I mean different throughout the years.
Like when I was in my twenties, I was fucking gnarly,
but it was stomach like I would I'd throw up everywhere.
You know, it changed for me.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
Mine is so like I pick so like I'll pick
up my thumbs like my sister does it too, so
like we'll even send pictures back and forth.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
I'll be like, how booked up?

Speaker 3 (02:24):
Why are you this week? It's like pretty booked and
it's like our bloody cuticles, you know, like me, yeah,
so I know it's starting when I'm like that, but
then I can't sleep, and then I run through hypotheticals
in my head about like it's weird even though I've
had all this cancer stuff. It's not really about dying.
It's like did I fuck up here? Or did I?

Is this person mad at me? Like I'm always overthinking
every interaction that I've had, And.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
Yeah, yeah, it's crazy because we're essentially creating pain physical
mental pain with things that have already happened that are gone,
and ruminating or projecting and catastrophizing with something that hasn't
even happened yet. Yeah, isn't it. And most of the.

Speaker 3 (03:14):
Time, once it does happen, right, it's not even that bad.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
No, not at all. It's like all theout what ifs
that will go in your head and then you I'm
a very specific, detailed person, so I will play out
these scenarios in like heavy, heavy detail, and then all
of a sudden, I am anxious and I'm like, oh
my god, I'm like, what the fuck are you doing, dude?
Like this hasn't even happened yet, You're creating this scenario.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
And then I create a certain amount of pressure, like
in my orbit because of that anxiety. So then like,
you know, I put people in positions in my business
or my life or whatever it may be, that you know,
manage to but then I start micromanaging everybody because I'm like, oh,
I feel if I could really micromanage the situation, all
feel better.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
I don't. That's what.

Speaker 3 (04:00):
Then it creates more anxieties. I'm like, I didn't really
need to do that. They're really great at their job.
I don't need to riding them the way that I
was today. And then I have to be like, hey, sorry,
I should lived a.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
Little bit over the top. Yeah, I know, how did
that affect you know, your relationships or your husband and
your marriage and you know a relationship with your kids
early on when you were sort of going through it,
you know, with some postpartum stuff, you know, with all
of you know, I mean, was he was it? Did
a fuck it up? Was it ever on ice? Was
it just sort of like ocean?

Speaker 3 (04:31):
It was definitely on ice? After So I have my
daughter who's eleven, and then my son who's ten, and
you know, it definitely right after my son. I was
just it was so bad. And then I tried to
control every little thing that Edwin did. And I need

you home by five thirty from for dinner, and I
need this and I need that, and I will if
you don't do this it means that you don't love
me or like whatever, Like there was just this certain
amount and he was like, hold on, I've always been
the same guy, Like I'm an entrepreneur, like I worked
blah blah blah, and like then we just always had
this pushback or he'd be there at the time i'd say,

but you could tell he's like, Okay, you know, like
is this really not I know, you didn't grow up
in a household that they ate dinner together every single night,
but like is this really what we wanted? And it
took us getting like I mean, we had a really
really bad time, like you know, trusts were broken, like
things were not good for us ultimately to have the

conversation to fight for each other and be like, hey,
all right, let's set up some new boundaries. Let's figure
out Like one, I needed to find my purpose other
than being a mother. I love being a mom, it's amazing,
but I needed to find what I loved and so
it was my business. It was all of these things.
It was finding myself, the show. All of these things helped.

But then also like, let's set up our thing. I'm like, listen,
actually I don't need you at home every night by
five o'clock. But what I do need is I don't
want to like if you want to go see your
friends or you want to do whatever, I don't. There's
no seven hour golf game on Saturday. You know that,
Like you you want to see your friends, you want

to do that, Like these are the these are your
time frames do it and vice versa. And if you
want to have those moments, we have to discuss that
with each other because I don't want to feel like
I'm living this parenting life on my own. And then
that's when it really kind of shifted, like we stopped
expecting things that weren't going to happen, like we were
not going to fully change.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
Was there to come to Jesus moment where it was
like we need to fucking figure this out because this
is going in the wrong direction. And then what was
the moment the moment of sort of I guess even
call it reconciliation, but the beginning sort of healing the
small fractures that were sort of compounding.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
We had started going to couple's therapy for the first
Like you know, he did not grow up like believing
in like you know, he's from Columbia, like his family
like therapy was like not something he really did, so
but I said, like we need to we need like
somebody in the middle, because he's one of those people
that will throw out things that he doesn't mean and
then be over it, and I'm one of those people

that will hold on to it till the day that
I die. So we were in couple's therapy and but
then we started seeing her separately. And I didn't know
this was a rule, but apparently if you are in
couples therapy and then you also see that therapist on
your own, they are not allowed to continue seeing you

separately if one of you tells the therapist a secret
that they're unwilling to.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
Well, I didn't know this, shi.

Speaker 3 (07:45):
So I get a call I'm on my way to
an appointment with our therapist and she said, Teddy, I
can't see you today. And I said why, and she goes, well,
unless Edwin's had a conversation with you, I can't see you.
I was like, what is it? Like, I can't tell you,
but you now have the tools to go talk to him.
And so that night he got home from work and

I was like, what is it that you told our
doctor that you haven't told me, and he's like, nothing,
I don't know what you're talking about. And I mean,
we had two little kids, and I said okay, and
I remember it was his birthday the next day, and
I just I had already put Cruise to bed and
and say it was already going to sleep, like they
didn't know any of this was happening. And I said, okay,

well then I'm leaving Whoa and I went to my
best friend's house and I slept there the next day
with his birthday. He's like I had already set up
all his birthday stuff from the kids, like I saw,
I'm I know it's all happening. And he didn't call me.
He doesn't do anything like he just he probably called
his mom to come help him, you know, like whatever

it was. And then like two days later he like
called and he's like okay, I'm ready to talk to you. Wow,
and like I'm really sorry, and this is what I
told her, And it wasn't even as bad as I imagine.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Yeah, yeah, but he was.

Speaker 3 (09:09):
Like I don't know why I couldn't just tell you. Yeah,
And then once we talked about that, it was like
all right, well, let's stop this. Then, let's stop this
shit like either you're in this with me and like
you love me and I love you and we're going
to tell each other the good and the bad and
the ugly, or like we're out. I can't keep I
can't keep feeling like I'm not enough, or you like

we both are looking for whatever is now right.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
I mean, I've been through the ship with my wife
as well, and you kind of have to look at
the big picture and evaluate just the depth of love
that you have and looking not past, but looking into
sort of who you are together and whether or not
you really want to salvage it. I think a lot

of people quit too soon, you know, and don't want
to put the work in and the fight, and they
think that love and marriage is supposed to be easy.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
Breezy, and that's not a fairy tale.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
No, it's not exactly, and that's bullshit. I mean, there
are the fairytale moments, and there's the honeymoons that is
always amazing, where you're boning like eighty times a day
and you're like, this is incredible. Yeah, I mean it's
just ultimate freedom with no kids, and you're like, holy.

Speaker 3 (10:31):
Shit, Oh, this is why I marriage.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
Yeah, right, But when you can get through those things
and it just makes it's so much better. I mean,
the depth and the vulnerability and you know, the communication
that happens once you can sort of get through the muck,

it makes everything better. It makes sex better, it makes
everything better, you know what I mean. And it's so
important and it's not easy, you know, And I'm speaking
for myself, but even for just men, you know, being
vulnerable is it's a strength now, I think, because it
is so difficult to do.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
Yeah, And I think it's also when you're both in
a place where you're feeling sensitive or you're feeling a
certain way, then you take out that like laughter that
you have with one another, and when that goes and
there's just like tension and kids and like everything is on.
Like you're like, what the hell am I doing with
my life? But then I'm like, what do I think

I'm doing? I'm going to go meet somebody else and
start this whole process over and expect it to be better.
Like definition have be insanity, like doing the same thing
over and over again, I'm expecting a different result. But
it was like we like each other, We genuinely like
each other. So let's figure out what our pros and
cons are and work together, because ultimately, like I feel

grateful that I still want to have sex with my husband,
but it took work. It wasn't like that every year
of these years.

Speaker 2 (12:01):
Yeah, no, I know, I know. And that intimacy, you know,
can wane, not just with physical attraction waning, but just
with that emotional sort of connection going. Yeah, like if
you're not feeling it, if you're not feeling it, you know,
forget it. It could be the hottest thing in the world.
But if if you're just becoming disconnected and sort of

passing ships and building up resentment, then you don't want
to have sex, like it doesn't matter.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
And then if you get in the habit of not
having sex, then it's even hard. Like people will laugh
at me about this, but I say it all the time,
Like when we were going through a rough place and
we weren't and it was like we were out of
habit of it. Finally, what we ultimately started doing was
we'd make appointments, yeah, and we'd be like, Okay, we're
having an appointment.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
Yeah, we're doing.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
Now, And we will still joke about it now for
like appointment at noon, you know, Like, but I cursing
ourselves to get back in that form of connection is
huge because if not, you just live separate lot.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
I know it's true. Well cool, I'm glad, thank you
for sharing that. Like, I think that's uh, that's good
to hear, you know what I mean. I think that
more people can relate to these kinds of things, and
it needs to sort of be talked about more, you know,
because everyone's trying to make it work. We all want love,
we all want to make we all we all want perfection.

But that word doesn't shouldn't even be in the English language.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
Let people see the cutter version on Instagram of every Yes,
I think they're the They're the you know, anomaly, are
the couple that really now.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
I'm like, dude, yeah, dig into that relationship and you'll
see some ship. Dig into any relationship, you're gonna see
some ship. So we don't have a ton of time,
but I wanted to get into sort of the melanomas
that you've had because there's been like a million of them,
you know. Interestingly enough, it's so fun. I was reading

about you, but like I have, I'm a kind of
moldly person and I have this one that started it.
I'm like, am I gonna die like freaking out because
of my hypochondriacal self? But what the fuck happened?

Speaker 3 (14:06):

Speaker 2 (14:06):
And how do you have so many? Like what?

Speaker 3 (14:09):
Well? When I was born, I had like a white
like almost like hyper pigmentation on my shoulder and then
you know, years and years of sun damage and tanning
beds and growing up in the South and like the baby.
Who knows if that was you know, that created it
or if I was born, I don't know, but it

wasn't that long ago. I mean three or four years,
three years ago maybe that I was on a run
with Kyle Richards from Real Housewives Beverly Hills and she
had seen me, you know, for the past whatever it
was seven years, and she was like, your shoulder looks different.
That spot on your shoulder looks different. And I have
a big anxiety around going to doctor's appointments, like filling

out paperwork. It's so bananas, Like I'm like what, But
she's like, I'll take you to mine right now, like
we ran there, like we're ran to the place. And
that first one I was diagnosed and then I thought
it was kind of done, and then it just kept
happening over and over and.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
Did did they just cut it out? I mean was there?
It was there a time when it got dangerous.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
The first one they just cut it out, and then
we thought it was fine. But now, I mean, as
my in college just said, uh, you've won melanoma. You've
had by one wo n I'm like, well, I like
to win things, but I don't know that I need
to win. But I've had more than anybody else at
like their cancer facility. And December twenty sixth I went

in and because the area had been infected so many
different times, and I tried immuneotherapy, I'd gotten them removed.
They were like, we want to stop cutting you. So
we tried the immune therapy.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
It just didn't work.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
Still kept coming back. So then December twenty six they
went in and essentially just cut out like a spot
about this big on my show shoulder and then pulled
my skin from my lower back over my shoulder. And
now I have like a new creation and knock on
wood like I've been okay since, except now I went
in from my check every three months and they found

another spot that they took right here, but this is
on an opposite side and this one does not have cancer.
So as of right now, I'm cancer free?

Speaker 2 (16:22):
Are you pro meaning like, can you look at your
moles and freckles now, I'd be like, no, one's fucked
now one's okay.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
No, but I can almost it's gonna sound no, no, no
hippy to me. I can almost feel it mm hmmm.
Like I kind of knew going in that this one
was gonna be okay, But I was like, but mine
didn't present as moles. Oh, so mine more looked like.
I went to dermatologists years ago for it because it
would get red and like almost like flaky mm hmmm,

and they were like, oh, we think it's dermatitis. So
I put like a steroid they put had me on
like a steroid cream and it would go away. So
I just lived under the assumption and that's what it
was for ten years. But then every single spot kept
coming back. But yeah, I mean, I think that's why
it's so important to go get checked. Skin cancer isn't choosing,

Like you still need to go. You need to go
get your checks and for everything like your high checks,
your you know, colonosky, all of the stuff. Yeah, mamograms
just book your appointments.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
I know it's really important. So what's your businesses you created?
Sounds like it came it just came from such an
organic place. Meaning of course you're a business woman, you
want to make money. Yeah, you know you wanted to
be successful, but it came from a real place of
just wanting to be better, right, and just finding your

wellness and what that means to you. And then how
did you sort of expand that into what it is now.

Speaker 3 (17:53):
Well, I would say when I was younger, I didn't
really have like an entrepreneurial mindset. I always wanted to
do well, but I wasn't like it was more self serving.
And then what I realized like threw all in and
once I started having clients of my own, was I
am able to be better when I'm helping other people. So, like,

I know, it's like contradictory. They're like you're on a
you're on a housewife sure where you talk shit and
fight with people, or you do a podcast where you
talk shit about how like I'm like, but all of it.
It's like we can be multiple things in life, but
that that way, that approach of like I am holding
myself accountable to living this lifestyle and making these changes

because I'm going to practice what I preach telling other people.
So it started small, you know, I had about thirty
five to forty clients, and then it just started growing
and growing and growing, and now you know, I have
over thirty five coaches, I have thousands of clients. We've changed,
you know, it's it's it's crazy. And I mean a
lot of that is because I mean that first day

I was ever on Real Housewives, I got ten thousand emails,
Like my website didn't even know what to do. It
was like, but the one thing I wouldn't do is
I never would sell out. So like at that moment,
all these companies came in and said like, we'll buy
you out and we'll just essentially you can be the face,
but we'll manage you and we're going to make you.
And I was like no, because the things that I

never like when I would go to a soul cycle
class and I would see like some perky little like
that I felt and I just judged without knowing, but
I'd like that person's never struggled to day, and they're like,
you know, like I had so much resentment that I
was like, no, I need to know that anyone that's
doing this has felt it and lived it. So every

coach I've ever brought in was also a client. So
you're promoted through within you actually, and then you're kind
of paired with like, so somebody's going through you know,
divorce or postpartum or whatever it may be. I mean,
we're not therapists or anything, but we have lived experience.
So where I'm going to place you with somebody that
understands where you're coming from.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
Yeah, this is an extremely authentic sort of place you're
coming from here now when you're dealing with sort of authenticity,
which has been the buzzword now for years, like authentic
and blah blah blah. Anyway, So how much of what
the public knows about you and what they see from

the Housewives to whatever magazines you're on, to whatever it
is you're doing, how much of that is one hundred
percent you? And how much do you have to sort
of play it up because you know that that's part
of the deal, you know, Yeah, I.

Speaker 3 (20:36):
Mean I think I mean, first off, we have to
be transparent, Like when you're on social media, I mean,
you did a thing. I think it was like during
COVID about like somebody give me paid post, Like that
part feels a little bit. I mean, I don't say
yes to anything that I don't actually use or like,
but sometimes you feel a little like, yeah, you're doing

it for sure. So that part, I would say is
probably where I live myself most out of my one
hundred percent authentic self, because whenever you're selling anything.

Speaker 2 (21:12):
Yeah, of course you've got to give a little bit
of like you know, yeah, and.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
You're just my tone always changes like you can tell yes.
So that and then I would say, I mean, I'm
not filming my kids throwing fits or like you know,
me punishing, you know, like any of those types of things.
I'm not curating that. So people always be like you're
the best mom ever this or that you know, and
I'm like you only you know. I try to be transparent,

like you only see the half of it, like I
lose my temper I do this, or you know, they
probably think my calendars are insane, but like I think
that part. I show as much as I can show,
but I try to protect those in my life or not,
like I signed up for this, they didn't.

Speaker 2 (21:56):
What do you think the biggest misconception of you is
I think.

Speaker 3 (22:00):
People are getting to know me more now through my
podcast to teasing a pod than they did on the show,
because I think when I went on that show, I
had had so many years wanting to be on TV
and wanting this to happen. Then I went on, I
was significantly younger than everybody else. I didn't have any
authentic friendships at that point, and it just felt forced.

But like anybody that's you know, now those girls that
are on the show have become my true friends, Like
times have changed, but that took growth and time and
knowing each other. But anybody that knows me knows like
I don't take myself that seriously, like as much as
I did on the show, Like I really am kind
of a shit show and try to embrace that and

have fun and can laugh at myself and yeah, you
know that, not just have a stick at my ass, no.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
Of course, and that you fucking struggle with you know,
real life problems anxiety and you know, self esteem and
all the all the things you know. I think sometimes
there is the sort of perception that, oh, you have
it all or what do you have to complain? About
you know what I mean, that kind of a vibe
when the reality is is we're all human and we

all have our shit and a lot of the times
we silently struggle, yeah, you.

Speaker 3 (23:16):
Know, and and also knowing that it's going to come
and wait. Like at the beginning of this year, I
remember I choose a word every year, and the word
I originally had chosen was cope. And then I was like,
that is a really depressing word.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
It is. It's so much optimism. It's like just fucking
grind and get through, man, like hold white knuckle it.

Speaker 3 (23:37):
And I was like, but I had to have that
conversation with myself, but it took me a little bit
of time to kind of get there. And I think
that's okay. We have to allow each other and ourselves
to get there. Sometimes we always expect everyone to show
up is what we want them to be right from
the get go. It's not going to happen. It's not reality.
Hopefully we get there, but like give us all, like

you know, the race.

Speaker 2 (24:02):
Yeah, yeah, that's great.

Speaker 3 (24:05):
All right.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
One last question, has your dad slept with any of
your friends? Yes? Oh really? Are you kidding? Really? Wow?
Because he's such the man you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (24:18):
It's like, yeah, oh my god, has your mom slept
any with any of yours?

Speaker 2 (24:25):
No, because she's been with Kurt for you know, for years,
you know, yeah no.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
But I more, I say, whenever it's about to happen,
I'm like, this is on you. Yeah, listen, you you do.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
You, and you're cool that you're like whatever, like you know, I'm.

Speaker 3 (24:43):
Like, I don't if you if you to the females,
I'm like, if this is something you a road you
want to go down, that's on you. But yeah, I
mean happened in a while, Yeah yeah, girlfriend, but.

Speaker 2 (24:56):
Yeah yeah yeah. And then do you ever find out
what kind of a love he is?

Speaker 3 (25:02):
One of them tried to like talk to me about
some of the things. I was like, I ab absolutely.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
I do not want to know.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
It's already hard enough for me to like see any
sort of like connection, I don't or flirtation.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
And then one friend's like, listen today, i gotta tell
you your dad the things that he did to me.
You're like, we're like, wait a minute, shut up right now.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
I like I can't, I cannot, like, but luckily I
can kind of put him in like a different box.
Like there's my dad box and then there's like the
John Mellencamp.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
Yes, yes, when did he drop the Cougar? Like when
did that go away?

Speaker 3 (25:45):
Well that like when it was when his wreck, when
the record deals changed, like he did a.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
Transition because this Cougar total horseship?

Speaker 3 (25:52):
Was that just a's total horseship? Like I forget that
the other big guy was from the eighties that had
like a bullshit made up name. So no, he was
Johnny Cougar, then it was John Cougar, then John Cougar
Mellencamp yeh. Then then by the time he was in
his final thing, he just John Mellencamp.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
It's so funny because your dad seems like a pretty
straight shooter, a cool dude, and the record label like
just imagine goes all, right, here we go, You're gonna
be called Cougar and is he just like what like okay,
I guess yeah, he's.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
Well at first he put up a fight, but then
you know, as a guy from Indiana, but you know,
with humble upbringings and doing all the things, like you
go to New York and they're like this is the
name you're gonna have and this is what you're gonna
wear like. He tried to push back as much as
he could, but you know, it was it was kind
of an unheard of at that time. Right accepted it.
And I can't speak for him, but as soon as

he could change it, he did.

Speaker 2 (26:44):
Oh of course, don't worry.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
I won't let him live it down. Like for his
seventieth birthday, I had happy birthday kugs and balloons all
over the place, like everything was cougar's. He's like, I
will honestly teddy, and I was like.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
You should get a coug you should get a cougar tattoo.
My god.

Speaker 3 (27:02):
You know my dad had a tattoo of my mom
on his shoulder and when they got divorced, he turned
her into Jesus.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
Oh my god, that's amazing, like my mom.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
With a beard.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
Maybe it's why I have issues with facial hair.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
Oh yes, there it is all coming back around. Well,
next time I see you. Well, I can't promise you anything,
but I think you need to learn to like facial hair.
You know, because it depicts a man, a real man,
a man who you know can hold his own I
can survive for at least three hours on what.

Speaker 3 (27:37):
The crumbs from like food dripping onto your mustache.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
Yeah no, but it's not like a big beard, you
know what I mean. It's just it's got sex appeal.
There's sex appeal there. No, I listen, come on, you
have been with a man with a beard.

Speaker 3 (27:52):
I mean, my husband has one half the time, and
I don't tell him to get rid of it. Even
my child is my dad, No, like, none of us
want it around.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
I know my daughter's like, will you shade? Okay? All right, fine,
well thanks for talking. This was awesome, Thanks for telling
your story. Thanks for having me fun chatting.

Speaker 3 (28:14):
Can you please do some more songs because they're my
favorite thing.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
I know, I get lazy. I just it's it's such
like an inspiration thing. I just That's why I could
never do Instagram for like a living, even though I
do make some money off of it. It's so hard
for me to fake post. I sometimes I'll sometimes I'll
think I haven't posted in a month, and then I'll
just scroll through my photos from like one hundred years ago.

I think, do I post this? Like I don't know?
Fuck it? No, I don't want to do anything, you know.

Speaker 3 (28:45):
Yeah, well, anyways, I do appreciate I would appreciate another updated.

Speaker 2 (28:50):
And what's your podcast about? By the way, just so
I know.

Speaker 3 (28:53):
So I do it with Tamra Judge and she's on
Real Housewives of Orange County. We recap all of the
different franchises and then I have one with called Popping Off.
She's also from Orange County. But we talk about Vandon,
Pump Rules The Valley. Essentially, like all of that reality
television show that you want to escape your life by watching,

we recap it.

Speaker 2 (29:14):
I know, I love it. I'm a below deck guy.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
So oh yeah, I think you should try watching The Valley.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
I think you'd like it really. Oh yeah, it does
look kind of fun. It's kind of it is, is it?
I'm gonna try it.

Speaker 3 (29:26):
It's such a disaster that you can't.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
I love that stuff so much. So good. All right, Well,
hopefully see you.

Speaker 3 (29:33):
In Colorado hopefully, Susan.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
All right, good talking?

Speaker 3 (29:36):
Bye bye.

Speaker 2 (29:38):
Well that was fun for me learn learn some things
I didn't know. She like my facial hair. It's a bummer,
very open, you know. I love people who were just
able to talk about their truth, their lives, you know,
fifteen million omens or some shit. I mean, imagine that,

imagine that anyway, that was a blast. I love talking,
so I just I'm just gonna keep talking, talking, all right.
I'm gonna leave now because I have things to do.
You may think that I just sit here all day

on this microphone talking to myself. Part of that is true.
I talk to myself all day, just not on a microphone.
If I could have a microphone in my car or
just like like a like a live mic, and you
could just hear what I say to myself, I can
maybe make that a new podcast. You know. Well, I

got to come up with a title. But it's just
me recording myself all day, and you get to hear
my inner thoughts because my inner thoughts are on my
outer thoughts. Like I will be in my car and
just start talking to myself. Maybe I'll do that anyway.
See I'm doing it right now. I'm talking to myself

out loud to you guys, and you are riveted. I'm
gonna stop talking right now, not to myself. I'm gonna
stop talking into the microphone to myself. I'm gonna keep
talking to myself, but I'm just gonna stop talking, all right.
I'm out
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