All Episodes

June 3, 2024 63 mins

A talented singer from a quaint New England town took her love for music mainstream and never looked back.
Now in her 30's, pop star Meghan Trainor still makes music and has her BFF slash Bro 'Ryan' by her side. 
Could their relationship inspire Kate and Oliver to hit the road together?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hi. I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
We wanted to do something that highlighted our.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Relationships and what it's like to be siblings.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
We are a sibling, Railval No, no, sibling. You don't
do that with your mouth, Ravelry.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
That's good.

Speaker 4 (00:37):
Okay, I can't believe this. I'm finally back to do
a podcast. I've I've just wrapped my show for Netflix,
and I've been so excited to come back. And then
of course, the second I'm like, yeah, let's do this,
I can come back, my brother's like I can't make it.

So I am solo today, which I I'm actually excited about.
I don't get to do this very often. And I
am interviewing a sabling pair that I'm very excited to
talk to, Megan Trainer and Ryan Trainor and just super
fitting as my album is out right now and I'm

sort of entering this whole new stratosphere for me that
I get to talk to some musicians who are about
to go out on a tour and has an album
coming out. So, without further ado, let's let in Megan
and Ryan Trainer. You guys, I'm so happy this worked out.
My brother is okay, he's fine. Okay, he's fine. He

had a last minute thing he had to do and
I was bummed. But it's so funny because I've I've
been out, so I've been like working and haven't been
able to do any podcasts, and oll of Her has
been doing a bunch of them and then finally I
come back and he's like, I can't or like soloing
through life right now?

Speaker 2 (02:00):
We do it all the time.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
That's why, especially I've been so busy recently. So Ryan's
been just going live for our podcast. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (02:08):
It's kind of nice, isn't it.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
It's nice to be like, oh, I can't be there,
but the show won't like end, you know.

Speaker 2 (02:13):

Speaker 4 (02:14):
Yeah, where are you guys right now? You're in like
some sort of getting drives in the background.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
Yeah. We I'm in the middle of moving and I'm
doing a music video tomorrow same day as moving day. Okaynighting.
That's just how things landed. And so this is a mess.
We got some moving boxes.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Behind me, so you're you're a moving house.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
I'm moving into a different house on the same day
of doing a music video for my song called Whoops.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
And now you have an album coming out, like, yes,
like in a week.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
It's called Timeless. Yes, are you so excited? Oh, I'm
so excited. I'm so busy. I don't really know what
day it is and what's going on. But it's great.
I love glorious, I love your music.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
Thank you. It's been so much fun.

Speaker 4 (02:57):
But man, let me tell you, I mean respect to
anyone who enters the music industry.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
It is a wild, wild ride.

Speaker 4 (03:06):
It's one thing to like love music and want to
make music, and it's another thing to then make it
and then put it out there and then have to
follow through with touring and promoting. And it's it's Megan.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
Megan's always like Ryan, I wish you were this singer.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
Yeah. I was like, I always see you and I
just write the song way too hard.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
I have a blast on that. You know, I'm taking pictures,
I'm traveling all as well. You do too much work?

Speaker 1 (03:34):
Yeah, He's like, stop doing so much, But I don't
know what.

Speaker 2 (03:38):
That's not how it works, bro I. So so let's
sort of.

Speaker 4 (03:43):
Like we always start with when we get into sort
of the sibling dynamic with just like the basics, like
how many of them are you?

Speaker 2 (03:51):
How many trainer siblings are there.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
There's three of us and I'm in the middle. There's
another boy who's a year and a half younger than
me or two younger than me. So we were all
like a year apart. We're very close in age, and
we're very close now and growing up we wasn't so close.

Speaker 3 (04:09):
We were kids. We're very close. Middle school, yeah, some
of high school and then you know, I was like,
leave me alone.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
I was like, please be my bestie. What's the age, Stip,
who are you the oldest? You're the oldest.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
Yeah, he's the oldest. I'm a year in five days.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
Younger, almost Irish twins.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
And then the and then your younger brother.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
He's twenty eight, so he's two years younger than me.
We're pretty close. My mom was twenty four when she
started having kids and my dad was forty three. So
they were like, by by bup, let's get him out,
you know.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
Cute And then so okay, so where did you guys?
Where were you raised?

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Nantucket Island?

Speaker 4 (04:54):
Oh my gosh, this is like the all American like
like clambakes all day long, like Fridays.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
And fish days. Yeah, and like if you didn't wear
white pants, you weren't invited, and I was always wearing
black leggings.

Speaker 4 (05:08):
Wait wait, I'm actually really surprised, but I didn't realize
anyone really actually grew up on Nantucket. It sort of
feels like the place where you vacation. Nor people go
and they have their summer homes, but they live in
Boston or they live like.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
That baffles us because like I'm like, oh, I want
to get as far as possible, you know, Like I
was like, oh, California has palm trees. You know, it's
like nice weather.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
But that's probably was pretty idyllic growing up.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
The safety part of it was nice until like like
we never had to worry about locking our house or
break ins or locking door.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
Always played in the neighborhood and we're like running all
over the neighborhood is a lot.

Speaker 1 (05:50):
Of like kidnaps or murders.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
And we knew Mom was always on edge because she
watched the Lifetime every day. Anytime we went to the
Cape to the mall, that was a big trip for us,
she would drag me into the women's restroom. I'm eleven,
I'm like six feet tall. I'm just like, I'm so
sorry my mom doesn't want me to get taken.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
The cap cod was big city for us, you know,
like we didn't have a mall growing up, so we
were like the mall tho was Disneyland.

Speaker 3 (06:16):
Fridays at the mall was like.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
We were in California, like Disneyland.

Speaker 4 (06:20):
Wait, this is so this is so isolated, like we
did not. We basically grew up the opposite. We were like,
you know more I mean, I guess they moved. They
moved us to Colorado when we were young, but still
like we traveled all over the world and we were
much more you know, I mean, I couldn't imagine. It's
also like island life could kind of make you go

a little crazy, right.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
Yes, yeah, And there's not like places for teens to
go a lot. There was like a bowling alley or
there's like one movie theater was it was but an
ice rink when we were growing up. So there was
a lot of drinking and drugs.

Speaker 3 (06:57):
And in the woods we already get a couple of palaces,
start a bonfire.

Speaker 4 (07:00):
I was gonna say, isn't that what happens when you
start to become teenagers. I would think that in those
small areas that kids would sort of turn to things
that maybe rogue.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Yeah, unfortunately for our parents. Yeah, parents, they were the best.

Speaker 1 (07:13):
We were good. You were crazy, but we didn't get caught,
you know what I mean, Like we were safe. Yeah,
but you were like so charming you convinced the cops to.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
Let you go.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
I was great at talking to the police. Yes, but
they were also like my friends already knew you there,
like Ryan.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
Ryan, Like some days you would avoid the grocery store
because you're like I just can't run into that person.
I can't, or like the pharmacist was my best friend's dad,
so I was like I can't pick up like my tampons.
They're like, what am I going to do?

Speaker 4 (07:44):
You know this is so so how so how often
did you get off the island as kids?

Speaker 1 (07:49):
If it was like sports?

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Maybe they took us on amazing vacations, but it always
did start with a boat ride to the.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
Cape, then a two hour drive Boston.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
Yep, and then fly out from Boston. So we went
to Hawaii. That was amazing, wed fly Yeah, Boston, LA.

Speaker 1 (08:07):
I can't believe that was the best Christmas gift ever. Yeah.
They were like my mom did a scavenger hunt we like,
and it was I don't know. My brothers and I
had to solve the riddle and it was like, we're
going in Hawaii. It was sick, dude.

Speaker 3 (08:20):
It was like very rarely did we go. We would
go u playing sports. We would kind of go to
like the vineyard.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Yeah, but you'd take a boat, you know. Like when
I started traveling, I was like nineteen when I started
getting on big planes and going to California, and I
was just like I remember loving it, like like watching
out the window, like so many people here look at
this plan like.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
Now I'm like, I don't want to get on this plane.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
I wonder, like I want, are your parents still together?

Speaker 3 (08:50):

Speaker 2 (08:52):
I wonder if.

Speaker 4 (08:53):
You guys had like the best possible child ever, like
to be that inside, to be like to grow up
on an island like that. I feel like if I
could give that to my kids right now, would probably
be the best thing for them. Do you ever like
look back on it and think, why am I not
giving this to my kids?

Speaker 2 (09:14):

Speaker 1 (09:15):
I would never.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
I'm like, no, I want to isolate them in a
house and never let them leave my bubble because I
love them, and I'm like, don't go out there. It's scary.
But not on the island. I would never. I wouldn't
do that just because I don't know. I didn't know
a lot of things. I feel. I feel like we
had to learn the hard way of like I don't
know getting out into the world, and the world is scary.

Speaker 3 (09:40):
A lot of people stay because they're just like I
can't handle.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
We didn't have highways, you know, we didn't have traffic lights. Like,
tall buildings scare me, big trees scare me.

Speaker 3 (09:50):
Like I get excited by kind of like the big
city for a moment, and then I'm ready to leave.
But Megan is just like when we're in New York City,
She's just it's it's too much to humans.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
There's too many things.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
No, no, No, are your parents still in Nantucket?

Speaker 1 (10:04):
No? I jogged him out here. Like my dad they
were jewelers together, and they like made jewelry and sold
it on Nantucket. But and my dad was like, I'm
gonna die of this bench, like that was his dream.
And I was like, what if you were tired and
you came out here and helped me every day? And
my mom is My mom is now my assistant, and
my dad hangs up all the art in our house

and and does all the handyman with parents, and.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
You guys all live really close to each other.

Speaker 4 (10:32):
This kind of sounds like my family, except my dad
is definitely not the handyman in our life. Kurt is
not hanging up pictures in our house.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
Both my brothers lived in this house with me, and
then my younger one who just walked past, fell in
love and now was in engaged and is living with
her now. So that was like my first like my
first baby boy left the you know, the house and
I was like go fly crying. And then when we
decided to move from this house to another house, there

was no back house like guest house for right, right.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
Yeah, and I'm spoiled. I need a guest house.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
And I was like, you'll come with me, right Like,
I'm only going to get this house if you come
with me, and he was like absolutely, like do it.
Then I did it and he was like listen, I
can't move in there. And I was like, he said
him a bit, He said that you come with it,
like I wanted him to live with me till he
was fifty, you know, like or like till he found love.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Well, wait, how old are you guys?

Speaker 1 (11:26):
Now? It's it's thirty thirty one and thirty.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
Well you got him out of the house.

Speaker 3 (11:31):
Yeah, I was.

Speaker 2 (11:33):
Actually you've been there that long?

Speaker 1 (11:36):
Yeah, I was. I clipped his wings and I kept
him close. But he makes it.

Speaker 3 (11:40):
He was like quarantined too, kind of. I was living
with her in uh that other house and we were
stuck there, so that I feel like that delayed the process.
I think if that didn't happen, I probably would have.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
And then he got I got sober, he got sober,
so like for the last three years, we celebrated yesterday.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
Yeah, today is my third I was kind of.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
Like, I love that he's here so we can like
watch him, you know, like take care of it.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
Well, let's let's get into that sobriety at some point.
But let's let's go back.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
Let's go back to when you guys are.

Speaker 4 (12:13):
Kids, Like what was the what would you say was
like the entry point into the arts for you guys?

Speaker 2 (12:20):
Like how old were you.

Speaker 4 (12:21):
And when did music start to become or the art
start to become something that was a part of your life.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
My dad was a band teacher at one point on Nantucket.
So we like both, well, whatever Ryan did, I had
to do. Like I worshiped him and was like that's
the cool thing to do, then, so let's do it.
So he's like, I'm gonna play trumpet and I was like, hell, yeah,
so am I. So we were in band and we
both played trumpets. But my dad was like so cool

and found these like wrapped trumpets that were like bright
red and then the other one mine was like rainbow colors.
So when we walked on stage, I would hold it
out on the outside so the crowd could see and
I was like, you know, I'm legit, look at this.
And my Dad's like that is the coolest thing ever.
He wanted us to stand out. He knew we were

a little stars. So yeah, we were in band. And
then my dad played music at the church at a
Methodist church on Nantucket. It's like right downtown, right next
to the bank, and he he loved it and we
would go sometimes and sit next to him and he
would play the big giant organ and we thought it
was so.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Cool and five years old.

Speaker 2 (13:32):
Yes, So did he play multiple instruments or just the organ?

Speaker 1 (13:40):
Yeah? He paid a few. He plays piano, since he's
played piano since he was eleven, so that was his gig.
He was like, I was making money at eleven years
old playing for like the ballet or something in his town.
So he was very much like get a job and
be a musician. Anywhere he could make money with music,
he did. He loved it. So he was a like

from Monday through Saturday, and then on Sundays he would
play for the church. And yeah, so we were surrounded
by music. But also there's a lot of videos of
us at home as babies where we were in diapers
and they would have like jam parties. My parents would
like play a bunch of music before nighttime, I guess
to like get the sillies out and we would just
rock and we would sing, and it was like all

kinds of music.

Speaker 4 (14:24):
And your parents loved then. They loved music, so you
were like there was music playing and.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
My dad, yeah, he always had a good sound system.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
And what was his vibe? Was it like classical jazz.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
It was all the music James Brown, Okay, very soulful,
very so like Stevie Wonder Earth went in fire. And
then mom was like Madonna, you know, like abba.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
The Oh my God, the coors.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
Yeah, I love the chorus so much, and I remember
leading them.

Speaker 4 (14:59):
I I remember meeting the course I was working in Ireland.
I was nineteen years old and I was in a
pub and this beautiful girl came was there and I
remember thinking, like, you know, she looked very like not
like a typical person that I was seeing in Ireland
at the time. I was like, wow, this Irish girl

looks like she's traveled the world. And they're like, no,
she's in this band called the Cores. And I remember
like really trying to understand like what that was. And
I had to go find a CD because at the time,
obviously there was no streaming.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Breathless is like I tried to write Breathless every day.
I try to write that song.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
And there's and the sister that I met. I remember
I met the older sister too, and.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Yeah, yeah, that was my dream is to force them
into music, and I did and I won and now
they write songs with me.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
So when did that start happening?

Speaker 4 (16:02):
Like did you were you always writing songs or was
that like when you were young or.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
Was that something that happened as you I thought everyone
like was writing songs. You know, I thought, like and
all my favorite pop stars. I was like, oh, that's
how they they got there. They wrote their songs and
then then they could be superstars. So when I saw
like I loved Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and sing too,
I loved all them and I and I. But I

remember learning about Carol King and Aretha Franklin and like
earth Win a Fire and just a lot of songwriters
too that I studied and was like, Okay, I gotta
write my music if I'm gonna be a pop star.
I just like had so much hope and believe in
myself for some reason. And I remember I would mow

the lawn. That was because they're both colorblind, so that
was their excuse not to So when the lawn I
would I would be singing because no one could hear me,
so I'd be like wailing. I'd be screaming, singing and
like writing songs, and I was like, I'm free here
because no one can hear me without loudness.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
Is because we would hear her in the shower.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
Yeah, I'd be singing. But my mom said that when
I was really young, and she would sing lullabies to
me that I would sing harmony back and if you remember,
it freaked her out. So do you have a perfect pitch?
I have like good relative pitch, Like I'm not Charlie
Pooth where I can hear what note you're singing or talking,
but I can I can like memorize the pitch of

us all my songs and a song I really love
my daughter.

Speaker 4 (17:33):
I think my daughter has perfect pitch. I just started
realizing it. I'm and it's starting to like form. I mean,
it'll obviously, we'll see where it ends up. But like
even one of my one in my backup singers was like,
she's got she has perfect pitch, Like I think she's
she could you could be like, hey, Ronny, sing this
Taylor Swift song and she'll just start singing it, write

and keep right in the key wow.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Of the song, which is a really hard I can't.
I can't do that. It's really hard.

Speaker 4 (18:01):
Yeah yeah, well she so okay. So then, so so
you started writing, how old were you do you think?
Like when do you think your first fully formed song?

Speaker 1 (18:12):
I know I wrote a song at like seven because
my aunt and my uncle were getting married and I
wanted to write them a song to walk down the
aisle two, and then they went and got married at
like where do you get married at? In the office
at the city hall?

Speaker 2 (18:27):
Yeah, they did.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
I was like, guys, I wrote a song for the wedding,
what are you doing? But I did it to heart
and soul on the piano, you know, So I just
roll on top of that. And then my dad he
didn't want to like teach me because he's like, I
don't want to fight with you, but like, I'll teach
you chords and then you have to figure it out
in your own. So I learned chords and then just
started playing by ear and started writing my own songs

like that. I found a guitar in a closet one
day and he was like, oh, yeah, that's like an
old guitar. I don't even know where that's from, but
i'll play you. I only know three chords, but I
don't know anything else. So I learned those three chords
words and then I learned a whole song on it
and showed him later that day like look dat, and
he's like freaked out. And then I just any instrument

I could pick up, I would try to learn and
try to write a song.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
What about you, Ryan.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
Well, here's the deal. I don't pick something up. I go,
I'm never going to be a pro at this, and
then I put it.

Speaker 1 (19:21):
But I think he has add and I would like,
I think you should test for that.

Speaker 3 (19:26):
I just like to have a really good time. I'm
I am so happy to be talking to you and
I'm so honored and like it's crazy to me, but
I was very excited to talk to Oliver. I feel
like he could potentially be my mentor. Like all I
do when I grow up is be Oliver, Like that's
my guy.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
He studied them a few episodes.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
I was ready to have someone like understand me, because
you guys are both so talented.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
We understand you.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
No, Yeah, I dragged him along for everything, and but
I found his talent in I had for like two
albums ago. I had him videotape the whole process, and
he started texting me and like chiming in, Like I
was like, dude, I cannot figure out this word? What
rhymes with this? And he would text me because he
didn't want to offend anyone to think that. He didn't
want them to be uncomfortable, like, oh no, what's this

guy coming in with publishing. So he'd be like, yo,
try this, and I'd be like, guys, what do you
think about? And it became like the title of the song.
So then I convinced him after a bunch of those
like dude, you wrote that song, like you're a writer,
And now he will attend a session with me, and
he wrote my first single with me called Ben like
this that t pen is hanging on.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
Come on.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
My younger brother produces.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
Oh so he so younger brother.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
You brother makes tracksst Yeah, he's a lyricist and that
dude can make crazy cool beats.

Speaker 3 (20:43):
I'm a good hang.

Speaker 2 (20:46):
Well, it's like that is like Alie. I always hit Alie.
He's such a he's such a great writer and he's
such a good poet that I'm like, you should be
writing lyrics.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
Yeah, people, like a lot of people are like, I
don't know how you do it. It's so hard. I'm like,
once you figured out once, like it's kind of just
a pattern, and then you got it, and then it's
just like, how what's another way of saying this?

Speaker 4 (21:08):
You know?

Speaker 2 (21:09):
Yeah, I mean writing a good song is actually pretty hard.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
Oh it's so hard, but it's so hard, but I
try to convince people it's easy though. I'm like, come on,
joining it, we can do it together.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
It is the most fun. But you know, it's funny,
like all things need to come together to make a
great song, you know, No, no, I I.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
Just Megan doesn't. Megan doesn't understand the gift that she has.
So she writes these in a day, and I'm like,
how the fun did you just? I'm doing a couple
of words, okaying, melodies.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
Praises it was good.

Speaker 4 (21:49):
Some people, some people have that like very prolific ability,
you know, where they can with music, where you know,
you just get in like a zone and you can write,
like in one day, just all of a sudden, you
have a fully formed, really interesting song.

Speaker 2 (22:06):
You know.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Yeah, that's usually how I do it, because I'm also
too lazy to go back and work on it again.
Oh really, it's good, let's be done.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
It's perfect.

Speaker 3 (22:14):
You also do something which I think.

Speaker 4 (22:16):
Maybe you do have ADHD maybe the theme and the family.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
She knows how to use it though, she like she
does her homework, so the night before she's like comes
up with the idea so that she shows up with
the writers and the producers the next day. So guys,
I have an idea of what do you think?

Speaker 1 (22:30):
Yeah, I always good, fully prepared if I'm running for
myself or someone else, Like if we finally get to
get in the studio together, I'll cry. I'll have a
whole course of an idea or like three ideas and
be like, if you hate this, we could do this
if not, because I never want to go in empty
and be like, so how are you feeling? And like,
may g it a tough therapy session? Like I'm like,
what if we did something fun and cool and like this?

You know?

Speaker 4 (22:52):
I like that kind of that, like entering songwriting sessions
with energy. It's like I'm there, but everybody's different. Like
I like powering through things me too, Like I don't
even if it's bad, it's like just power through it
and you can always go back and be like I
hated that lyric.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
I hate the freezing.

Speaker 4 (23:10):
You can kind of sit with it for a second,
but like get it done. Yeah, you know, And I
think when what for me at least when I that's
when things started to really click with writing, was like, oh,
just like write the bad lyric, just like.

Speaker 2 (23:25):
Write it out, get it out, don't keep it in
and then and then you can kind of strip away,
or you can restructure, you can take the bridge and
be like, actually that's actually a better chorus. Like you know,
but don't stop. Oh yeah, very rarely in writing. Now

do I like stop writing the song? You know?

Speaker 1 (23:52):
I need yeah, I need something finished so that when
I go to bed, then I can listen to it
all night till I fall asleep.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
Is that kind of like did you get that for
like acting too? Of just like doing the scene over
and over and just be like I'm gonna just do it,
do it, do it?

Speaker 1 (24:04):
And then also what do you like more acting or singing?

Speaker 3 (24:07):
We have so many.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
Questions, great question. I like them both. They're so different,
you know, even though like you can't you can you
bring certain things I think similarly.

Speaker 4 (24:24):
To each, but but they're just so different, like to
me acting, you know you acting is it is as
much of a grind as say maybe being on tours.
But it's like even I think more of a grind,
you know, tour, like you get the day you can
like sit in the you know, you can you can
have you know, room service, and then you got to

go to sound check and then you you know, it's
a nighttime gig and you get energy and it's fun
and you might be tired after doing it for a while,
but like you have more time to yourself, whereas I
depending on where.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
You are in the cycle of your album.

Speaker 4 (25:02):
But when you're on a movie like what I'm the
show I just did, I'm working thirteen to fifteen hour
days every day, all day. There's no like, there's no like,
you know, I'll get up at ten and how you.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
Know amazing though, like what if your tie tie?

Speaker 4 (25:26):
I mean I think I think that that's kind of
what if you like where you say, what do you
like better? It's like when I'm in that grind with
a team of people on a show and you love it.
There's nothing there's It's just so fun because the work
is good and the people are amazing.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
The thing for me with music is that it is
my like number one love. Like I singing.

Speaker 4 (25:50):
And writing and being in music is like where I'm
where I am happiest.

Speaker 2 (25:56):
So I'm finding that even though it's it's it's new,
it's new. The process of this is new. But like
I've music's been, music is like everything to me, you know,
So that's mine I would say it's probably has always
been my number one, but now that I'm.

Speaker 4 (26:15):
Actually doing it, it's like, I feel it's sort of
changed the way I feel about my life. I'm like
much happier and more I don't know, I feel like
I'm doing what I should be doing now more than ever.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
We want to get into acting eventually, but my my
husband's an actor. He was in all like those spy
kids movies and a bunch of other stuff. And he
always laughs at me and he's like, you would hate acting,
And I was like, what do you mean. He's like,
you would crush it and you would be great, but
you would hate sitting there waiting for them to call
it you like, you would go nuts.

Speaker 4 (26:47):
I still love the world. You sit there, you literally
sit there. I was thinking about it the other day
because I'm on the show with all these amazing people,
and I was like, God, if I didn't like these people,
i'd be miserable right now. But I but it's the

same thing, like you know when you're like in the
pocket with something and and I think this is where,
like any like all creative people kind of lean to
want to do both, whether it's acting or music, It's
like when you're in the pocket and nothing else is,
nothing else exists, You're just like super present and what
you're doing there's no better feeling. I think dancers feel

that too. I feel that in both. You know, I'll
have days when i'm acting where like I'll be doing
a scene and I'm just so focused in it that
when I'm done, I like, nothing feels better.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
When you're down and you're like, I crush that Is
it like that?

Speaker 4 (27:47):
It's well, it's more like it's more like feeling like
I feel like it's like gratitude.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
It's like that thing where you're like, God, I'm just
so happy I get to do I get to do this,
you know.

Speaker 4 (28:01):
And I think I feel the same when I'm singing,
Like I kind of blacked one time I'm doing all
this stuff.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
I felt like I've been thrown into the fire. I
kind of blacked out.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
I was like.

Speaker 2 (28:12):
I just was like singing. I just was like in it.
And then when I was done, I looked.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
At everyone I was like, was that okay? Like I
was like, I was like on the Boys, I feel
like you did that on the Voice, you like close
your eyes and you look so happy. I've only done
that blackout thing once. Like usually performance is like scary
for me, or I'm having fun, I'm getting through it.
One time, I fully blacked out and let go, and
it felt like like I've never had that feeling ever again.

And it was for Quincy Jones for his birthday. I sang,
you don't owe me, and I've never been more afraid
of anything in my life. Like I was like, why
am I invited? Why am I here? And Oprah was
in the front row. I was like, I'm gonna throw up.
I'm so afraid. And I was like, just do the
very best you possibly can do, and I closed my
eyes and I remember I was like soaring, like I

was on so different kind of high at the end
because I was like I did it, you know, I
was like I wish. I was like, oh, that's what
everyone's talking about.

Speaker 2 (29:08):
Isn't that amazing?

Speaker 1 (29:09):

Speaker 4 (29:10):
When you can disappear, when you're like when you when
that happens, it's just I.

Speaker 1 (29:15):
Was like, am I gonna faint? Like this is sick.
It's so fun.

Speaker 4 (29:28):
You know, it's funny you just said Quincy's birthday Because
I remember when I was a little girl, my mom
sang at.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
Once at one of Quincy's birthday and she.

Speaker 4 (29:38):
You know that I got you under my skin, you know,
she's she's saying, I got cue under my skin.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
And I remember her practicing.

Speaker 4 (29:47):
In our living room and uh. And then not that
long ago, I saw her and Quincy kind of talking,
you know, because our friend were very you know, our
families are close. But I saw them talking and I
was thinking about their history, meaning like everything that Quincy
has done, the history of his life, what is spectacular life?

And then looking at my mom and then I kind
of had this moment. I'm like, wow, I wonder how
much fucking fun these guys had in the seventies, Like,
oh my, yeah, way more fun than we've ever had.
They were partying and having a fucking blast.

Speaker 1 (30:30):
Yeah, you know, I'm like working my ass off. And
then my therapist is like, where's your serotonin? And I
was like, humph. She's like what do you do for serotonin?
Like what fun things do you do just by yourself?
That's not like hanging out with your kids and like
the obvious ones. And I was like, I don't understand
what She's like. You need to find things that make

you happy and like, I feel like back in the day,
everyone would party and celebrate. But my little voice can't
handle that. I'm like, if you want me to sing,
I have to like never drink and never speak and
never like party like that, or I'll have no voice
and then i have no job.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
But they did. They celebrated each other, they celebrated life.

Speaker 4 (31:10):
And I'm jealous of those moments. And they're glamorous lives.
It was like so so interesting.

Speaker 3 (31:17):
With no phones. It was just like right here, just
like looking at each other in the eyes.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
Miss it, you, guys, I can imagine. I can really imagine.

Speaker 4 (31:29):
I'm ready to throw my fucking phone into the ocean.

Speaker 2 (31:34):
Yeah, I'm over it. I life without. Have you heard
this new dumb phone thing?

Speaker 4 (31:40):
I think everyone should be doing it?

Speaker 2 (31:43):
Old are your kids, Megan.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
They're three, but I've seen the addiction. I know, so
so My thing.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
Is this, I I really do.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
I've talked about this on the podcast Oliver and I've
talked about it.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
I think they're the devil. I think that kids, they
should be completely Smartphones should be banned in schools, period period.
Kids should have pagers and no Kia flip phones like
we did.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
We have the Apple thing you could stick on their watch,
like we could talk them.

Speaker 4 (32:14):
Yeah, and if they need a phone, like give them
a phone so that they can call home, if there's
a number whatever. You know, there's no more payphones anymore
in the world.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
Yeah, but like, but but you realize that now they're
doing all this research. You realize when you have a
flip phone you have, you were not going to all
of these even looking something up on the internet.

Speaker 1 (32:37):
Was it a nightmare back then?

Speaker 4 (32:38):
Oh yeah, but even you wouldn't do it if you
had your flip phone. So you actually talk to a
person instead of interrupting conversations to then have to like research,
you know, whatever it is you're talking about. It's like, no,
actually sit and have a long ass conversation with someone
where you're completely uninterrupted, and it's so rare.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
Maybe that's why I like FaceTime anymore. I don't call
people anymore FaceTime. I'm like, I need to see your emotions.
I need I will cold FaceTime you at a random
ass time. I do not give am. I will be like, IBM,
I'm the.

Speaker 4 (33:12):
Same people are People are like what is happening? People
I don't even know? I FaceTime Like, oh, yeah.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
Sorry, I cold facetimed you. I just got your number
high all the time. No, I know why. Yeah, oh my.

Speaker 4 (33:26):
Gosh so so so what so you're three years into
being a mom.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
How old are you, Megan, I'm thirty. Oh so okay.
So so you've had them for in this day and
age that's considered young.

Speaker 1 (33:38):

Speaker 2 (33:38):

Speaker 1 (33:39):
All my mom friends were like ten years older than me.
And I remember one time we had like a mom's
dinner night and I was like, this is so fancy,
you know, like it was so noise. We were like
at one of their houses, at a big long table
outside and I was like, oh my god. We were
all talking about our birth experiences and yeah. Then they
started talking about places we should go and like relaxed

and they were like, oh, let's go to Ohi And
I was like, oh, I've been there. I don't know
if that's where we should I'm thinking Ohio. I thought.
They were just like yeah, and they fucking laughed so
hard at me. They were like what. I was like,
I don't know places or things. I'm really young. I
just like I'm I'm from Island. I was like, I've

been to Ohio. I don't know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
They were like, it's so quaint and.

Speaker 1 (34:28):
Like place to vacation.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
I was like, how is that for you? Ryan? Seeing
your sister become a mom?

Speaker 3 (34:38):
Did you say big? First pregnancy? Jimmy John's every day
so Kevin Hart's wife, she works out, she looks pretty pregnant.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
He got me my trainer, He got me my trainer.
I did.

Speaker 2 (34:49):
I just.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
Every time, every time I would walk out my bedroom,
he would be there because it was the living room,
and he was like, oh my god.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
I was like, well, are they how old? What's the
age difference?

Speaker 1 (35:02):
One is three and when is eleven months old?

Speaker 2 (35:05):

Speaker 4 (35:05):
Okay, so first one you you you went in, You
went in.

Speaker 1 (35:10):
I went in. But yeah, but I lost the most
way I've ever lost, and then learned how to be healthy.
And I beat my genetics on the second pregnancy, so
I didn't have gestational diabetes. And I think it's because
I worked out and ate clean clean, And once I
saw that baby's face, my firstborn, I was like, Oh,
I'm gonna live forever and be as healthy as I

possibly can for you, and I, yeah, I can't.

Speaker 2 (35:34):
Feel like this.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Also, like picking up these toddlers. You gotta be some
type of fit. Yeah, walking up done twice a day. No,
I want two more. I want daughtas. I just got
these boys. I love these boys, but I need my daughter.

Speaker 2 (35:48):
Yeah, yeah you do. Let me tell you it. Look listen,
nothing against you, Ryan, And I'm sure the little dudes
in my house boys are the best. But it's like
when you grow up being the only girl with a
bunch of boys, which is me as well.

Speaker 1 (36:05):

Speaker 2 (36:06):
I was like, I don't have a girl. I'm gonna
just keep having babies until I have a girl. Like
it's just that's it.

Speaker 1 (36:12):
It's like I will not thought I'll have four boys.

Speaker 4 (36:14):
But yeah, and we balance things out and we're I'm sorry,
but like we kind of like you know, when we yeah, and.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
When we're what's going on here?

Speaker 2 (36:23):
When we're like when.

Speaker 4 (36:25):
We are like, I mean, I love my brothers and
you guys are loud and you can overpower, but when
we've had it, it's like the like when I'm like,
you guys need to sit down. You realize how powerful
girls are. We really do, even even when we're outnumbered.
So to not have a little girl would be.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
And I was gonna say, like seeing Megan, you know,
performing and making music and doing all this amazing stuff,
I'm like, God, she's like, this is what she was
meant to do. But then I saw her come home
with Riley and I was like, oh wow, this is
what she was born to do. She's such like she's
such a mom, like an amazing mom, and it tripped

me out at first. I was like, I was like
seeing a whole different human being. I was like, whoa,
this is a different Magan. But I'm like, I'm here
for it. She's the best mom.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
I want to be mom. Since I was like twenty two.
As soon as I.

Speaker 3 (37:19):
Think she was serious, because I'm like I see her
as like young Megan just we're chilling the couch watching
South Park. So I was like yeah whatever one.

Speaker 2 (37:27):
Day, yeah, so okay, wait, and you're you're single Ryan.

Speaker 1 (37:32):
Right and if you know someone.

Speaker 3 (37:34):
No, no, no, I sat up. I set up. I set
up a boundary. Okay for this, I set up a boundary.
I need I need you to stop doing what I've
been selling him. I don't need to be sold. I
am okay, you're I'm still figuring stuff out. I know
I'm thirty one. I know, I know it's old to
be figured out, but I'm.

Speaker 2 (37:53):
Gone, it's really not that old.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
It's really you're fine.

Speaker 3 (37:58):
Yeah, but I keep trying to tell I love her
so much, and I know it's out of love. But
we were traveling all over town and it's just like, hey,
your single, your single, your me, Ryan me, and I go,
you need to stop. We're also I'm going to have
a breakdown. So we've been we've been doing that. We've
been working on this nice boundaries. We set up bound
all right, because before I just wouldn't say anything, and
I would just I'd be like, I'll just get drunk
and forget this is ever happening. I can't do that anymore.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
I just have the best love with my husband and
I want him.

Speaker 2 (38:23):
To have that totally.

Speaker 3 (38:25):
It looks cool.

Speaker 1 (38:25):
It's just great. I love it.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
And what about younger bro So younger Bros engaged?

Speaker 1 (38:31):
Yeah, married, found the greatest girl. She's packing our house
right now with him. They're like the best people and
they're so they're so in love and there's soulmates.

Speaker 4 (38:40):
And and he so so when you guys are all
writing together, it's just has this happened? Yeah, I mean,
have you guys been in a room just the three
of you writing music.

Speaker 1 (38:48):
Yeah, yeah, there's Yeah, there's a song on the new
album called Love on Hold and Forget How to Love
we do that too, but love on Hold was a
really fun one that we wrote together. And we write
a lot of love songs together, which is weird, but
it always makes sense to us, Like love on Hold
is like don't keep my love on hold, like don't
lead me on. At first, it's because we were listening

to the beat and we were like, oh, yeah, this
sounds like we're like we're on hold, and then like
in the waiting room the original beat, yeah, and then
Justson I think, was like, oh my love on hold,
and then we were like, oh, don't on hold, and
then it just it turned into a song.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
It's so easy, how fun, It's so fun to Now
do you ever disagree? And who who usually wins? I
think I know the answer to this, yeah, well.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
And I always my winning answer always is like, oh,
I'm sorry, is it your name and your face that's
going to sing this song? You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (39:47):
Like, well, I guess when you're writing.

Speaker 4 (39:49):
For you, Yeah, and at the end of the day,
you're going to be the final.

Speaker 2 (39:53):
You're going to be the final.

Speaker 1 (39:55):
But they do, they do have the best opinions, and
I do listen to them because like I'll sing a
lot and they'll be like, do that word sounds ugly?
Like don't sing it like that? Or and now they've
been like vocal coaching me. They're like, it'd be sick
if like because I try to do something different with
every album, and sometimes I'm like, do we rap again?
Because I rapped on my first album but no one
remembers I did, Like, yeah, it's pretty clear. I ain't

know sas too, Like I was rapping in all about
that bass. But every time I do it, we're always like,
just sing it, just sing it.

Speaker 2 (40:24):
Just you really were rapping in that song, I know.

Speaker 1 (40:30):
And all of those songs there was always a bridge
that had a full rap, and I'm like, oh my goodness.

Speaker 2 (40:35):
So now when you write, do you write mostly on piano?
Do you write on guitar? Do you write on the computer?
Like what's your mass?

Speaker 1 (40:44):
I used to I used to write everything on the
ukulele because I was traveling so much and I didn't
want to lug a guitar everywhere. But lately for these albums,
I did a lot of piano and I would get
the chorus down and I would bring my co writers
in an audition. The song was always like I'm so nervous,
I want to pee my pants, but what do you
think about this? And then it worked every time though,

so it was really nice and I got lucky.

Speaker 4 (41:10):
Do you feel like I mean, you guys basically do
everything together. I mean, Ryan, I'm assuming you're you go
on tour right as well?

Speaker 1 (41:18):
Yeah, he's going to open.

Speaker 3 (41:19):
A little different tour for me this time.

Speaker 2 (41:21):
He's got work today.

Speaker 3 (41:22):
Or before, I was well still working, but it was
more like take video and pictures and.

Speaker 1 (41:27):
All that stuff social media.

Speaker 3 (41:28):
But you know, now I'm going to be a big,
big star. Okay, it's time to shine.

Speaker 1 (41:33):
It's time to shine.

Speaker 3 (41:34):
I have to learn DJ. I'm going to crowd up
before the show begins. I'm I'm the ultimate hype guy
for Megan, for anyone around me. I want everybody to succeed.
He's my h but I want everybody to win.

Speaker 1 (41:44):
He's my head shot.

Speaker 3 (41:46):
I'm here to just like, let's have the best time ever.

Speaker 2 (41:48):
Wait, so you're gonna go on the road and DJ
before you before you go on.

Speaker 1 (41:52):
Yeah, like the in the open openers.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
To steal this. I am going to make all Over
DJ before.

Speaker 1 (42:04):
We're selling like the VIP package. Instead of meet and greets,
we're gonna do like a very special working on It pod,
which is our podcast where we're with my husband and
we're going to do it live and like have fans
come early and hang out with them, like and it
sounds how fun. I know, smart, This is a great idea.

So get your tickets now.

Speaker 3 (42:30):
I know.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
When are you guys.

Speaker 1 (42:32):
Going on the road September in October? Please show up, please, please, please,
for love God, we need people to show up. We're
doing arenas. You're doing arenas, yeah, which is like, I'm
so excited.

Speaker 4 (42:44):
I was my bucket list. That's the last thing I
need to This is going to be so fun. Are
you doing all Over or you just.

Speaker 1 (42:50):
Doing We're doing We're doing Red Rocks. So we're doing
North America yeah, and one Canada show. I know, I
just found out, and then we're ending at the Forum.

Speaker 2 (42:59):
I can't wait for Red Rocks.

Speaker 4 (43:01):
I've got my bucket list too. I'm like, you, Gorge,
I want to play Red Rock.

Speaker 1 (43:08):
We're doing MSG. We went there to like do some promo,
and we were like, we're not ready for this. We
were so nervous. Fun.

Speaker 4 (43:16):
I remember I remember when my ex husband played with
Madison Square Garden on New Year's and it was just
like the moment fun.

Speaker 2 (43:26):
Yeah, it was awesome. It was a great show. Oh,
let's talk about boundaries with each other.

Speaker 1 (43:42):
Okay, great.

Speaker 3 (43:43):

Speaker 1 (43:43):
Well, our parents weren't in that generation yet of expressing
their feelings a lot. So for our boundaries that answer,
we are. We are the generation that is like going
to therapy and learning how to speak up for ourselves.

Speaker 3 (43:58):
It's very knew.

Speaker 1 (44:01):
His first boundary that was loud and real was like
the other day when he was like, hey, stop promoting
my singleness. Yeah yeah, And I was like, oo, I
keep messing up.

Speaker 2 (44:12):
Yeah, but Ryan is single for anyone out there.

Speaker 1 (44:15):
Yeah, and then I gotta say stop saying that.

Speaker 4 (44:23):
But boundary right, Okay, So you were finally I would
be like, Okay, I love you, I'm over it. I
don't I you're Is it hard for you to.

Speaker 2 (44:31):
Set a boundary for yourself, Ryan?

Speaker 3 (44:33):
Yeah, it was. I avoid conflict on the people and
my mother. I will hold on to stuff till the
day I die. So now I've stopped doing that and
started to be like, okay, hey, we need to have
a conversation, which that sentence alone. I've never said that
and then so now I've started doing that, and they're
never fun. But when you're done with that conversation, everyone
feels so much better. I cried, well, but it's because

I also I still.

Speaker 1 (44:58):
Don't know better Now I feel better.

Speaker 3 (45:00):
No, I still get a little wound up and don't
say everything correctly that I want to say, because I struggle.
Emotions are new for me too, feeling everything. He never
like I was numb from like fifteen to twenty eight.

Speaker 2 (45:15):
Why do you think that happened?

Speaker 3 (45:18):

Speaker 1 (45:19):
My alcoholic Yeah, but also like Dad never was an emotional.

Speaker 3 (45:23):
Person, you know, never saw Dad cry except for one Christmas.

Speaker 1 (45:27):
Oh yeah, yeah. He was like an older dad, so
there was not a lot of emotions. We still don't
stuff down with some brown stuff that we still don't
know how my dad feels sometimes, you know, and we
only hear it through like if he complains to my
mom and I'm like, that's how he feels, you know,
like he's not he won't communicate well, and my mother

on the other side, I've like broken her so much
that she finally is like in therapy and expressing her
feelings and that's new to her too, So we're finally
in a better open place. There was like a joke
that we had in the family, like, oh, the secrets,
Like we'll never tell you how we really feel, but
we'll just have these secrets.

Speaker 4 (46:04):
I it's so funny because you guys feel very open
and and like you like you know, and joyful, so
like I guess, like it's such an interesting learned thing
to be afraid of vocalizing your feelings.

Speaker 1 (46:20):
Yeah, we're trying to be that. We're trying to Like
on our podcast, we have a lot of like epiphanies
and a lot of like, oh, this is how I've
been feeling about this. Like it's pretty I tell people
it's our family therapy on the podcast. But it took
a lot. It took a long way to get here.
I had, like in my early twenties, had like panic
disorder and started crumbling and having like panic attacks, and

no one could relate to me and our in our family,
they never had anxiety like that. They didn't know what
it was, and we were on educated about it, and
then so I thought I was dying. And then he
came up to me and was like, just so you know,
like the toughest guy in my life. He was like,
I have panic attacks all the time. Just go to
the er. They'll give you a pillow, you'll be fine,
and go home and you'll be safe. And I was like,
you've had this, like you And my first thought was

why did we not and why does none of us know? Yeah,
it had panic attacks and felt like you were dying.
Like that's how closed he was. And now being sober,
we're much more trying, like open with our feelings.

Speaker 3 (47:19):
There's a saying in AA it's like you're as sick
as your secrets. So I had a lot of secrets,
and so yeah, I was just very, very sick.

Speaker 1 (47:25):
We're trying to not have secrets anymore.

Speaker 2 (47:27):
Yeah, this is so good, this is so healthy. I
liked it.

Speaker 3 (47:31):
I mean, yeah, I started putting on a mask and
people pleasing at like the age of twelve. So like
I explained it on Want Of we had an episode
Doctor Drew and I explained what happened to me when
I was twelve with my who I thought were my
friends at the time, and he was like, dude, that's
like real trauma. You need to see my friend as
a trauma therapist and go through some stuff with her.
But in that moment, like the next day, I it's

like I didn't want to get them in trouble, like,
but what they did to me was bad. So and
I put on a face like awesome sleepover guys, that
was the best dude, see it at school, like it
just it was a night It was a nightmare. Yeah,
and then yeah, and.

Speaker 1 (48:05):
He didn't tell.

Speaker 3 (48:06):
My mom didn't tell until I was like eighteen years old.
Like that's how insane when you're that young.

Speaker 1 (48:12):
You do you feel about sleep on?

Speaker 4 (48:14):
I know, I think that I think that happens to
so many kids, and they don't talk about it, you
know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (48:20):
I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (48:21):
Exactly what details are talking about, but I think there
are so many kids who have traumatic experiences when they're
growing up, And how do you know how to vocalize
whether something feels right or wrong or what's going to
be You know that what does that mean for your
social status at the school, And you know, it just

becomes scary to be able to be like, yeah, that
didn't feel right, and therefore I'm going to say something
is like the hardest thing for kids to do still
to this day, you know, no matter how much people
talk about it.

Speaker 3 (48:55):
Oh because in the moment when you're that young, you're like,
this is the this is this will be the end
the world. If I go and say something like that,
my life will be over it. Yeah, and it's just
not it's it's crazy how like you look at time
when you're such when you're a young kid, everything just
the yeah, and it is so long and beautiful and

there's so many things that happen. It's oh man.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
Well and also now you're got you're out of your
saturn return. So that's a big one too about it.

Speaker 3 (49:29):
We don't know. I'm here for it.

Speaker 4 (49:31):
Well for I will send you something on it because
we're But the saturn return is basically it's like everybody.
Usually it depends on your chart, but for those who
are into astrology, it's like usually twenty nine thirty or
some of some people twenty eight. Like in that pocket
in that window when you come out of your saturn return.
It's like a lot of people will say, it's like

all of that stuff that felt like it was so big,
and it was just so much chaos or so much
like transition and trying to figure out what it all means.
It just sort of all of a sudden feels like
it's lifted.

Speaker 1 (50:06):
It's like, God, it.

Speaker 3 (50:08):
Just sat in return feeling it.

Speaker 4 (50:11):
It's true, you should read about it because it's the
Saturn returns a big one. I think people when they
come into their thirties, they really feel hopefully, you know,
like they're turning a new like a real new way
of living versus how you did in your twenties. That's
why so many people go, I don't really would wouldn't

ever want to do my twenties over again.

Speaker 1 (50:34):
When he sucked, dude, they sucked, I'm like, gaos, Yeah,
it was that I had my babies, but I still
I felt like I still feel like sixteen, im pregnant.
Like when I had the I'm like, I'm.

Speaker 4 (50:45):
Very young for this, you know, I know, tell me
about it. I had mine at twenty four. I was
so young and so and it's the best. Oh my gosh.
And now he's like, you know, twenty and.

Speaker 1 (50:57):
You have a twenty year old it's insane. You look
so good. I thought the way we were. We were
at the Katy Perry pickleball tournament. Yes, and I couldn't
we couldn't stop staring at you because you're a goddess
and you were You're like. I was like, oh, she's
been playing. No. I was like, you've been playing since
you were four years old, Like you were trained for
the Elema.

Speaker 2 (51:17):
That was so funny, that's right. Do you know I
haven't played pickleball in like two, like a year.

Speaker 1 (51:22):
I like, I was like five months post c section,
and I me and Daryl had zero points, like kind of.

Speaker 3 (51:33):
A divorced at the end of the day.

Speaker 1 (51:34):
Honestly, I've never been so much upset with my husband.
I was like, you failed us, because he's good, but
he took too much of the time disappointed and every
thing he missed. He looked at me and was like,
what the And I was like, are you kidding me?

Speaker 2 (51:50):
Wasn't it fun? Though?

Speaker 1 (51:51):
Isn't it?

Speaker 2 (51:51):
Pickleball tournament? So much fun?

Speaker 1 (51:54):
It was so great. Also, my mom will murder us
if we don't tell you this. We saw you perform
at Seth McFarlane Christmas party. Oh that was the first
time we were like, oh, an angel of a voice
what is going on? And that night Seth I was
like brand new, like out here, and Seth was like, hey,
if she wants to come up and sing, and after

you sang, I was like absolutely not. I'm gonna go
a drink and leave because like, oh no, I could
never follow this.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
Hell no.

Speaker 1 (52:22):
And then I think Christina Aguilera was supposed to go,
You're a god. We all were obsessed with you.

Speaker 2 (52:27):
I love you. Thank you for saying that.

Speaker 4 (52:28):
That was actually terrifying because I didn't want to sing.
They were just like I'd never known.

Speaker 2 (52:34):
Yeah, they were.

Speaker 4 (52:35):
They were just like you know, come on go and
everyone was like pushing me. I'm like, okay, I'm just
gonna do it.

Speaker 2 (52:40):
And I didn't know. I don't really, I didn't. I
didn't have anything.

Speaker 1 (52:44):
Like I was like, I don't know a Christmas song
like top to bottom, Like I was like, are we
doing jingle bells?

Speaker 4 (52:49):
Since then, I've learned songs. Since then, I need to
know a couple everything, Like I did lyrics up there,
like I'll go to mess.

Speaker 2 (52:57):
Up my friend Johan. Do you know Johann car.

Speaker 1 (53:00):
Yeah, he did a bunch of songs with me. I
love him.

Speaker 4 (53:03):
Yeah, he us too, and he he has his Christmas
party every year.

Speaker 2 (53:10):
Have you been to the Christmas party?

Speaker 1 (53:12):
Gone? But he invited me, So.

Speaker 4 (53:14):
Now you know when you go you have to sing
like there's no no not going.

Speaker 1 (53:20):
I'm not. Yeah. The thing with my voice is like
it's so weak and fragile that I'm not and I don't.
I'm not confident enough to be like if there's a piano,
let's sing, you know, like, oh it's my nicety. Stop
it almost like sit down and let's write. I'll do it.
I'll do it all day, all night. But if someone's

like should we sing? Like should we get Like my
friend Scott from Pentatonics, I couldn't make it to his
wedding and I was like, honestly, I would have pooped
my pants there because the greatest singers of all times
were there and everyone got up and sang, and I
was like, I would not have done that. Like I
need you to know that I'm not comfortable doing that.

Speaker 4 (54:00):
I just how do you feel about people not writing
their own songs? Do you have a personal attachment to
those kinds of things or do you does it just
like do you not care?

Speaker 1 (54:13):
I don't. I like back in the day, how like
Carol Kin could write for Aretha, you know, and like
that was cool. And I think if you're an awesome
artist and you're talented and you sing like I think
it's smart for some artists when they pick a really
well written song and then that helps their whole career
and that's great. I'm like extra exhausted and I get

bummed when like my song doesn't do as well sometimes
because I'm like, oh, that was from my heart and soul,
you know. So I think there's a more personal attachment
like that. But yeah, it's odd, But how.

Speaker 4 (54:48):
Do you feel personally about writing? Like do you have
to write every song you sing?

Speaker 2 (54:54):
Or are you coming to.

Speaker 1 (54:55):
There's been like two songs I put out that I
didn't write, but it has to be incredible and I'll
play for the whole family and they're like, you got
to sing this song? Yeah, but uh. I was like
on a DJ song once for fun that I was like,
never done this. I'll sing their song or sometimes I'll
change a few lyrics with few words. Marvin Gay with

Charlie Pooth that was like all him and I heard
that with a different singer at first, But when Charlie
said he was gonna cut it. I was like, I
beg of you, please let me sing on the song
with you. I will do anything, please, please please. It's
the most beautiful song. I promise will sound good together.
And he let me do that, and that was like
the coolest, like one of the really coolest parts of
my career. And then my song me Too, like if Iao,

I Wanna Be Me too, mostly written by Jason Derulo
and my good songwriter friends Jay Cash and Ricky Red,
and I was writing with them at the time. I
just changed the melodies up in the pre chorus and
a few lyrics. But I should have I always feel
so silly say I walk in like a dying piece.

I gush I to be eyep because I'm like I
never do these things. Yeah, I was like, this is
Jason Derilla, you know. But they played me that song
while we were doing my second album and I had
songs like no and we were like, we need a
backup that's upbeat, and they were like, it's just weird
if Jason sings this because it's so confident and so

like if I was you, I Wanna be me. They're like,
it'd be better if of like an empowering female saying it,
and I was like, yeah, I love this song. I
would take this song a heartbeat. Yeah, that's like a
rare case.

Speaker 2 (56:35):
So you're open, You're too open?

Speaker 1 (56:37):
Yeah, yeah, I really ran it. It has to be
like a great song. But I mostly just go in
and write. But I'm trying to write for other artists
as well, like I.

Speaker 4 (56:46):
Used to do more fun. Yeah, that's something that I
look forward to doing too. I just like, I just
love to write.

Speaker 2 (56:52):
It's just so much fun. And your cousin writes, Yeah, Sarah,
she's a great writer.

Speaker 1 (56:58):
Yeah, she's big hits.

Speaker 2 (57:00):
She has written some big hits.

Speaker 1 (57:03):
Big tunes. Last I saw her do a show.

Speaker 4 (57:06):
Yeah, she's written a lot for Hey, cool girls, what's up?
I know she is a cool girl.

Speaker 3 (57:12):
You know.

Speaker 2 (57:13):
It's that Italian you can't help it. It's just sort
of it just kind of like Sash.

Speaker 1 (57:20):
Every time I see her, I'm like, is it you? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (57:25):

Speaker 4 (57:26):
So we usually end every episode with one question that
you guys have to answer, like you guys say to
each other, which is, if you could take one thing
from your sibling that you would emulate, what would that
be any and the other part of The question is.

Speaker 2 (57:44):
Is if you could.

Speaker 1 (57:47):
Oh, I don't know what words are hard for.

Speaker 5 (57:51):
Me vocabulary simple emulate if you if you could so?

Speaker 2 (58:01):
Yeah, if you if something that you could like that
you wish you had more of, you know any other.
And then the other part of the question is something
that you wish you could alleviate from your siblings that
you think would make their demons.

Speaker 3 (58:19):
Sort of, this is fun, this is fun.

Speaker 1 (58:23):
Okay, Wait, wait, I wish to have your I wish
a lot of things.

Speaker 3 (58:28):

Speaker 1 (58:28):
I wish I had your high I wish I had
your charm. I wish I had your pretend confidence. Yeah,
like you could walk genuinely in any place, in any
room and make friends. And I think I could do it,
but I know you can do it. How what?

Speaker 2 (58:44):

Speaker 1 (58:44):
And I wish I could take away yours? Sorry, I
wish I could take away your your alcoholic demons and
your and I wish I could take all of your
self doubt and self hate away if I could, Wow,
could if I could pay for it to be gone? Oh,
because you're just so cool and you hate yourself and

you didn't because you're awesome.

Speaker 3 (59:07):
I thank you. That was very nice. That was well done.

Speaker 1 (59:10):

Speaker 3 (59:11):
I have your confidence. I don't have any, Okay, emulate
your love for life and love for your family, and
an abundance of and and discipline. I wish I could
have your discipline and ethic.

Speaker 1 (59:29):
This is true, and your ability.

Speaker 3 (59:33):
I love people around you to help you become better.
Trust Yeah, and then what would you take away all
of your anxiety?

Speaker 4 (59:43):

Speaker 1 (59:44):
Thank you and your phone and my phone take away
my fear of death?

Speaker 2 (59:51):
Well, that happens when you have babies. That's what I
get through it.

Speaker 4 (59:55):
I mean, you got to figure that one out that
I had a big one when I have my first son.
I was like, that's what it is.

Speaker 2 (01:00:01):
I can't die. You can't die, nobody can die still,
But then you gotta work through it because I mean, fuck,
we're gonna die at some point.

Speaker 1 (01:00:10):
I know I can't escape at it. And I'm like,
maybe I can buy a hack, but like I can't.

Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
I know, And there's you gotta get peace with it.
It'll make your life better. It'll make your life more peaceful.

Speaker 1 (01:00:23):
That's literally what my Timeless album is about. I wish
I could be timeless forever.

Speaker 2 (01:00:28):
I know.

Speaker 4 (01:00:29):
I know, well, you you did it. You will because
the album's out there, but personally personally coming to terms
of that, I think makes your life so much better
because you're not gonna you're you're not gonna beat that one.

Speaker 1 (01:00:44):
Yeah, I know it's I know have to be like ayahuasca,
I can't. I need you would, I need to say that. No, dude,
I'm I can't take dude, I a hero.

Speaker 2 (01:00:56):
Dose of mushroom.

Speaker 3 (01:00:58):
No you will, now I would be in the hospital.

Speaker 2 (01:01:01):
No you won't.

Speaker 1 (01:01:02):
I'll only do with you in a room and we
will get tell her to do a hero I will
do a micro dose with you.

Speaker 4 (01:01:09):
No, no, no, micro dose doesn't count a hero dose.

Speaker 2 (01:01:15):
You should go.

Speaker 4 (01:01:16):
And listen to Oliver and Ies podcast with Matthew Johnson,
who who is who studies this at Johns Hopkins. He's like,
he like heads up the psilocybin and an m d
M a kind of research wing. It's so fascinating. Hero
doses of mushrooms, like in a controlled setting is game changer.

Speaker 3 (01:01:38):
Really, it's fun go back to life. And I understand.

Speaker 4 (01:01:46):
They actually do it a lot with people who are
terminally ill because they have so much fear and it
just completely changes that their outlook and how they feel.

Speaker 2 (01:01:59):
About their connection to you know, everything, the universe. It's
get it.

Speaker 1 (01:02:11):
Oh my god, you gotta be by my bedside.

Speaker 2 (01:02:15):
You gotta be there, be like, I'll be there. I'll
come for sport. But you, guys, honestly, this has been
so much fun.

Speaker 1 (01:02:22):
Thank you. We could talk to you forever.

Speaker 4 (01:02:24):
And I hope we do get to write together one day, Megan.
That would be a blast.

Speaker 2 (01:02:29):
It would be so fun. I can't wait.

Speaker 4 (01:02:33):
Will you guys please tell me when you're in LA
for your shows in the fall.

Speaker 1 (01:02:38):
Yes, October nineteenth at the Forum.

Speaker 4 (01:02:40):
Okay, great, Well, I'm gonna write it down and I'm
gonna find you so that I can come watch.

Speaker 2 (01:02:46):
I can come see. Yeah, I know somebody.

Speaker 1 (01:02:48):
I'll get your tickets and then.

Speaker 3 (01:02:49):
Can join me on stage.

Speaker 4 (01:02:51):
Oh she will, don't honestly, don't, don't do that.

Speaker 2 (01:02:57):
It will be a disaster.

Speaker 1 (01:02:59):
So my mom will cry so happy. She'd be so happy.

Speaker 2 (01:03:03):
Allie will only spin like R and B songs from
the nineties.

Speaker 3 (01:03:07):
That's fine, I'm here for it.

Speaker 2 (01:03:08):
Yeah, that's gonna be. That's his vibe. It'll be like
it'll be just like you know, Brandy all day long,
Jo Tosy. Yeah, Yeah, let's go. That's Hollie.

Speaker 3 (01:03:18):
Thank you so thank you for you guys.

Speaker 2 (01:03:21):
To you again.

Speaker 1 (01:03:22):
We'll see you soon. Love you, love you, congrats on
your life. Bye you
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