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April 15, 2024 59 mins

Twenty seven years to the day, the Hanson brothers released Mmmbop which was THE BOP! The siblings originally from Tulsa Oklahoma, have not only stayed together, they've stayed humble.In this episode, we delve into the pitfalls of fame they managed to sidestep, and what they learned along the way from legends like Carole King.
Plus, find out how Kate and Oliver have a family connection with the famous siblings, and the Hanson brother who is also a musician but not in the band!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):

Speaker 2 (00:05):
I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
We wanted to do something that highlighted our.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Relationship and what it's like to be siblings. We are
a sibling.

Speaker 3 (00:20):

Speaker 1 (00:21):
No, no, sibling, don't do that with your mouth.

Speaker 4 (00:30):

Speaker 1 (00:33):
That's good.

Speaker 4 (00:38):
I am so excited because these guys were like babies, Oh.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
My god, Bob.

Speaker 5 (00:44):
I mean.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
I spelled oh oh oh o m b o P.
I know, I like um bob. I've changed the lyrics
a little bit.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
But they were like when I think it was going
on when you were already graduated from high school.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
I mean they're ninety six or something.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
I was graduating from high school.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
You I was in college.

Speaker 1 (01:08):

Speaker 4 (01:08):
Yeah, that's when they were like, you know, umbop was
like a big hit.

Speaker 5 (01:13):

Speaker 3 (01:13):
I mean I made love to many women from Boulder
to umbob Oh why because that's what I would do
up because I would be like cut up bop bop bop.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
That's like how I made love.

Speaker 5 (01:32):

Speaker 4 (01:32):
By the way, you know, Uncle Mark I think might
have been a producer on that.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
We need to ask that.

Speaker 4 (01:36):
I think Uncle Mark either produced the album or I
don't know something.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Yes, let's say they are they Hansen Connection? Here?

Speaker 2 (01:43):
Are they ready? Are they here?

Speaker 1 (01:45):
They're here?

Speaker 2 (01:46):
Let's open let's open the door.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Oh looker, you guys are all together. I love it.

Speaker 5 (01:57):
Ye are It's better worse?

Speaker 2 (02:02):
So where are you?

Speaker 5 (02:03):
We're in Oklahoma? Yeah, we're in our studio of h
Q kind of, I mean twenty years ago we kind
of get this space set up when we went independent,
started label, kind of brought more and more stuff in house.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
And were you all living in Los Angeles and then
decided to move.

Speaker 6 (02:18):
To or No, Tulsa's home, Tulsa's are you know where
we're from? Never never fully uprooted. We lived, We were
living in New.

Speaker 5 (02:25):
York before we fully sort of returned to the Station Bay.
Now we've made a lot of records in LA and
that usually feels like you live there because you're there
long enough. Yeah, making this record, third record. Great to
meet you or see.

Speaker 4 (02:43):
You to me you, Yeah, well, I feel like I
might have met you some.

Speaker 5 (02:51):
One we've maybe, I'm sure we've. We have definitely cross paths.
And of course we we have a deep connection with
your uncle Mark, who yes.

Speaker 4 (03:00):
That we were just trying all I was like, no,
he heduced, didn't he produce him?

Speaker 1 (03:05):
Right with you guys?

Speaker 7 (03:06):
So yeah, so Mark Hudson, your uncle produced milanerware this
time around, uh snowed in and finally it's Christmas with us. Also,
all four of those albums, he's he's been.

Speaker 8 (03:16):
A good part, hindergoate, part of our our lives better
or worse better and most of the time and occasionally
there's some jokes in there.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
Oh my god. There he's nuts.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
I mean, he's a Hudson. He's a Hudson.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
I mean, you know, you know, how much should I
get into all the time actually just recently, you know,
I mean, it just goes with the territory.

Speaker 5 (03:42):
It we love it affection for that.

Speaker 4 (03:45):
I was, I said to all, I'm like, there's you know,
there is a deep Hudson Hansen connection here.

Speaker 5 (03:50):

Speaker 4 (03:52):
And I've just recently connected with my sister and my
brother and like everyone's in music. I mean, we're just
I know, the Hudson thing is just I don't know
what it is, Sarah. Everyone writes, and there is kind
of this like through line of pop in our family.

It's like the husband's love a pop song.

Speaker 5 (04:17):
Yeah, I have a good sense of it. I like
about connection. We can go a little further and say
the Hudsons know how to create a great pop song.
It's not just like a lot of people like music.
People aren't very good at it.

Speaker 4 (04:33):

Speaker 3 (04:33):
It's funny because on our on our podcast, the intro,
Uncle Mark wrote, and my god did real quick, real quick.
And I don't think I've even told the story ever.
In our podcast, our relationship with dad was our father
was a little bit strained, which means that we were
not seeing our uncles very much. We were at this
local diner that we always go to my family. This

dude comes up in a rainbow beard. I'm like, holy shit,
I think that's my fucking uncle.

Speaker 5 (05:01):
He's like, oh.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
Yeah, it's it's Uncle Mark. I'm like, oh my god,
Uncle Mark, and we're hugging. I'm like, I haven't seen
him in a thousand years. I'm like, where do you live?
Is between New York and LA. Where do you live
in La? He goes, I live in Brentwood. I said,
I live in Browood. I said, where do you live?
Where in Brewood?

Speaker 2 (05:16):
He goes, I live in this place called I live
in this place called.

Speaker 3 (05:18):
Baby Beebe, which is Morris Code and then he goes,
I live in the same place.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
And then he I said, what street do you live on?
He goes, I live on Oh, he goes, I don't care.
Come visit me, come to my house.

Speaker 5 (05:32):
I don't care. Uh.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
Turns out my uncle lives two.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
Hundred yards from me.

Speaker 5 (05:41):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
I mean, and I would run. I would run the neighborhood,
which is like a little loop. And there was this
car that stood out.

Speaker 5 (05:49):
In my memory.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
And he said the thing and it said what the
on the back, which is what my dad and his
uncles used to say all the time. And I'd be like,
that is so crazy, it's familiar and not putting it together.
And then boom, he lives two hundred yards from me.

Speaker 5 (06:05):
Oh my gosh, the universe has spoken. I love how
you said this guy walks up in a rainbow beard,
and that already anyone else you know has a rainbow beard?
You know, I know one guy with a rainbow beard.
It's Mark. That's it. Yeah, I might might be in
the world. I mean, there's very few. Only person I

know that true daily color match his outfit to the
color of his hair, right, yes, right.

Speaker 4 (06:35):
Okay, So let's start. Now, you guys started how old
were you when you released your first single?

Speaker 7 (06:43):
Okay, when we first released our first major record, I
was sixteen, Taylor was fourteen, and Zach was eleven. But
we started actually singing together and performing together and even
recorded stuff in that in that kind of first year
in nineteen ninety two, when I.

Speaker 5 (06:59):
Was a eleven, Taylor was nine and Zach was six.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
That's insane.

Speaker 5 (07:03):
It's a family.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
How did this happen? Like, let's let's go to even
further back. How did this even happen?

Speaker 5 (07:10):
Nobody knows.

Speaker 6 (07:11):
I mean, you guys have been around, and you know
obviously entertainment, music, creative stuff. It's hard to necessarily say
and like this is the moment, because to us it was. Yes,
there were definitely moments, but you're surrounded by a sense
of creativity. Another one of our parents were professionals in
the sense that they were earning them earning money as
musicians or arnest.

Speaker 5 (07:30):
They were some moments they kind of tried that a
little bit. I think the singing was in the DNA,
and I think the strange thing that we had We
told the story many times, but it's kind of an
isolated one, which is we our dad took a job
took him outside of Latin America, Oklahoma, a lot of
oil and gas companies, and so he took a job
nobody wanted, which was go audit companies in Latin America.

He took his young family and here we are in
Latin America for a year, basically isolated for reality, like
anybody else, no peer, you know, we're not watching whatever's
on t we're not listening to We're in this kind
of completely changed environment. Some cases kind of cool, some
cases kind of not so cool.

Speaker 6 (08:06):
Yeah, And and we had basically, our mom had basically
grabbed a few different things that were sort of you know,
things that we could take that were cultural references.

Speaker 5 (08:14):
One of them was this compilation of music from the
late fifties. It was a rock and roll album, to
be Good, and so we heard.

Speaker 6 (08:22):
We essentially had this sort of accidental immersion in sort
of the beginning of what pop and rock and roll
music really sort of we now know it as.

Speaker 5 (08:31):
And it was Chuck Berry, it was what it was writing.

Speaker 7 (08:32):
It was the Franklin and most importantly, it's two and
a half minute pop songs. So if you learn how
to write a good song, it's the condensed twelve.

Speaker 5 (08:43):
Dollar boys, get the course.

Speaker 7 (08:44):
Get to the chorus kind of version, and yeah, there's
some of them that are deeply sophisticated, but for the
most part, it's kind of like if you could condense
a pop songwriting course into a twenty song you know, compilation,
that's probably about as good as you're doing.

Speaker 6 (09:00):
And kep talking about the connection to pop music, I
mean there is from that moment on. I mean that
the sort of Hanson connection with pop is that, you know,
when we say pop music, we're talking about pop writing,
like song hooks, creation right now, people, if you sort
of in the last thirty plus years, you know, whenever
someone talks about what's your favorite pop song, they associate production,

right Madonna or you know, something very slick. But we
go back to like what's a song like it's a hook.
It's it's sort of finding that essential.

Speaker 5 (09:29):
Thing and it's We got into a fight with Uston
that was in the A list about what pop music
was way back Yeah.

Speaker 9 (09:35):
Oh really, Yeah, we were debating that pop that pop
songs were much broader.

Speaker 1 (09:40):
I would love to know Ashton's point of view.

Speaker 5 (09:43):
Probably just going to tell you that I almost broke
his leg and he wouldn't be lying accidentally pushed him
off of a riser. In the long history of getting
you got Rob Schneider. It's like, it's not intended physical violence.
It's just a drummer thing we've been taught sense of
young age. Hitting things is how you get the right
thing to happen, right, just you have to I just

you know, I'll just help me in no way, you know,
show you know, you're just being playful. Then you realize, oh,
you're not eleven anymore, you're eighteen, and people.

Speaker 6 (10:14):
That that's really what it was is Zach had been
drumming and playing since we you know, since he was
on stages and such a litt.

Speaker 5 (10:19):
Kid, and all of a sudden he get his burst
and he's this bigger human. We'd have to be like, Zach,
you can't push people like that. You heard them, it's
why so you're going to play chicken and climb on
your shoulders. You're the size of a man. You just
haven't figured out that.

Speaker 4 (10:34):
Yeah, I see, I know what you're saying. Like the
actual creation of a great pops I mean, obviously the
beatles like they're just I mean the beginning, you know,
and I forget. I think it was Paul who said, like,
you know, you if you have them singing the chorus
by the time the song is over the first time

you played it, you've created a good pop song right now?

Speaker 7 (10:58):

Speaker 5 (10:58):

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Did you guys write all your stuff or did you
have help or how did that all work?

Speaker 6 (11:03):
We always wrote, But actually, I mean the connection that
first record we were you know, sort of encouraged to
write with collaborate with writing ready with other people. But
I mean the first for instance, the first song that
we could we kind of you know, introduces the World
and Bop was a song we wrote completely. And and
so for us writing was I mean, of course you
write it wasn't it wasn't an extra who else what

is he going to do?

Speaker 7 (11:27):
Write songs? But we had a really great experience, I mean,
in most other things. Mark was one of marsh was
one of the first collaborators that we had the chance
to write with. And of course he had written Living
on the Edge with Aerosmith, which we were obsessed with.

Speaker 5 (11:38):
That record with Getagrab that's when we made that exactly,
and so we then we worked with wild Man wiland Man,
which was amazing. Unfortunately, we lost Cynthia this year.

Speaker 7 (11:49):
But she I mean that that that duo, that husband
wife duo, the amount of songs that just the two
of them wrote, not to mention the whole Dolphin and
King connection.

Speaker 5 (11:59):
They were, you know, the building.

Speaker 6 (12:01):
Writers in New York of I mean, they were one
of the most you know, my most successful songwriting pairs
in history, with On Broadway and I mean on and on.

Speaker 7 (12:09):
And then Ellen Shipley we wrote a song with she.
She wrote a bunch of Bilindo Carlisle hits and things
of that nature, and we wrote a song with her.
And then also a guy named Cliff Magnus who we
wrote a song called Madeline.

Speaker 6 (12:21):
But I mean, I think, I think music. We were
talking about this yesterday Isaac and I that we you know,
we love We're real. We're like a real rock and
roll band. Grew up in a garage band. Literally garage band.
You got to play. It was pre all of the
things we all use now, so we had to. But
we didn't grow up admiring you know, sort of envey
with like speed solos. We were admiring songwriters like we

were listening to motown and early rock and roll, and
so our sort of idols were those craftsmen, you know,
and so everything Billy Joel, Billy, you know, I became
Billy Joel and James Taylor and the people that just
wrote incredible you know, melodies that lasted, and so that
was always kind of our measure of what it meant,
you know, to sort of achieve. So when we got
into the room with amazing people, I think one of

the things that blew me away the most about it
was learning that sort of once you're in the room
with someone, regardless of whether or not they have a history, like,
all you have is what you did today, right Like
and even like Carol King, we've we've written a couple
of songs with who was a wonderful human and obviously you know, incredible,
incredible human as a creator who really aspired to that. Yeah,

she's Carol King and she's like, you know here here
I am hear me roar. But she's she's like this,
we're gonna write a song and we're all peers, and
that in that moment, you just have whatever it is
you're going to create, and I think it's incredibly humbling
and for the writers that don't behave that way, I
think the results show. Oh you know, it's like you
know it's and so with them again, Yeah, exactly, But

it's the collaborative spirit of you know, you you get
it's such a gift to create music and create art
because you learn how to walk into a room with
nothing and then try to make something.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
I don't know, it's that. I think it's the addiction.

Speaker 4 (14:11):
I love what you're saying, because what my I just
I finished an album, yeah, years in the making, and
one of the first things was I wrote with Linda
Perry and my partner Danny, and I'd never collaborated. All
the music I've ever written was me alone, either at
my piano like campfire guitar songs kind of like what

I can play on the guitar and my computer, you know.
But I mean, I probably have thousands of songs at
this point that I have never seen, like heard from,
no one's even heard them. But when I finally decided
to do it and Linda's we we kind of approached
the process with like just like a totally blank slate

and I I've never had someone actually kind of when
you say that, like the collaborative heir it, But I've
there was something particular about Linda Perry where she just
kind of powers through something. She never gives you too
long to overthink those of us who.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
Like to overthink.

Speaker 4 (15:20):
She's already on to the next noll it.

Speaker 5 (15:23):
She's very experienced now, especially now in week first connected
with her years ago, almost twenty years ago, she's she's yeah,
totally rad, but she was so much supporting, like sort
of there's being in the hot seat right and being
sort of like you think about guys that are doing
their you know, golf thing. They love golf.

Speaker 6 (15:42):
I mean I could kick that guys, but well do
it on the day that you have to do it
in front of a thousand people.

Speaker 5 (15:47):
Now you're a pro golfer.

Speaker 6 (15:48):
It's like with writing and producing, you're like, yeah, I
got ideas, and now it's Tuesday, and you know.

Speaker 7 (15:55):
Min and you just got the fact that you just
said golf because I'm really well, maybe to.

Speaker 10 (16:00):
Thy thinking about about the comparison to like average two
pro it's like this idea of like you have to
show up, like even if you don't, you don't have
to like write a kid every day, but you when
you're when it's the moment and you've been the producer
like she has and the writer and you're you're called
by the label, Hey, come on collaborate, how you know,
have a you know, be a part of this project,
and they she's learned how to be the partner.

Speaker 7 (16:22):
Well, Kate, Kate, I think what you're talking about too, is,
especially in your scenario where it's kind of it's kind
of uncharted territory a little bit for you. I think
she probably has the the awareness, as you said, the
experience to go no, no, no, this is we She's she's
helping you to kind of not find you. You have
to find you and not find the self conscious you.
Because I tell you what, one of the things that

concerns me the most is when I watch I've watched
this countless times with friends of mine who are great artists,
who they walk up on stage and they play this
song and it's great, and they get in the studio
and they are only as good as the other person
on the other side of the glasses feedback. They can't
they can't figure out how to just be who they are.

Speaker 5 (17:06):
And be okay with it. And and I like what
it's the microscope exactly.

Speaker 7 (17:11):
So I think what Linda is doing for you in
that case is she's going no, no, no, you got this,
stop thinking about it, just go just keep keep watching.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
And the importance of being bad I think of just
like being like whoa, that was fucking terrible.

Speaker 4 (17:29):
But the freedom and knowing that when you're going for
something or hitting it's like it's like when you're channeling it,
you know, it's like you got to kind of break
the barrier until then everything's sort of the floodgates open,
and then that melody comes or the word that becomes
that hook, you know, presents itself.

Speaker 5 (17:48):
Well, I've reconsciousness is a dangerous thing. Yeah, you know.
I remember it's just a particular song jumped in my mind.
We had this great piece of a song and it
was sitting around for years and years and years, and
I remember Isaac said, let's finish it. I said, as
long as I can break it, and he goes, don't

break it. I love this song, right, And so we
got in his argument over breaking it, and I came
back a few minutes later and I go, breaking it
just means changing this and it was like, oh that
work are you talking about on the road?

Speaker 7 (18:21):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, thank you for thank you for
breaking it. By the way, thank you for breaking it.
It got a lot better. Bear has no place in creativity.

Speaker 5 (18:29):
I think that's I assume that's true on the stage
or in front of the camera, but it's definitely true
with writing a great story and a song and performing.
Better to go for the note and kind of fail
because the opportunity if you, if you try without fear
to just get something that no one else would do,
is is the thing that goes from kind of mediocre

or good to kind of timeless.

Speaker 7 (18:53):
I think if you're afraid to, if you're afraid to
stick the landing, you'll never stick to the land.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
Story, right fears.

Speaker 4 (19:03):
I mean, look for me, art is all like you,
there is no such thing as measured art. Like you
have to just dive in head first or it will
never happen, you know, And you're you know, so you
have to risk it failure, and you're going to get criticized,
and you're gonna be you know, there's gonna be it's
going to be a roller coaster. But that's the whole point,

you know, That's that's the fat of the beast.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
I have abandonment issues, so you know that hinders me.

Speaker 5 (19:38):
I have fear of abandonment issues. You have a fear
of abandonment issues. That's abandoned him at this point, right
this decades.

Speaker 6 (19:52):
I don't think I should give you some abandoned exactly.

Speaker 5 (19:58):
It's not us like we haven't anywhere. Yeah, that's probably
the problem.

Speaker 4 (20:02):
Actually, Okay, so you guys have a huge career, you
start ninety seven, mbop comes out.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
Yeah, how does this affect your you know, and like
personal lives.

Speaker 3 (20:18):
You guys as brother right, who lost their virginity first?

Speaker 7 (20:22):

Speaker 6 (20:22):
Yeah, that on that one we'll probably say off the mic.

Speaker 5 (20:26):
But no, I think there's so many Honestly, there's so
many things.

Speaker 6 (20:30):
I've heard it described many different ways, but one I
would say, and again, you guys both have again I
think just so it's such an interesting perspective because being
in the entertainment industry, I think I think this is
probably true across just reaching any kind of fame to
some degree, A certain level of fame is sort of
just like a trauma. Right, It's not it's wonderful, it's
an incredible gift, but your brain, I think, experiences something

so dramatic and so extreme that if you do not
know why you're there, I think it it obviously that
you know, we've seen many sure people just kind of
can implode because no, no one's meant to sort of
live in a world where they're just really the most
important thing in the world to the world. It's too much, right,
There's just no person that can be that. And when
you have a particular set of moments where you know,

we've had a couple where you're like, wow, this is insane,
this is on the lips of all these people that's
first song was number one and twenty seven countries.

Speaker 5 (21:22):
At the same time. Crazy and so and so, what
you have to do the gift we had, like, honest,
going back to songwriting, honest, the greatest gift that we
were given, I think was having been the authors, having
been the writers, having that when we were getting that
sort of what felt like to the world like a
zero to sixty you know, you know jump, which it
was a huge jump, we were still talking about something

that was ours. It wasn't like some Svengali was like this,
what's gonna do kid, And that allowed us in a
way to evolve from ourselves to the next ourselves right
to the next record. It wasn't now we're going to
be ourselves if as that happens. And frankly, I think
the relationship with a lot of our fans. You know,
we have every record, every record, every song is a

high and a low. It's a roller coaster, it's a lot.

Speaker 2 (22:06):
How old were you guys when that when when when
you hit it? When Bob came out?

Speaker 5 (22:10):
Yeah, so it was sixteen, fourteen and eleven.

Speaker 3 (22:13):
So who was your who was your touchdown? Like, who
was who looked after you? I mean, who was the
one who you guys could go to?

Speaker 5 (22:20):
We had our at that point, we our parents were
with us all the time, and they had our dad
had quit his job when we got our record deal.

Speaker 7 (22:27):
Well it's really once it was really I think right
as it was getting released, he kind of said, okay,
I'm because he had done and he'd kind of done
remote work. He had a very good relationship with his
boss and was able to kind of keep and he's
also a very hard working person, so he was able
to do work while in California while we were making
a record, and then and then he kind of made
that transition once it looked like the record was really

going to work.

Speaker 5 (22:50):
He was like, I can't.

Speaker 7 (22:52):
Yeah, I can't allow my kids to just be sent
off with you know, without supervision.

Speaker 5 (22:57):
So he was kind of the primary, but our mom
was there old lot.

Speaker 6 (23:02):
The combination, I mean, you have to go back to
I mean who we all, all of us are a
combination of two, you know at some level. And with
our what we had with our folks is our dad
is extremely dutiful, kind of a frustrated poet, uh but
learned to be an accountant and kind of be a
good provider dad guy, which she doesn't really like, but
it can just work through it. And our mom who

is just like we just uncagable bird like she is
like she cannot live in a box of any kind,
and she's incredibly gifted as a singer and chose really
to do one be a homemaker, to be a you know,
to not pursue a career.

Speaker 5 (23:36):
Outside of that.

Speaker 7 (23:37):
Although she had full she had a full ride to
North Texas and prestigious, prestige, incredible ye Like the band
Snarchy Puppy for example, was just this crazy great like
jazz funk. Yeah thing they you know, they're all North
Texas state guys. I mean, so it's a music school.

Speaker 6 (23:53):
Yeah, So so Mom's amazingly gifted a singer, but really
really committed to family. And so when when things started
to happen, it was like we had this woman that
would basically walk up to anyone in any situation be like, yeah,
let's do this, and a dad that would be like
work ethic, you know, So to was kind of who
we are in a way.

Speaker 5 (24:12):
It's like weirless, work ethic, Yeah, fearless.

Speaker 1 (24:16):
How many siblings all together, we're.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
The oldest three of seven, are four over them. I
think it's sort of an interesting thing. I think they
did the service to us, maybe more than we did
to them, in that we had this fairly large, close network. Right,
so everywhere we went, we traveled to the UK, or
to Japan or wherever, and for a long time, all
those siblings would come with us, right, they'd go on

field trips to castles and things, and we'd be doing
radio tours and do radio shows. But when it came
to that evening for dinner or you know, a board
game or a video game, you still had a little
brother there and a little sister and kind of this
network of people where it seemed a little normal, but not.

Speaker 3 (25:01):
Did they like traveling with you guys, or was the
resentment later in life of like, look, we had a
life too, you know what I mean, Like you guys
took over.

Speaker 5 (25:09):
Shit podcast with our other SIPs. Yeah, they'll tell you
the truth. Those guys are tyrants. And I think it
was the hardest on our little brother. We have a
brother who is nine years younger than I am, and
he's actually a very talented musician and didn't really decide
to lean into music for a really long time because
he didn't know how to be a music person as

the brother of the music guys. I mean I joked
that Mac is like the favorite handsOn of anybody that
meets him. So yes, so mack Hanson is you know,
incredibly talented. But yeah, him being the other brother, so
you're much younger. Three other sisters, most of which are
not super outgoing, not super like front you know, I
want to be on stage. But Mac is like a
walking you know.

Speaker 7 (25:51):
He's just stillboard of let's just let's just say your
uncle Mark and our brother Mac get along completely.

Speaker 5 (26:03):
He doesn't have a rainbow beard, no, but he probably could.
He could, he could. I think the truth is you
just you don't know what your traumat what your traumas
are until later, I think, and I'm.

Speaker 4 (26:14):
Sure we try not to use that word on our podcast.

Speaker 9 (26:21):
Okay, I don't know what our challenges are intel against them,
but our negative social experience.

Speaker 5 (26:33):
We our normal has been a little weird. And for
the most part, I think that the family, the brothers
and sisters, we really did have a a sort of
closeness that was not about any of the other stuff.
And that that's a big deal, that that was a
tie that binds.

Speaker 4 (26:51):
Explain why you think that is now that you're older
and can reflect on it, Like you guys are young,
but you had an intimate see in a real brotherhood
that sounds like it.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
You didn't have too much conflict.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
Yeah, And by the way, after answering that, like was
their conflict and whether when how did those egos sort
of clash?

Speaker 5 (27:12):
You know? So I think there was conflicts like two
days ago, yeah, yeah, notably. So what I would say
is shared purpose I think is probably the biggest driving
factor between conflict and lack thereof. It's not a question
of whether there will be hard things to do. It's
a question of whether you're fighting over the direction or
the way that you're going to solve this hard thing.

And so for most of our life we had not
only the same direction, but the same bedroom and the
same house, and so it made it really easy to
stay on page. Like we always felt that it was
a gift to be able to make music. You're like,
where did this come from? It came so early in

life a job, are you kidding? Right? And so, you know,
spiritual or not. Was a sense that we're like, wow,
this is a gift given to us. Let's do well
by it. And I think that really helped as you
come in conflict with producers or record executives or people
who want to, oh, you guys should make a TV

show and stop, you know you should be You'll be
the cute when you this and you go, no, no,
we're we're doing this together. We have this thing. We
don't know how we got it, and we just really
want to do it as good as we can.

Speaker 6 (28:26):
Strong strongly felt that, I mean, and huge credits are
folks for that and instilling that. But I think this
spirit of just realizing i mean, gratitude is is just
baked in because we remember sort of right as things
started to take off, and people just feel like you
just woke up one day and we're famous, and we
felt like we've been working for twenty years because we

had five years like we're.

Speaker 4 (28:49):
All you know, you write your own music, you had
to play your own instruments. And at the time, as
as someone who loved boy bands, do you know it was.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
I'll always love a boy.

Speaker 4 (29:14):
Band, okay, But as someone who like grew up in
that era, like it was usually they were put together
by management or by record labels. They didn't really play
their own instruments. It was kind of like you and
the Jonas Brothers right right, were the only ones who
knew how to play instrument and loved to write a song.

Did you find did you have what was your relationship
with Like, did you find that you guys were always
like was it you guys and the Jonas Brothers?

Speaker 1 (29:48):
Was that sort of like.

Speaker 7 (29:49):
Well they were after I think we've I think because
of what you just said, we have actually historically really
joked that. The trouble is, we always felt like we
were in a category of one. We never quite felt
like we had like we have more group.

Speaker 5 (30:07):
We can't.

Speaker 7 (30:08):
It's like we get more in common with Johnny Lang
and blues Traveler then we had with a lot of
that series and all those guys, it just wasn't even
the same, like like the conversation just didn't quite start.

Speaker 6 (30:21):
We have more in common with Get our Friends, the Legends,
three Dog Night that played last night and the women
set in and it's like, this is a it's a music. Yeah,
music first, well, and just put that in context. Danny
Hutton is eighty two exactly.

Speaker 5 (30:38):
You're common.

Speaker 2 (30:42):
But hold on, hold on, I want to forget about
the forget about the music for a second.

Speaker 3 (30:46):
Okay, okay, because there's also that. There's also the sort
of the idolized. You know, how you guys were turned
into these teen idols you were on posters.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
I mean, you guys were.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
The ship that way. So how did you manage that?
Did you lean into it? Did you hate it? You know,
I mean music aside. Did you want to be taken
more seriously? Are you like, well we're more than that,
or we're like this is this is kind of rad.

Speaker 5 (31:13):
I think it's it's an interesting thing. I think a
lot of times, so we were experiencing that so relatively early. Yeah,
because you were eleven, like right, crazyly helped. Yeah, it's like,
I think that really helped. Because an eleven year old

sees a girl go and he doesn't go like, man,
she's gonna hot, but you do anything I want? He
goes like it's wrong with you? Do you if there's
something attacking you? Like is there a reason you're screaming
and hysterically crying? This isn't cute. I'll be back to

the not the Xbox. I'll be back to the N
sixty four. Yeah, I think that none of it. We
were so close all the time that I think there
was mostly a need to behave well because you saw
that the other guy would go like, dude, yeah, what
are you doing? Yeah?

Speaker 7 (32:14):
I eleven year old brothers would be real big tattle
tales if I was, if I was behaving.

Speaker 5 (32:23):
Yeah, I do think though it's you said music aside,
but but but you can't.

Speaker 6 (32:27):
The truth is you really you can't fully answer that
question and put music aside because we had a really
strong ambition, Like I mean, let's just be real. You
don't even if you're blessed, even if you're gifted, which
we were and I have been had an amazing life,
to get to do what we do, you have to
want it like you've got to want to be there
because it does not work without that. I mean, you

gotta even pitching yourself. We were before we got signed
to that label. We were turned down by every label
that matters. We well, we just what we saw are
we have these heroes on our wall, which were not
our generation's heroes, but they are legends, like the Jackson Five,
like the Beach Boys, like the Beatles, like the Elvis,

like these and to us it was like yeah here,
like yes, I mean, you're trying to go. They were eighteen,
they were they were rock and almost built by teenagers,
not only by the fans, but by the musicians. I
mean it was Elvis was eighteen, the Beatles and these
guys are all I mean Stevie Wonder down the line.
And so we just had this ambition. So if you

gotta it's almost like, you know, the dog that's chasing
and gets the you know, catches the car, we're gonna
let it go.

Speaker 5 (33:36):
Like there was a spirit of like I'm holding on
and so this especially this guy right here, so like
I'm a dog, not dog chasing its tail, chasing a bone,
chasing a ball. He goes chasing a car. The thing
that will kill you. Yeah, yeah, he goes. And then
when I get it, I'm not letting go. I'm gonna
hold on. You go, bro, you're getting seventy miles an

hour and you're getting drug behind the bumper. You're winning
as you got it. So you're getting this dynamic. Is
that a coming out guys? It's just showing up. So
we were not we We didn't party. We were young guys.
We what we wanted was to be respected, and that

was our huge battle, I mean, our huge battle. Our
whole lives was Isaac's sort of allude to this feeling
like a category of one right to be a band, right,
We're not a not really a boy band. We're a
boy band in the sense that we're kids. We were
kids and in our fan base was the target demographic
of boy band, right, because we were the age of

those at least starting out mostly young women, right. And
and so we're like, how can we get out of
this category? How can we just talk about why we
wrote the song rather than like, who's screaming your personality?
Are you the still one?

Speaker 3 (35:00):
I'm like, yeah, I'm the silly one. I'm eleven, right,
But you know, then you do. But then you dobop
and then it's like, Okay, that's fucking huge, and now
you have sort of stamped yourself as like okay, this
is it, and now the pressure.

Speaker 2 (35:15):
To sort of recreate that or to have another hit like.

Speaker 3 (35:18):
That, or it's like, well we want to do other
shit too, Well, how did that play out?

Speaker 7 (35:23):
I think that that's actually the difference for us, that
this is a particular one that's really interesting. And I
don't know why we think of it this way, but
I think the primary thing is authorship. Ohm bop is
brave as hell, right if you just wire anyone else
other than us, no artist older than us would have

the bravery to do that, because they would be worried
about what other people thought, what other people, how people
were going to judge them. Interestingly, that's what the song
is about.

Speaker 5 (35:56):
Oh yes, it's about it, right, So the.

Speaker 3 (35:58):
Song is about break it down. I'm actually interested in that.

Speaker 5 (36:02):
It's a tricky, weird thing where we took this very
sincere concept and this really catchy chorus and we smashed
them together. Well, remember back to the early story. We
were talking about who we grew up with.

Speaker 6 (36:13):
We we wrote with some of our heroes have written
with our heroes, but our references were duop earlier rock
and roll, So songs like Barry Man's.

Speaker 5 (36:21):
Who Put the Bop and the Bop the Ding Dong
do put the dip in the dip like these.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
That are like the fact to do that, to figure
that out, I can do it.

Speaker 6 (36:33):
These are the fabric of music. And so when we talk,
we the song I'm about basically start with two pieces.
It was a background part that we were working on
working on an early before that was, you know, a
record that was made by a major label. We had
another record and we were working on a background part
and we started saying and it was like, well, oh

that's kind of catchy where they come from.

Speaker 5 (36:58):
That's too catchy. It took over it because him like
a forward part, so it went over to the side, right.
It was like, Okay, well that's a cool idea. Don't
forget that. And it would just hung around for like
two years. It'd be like morning brushing teeth.

Speaker 7 (37:10):
And I remember saying, and I remember I kept pestering
Taylor and Zach about it.

Speaker 5 (37:17):
I'd be like, guys, guys, guys, this is a really
cool idea. This is really good I think did it
enough time.

Speaker 6 (37:22):
It's a pesterer, yes, but he we we basically we
were just a garage band.

Speaker 5 (37:27):
We were a living room band. We took over the
entire house when we were kids. They just we just
took over the living room. And so we'd gotten a
keyboard from a friend.

Speaker 6 (37:34):
We'd learned to play a classical piano, so we were
kind of like had enough chops to play some stuff
to about.

Speaker 5 (37:39):
The chagrin of our teacher. We'd stopped caring about actually
playing classical piano when we're writing songs. Isaac had a
little dinky, you know, plaunch op electric guitar and seventy
five dollars with the amp. One afternoon, I was sitting
sitting around playing over the few chords that I knew,
and part of what was going on in our life
this is this is old school, like, this is pre
anybody having any fame. We were already starting to like

turn what would be like a soccer game weekend for
most of our friends. And you guys, again, have grown
up in this entertainment business, so you understand the strangeness
that is the normal, like as well, like what might
be strange to one is normal to us like, sorry,
when you go to your birthday party. I got the
two shows this weekend, one outside of bar because it
can't play in the bar, the other ones in Kansas,
in somewhere.

Speaker 6 (38:20):
That's what we were doing is we were beginning to
make a choice that was really natural, and it was
it was pretty great, but we were beginning to be
separated from people like we would. It was like our
relationship with friends were a little hot, and so rejection, Yeah,
like what's your problem? What are you doing? And so
started writing this very simple song, and the lyric was

you have so many relationships in this life, only one
or two will last. You go through all the paintings,
drives and you turn you back and the guard so fast.
And so it's like this kind of a campfire song, right,
but it has the same beat. And so then essentially
this chorus that had been kind of floating around, it's like, well, pair.

Speaker 5 (39:00):
And then some bop They're gone. So yeah, yeah, I
would have been like eleven or twelve, Yeah, eleven, Yeah,
I mean I think what you're talking about is like,
in some ways we had to grow up really really
really fast, which is even at eleven, Taylor's thinking about
pain and strife and lost relationships because right now your problem, man,

it's wrong with you, which is part of the reason
why we're such weirdos. When we did we didn't party
that much. We didn't you know, we weren't that because
we were already bad.

Speaker 4 (39:38):
My journal entries at like seven have the same male
problems that they do when I was in my thirties.
Like you could just mirror my like relationship to Josh
in third grade.

Speaker 3 (39:50):
Yes, you know, I always say that too, Like I
found a diary, a journal of mine from like nineteen
nine and mine year's resolutions, and it's now twenty twenty four.
Nothing's changed, and I haven't. I haven't achieved one fucking thing.
It's all the same resolution.

Speaker 7 (40:14):
Yes, actually, well, and so this this is a really funny,
weird thing right where it's like, okay, so in some
sense or another, psychologically, you are a certain person no
matter what it's to show up.

Speaker 5 (40:27):
The question is just.

Speaker 7 (40:28):
Whether or not you can maneuver the world adequately that
it doesn't become a crutch a you don't rumble under
the pressure of your own insecurity. Yeah, I mean, well, look,
we I think also there's a spiritual component to it.
You can't you can't avoid this. Are our folks were.

Speaker 5 (40:46):
Very spiritually oriented, people grew up in you know, in
church and all that stuff, and so they'd say to us, look,
this is a gift from God that you have to
that you have to take good care of and.

Speaker 7 (40:59):
Also remember be grateful for it. But also very importantly,
you can gain the whole world and lose your soul.
Don't lose your soul.

Speaker 5 (41:08):
Whatever. We will be here and help you make decisions
as best as we can. And we may make bad decisions,
but here's the thing, they'll be your decisions, and we'll
make sure that what you feel good about is what
we will make sure that other people kind of follow
through on, and we will explain things, and we will
let you. You will be in the meetings as often

as possible, you will be on the phone calls as
often as possible. But nobody is going to make you
do something that's going to violate your conscience.

Speaker 3 (41:40):
And you guys, are so lucky, Like you had an
incredible upbringing, You had incredible parents to really put things
into perspective, you know what I mean, Like it's so easy,
It would have been so easy for you guys to
get all fucked up with fame and girls and all
this stuff. You know, I love what you said though
you were so young that it was almost prior to

feeling all of these things. Yeah, but still at the
same time, I mean, what an amazing perspective that you
guys had instilled into you.

Speaker 5 (42:08):
Yeah, we're very, very lucky in that way.

Speaker 4 (42:10):
And yeah, I always think that when you have a
really good childhood, you actually kind of emulate the same thing.

Speaker 1 (42:17):
Like we we grew up.

Speaker 4 (42:19):
There's four of us, like we all have a lot
of kids. It's a big family. Like big family environment
is what we are. Like I'm I'm looking around and
like I've got my everybody's here at our house over
eastern like gather. And there's something about that unit. And
I think at the core of it is spiritual spirituality.

Some people it's in a church. Some it's a different
kind of connection to spirituality.

Speaker 5 (42:45):
Absolutely, but like.

Speaker 4 (42:46):
Family, that strong family unit is so powerful in keeping
keeping people together and connected.

Speaker 1 (42:54):
And so you guys have like set like how many
kids are there between?

Speaker 6 (42:59):
Oh, so we did replicate that. Actually I'm the one
that tips to skir I have seven and Zach has five. Children,
and Isaac, I have three.

Speaker 5 (43:09):
I feel really inadequate in this.

Speaker 2 (43:11):
Isaac, what are you doing it?

Speaker 4 (43:14):

Speaker 5 (43:14):
I'm blowing it. Yeah, I only have three. I said
that to my wife. We have five kids, I said,
you know, and Isaac and Nikki, you know, they've got
three kids are kind of like a you know, small
it's a good medium family. And she goes, what is
wrong with you? Where I grew up, if you had
two kids, that was a bigger family. Three kids was

was practically Mormon. And you know, like I think practically
Mormon is another show.

Speaker 4 (43:44):
You know, how many grandparents, I mean, how many grandchildren
do your parents have?

Speaker 5 (43:49):
Twenty five? Yeah, I think all three of us are done.
But but our younger siblings are still going. I think
they could hit thirty. Yeah, all three little sisters. All
our youngest sister's husband has his has his way. Well,
tell he.

Speaker 2 (44:06):
Loves her a lot.

Speaker 3 (44:09):
Well, now that we get to the end, I'm just
wondering what you guys are up to, Like, what's what's
the plan?

Speaker 4 (44:14):
What are you doing?

Speaker 2 (44:14):
Are you writing? You performing? You out there? What's happening everything?

Speaker 5 (44:18):
I mean, there's a little bit of all all those things.

Speaker 6 (44:21):
I mean, one of the fast forward is, you know,
part of why we're here today is because we you know,
we made some choices along the way. I think to
think long term and think about where you wanted to
be thirty plus years and nobody's got it perfect. But
we you know, claimed our independence left Universal after second
record and sort of said, hey, we you know, we
have this great thing, but we're in a label that

has is just a corporation that doesn't really know what's next.

Speaker 5 (44:44):
And that came and getting absorbed into a deal and
people finding us being in charge just a big corporate
kind of mess.

Speaker 6 (44:50):
And anyway, so we've been independent, started on Label twenty
years ago, and that relationship with fans, just really building
something from the inside out, like building relationship with your audience.

Speaker 5 (45:00):
Working on shows, working on shows later guys, I would say,
Taylor didn't say anything yet. Working on that's that's normally
my job.

Speaker 7 (45:11):
Yeah, So we're we're working on shows for later in
the year. We haven't announced them yet, but there's definitely
some shows that are being booked that'll be really fun.
We're celebrating the anniversary of our of our third record,
which is called Underneath, and we're going to put together
a cool thing with that.

Speaker 5 (45:24):
So some new recordings, some songs that haven't been released
to the public. It'll be coming out later in the year.
The song in Me, which is the first single from
that record, which you know, we're going to do something
special with that. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (45:35):
Did you guys end up were you able to? Do
you own your masters from your earlier records?

Speaker 5 (45:39):
Yeah, so we own all our masters from our third
album on and then everything reverts when I turned forty five. Yeah. Yeah,
So so that's something that a lot of artists, I
don't know if they're you know, they don't think about
that future. And when you get a chance to renegotiate
your contract, negotiate your masters.

Speaker 7 (46:00):
To exactly make sure that the perpetuity is not in
any part of the legal language.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
I feel like, I feel like that's the one thing
people don't understand about the music industry.

Speaker 1 (46:10):
It's there's so much to.

Speaker 4 (46:12):
It and for people that are hungry and just want
to like get in it, do it? Do you end
up giving so much away? And in order to make
money in the music industry.

Speaker 1 (46:21):
It's really hard.

Speaker 5 (46:23):
Oh yeah, incredibly Yeah, Like you.

Speaker 4 (46:26):
Know, it's it's expensive. I mean, everything you do is expensive,
and it's still to pay to play. I mean, if
you're still to get an album or a single out
there that that has a lot of plays, like, you
need to be putting a lot of money behind it.
And you it's like you either have to have something

go viral on TikTok or you need to putting millions
of dollars behind a song to get it played the
way a lot of the top songs are getting played.

Speaker 5 (46:56):
It's an in business, right. You put in pennies and
over long, long, long time, and if you're lucky, those
grow and grow and compound and grow. I mean, our fans.
The craziest thing about our fans now is to see
the multi generational nature of it. Right, the fans who've
been with us since they were twelve bringing their twelve
year olds with them right the shows. You're like, we

doubled our fan base. Yeah, yeah, you literally multiplied.

Speaker 2 (47:23):
I've got an idea. I've got a I've got a
viral idea. You might have already thought about this.

Speaker 3 (47:28):
I say we do bop acoustic and make it really melancholy,
you know what I mean. Really, I'm telling you, like
it's like just acoustic monos. You know, really lean into
I'd like to hear that acoustic version. If you'll do
it with us, we'll do it.

Speaker 2 (47:51):
Pipes, you already have it.

Speaker 5 (47:52):
You already had some Hudson fusion handsome, I've got pipes.

Speaker 2 (47:56):
I've got pipes.

Speaker 5 (47:57):
Let's go, I believe.

Speaker 4 (48:06):
Let's do a rapid fire because we love this and
they usually take longer than really rapid fires are.

Speaker 1 (48:14):
What's the first word that comes to mind when you
think of let's say, Zach, Oh.

Speaker 5 (48:21):
Gosh, first word, I just thought sugar. I thought, I
thought actually intense, intense, intense sugar, intense sugar.

Speaker 2 (48:32):
Those two things go.

Speaker 5 (48:35):
Basically mountain dew is basically what we just said, like
a walking.

Speaker 1 (48:40):
I mean, I mean, Zach, you are drummers. That does me.

Speaker 5 (48:45):
I did.

Speaker 4 (48:46):
That's because my son, my son's a drummer. My middle,
the middle is a drummer, and he's intense and sugar.

Speaker 7 (48:53):
Yeah, I'm so sorry, and I love him. He's actually
very sweet in a lot of ways. I think some
of your intensity comes from being kind of living in a.

Speaker 5 (49:01):
Dress world, psychologically guarded exactly, Okay.

Speaker 1 (49:05):
And there are some generalizations about drummers that are altrue.

Speaker 5 (49:08):
Yes, everything the guys who hang out, all of them.

Speaker 1 (49:12):
Anyone who has ever been in.

Speaker 3 (49:13):
A band knows, Yeah, yes, I'm at this. Who could
benefit from therapy the most?

Speaker 5 (49:22):
Zach like that, you just won't go. He's got it sorted,
He's fine.

Speaker 1 (49:32):
Okay, you could go to therapy the most.

Speaker 5 (49:35):
I mean, I would like to administer it.

Speaker 1 (49:39):
I love Taylor. One word to describe Taylor for me
to do.

Speaker 5 (49:45):
They're good. I'm gonna see if they're trying to be kind, brave, brave?
All right, brave, Yeah, let's see. Uh gosh, what don't
don't think? You don't think?

Speaker 7 (49:54):
No, I know, I know.

Speaker 5 (49:55):
Well, I was going to say a similar word. You're
gonna say dangerous, weren't you No, I was gonna say, well,
I that was my second word, dangerous. Yeah, I was
gonna seek adventure actually correct word. I'm in. I proved
I approved this message, Okay, Isaac loves.

Speaker 1 (50:14):

Speaker 5 (50:15):
I tried to think of a second word. That was
the first word that came to the bottom line. Honestly,
Isaac is, I was gonna. I was looking for what
the first actual war came to mind was relationships. Isaac
is if Isaac is a people person that I guess
a guy who is is amazing wingman, like the guy
that's going to be like, Okay, what are we doing?
What's happening?

Speaker 6 (50:33):
So And I mean that in the best way, like
that's I mean, honestly, part of being a band for
a lifetime is in brothers the whole thing. I mean,
it's like a it's like a you know, possible explosion
at every moment. But it's the combination of not being
the same that allows it to be a thing. Like bands,
you can't have three drummers at the same time.

Speaker 5 (50:49):
You can't. Everybody's got their kind of laying in a way,
I think, and there's a fine line between being helpful
and being really needy, you know, just trying hard to
find that ballance. I was gonna say, on the wing,
like someone on the wing he is William Shatner.

Speaker 1 (51:11):
Okay, who is the cleanest?

Speaker 5 (51:14):
Probably yeah, Zach, I feel bad about saying myself, but yes,
definitely the cleanest. I mean, I'm the I'm the things
are well taken. That's much more neat, but they're they're
more in a pile. Don't let that fool you. Like
everything looks like it's on a bookshelf. And is excise
office below us. There are boxes and piles and things.

My stuff is most likely to be like I throw
away the trash and I know where the things are,
not the one that they come to when they go, hey,
I'm missing this thing? Did you throw it away? I'm like, sorry,
priceless on the ground.

Speaker 1 (51:50):
Who is it? Who's the dirtiest, Who's the dirtiest? Who
will go the longest without taking a shower on the road? Oh?

Speaker 5 (51:57):
Definitely me. Yeah, he's the kind of guy that thinks
turning his T shirt inside out makes it clean again.

Speaker 1 (52:06):
All right?

Speaker 2 (52:06):
Well what about what about first celebrity crush?

Speaker 5 (52:09):
Oh my gosh, what what's the actress from Air Force
one like that? That's the Are you serious? Like little princess? Yeah,
little princess And I don't know her name. I can't
think of her name right now.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
With Harrison Ford.

Speaker 5 (52:22):
Yeah, with Harrison for I love Firstcribe. I think everybody's
got a man crush on Arison Ford.

Speaker 2 (52:29):
Yeah for sure.

Speaker 5 (52:30):
Okay that or I mean Cindy Crawford. We're up, Cindy Crawford,
the generation come on Pepsi commercial and ends over.

Speaker 7 (52:38):
Stop you know, but that was I'm gonna I'm not
gonna lie. That was the moment I was like, why God,
And I'm not twelve years older? If I was so,
if I would have been like twenty eight, I met
Cindy Crawford's.

Speaker 1 (52:57):
Yeah, yeah, who's the favorite?

Speaker 5 (53:02):
Who's It depends on who you're talking.

Speaker 1 (53:03):
To, really, Mom and Dad's favorite.

Speaker 6 (53:06):
I would say, Isaac, I always get throw this child
on this one. There's something about the first one they get.
They're the only one that gets one right, and everybody
else is kind of divided between that, and they don't
mean to, but they you know, it just did.

Speaker 5 (53:20):
Is I Actually?

Speaker 2 (53:26):
So, Who's is Zach the most conceited?

Speaker 5 (53:28):
Is your mother?

Speaker 2 (53:29):
Are you the most full of yourself?

Speaker 5 (53:31):
They come to me regularly? Is that got your help?
He needs your help?

Speaker 7 (53:40):
In fairness, you are the most dutiful, most reliable brother
in those ways.

Speaker 4 (53:46):
Okay, Okay, here's the thing. You're going to rob a bank. Yes,
some one's going to actually go in and rob it.
One's going to drive the getaway car. And then there's
one in the van that's like got the earwag in
and telling everybody what to do.

Speaker 5 (53:58):
Oh that's Erica. I'm definitely going into the bank. Zak
is definitely driving the car and Isaac is earwigging the crap.

Speaker 11 (54:06):
I got it, like I'm listening to the shatterer. There's
no talk, you got. He's got his hand on the stick.
I'm the one that they sent in with the rifle
and showered.

Speaker 5 (54:18):
I'm gonna done.

Speaker 1 (54:19):

Speaker 5 (54:20):
Yeah, guy with a gun. Zach's got his hand. It's done.
But he's our cold call guy, right, he's our cold
call guy. So when you walk in and you don't
know the teller, you don't know what's going on. He's
just gonna go on there. He's gonna come back with
some green backs.

Speaker 8 (54:33):
You know.

Speaker 7 (54:34):
No, no, But here's a really really important part about
you guys agree with that at all? Is that a
really important caveat to that idea about about me being
the guy in the ear wig?

Speaker 5 (54:44):
So I'm going guys, I don't think it's a guy.
She didn't think about it enough, Taylor, you did not aboard. Amazing.
He didn't make it in heat. If he was cast
in heat, he definitely great. Did you say he was

in heat? Heat? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (55:09):
Congrats, this is the best.

Speaker 1 (55:11):
This was so much fun.

Speaker 5 (55:12):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (55:15):
I mean we could talk forever, but I have to
I have to jump m hmm.

Speaker 4 (55:21):
But this has been so great and I'm it's so
nice to finally talk to you because I do know
you know Uncle Mark, of course, and I know to
get to know you. It makes total sense as to
why you you chose.

Speaker 2 (55:36):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I told that it all makes sense. Yeah,
you love love.

Speaker 5 (55:44):
Getting me to me you guys and really enjoyed me
on the show.

Speaker 7 (55:48):
I know that this is kind of a similar thing.
But back in the day almost famous, of course, so important.
One of the best music movies ever made. There are
very few music movies that are made well because most
of them completely miss it.

Speaker 5 (56:04):
They captured the spirit. It captures the spirit of the
earnestness and the kind of vulnerability that actually exists in
the real world of making music. More often than not,
music movies are all about the sex, the drugs in
the rock and roll, and they missed the people all together.

Speaker 2 (56:19):
Yeah, what is it?

Speaker 1 (56:22):
What is it to love music?

Speaker 5 (56:24):
Yeah, exactly, it's.

Speaker 3 (56:26):
No, it's no Purple Rain, but it's by the way
Purple Rain. I went to the when Purple Wine was
re released in the theater. I just got super blazed
and went by myself and watched Purple.

Speaker 2 (56:40):
Rain and oh my god, I was dancing and singing
like it.

Speaker 4 (56:44):
Was when Allie, when Allie got super blazed and watched
Almost Famous.

Speaker 1 (56:47):
It sends him right into therapy.

Speaker 2 (56:51):
Yeah, because Kate's boobs were out.

Speaker 5 (56:56):
To mention, it was another dimension of now.

Speaker 1 (56:58):
Yeah, thank you for saying that. That's like such.

Speaker 4 (57:02):
That was such a huge part of my whole life.
That movie, you know, and honestly, everyone in there, like
so many of us.

Speaker 1 (57:09):
Like really got I feel I got the parts because
we just love music so much, you know, and.

Speaker 6 (57:15):
Well, and it shows and it shows well for all
the musicians out there. I mean I can almost not
watch music movies. Most of them get it so wrong.
And and I was talking to my kids about this
last night, just the storytelling what they get. I believe
one of the things that the music movies get wrong
is they they try and they try and make everything big,
when in fact, what's happening with music. It's all going
on up here, and it's going on your film first,

and so you've got to get in there and watch.

Speaker 5 (57:39):
It right, and nobody knows. Nobody's It's not like I
had this lyric Idea guys. It goes like that, it's
it's happening, and so Cameron understood that and he captured it.

Speaker 1 (57:48):
But it also takes outside this sort of like what
the outside sees.

Speaker 4 (57:53):
It's like, at the end of the day, it's all
about the relationships you're making and in that world, you know, well.

Speaker 3 (57:59):
It's so the perspective. It's through the eyes of and
so that was was genius about it. It's through the
eyes of this boy you know, who is now on
tour writing an article about this iconic potentially iconic band,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (58:14):
So, and it hit and it hit those like funny
kind of stereotypes in a way that was just so
perfectly it's actually real.

Speaker 4 (58:21):
Jathan Lee is like talking backstage, It's like, oh, I
just it's just if I could give if someone could
give me, you know, ten dollars.

Speaker 1 (58:31):
Every time I've seen something like that, oh.

Speaker 5 (58:35):
The self important exercise.

Speaker 4 (58:40):
And it's innocent, there's an innocence to it. But you
need to have a little bit of that to be
that kind of lead singer. You know.

Speaker 5 (58:46):
It's like oh yeah, oh yeah, all the things. It's
a great movie. It's great.

Speaker 1 (58:51):
All right, Well, listen, I gotta go. You guys are
the best.

Speaker 5 (58:54):
Thanks so much.

Speaker 2 (58:55):
Guys, good chatting, Guys, good chatting.
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