All Episodes

June 10, 2024 59 mins

Oliver is joined by his friend and producing partner, Legendary Sportscaster Joe Buck.
They offer up a hilarious play-by-play when it comes to their brotherly bond, their views on life, and even their 'Daddy Issues.'
And which one of these guys admits to using botox?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):

Speaker 2 (00:05):
I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.
We wanted to do something that highlighted our relationship and
what it's like to be siblings. We are a sibling. Railvalry.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
No, no, sibling. You don't do that with your mouth, revelry.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
That's good.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
I'm back back again, you know, I you know, turn
on zoom. No, we do it over zoom. And my
my next guest is in the waiting room right now.
And I use the word guest lightly because he's kind
of one of my best friends. Well, I'll get to
that in a minute, but yeah, I'm pushing. I'm thinking about,

you know, a little like botox, you know what I'm saying,
Like it's not a bad thing, and it's like who cares? Right,
who cares anymore? Maybe you get like a little regular
like botox situation, or like a little filler here and there.
I mean, I still want to look like myself, but
at the same time, sometimes it's just shocking, you know

what I mean, the wrinkles and the sunken eyes and
the crow's feet. Now I kind of did just wake up,
but I've done lasers on my face. I did this
thing called the Morpheus and it was kind of awesome.
And uh, my friend doctor Jason Diamond, the King, who

I've been friends with for a while, He's like, just
come in the office, let me let me laser your
face off. And I did it and it was kind
of great. And then he did this thing called the PRP,
which is like a vampire facial, which was nutty. They
drew blood from my arm, spun it till it was
just the plasma, and then like squirted it all over
my face and then used this sort of medieval looking

tool to like rake my face. It hurt, but whatever
it did, it kind of worked, you know. And then
he pulls out a needle and you know, shoots me
up with some shit. Yeah. I think it was pretty
I think it was like botox. I think I did botox,
you know. And I was like, all right, you know,
I still look I still look like myself. It's just
a little fresher thinking about thinking about hitting I think

about hitting it again, because why not, you know what,
I mean, who cares? Who cares? I mean, even if
even if the headline is Oliver Hudson does botox, like
you know, what, give a shit? Or is it even matter.
I don't know. I'm rambling anyway. My guest is in

the waiting room. He's he's texting me as we speak.
I'm in, I'm in waiting, I'm on. He is a
very impatient man. He is one of the great announcers
of all time. He is my best friend. He is
my ex podcast partner from a show called Daddy Issues.

He is now my producing partner in an animated show
that we're doing called Daddy Issues, and he is the
recipient of eight plus hair transplant operations. Let's bring on
the one the only mister Joe Buck, open that door.
Bring the man in.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Wait to be late, shocking to a twelve o four.
I'm sitting here twelve oh one. Where's Oliver? Oh he's
not here. It's his podcast.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
I just texted you. I do an intro and then
I come on. I literally want to hear the intro.
I don't trust you to do an intro when I
don't hear it. You're not pervy. Look, this isn't our
show anymore. Okay, Daddy Issues is over. Now you're on
my show, so you're not allowed to hear all of
the behind the scenes stuff. That's how I don't like that.

Speaker 3 (04:03):
I'm going to hang up.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Do you miss us?

Speaker 3 (04:06):
No? It just this just reminded me that I did
not miss this at all.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
You fucking miss us, dude.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
I do not miss you. I mean, I'm sorry, I
don't miss us.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
Yes you do. We had a show called Daddy Issues.
That is it is still in demand. People still come
up and ask me, where's Daddy Issues? How come that's
not on? But Joe is just too busy at ESPN.

Speaker 3 (04:29):
No, I just got tired of your video and audio
freezing because you have like your kids holding up tinfoil
so that you can connect with me.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
I have been doing these solo for a while now
and I've had no issues. You know, maybe it's your energy.
Could be it could be your energy.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
No, I miss you. I miss Kate. I missed the
whole Hudson thing. Uh. Yeah, we had fun. We had
a good podcast. You're right. I still get people talking
to me about it, which surprises me. You know, when
you think about the effort that you and I actually
put into it each week. It was minimal and we
just get on and talk like we were on the phone,

and talk about our wives and talk about our kids
and complain and make each other laugh and then we
hang up. And it was really no different than just
interacting as two friends. And yeah, I think it's it
was kind of therapeutic for me getting to do that
with you.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
Well, let's let's uh, let's just do that. Let me
do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do a
like a sort of mid episode new intro. Hey, what's
up everybody? Joe Buck and Oliver Hudson back with daddy issues.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
Nay, you have a dad. I had a dad. I've
got issues. You've got issues. I've got kids. They have dads.
You have kids, they have dads. Everybody's got daddy issues.
And away we go.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
So what are some of your issues? What are some
of your situations that you've had with your children? By
the way, how are the boys?

Speaker 3 (06:07):
The boys are good. Yeah, I mean I can't act
like anybody knows who the hell I am. So I
have kids, I've got kids. I mean, this is an
entirely different audience. We've already lost viewers listeners to this
since I chimed in. But yeah, I've got daughters who
are twenty seven and twenty four. The older one is

well now She's twenty eight when this airs, and she's
gonna get married in January. The twenty four year old
has worked the last two years for Ben Stiller on
a show called Severance. It's a second season. And then
I've got twin six year old boys with my wife Michelle,
who Michelle is dear friends with Oliver and his wonderful

wife Aaron, and our boys Blake and Wyatt. Are people
keep saying it's going to keep me young, and I'm
certain it's gonna kill me one day at a time,
just slowly drain the life out of me. Is my
fifty five year old body breaks down and my patience
grinds to an absolute stop.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
This sounds awesome, buddy. It's a good advertisement for children
and just life in general.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
You know, it's a good you know what, it's a
good advertisement for vasectomies. That's what it's a good advertisement for.

Speaker 2 (07:27):
Do you meditate? No? Have you ever thought about it?

Speaker 3 (07:32):
Yeah? I had a friend of mine, Tail Burkhart, great guy,
his stepdad Michael Gross from Family Ties, Fun fact for you.
He taught me transcendental meditation and gave me my little
go to words. It's supposed to calm me.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Down and yeah, you get that mantra, right.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Yeah, mantra. I could not turn off the inner voice
in my head. I was like, what am I doing
sitting here? I'd rather be sleeping, but I'm sitting here
doing this, and I'm thinking of the one hundred things
I have to do while I meditate.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
It's a practice, right, So that's part of the meditation
is you go through that and if you do it enough,
then your mind starts to clear. But you never gave
it enough of a chance, probably, right.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
That's fair. I did not. I did that. I mean,
the ritualistic part of it did. Like we had cut
up fruit and he there's like a robe involved, and
I don't really yeah, and I've known him forever, but
it became very transurable.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
Sure, you know this guy and he's like and then
he gave me a pill and I woke up and
I was bleeding at it my butt. I mean, I
mean fruit and a robe.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
I don't know. Yeah, there was fruit. There was like
a pair. I don't think I've ever had a pair
other than that day. It was like maybe a lemon
and a pair. And I felt like I was in
ancient Greece and was where there's a robe and I
remember my word, which I'm not supposed to share with anybody.
He also went through this process with my wife. Of course,

she told me her word immediately. I'm like, you're not
supposed to say what the word is. It's supposed to
be just for you. And yeah, she gave it up.
I did not. I still have mine. I can remember it.
It's not word, but it's supposed to get me into.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
But it doesn't. None of this even matters anymore because
you don't even you know right, you don't use it,
you don't practice, you don't meditate. Do you do anything
spiritual for yourself in any way whatsoever spiritual?

Speaker 3 (09:44):
Well, I mean no, I'm not going to tell you
because you're gonna make fun of me and say that
I'm stupid that But I will go to church every
once in a while. I have a friend who's a
pastor who I talked to from time to time, who
I think is a eyes man. And now I don't
even see Oliver on this. So the fact that we

started talking about spirituality completely knocked him off the Internet.
So that's good.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Computer diet, computer died.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
You didn't really cut out, You just went and redid
your hair.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
I mean no, but I did shop my salad.

Speaker 3 (10:24):
If you notice I did, I do as I'm giving
you shit about not being on time and blah blah
blah your computer crashes or because it goes it runs
out of power because you don't have a power totally.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
But the funny thing is is, again, this has not happened.
I think it's something between you and I.

Speaker 3 (10:43):
You know, so you asked me do I do anything spiritual?
Let me let me guide you back to your own podcast.
You asked me if I do anything spiritual? And the
answer is I will go to church every once in
a while, even though I know you'll give me shit
about that.

Speaker 2 (10:56):
You believe in God?

Speaker 3 (10:58):
I do believe in God? Yeah, I do.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
Okay, you believe in God? In what sense is there
someone in sitting in the sky.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
I don't think it has to be like literal like
there's no I choose to not think of it being
literal like.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
So' well then, Joe Buck, what does God? What does
that mean to you? I mean, do you believe that
someone is judging you.

Speaker 3 (11:24):
Always on earth as it is in heaven? Does this
day our daily judgment? Who judges show anyway you fucking
want on earth in heaven. I'm doing my best. I'm
a good person. I treat people well. I overtip. I

feel like people are excited to see me. I'm a
I'm a conscientious, hard working, truthful, good person. If that
gets me into heaven, great. If I die and I
become warm food and there's nothing left and I have
no nothing after after die, I mean, it's called hedging

your bets. I feel like I might as well cover
all bases.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
Got it, You're hedging, so it's a just in case
type of a belief.

Speaker 3 (12:16):
No. I mean, I pray. I pray every day for
my kids. I pray for your kids. I pray for
your kids a lot.

Speaker 2 (12:23):
My kids are fine. I pray for your kids. You're
the one who put monkey locks on their doors.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
What do you pray to your Who? Do you pray
to some like fucking weird West Coast fake person like
in a church you like holding hands and I don't.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
I don't pray. I don't pray to anybody. I have
a belief in myself to be able to manifest the
things that I want to accomplish, not through some sort
of a woo woo situation, but through sort of pop
positive reflection, positive thought to then propel me into a

better place to where I can accomplish the goals that
I want to accomplish.

Speaker 3 (13:08):
Yeah, that's called narcissism.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
No, it's not, No, it's not.

Speaker 3 (13:12):
I usually find myself praying when I'm in bed. I
go to bed every night. Say a prayer for my boys.
I say a prayer for my girls. I say a
prayer for my oldest daughter, Naalie's fiance, I say a
prayer for his brother. Say a prayer for my family
makes me feel good. It's a nice way to go
to bed. So not Julie, I mean, yeah, no, Julie,
my mother, sister, Yeah, they're all a part of that prayer,

which seems to get longer.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Do you talk to your father ever?

Speaker 3 (13:40):
My father who are in heaven?

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Yeah? Your dad? I mean, do you have a father
named Art who's in heaven?

Speaker 3 (13:47):
No? I do. Do I talk to my dad? No?
But I my dad died twenty years ago, twenty two
years ago.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
So you never like say hey Dad, like, you know,
are you help me out here? Yeah? Help me out here? Never? No,
do you believe that your dad is watching over you?

Speaker 3 (14:08):
I do in some weird way. I'll get a sign
every once in a while. I have dreams about him
quite a bit. I have dreams. There are times where
I'll go through a rip where they're like four or
five nights in a row and it's always, you know.
And I would imagine people who've had parents pass away
have the same thing where it's like they've been hiding
and all of a sudden they're back and you're like,

where have you been, I've been waiting for you and whatever.
But yeah, I all the time. I dream about it,
but I don't. I don't. I don't pray to my dad.
I pray to God and hope that my dad is
up there like hearing it.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
Do you think your dad is in heaven or Hell
or Hell?

Speaker 3 (14:48):
I think he's in heaven. I think he did way
too many good deeds on earth that overlapped whatever shortcomings
he may have had.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
Yes, do you believe in Hell?

Speaker 3 (15:02):
I don't know, like a devil and a pitchfork and
a tail and all that other stuff.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Yeah, but I mean, do you believe in the pearly gates?
Like meaning you there's a gate and someone says, ah, Joe,
like sorry, buddy didn't make it.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
Yeah, like you get denied like I used to at
the Skybar back yeah, my mid twenties. Like, eh, but
I know Paul Rudd, I know John Ham that back
then they're like, who the hell is that? Like, just
just you wait, you're gonna see in about thirty years,
you're gonna see something called Bargo and Ham will knock

your socks off. And Rud I mean ant Man. Huh
thirty years from now, he's gonna be ant Man And
you're gonna want me and Paul Rudd and John all right, sorry,
you're gonna want Paul and John with me tagging on
in your bar.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
But it's just a skybarn't No. Those were the pearly
gates back then.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
They were the pearly gates. I tend to either I
picture the movie Heaven Can Wait starring Warren Batty, or
I picture Oh God and God's Book two starring George Burns.

Speaker 2 (16:11):
How great was that movie?

Speaker 3 (16:12):
John Denver?

Speaker 2 (16:13):
Oh my God, I love that movie. Yes, Oh God,
you devil, Oh God, you devil? Right?

Speaker 3 (16:21):
Oh God? Still here? Oh God? Oh God?

Speaker 2 (16:35):
So wait, and then I'm gonna get off the religion
thing because I know we've talked about it before. But
when you're lying in bed, do you say, like, God,
please protect so and so?

Speaker 3 (16:46):

Speaker 2 (16:47):
Do you say it out loud?

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Sometimes I say keep them. I mean, I'll give you
my prayer.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
Yeah, I want to hear it.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Go ahead, I'll just do it for Please, I'll just
do it for Natalie. Please protect Natalie, keeper safe, healthy, happy, learning, loving,
knowing how much he's loved by family and friends. Okay,
you're gonna shit on that. You're gonna shit on that.
You're gonna shot on my prayer about my kid. Go go, Oliver,
let me hear it.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
Not at all, Not at all. I hey, for Natalie's sake.
I hope God's listening me too.

Speaker 3 (17:19):
And then I throw Wilder in there. Every once in
a while I throw body you don't rio, Yeah, I'm like, look, God,
if you can see to it that Oliver, my heathen friend,
my atheist, agnostic pray to himself friend, can somehow if
you can protect his kids. Oliver and Aaron, you know
they're old enough to just decide on their own, But

for his children, can you please keep them healthy, happy, safe, learning, loving.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
I think it's just something to make you feel comfortable.
It's something to make you feel there's comfort in it,
you know. That's that's what it is.

Speaker 3 (17:57):
Yeah, okay, well I like feel feeling comfortable. It's like
you and your terry cloth outfits and and you're now
you're you're matching.

Speaker 2 (18:07):
Yeah the blure in Cabos. That is what you're saying.

Speaker 3 (18:10):
Yeah, that's you. That's that's your comfort. You prayed it
like Cabo.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Yeah. Joe and I, uh, we're playing a golf tournament
every year and it's the most fun. And I bring
my tumbolo stuff, which is my whole terry cloth outfits.
I'm looking I look fabulous. I mean it's I look fabulous,
but it's it's it's, uh, you look amazing. I do.
I do.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
It's such a gift to Mexico forgetting me and Michelle
and the other folks in the tournament. It's just a
gift to the entire country in Mexico. When you land there,
you go through customs are like, whoa look at this guy?

Speaker 2 (18:49):
Mm hmm. Presidente.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Yeah, you know, you're starting to look a lot like Kurt.
You have my blood relation.

Speaker 2 (18:57):
To him, and maybe I'm just more morphing into each other. Yeah, possible.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
Maybe you're like his pet. They say that, you know,
your pet starts looking like.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
You, it's a bad thing. So your oldest daughter, Natalie
is getting married. I want to know what that feels
like for you, and potentially becoming a grandfather and even
moving further into that like and I've never asked you this, actually,

but how do you How are you dealing with age
in general? You know, are you worried to get older?
Are you afraid to die?

Speaker 3 (19:39):
Yes? Quite a bit, you are. Yeah, even with everything
I've already said on this podcast, which you've judged every
word that's comes come out of my mouth. First of all, Natalie,
she's always been I mean I always heard, and I'm
sure you've heard from friends. Oh my god, girls, you
have daughters, just you wait, just you wait when they

were little, just you wait, wait till they be I'm
still waiting if the teenage years are coming, I mean
they're twenty seven and twenty four, almost twenty eight and
twenty five. I have not experienced them. I never had
even going through divorce, I never had a stretch. It
was strained for good reason, because it's hard. But I

never had any issue with them at all. They were
always really really good girls, made good decisions. I think
they had their fun, but they did it in a
way that never made me feel concerned, never made me
really have to punish them. I don't know how. You know,

they never really got involved with drugs. They never just
I don't know whatever went into the soup between my
ex wife Anne and me, whatever guidance we gave, whatever
decisions they made on their own. I was always very
proud of them.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
Which is interesting. Let me interrupt you real quick, because
they are coming from a parents of divorce, and you know,
nine times out of ten there are going to be
sort of repercussions from that, and those sort of afflictions
will show themselves as you get older, as you get
into career and relationships and all of those things that

bring out sort of those issues that might have been
lang dormant for a minute but that never happened.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
I mean, I can't say that it never happened. That
would be ridiculous. I feel like, you know, I think
I could go on and on about this and I won't,
but I think when you realize that you're doing as
much damage to them. This is just my opinion. Being
together as you could do being a part with your

spouse and what they're seeing and what they're witnessing between
a mother and a father, I felt like that balance
was always just hanging there, and when it kind of
went the other way, I think I made the right decision.
I think I made the right decision for everybody involved.
Now that just could be my narcissism and thinking, but

I don't think we were headed to a good place.
Was it tough at times because I am extremely close
with my girls, Yeah, because I felt like I abandoned them.
I felt like I left them behind at certain times.
But I never left Saint Louis. I was always five
minutes away. They knew the doors always open. I was

always involved Monday through Friday, before I left for a game,
doing homework, picking up, dropping off, doing all that stuff,
knowing all their friends, knowing where they were. And I
know that they felt that. So I don't feel like, yeah,
I'm sure I did damage. I'm sure we did damage
to them by getting divorced, there's no doubt, But the

adults that they've become, they've made really good decisions. It
leads me to tell you that, and you know this
because you've been around him. But if you made, if
I made a person a young man in a computer
to be Natalie's husband, to be spit out of a computer,
and the question is who do you want to marry

your daughter? This is him. He's a great young man.
He's got patience for days, he's well, you know, gainfully employed.
He's just a caregiver at he's a caring man. And
and he's close with his mom and his parents are together.

But he's very close with his parents and his family.
They've been through tragedy together. Who Bobby, her fiance, his brother,
his fiance Jack passed away suddenly. I believe it was
Christmas Eve, but it was right at right at the
holiday a couple of years ago. They were all there.

They've seen, they've already seen some stuff that I don't
think people that age should see. All with the privileged life. Yes,
there's no doubt about that disclaimer. But they're just good people.
And so I'm And Trudy is the hardest working, most
well read film student that can tell you know, professors

what movies they should be watching. She's a deep thinker
and a great girl. So I'll take it, and I
never worry about that. Do I worry about dying, Yes,
every day. I worry about getting older. I've got six
year old boys. I'm fifty five. I do the math.
If I make it thirty years, make it thirty minutes,
I don't know. But if I make it thirty years,

they're in their mid thirties, and you know that that
should be good enough. But I think about it, aging
and getting older and falling apart every day.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
What's the fear, though, you know, is the fear of
death for you and aging about not being there for
the boys, or is it just more of I still
want to be on this earth.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
I think it's more. I still want to be on
this earth. And I'm fortunate that I've got a great wife,
I've got the aforementioned obviously perfect kids, I've got a
great job. I've got great friends. Like you, I don't.
I'm very blessed, and I work at it and I

try to do the right thing all the time. But yeah,
I like my life, and you know, I think that's
more of it. I think they will be more than prepared.
And if it happens today and I'm not around, I
think they'll be still well covered and surrounded and be
raised the right way, but I think it's more about

me just not wanting to leave my life.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
It's so true, But that's the real truth is if
you can get rid of that fear death meaning okay
it's going to happen, it truly allows you to sort
of live much easier and better.

Speaker 3 (26:06):
I read The Daily Stoic, which I would love to
have the patients to get through the books that are
attached to that, whether it's meditations or by Marcus Aurelius,
or it's the books that the author of the Daily
Stoic has written. He's gotten another one coming out. I'd

love to have the patience for that and be able
to study that stuff and actually prove myself. But I
just I don't have it at this point. I feel
like I'm just keeping my head above water with the boys,
and by the time they're shut down for the night,
I'm pretty well shut down for the night. So we're
going day to day and I've got work stuff I've
got to read. But I you're right, it's coming for everybody,

and that's the whole thing. With their little coin they
have or something with the skull on it gonna die,
it's a reminder and it's you know, so while you're here,
make the most of it, be a good person and
make you know, make the world a better place the small,
small way you can, and that's all you can do.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
And so you love what you do. Obviously Hall of
Famer as far as broadcasting goes. But is this something
I mean, how much longer are you going to do this?
You know? I mean meaning meaning the back nine of
your life, which I think you have like six holes left.
I'm not gonna go a full nine. I think you've

like maybe six holes, maybe one par five and a
couple of hard par threes, you know.

Speaker 3 (27:38):
Yeah, I'll take can you can you throw another part
five in there, just so I have.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
A little Okay, fine, you've got two par fives. You're
gonna start on the eleventh. It was certainly on the
twelfth hole par five and eighteen will be a part
five as well.

Speaker 3 (27:51):
Okay. I like ending on par five because I think
a lot of movement happens on a leader board that way.
So maybe on that final par five I'll reach in
two and I'll leave the world in even better place. Yeah,
with a smile on my face.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
Well, yes, So my question is, is you know, you
see broadcasters obviously go into their seventies and sometimes eighties, right,
So are you planning on doing that or are do
you have a point where you're like, I'm done. I'm
gonna be a dad, I'm gonna be a husband, I'm
gonna I'm gonna have fun, not that you're not having fun,

but I'm gonna retire.

Speaker 3 (28:29):
Yeah, I mean I watched my dad do that. My dad,
you know, died in two thousand and two and was
working in two thousand and one. I mean, he was
so funny. He had so many things going wrong. I
mean he had Parkinson's and he had a pacemaker, and
he had Type two diabetes, and he had all this
other stuff. And they dedicated a statue to him outside
Bush Stadium when it was his last year, I believe,

either his last or second to last year, not only
in the booth but on the earth, and he was
dealing with all these health ailments, and his speech was, well,
I'm very flattered that the Cardinals did this for me.
You know, I've given the Cardinals the best years of
my life and now I'm giving them the worst. And

that was just his sense of humor, like I'm barely
hanging on here, and so you're right. I mean, it
seems to be the one that and like aging guitarists
that don't ever die, that seem to still be able
to play despite a lifelong series of decisions that I

probably wouldn't make for my own personal health. But there
they are on tour yet again, playing the same solos
and doing the same songs. Yeah, I don't see that.
I think because I started so young. I was doing
the Cardinals when I was twenty one. I'd done two
years of minor league baseball prior to that. I was

at Fox when I got hired at twenty four, was
for twenty eight years. I think my end then becomes
a little closer to a normal age than some people
who didn't get these opportunities until they were thirty, thirty five,
forty sometimes. I was already doing the World Series at

twenty seven, so I think my clock got sped up
a little bit. So I do not see me. I
don't see me doing this the rest of my life.
I don't. Maybe I will, probably It's probably dumb to
make declarative statements like that. Yeah, But as I sit

here now, I don't see that happening.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
So let me ask you this question, okay, because I
know you obviously extremely well what you p zent on
television and in your interviews. Is this the real Joe Buck?
Meaning if you didn't have to answer to anybody and
you could be one hundred percent yourself, does the public

perceive you as the true you? Or are we going
to get a really nice taste of who Joe Buck
really is once once you hang the mic up? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (31:24):
I think first of all, I think for whatever reason,
you don't seem to have to answer to anyone so
that we see the true Oliver Hudson uh on Instagram.
Sometimes we probably shouldn't see the true Oliver Hudson on Instagram.
I think, you know, making making some of these videos

might might you might have somebody there talking out of
them sometimes, but God love you for just going with it.
Whether it was the million million follower dance or whatever
it is. I don't know, I don't I don't know
what it is. Uh So, I feel like you are
very You are exactly who you are. You present yourself
exactly as who you are. Sometimes it gets you in trouble,

like comments you make to get picked up and I've
had it happen to me a thousand times where you
make a comment, you're being funny, you're being flippant, you're whatever,
and all of a sudden, that represents everything you are,
and it's like, oh my god, that's not the intent
of that at all. Somehow intent doesn't factor into the conversation.

But yeah, I think I've become more and more open
and like who I am on the air, but certainly
not wheels off just being myself. I don't care for
some reason. Barkley and God love him. We had him
on our podcast. He's been consistently a great guy to

both you and me. I think he is very, very
close to exactly who he is on the air. I
don't think he really cares if fans don't like him
in a certain city. I don't think he cares if
the executives. I mean, he's talked about it now it
being a TNT and going through NBA negotiations. I applaud
him for not caring and just being honest with who

he is, but there are very few So when I
hang it up, am I just going to start like
streaking through the quad? No? But I do think that
it will free me up to be a little bit
more like I am.

Speaker 2 (33:33):
And do you wish that you could have more of
a barclay esque sort of sort of outlook or you know,
I mean, or you just you're happy with with what
you do and how you do it. Do you feel restricted?

Speaker 3 (33:49):
I think you have to be if you want to
do that stuff. You have to be okay with seeing
the you know what do they call him, like aggregators
just shooting out click stuff with some crazy headline of
something you said, and you have to be okay with that,
And you have to not care that the New York

Post Joe Buck says super Bowl will be a mess. No,
that's not really what I said. My point was, And
I was on regular radio when I said that, I
wanted to say shit show and and ship shows are good.
I mean, like it's it's Vegas. I mean, that's why
it's there. It's it's gonna be wild and and you know,
I'm I'm getting less and less into kind of the wild,

big crowd thing the older I get, but that but
it was taken as like as like criticism or something
or negative, and it was the it was kind of
the opposite of that, like Hey, it's going to be crazy,
but that you have to be willing then, I mean
that ruined I was, I was headed to Mexico when
all that stuff got aggregated and pumped out of ruined

the entire week for me. So I'm I'm not good
with that. I think it stems back, right.

Speaker 2 (34:59):
That's that's on you, though, because you just took it
so hard when you really could have just sort of brushed.
There's no doubt you're right now.

Speaker 3 (35:07):
Yeah, but I yes, so I wish that I could
not take that stuff so hard. I think it comes
from I mean, I go to therapy like you go
to therapy, And I think it comes from being a
fat kid on the playground, being made fun of, having to,
you know, try to make people, being being you know,

my books called Lucky Bastard, which is available nowhere, so
it's not a plug for it, but being you know,
kind of the surprise kid for my mom and dad
at a time when my dad had other kids and
another family going on, which is what my book is
kind of about in the beginning or in the early part,

and wanting to make these other kids, these other kids
like me, and they had every reason to kind of
resent my existence. I've always been a pleaser and always
wanted everybody to walk away from me going, oh my god,
what a great guy. I feel like, you know, but
when you do a game to thirty million or in

the case of a super Bowl one hundred million people,
that's not going to happen. They don't have a personal
experience with you, and they their team probably just lost
and you're the one yelling about it. So and you know,
being excited for the other team. So you can't please everybody.
I wish I could, and I try hard to not
let that affect me, But yeah, I do believe that

I should be more like that, but I can't.

Speaker 2 (36:35):
Were you vindictive, meaning like all the people who made
fun of you fatty Joey or whatever it was when
you became who he became. Is there a party that's like,
fuck you look at me now?

Speaker 3 (36:46):
Zero? Really, I mean less than zero?

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Wow, you didn't have that like, oh, y'all made fun
of me, y'all bullied me or whatever, Now look at me.

Speaker 3 (36:56):
No, No, that's you know me well enough, And no
that's not how I think. I never and that's not
me being humble. I swear to God on my children
that I obviously pray for that. I've never had that
thought like, oh look at me. I think part of
that too, comes from being my dad's son and having

all these incredible legs up and opportunities at young at
a young age, because you know, he was he came
from zero. I mean, he had no money. They came
from dirt poor, went through the Depression, only went to
college because he was in World War Two and was
on the GI bill and made himself. And then here

I come along, his son, like getting all of these
opportunities and and and having a masterclass class every night
of my summer. Yeah, I just there's like guilt involved.
So I've never been like, ah, look at me. I'm
just not that way, I know.

Speaker 2 (37:59):
But you still have to be good at what you do.
You know, the foot can go in the door, but
if you sucked, you wouldn't be where you're at.

Speaker 3 (38:06):
Yeah, I think the early part of it too, especially
if I had stunk when I was twenty one or
twenty two doing the Cardinals, I would have been probably
flushed out quicker too. I don't if it's like, oh
my god, Bucks kid stinks, I think, you know, the
spotlight's pretty bright. And then Fox gave me all these

great opportunities and I didn't screw it up. And that's
you know, I proved that I could do it despite
the you know, Twitter, oh good thing, you had a
famous dad and all that other stuff. Yeah, I agree
with you. You have to still be able to do it, obviously,
but it does not lead me into the winter circle

in my mind, like I've done it and you guys
can all kiss my ass. That's just not the way
I think.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
Oh, I have a little bit of that, you know.
Even though I did get my foot in the door
as well, no doubt about it. But I had I
had an acting teacher in Boulder, Colorado, and granted I
deserved the D minus. I deserved it because I would
just fuck around in there and I didn't even want

to be an actor at the time. It wasn't a
goal of mine. I thought it was going to be
an easy class and I had a great time in it,
but got a D. He gave me a D minus.
I got my first television show twenty four. I was
the lead of it, and I was in People magazine.
I had you know, magazine articles or whatever you do.
The press, and I clipped them all out and I

sent them to this guy, to the teacher in Boulder
with a note that said, thanks for the D minus.

Speaker 3 (39:52):
That's great. And by and by the way, I'm available
to guest speak in your class anytime, so I can
actually tell the class that despite whatever bad grade you
may get, you might still have a career despite what
this guy or lady said. You know, I got an award.
And I only say this part because it's relevant to

the story, but from my high school a distinguished Alumni
award a couple of months ago, and I showed up
there and the campus is still in the same spot.
The chapel where the thing where the ceremony was held
is a different chapel, but in the same spot. And
I walked in there as the distinguished alumni with somebody

from the fifties, somebody from the sixties, somebody from the seventies.
I was from the eighties. Sterling K. Brown went to
my high school. He got it a couple of years ago.
Vincent Price. We had three sitting senators at one point,
and so it's got a great history. And I went
in there like thinking, oh my god, this is going

to be this is going to be that moment you
just talked about, like the kid that was made fun
of one hundred yards from here is now getting the
Distinguished Alumni ward. And I walked in there and I
felt exactly the same way I felt when I was
a pict on kid. I was like, I did not
get any sense of look at me now or satisfaction

from that. I was just like, here, I I'm back,
and I feel the same way I did when I
was thirteen and or seventeen. It's nice deep.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
That's deep. That shit is deep will stick with you forever.
I don't think any amount of therapy can actually heal that.

Speaker 3 (41:41):
For it, No, I need to hang with Aaron Rodgers
in the offseason and see if we can expunge some
of the stuff.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
You can do some ayahuasca and in ketamine and I
think you'll be all right.

Speaker 3 (41:52):
Yeah, that should just do the trick, you know me,
nobody's better just kind of giving up the reins and
being wild than me. I mean, I'm do you want
to be out of control? Come see me?

Speaker 2 (42:04):
Oh my god Jesus Christ. Yeah. So obviously you're one
of my best friends and I love you, But I
have a question why do you think you're such an asshole?

Speaker 3 (42:14):
Because I'm hanging around people like you.

Speaker 2 (42:17):
No, it's a joke, but for real, Like, you can
be a dick, there's no doubt about it.

Speaker 3 (42:22):
But I have no patience.

Speaker 2 (42:24):
Yeah, so you can be a total asshole, Like, why
do you think that? If you're going to attribute that?

Speaker 3 (42:31):
So now I have to accept your supposition that I'm
an asshole?

Speaker 2 (42:37):
And do you accept that you can be a real asshole?

Speaker 3 (42:39):
Okay, that I can be?

Speaker 2 (42:41):
Oh, you are not totally. No, of course I'm going
to be a great friend with you being an asshole.
I'm saying you can be a real dick.

Speaker 3 (42:49):
So can you not?

Speaker 2 (42:51):

Speaker 3 (42:52):

Speaker 2 (42:53):
You can not really? Joe, Yeah, you can't tell me?
Why why do you feel like hand less? She's upstairs?
I mean I have been a horrible human being. There's
no doubt about that.

Speaker 3 (43:08):
Right But okay, all right, Well now we're splitting hairs
on the on the on the negative side, what.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
Would Michelle say If I was to ask Michelle and say, well,
why why do you think Joe can be an asshole?
What would her answer be?

Speaker 3 (43:21):
Well, first you would have to ask, do you think
Joe can be an asshole. The answer would be yes.

Speaker 2 (43:25):
Yes, okay, okay, So what do you attribute it to.

Speaker 3 (43:29):
There's a subtle difference by the way of is an
asshole or can be an asshole?

Speaker 2 (43:37):
One hundred percent?

Speaker 3 (43:39):

Speaker 2 (43:48):
So why can you be an asshole? What happens to
your body physically where you just that's it and boom
you're like, Joe, chill out, don't be such a dick.

Speaker 3 (43:58):
Yeah, I don't. I don't know. I think there's got
to be Like I was on antidepressants. I got off
antidepressants when you and I were in Cabo this last time.
I was not on him, and I have since gotten
back on them. It's something to delay the reaction time
between an event happening and something happening. Whatever it is,

Blake punched me in the nuts, the car's late, the
I don't even know what, a million different things.

Speaker 2 (44:31):
It wasn't Blake or Wyatt who bit the head of
your wiener.

Speaker 3 (44:35):
Blake, he was scared. He buried his head in my
There's nothing I did. He was hiding from.

Speaker 2 (44:44):
We told the story on our podcast before, but like.

Speaker 3 (44:47):
He was hiding from his uncle who was at his
birthday party dressed as Batman. It was a good costume.
Looked like Batman came around the corner, scared the shit
out of him, and he came running to me, buried
his head and was like, oh, buried his head because
he was that tall Barry's head right in my crotch.
I was standing up holding a cup of coffee, by

the way, and the next thing and I'm like, he
he could not have bit me more well on me anyway, okay,
drew blood by the way. Yeah, And then I basically
just like reaction, shushed him and down he went. And

then Michelle's like, what did you do? I'm like, I, I,
this is the most primal reaction I've ever had in
my life. I there was the most out of nowhere. Whatever,
we'll move on. I think I'm hopeful that being back
on the antidepressants will delay and allow me to go

do I really want to get crazy mad about, you know,
Blake hitting me in the back of the poor Blake
Wyatt hitting me in the back of the head with
the baseball, which has happened, or.

Speaker 2 (46:09):
It's just also just frustration, Like I understand that, and
I feel that sometimes.

Speaker 3 (46:14):
But I go from your right, I go from zero
to sixty right right in a blink, and I don't
know how to calm that down. And the older I
get zero to sixty goes from you know, let's say
one full second to zero point nine to point eight,

two point seven to point six to where I'm by
the time I'm sixty five, I'm going to be anticipating
it and I'll be ahead of it, and then I
will be an asshole because I'll be just constantly.

Speaker 2 (46:46):
What like, like, nothing happened, dad, I know, but it will.

Speaker 3 (46:52):
It will. It's like Minority Report where I you're about
to do something, You're about to commit a crime, and
the cop just told me that I need to be
mad in about four seconds.

Speaker 2 (47:05):
Oh totally. I feel that though. I feel that age
does that age wears on the nerves and it's just
less and less and less patience.

Speaker 3 (47:15):
And it happens. And the worst thing is it happens
at night. By the end of the of the day,
it's like, oh my god, it's eight Okay, these kids
should be in bed. Now it's eight thirty. Now they're
like stalling. Now they're you know, doing bullshit. Now we're
and I'm like, come on, guys, guys, and what drives
me crazy. Now, maybe I'm misremembering how I was when

I was a kid, but I feel like when my
dad spoke, it was like God talking to Moses, like I,
you know, like get pick up your pick up your
goddamn toy or whatever it was. I was like ing,
I was gone, like picking them up. These kids, you

say something and then don't even flinch. It's like they
don't they don't move. There's not even a batting of
the eye forget get up and do it. It's like
you didn't even say it.

Speaker 2 (48:11):
So true.

Speaker 3 (48:12):
But by the end of like the third time, I'm done,
I'm like, and Michelle will be like, don't yell at
the boys. I'm like, that's not yelling. Me going blake, yeah, Wyatt,
let's get to bed. Like I guess that's yelling. It's
louder than my talking voice.

Speaker 2 (48:28):
Yeah, no, no, no, I'm with you. I'm with you.
I mean, I think we all parent, you know, using
the tactics of fear and bribery, and we've you know,
it's like the pamphlet for parenting that I want to
write because I don't know if I can do a
whole book on it. But basically, forget about doctor Spock
or whatever these fucking parenting books are. At the end
of the day, you just revert back to fear and bribery.

If you don't do this, this is gonna happen to you,
or I'll give you this if you do this. I mean,
that's it, all right, We're gonna get out of here.
But I love you, Joe. One more quick question. Have
you ever had Have you ever had true sort of
issues or fights with like a Troy Aikman or any
of your counterparts where it's not just a little squabble,

but something that like really went down. It was bad
that we had to do a game where it was
just like, I'm not feeling you right now.

Speaker 3 (49:23):
Yeah, that's a great question. I don't think anybody's ever
actually asked me that in that way, and I can
honestly say, no. It's funny you asked me this year
because we've done the podcast and there was something that
had happened between trying me that was very It was
a total misunderstanding that he thought I was thinking one thing,
I thought he was thinking another, and he thought that

it affected our relationship at the end of last year.
And I say that because I brought this topic up
with him, and I thought it was like a nothing thing,
and he's like, yeah, you know, I misunderstood. I said, no,
I misunderstood you. I didn't know where you were coming from.
And he said, yeah, I really felt like that affected
us at the end of last year. And I was like, man,

I didn't even sense that, but I'm thankful that and
I try I work at this. I had Tim McCarver
for eighteen years and we were in very at least
in my business, very tense situations and high stress. And
he was much older than me, but I always and

he and my dad worked together at one point, and
they did not get along for those two years that
they worked together, and obviously I was team Dad, so
I had some animosity built up before they put Tim
and me together in nineteen ninety six and we did
all these games, and I was a young guy, was
whatever twenty six at the time, and I had to

talk to him and say at the seminar the first
time we all met, I was like, look, I know
it didn't go well with my dad. I know some
of the stuff that was said, but and you know
how close I am with my dad, But you and
I are going to be judging how you and I do,
and we've got to be partners, and we've got to
sing out of the same hymnal and we got a
blah blah blah. And I think he appreciated it. It

took the pressure out, by the way.

Speaker 2 (51:13):
Sorry sorry to interrupt, but that's a really ballsy, confident
thing to do, young man. Going up to McCarver and
expressing yourself that way, I mean, has to be appreciated.
But that's a really mature thing.

Speaker 3 (51:27):
It was the elephant in the room in my mind
that could not be avoided. And maybe it was as
much for me. I think, you know what, I think
I did it because I wanted to take the pressure
off him, which makes me sound like I'm being the martyr,
but I'm not. I'm just saying I think he felt

because they had tension that if if you know, now
he's working with this guy's kid, that some I just
something needed to be said and I and so, but
that's the only time. And then this last offseason with Troy,
I mean, he's one of my best friends. Tim McCarver

was older than me, but I used to joke on
air that he was like a best friend or a
weird uncle or a whatever. But and John Smoltz the
same way. The most the easiest going human being ever
is John Smoltz and Harold Reynolds and Tom Berducci, all
good people that all worked hard. And I think if
somebody sees your partner in that case that you're working hard,

you just you've got each other's backs. I've never had
any issue like that, Thank god it because I know
it does happen, and I can hear it sometimes on
TV with other people, and I've just never been there.

Speaker 2 (52:46):
Is it ever when you go off aired a commercial,
someone had ever said to you, hey, like you gotta
let me finish before you jump in, or you know,
you just you got to, or have you ever said
you got a chill for a second. None of that,
It's just the flow happens.

Speaker 3 (53:02):
Well, I've worked with two guys that at the time
wanted that they wanted coaching. A guy named Tim Green
who's amazing and dealing with als and it's been interviewed
twice and they've done pieces on him in sixty minutes.
He's wonderful. He's got a podcast he does with his
son Troy he's great, but he was right off the

field and it never broadcast anything, so I was I
was new to football, not new to broadcasting, and I
would basically give him feedback every commercial break like this
was good, this was too much, but he wanted that.
And I was getting a lot of that stuff from
my dad at the time. And then another guy named
Brian Baldinger, who does a million things and does it

does them very well on NFL network. He and I
did games, and he was just so hyper that that
he was like almost ready to jump out of the
booth and it won and he would he would cut
me off and whatever, which is no big deal. But
I said, just physically take a step back, like physically
moved back from the front of the booth because you're

just so on your toes and ready to go one
hundred miles an hour. Just chill, like relax and you're
still going to be have enough energy to get through it.
So that's it. I mean. Otherwise, No, I've never never
had anything where it's been like, hey, I'm right, let
me finish my call before you do your thing. Yeah,
I've never had that.

Speaker 2 (54:28):
Do you see there's a there's a button like a
cough button. So if you have to cough, you can
push the button that mutes you. Right, you have that.

Speaker 3 (54:36):
Yeah, so we have a cough button, and we have
another button that talks down to the production truck.

Speaker 2 (54:41):
Okay, So have you or one of your counterparts ever
had to fart and push the cough button and farted?
Tell me the truth. I swear to god, no one's
ever smoltzer and it has ever been.

Speaker 3 (54:57):
Like oh like because somebody really have to like make
noise and make it.

Speaker 2 (55:03):
Well, yeah, just in case.

Speaker 3 (55:06):
Well, I think you'd probably wait for the commercial. Take
your headset off. I mean, it's not just the two.
You're not the only two people up there. I know,
there's there's like fifteen people up there.

Speaker 2 (55:20):
So you've never farted on air, I don't.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
I mean no, I don't think so, like an audible
like an audible thing.

Speaker 2 (55:33):
Yeah no, so you've let them out like slowly where
it's like god, I gotta I gotta far too much
chili before the game was like thirty and two, you know,
I like, holy shit, Look, yeah.

Speaker 3 (55:47):
No, I can't wait for this to get aggregated.

Speaker 2 (55:49):
Yeah, me too, it's gonna be all right. Well, I
love you buddy, thank you for doing this and humoring me.
I miss being I miss doing this with you. We
should do like a Union tour with Daddy issues.

Speaker 3 (56:02):
We should we should get uh, we should just be
like the openers for Bateman Bateman thing. We can like
warm up the crowd. Yeah, talk by Daddy issues. Get
everybody just in a freendy Oh yeah, you go, Hey,
here's will Aarnett and La La.

Speaker 2 (56:19):
Yeah, and then everyone will leave because they wish that
we were up there instead.

Speaker 3 (56:23):
I'm not gonna say it, but you can.

Speaker 2 (56:24):
Okay. One more question. Do you wish you made more
money as much money as Tom Brady now that he's announcing.
Do you feel like you deserve to be paid or
you don't.

Speaker 3 (56:36):
No, I haven't won any Super Bowls? No, right, okay,
it's only one guy that's won seven and it's exactly
seven more than I have, So good for him. Have
you talked to him at all about it about the money? No?

Speaker 2 (56:50):
No, no, no, no no no, not the money. You are
you're the you know, look again, Hall of fame. You're
one of the kings of the industry. Has he come
to you at all and said, like, not advice, but
picking your brain.

Speaker 3 (57:02):
He's talked to Troy h he's talked to others. He
has not talked to me. I think, you know, just
because I'm I'm the play by play guy Higheron, I'm
the play by play guy, and he's got a great
one to work with. So I but I did. At
the end of the year two years ago, we were
getting ready for his playoff game, which turned out to

be his last game, and he said, I said, hey, Tom,
you know, because he'd already signed his deal with Fox, like, hey, Tom,
you're gonna be doing these on the other side here.
Soon you're gonna be talking to the quarterback of the Browns,
or you're gonna be talking to whatever. Said, aren't you excited?
He goes, Oh my god, Yeah, I'm gonna have to
talk to you guys about what the heck I'm supposed
to do when that time comes. So I think it's

been on his mind. I think he's one of those
guys that pours everything he has and everything he does.
So I'm sure he has exhausted a network of people
that have been color analysts, but he's no, he's not
talked to me.

Speaker 2 (58:02):
All right, Well, I still think you wish you were
getting paid as much as he was.

Speaker 3 (58:06):
Well, I mean, who wouldn't not me.

Speaker 2 (58:09):
I'm happy with making no money right now and talking
to you all right, all right, I love you so much, buddy,
Thank you for doing this, and of course we'll chat
very very shortly.

Speaker 3 (58:22):
All right. Bye.

Speaker 2 (58:23):
You would think that interviewing like one of your best
friends would be easier, but it's more difficult, you know,
because you sort of are trying to take on this
role as an interviewer but also friends. And you know,
it took a minute to sort of get the engine started,
you know. I'm sure there'll be some headlines coming out
as I don't know, but anyway, Joe, I love you,

Thank you for coming on. Buddy. That man is assault
of the earth. He's the most generous person that I know. Yeah,
he can be an asshole. We can all be assholes,
but that man has has my vote across the board
for everything. All right, Revelers, if that's what we call you, guys,

I love you. I'm in love with all of you. Peace.
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