All Episodes

May 8, 2024 26 mins

Swerve Strickland is our guest this week and Jeff and I speak to him about how he’s delivering on his promise in becoming AEW World Champion. Swerve also tells us how it’s sometimes lonely at the top and how he winds down after a long week of wrestling.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All that realization came up, like right at the top
of that to the top of the rope, when I
was like standing up tall and you're seeing all the
people start standing up with me. It was like it
was like coming to a realization to the people as well,
the swell of like emotion of like wow, I'm here,
now you're made.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Even introducing the hosts'm wrestling within Freddy Chef Died and
Furready Frience Tunor.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
Welcome back, everybody.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Welcome to a brand new episode of Wrestling with Freddy
with me as always his Jeff I. We have an
amazing guest today. That's why I'm speaking so quickly so
we get as much time as possible. Let's start the show,
all right, everybody, We have a fantastic guest today. He
is fresh off his victory at AW Dynasty. We have

the ae W World Champion, Swerved Strickland, who on this
very show prophesied this very event and he's with us now.

Speaker 3 (01:02):
Welcome back to the show. How are you, sir? Thank
you very much, Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1 (01:06):
It's honestly, it still feels weird hearing the title of
AW World Champion right now. Still feeling I'm not getting
used to say yet, but I got good after it.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
We're not surprised. We've been waiting for it, baby, We're
all used to it already.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Amazing. I want to start with this.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
You had your match with Samoa Joe Well I just
got to meet in Chicago, and he's like the nicest
dude ever. You just you're in the match, it's the finish,
You're on top, the refs counting to three. What the
hell's going through your head at that moment? Are you
still in it in that moment? Or are you already

going Holy shit?

Speaker 3 (01:43):
It happened.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
Everything I said just came true.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
It was it was like if you watch the finish
of the match again, all that realization came up, like
right at the top of that to the top of
the rope when I was like standing up tall and
you're seeing all the people start standing up with me.
It's like they were ready to. It was like it
was like comeing too a realization to the people as well,
and it was like the swell of like emotion of

like wow, I'm here, Like I don't even like grab
my head at the top. It's just like I can't
believe this. I might be able to do this hitting
the stop. First off, the fact that this show was
like four hours and those people were still there, like
just like it didn't feel like they were ready to
watch a performance. They're ready to see victory. They were
ready for that home team to win. And that's the

emotion I kind of wanted to carry on to that.
It's like, you're not going to outperform well last bring
and Brian Danielsen and hats off to them. That's impossible
task as it is, but it's just like, Okay, what
kind of a different emotion that we can evoke that
the rest of the show is not able to. And
then I feel like that we successfully achieved that in itself.

And Joe was like the perfect like tighten of a
villain and the opposite to be put in that place
to do that, you know what I mean? Like I
feel like the like hitting that three count, it was
like history is made.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
We did it.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
It was really, it was really special, and really I
made my mark in history. And I feel like everybody
gets into wrestling to try to do that, to try
to make their mark in the business some way somehow.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
I feel like, now I did it. I did it.
My way, and I did it.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
I believe in myself and myself and like not changing,
not switching up, not conforming. I did it exactly how
I said I was going to do it. The people
believed in it.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
You talked about the Osprey Danielson match. You know, there's
such different matches when you look at them from any
sort of like analysis point of view, right, because they're
both special, But yours was much more narrative driven. It
was much more story driven. Joe had planned this seed
the week before about about you maybe choking in these

big moments and not being able to trying to put
some sort of doubt in your mind, which I think
makes the end of that match so much more special.
Like you said, when you climb up on the turnbuckle
and it's like, no, there will be no choking tonight.
There will only be stomping on your.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
Chest, which is funny because I almost lost by getting
choked out.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
So kind of parallels for sure.

Speaker 2 (04:17):
Where are you currently finding inspiration story wise professionally? Are
you looking back at the old stuff? Do you look overseas?
Are you looking at current stuff? Is it coming from movies,
comic books? Is it a combination of everything where you
find an inspiration for you your character.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Currently, I would honestly say, I'm painting with another blank
canvas again.

Speaker 3 (04:40):
And so I'm right now, I'm just gathering my tools.

Speaker 1 (04:43):
I'm gathering my instruments to start painting this iteration of Swerve.
It's like we seem Swerve as like that hungry predatorial
figure of like I'm hunting prey to try to get
to where I need to go, and I'm taking out
every other predator in the in the kingdom and the
animal kingdom to try to get there. Now it's like, okay,

you're at the top of the mountain. Where do we
how do we see him?

Speaker 3 (05:08):

Speaker 1 (05:08):
It's like, okay, now we gotta everything we built. We
got to kind of scrap that a little bit, but
we kind of want to keep those core things that
made me who I am, Like I'm still like the guy.
There still has to be a danger about me. And
when I'm and when I'm like faced with danger, like
when I'm faced with like threat, I come back ten

times harder because that's the kind of that's what got
me to where I am. You know, So now right
now with Christian coming up with double Nothing, man like
I found my threat. I feel like Swerve's character always
finds his motivation is inspiration through threat and danger. When
he's faced with it, that's where the things like start

churning a little bit, and that's where the narrative starts
being created. So right now I feel like I've swiped
it clean. The Patriarch and Christian and then all them
came through. They set the tone. Now it's like, hmm,
now I gotta start painting my campus again. Now we
got to use different instruments though in different utensils to
really start carving in different like peace.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
It's it's easy to want to beat the hell out
of Christian easy. He's quick to motivate.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
Yeah, it's quick, but it's like doubling up is like
maybe like three weeks away.

Speaker 3 (06:24):
So like, we gotta paint. We gotta get this art going.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
Jeff, go ahead, man, I know I've been hugging all this.

Speaker 4 (06:30):
Yeah, it's okay. We're both big Swerve marks. This happens.
You know, this isn't the same when we had some
of these other creeps on.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
This is our guy. They I appreciate you guys.

Speaker 4 (06:39):
Last time you hear you told us about turning down
opportunities because you wanted to solely focus on the AW
World Championship, and now you're the champion of AEW It
sounds so sweet to say, how do you handle that?
And also are you bringing the belt everywhere you go?
And if not, why not?

Speaker 3 (06:56):
I think that's what people want to see.

Speaker 1 (06:59):
They want to see why what makes this person important
walking into parties like that?

Speaker 3 (07:05):
What like why should we pay attention to them?

Speaker 1 (07:08):
Why is this like why like in those kind of
like circles, it's like not wrestling circles either, and that's
where like we need to be. That's where I need
to be now. You know, I kind of got to
like like and it's cool. I love like going to
the conventions and signings and even independent shows. It's just like,
you know, the places that built me. You know, this
is the people that supported me, and you want to

give back to those people and like understand that you're
there because their investment and you continued over all these years,
you know, and you kind.

Speaker 3 (07:38):
Of want to pay them back for that.

Speaker 1 (07:39):
They want to if you want to feel their their
investment in you was worth it, so coming back and
doing those things in the conventions. But also like now
it's like the crossover stage of like, why is what
makes this championship, this person so important to the landscape
of the world.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
How much pressure do you feel as a champion to
help bring professional wrestling to the mainstream and to make
it not so much alternative entertainment but mainstream entertainment.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
Do you feel pressure to do that?

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Or is it just if I'm allowed to paint my
picture on this canvas, I'll make sure people see it, Like,
how do you approach that?

Speaker 3 (08:38):

Speaker 1 (08:38):
Lately, I've kind of been cooking up things, even before
the World Championship, I've been cooking up things, and I've
been planting seeds to see around this time is where
they start growing and sprouting. So now it's just like, Okay,
we've been in the making of for a while, and
we've been like with investors, We've been with Oscar winners,

been cooking with like Grammy winners and all these guys
and all these people in male, female and all these groups.
Now it's like, all right, we cashed out. Here we
are and we told you and once again we told them,
we gave them a reason to invest.

Speaker 3 (09:16):
Now here's the investment paying off. We told you.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
We were going to honor our word. Here we are successful.
Aw's first African American World Champion, like we said. And
now it's like, Okay, now we see the vision. Now
those people see the value. Now these people see the grind,
the story, the narrative, they see what this is truly about,

the story really, and now it's like, Okay, now we
kind of want to follow into the rabbit hole a
little bit more because it's scary for people to just
want to just jump in blindly and something they're not
familiar with.

Speaker 3 (09:52):
Oh believe me, I know that right.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
Right, So it's like giving them that little bit of
belief and a little bit of investment, like saying something
and then honoring that word and now delivering on it.
And now it's like, Okay, I feel a little bit
more comfortable to jump in and follow you down this
path that's unfamiliar for us, but at least if we're
tethered with you, we feel like we're going to be Okay.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
I feel like that's where that crossover is.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
The promise being you becoming champion and the reward being
you becoming champion. I mean, that's that's that's basically what
we're saying.

Speaker 4 (10:24):
So if you go to the when you went to
the gym this morning, did you bring the belt with
you when you get coffee? I do you bring the
belt with you?

Speaker 3 (10:33):
I've had the belt with me all weekend in Miami.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
That was with like Asat Rockies people who was it
with Puma and guys like that gave us a bunch
of free stuff and me with those those like those
guys that invest in the ASAP Rockies.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
This is like people want to see the celebrity.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
I'm like, the celebrity is great to be around and
like take pictures with, But this is the people that
pay the celebrities. Is who you really want to be
like shaking hands with and do these photo with these
endorsement people that could like do these things.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
That's the people who went to link with.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
So it's like that's what I was spending my time
in Miami in the day to day.

Speaker 4 (11:08):
Do you wear the belt around your shoulder? Do you
wear it around the waist button? Did you wear you
put it around the neck? How do you wear it around?

Speaker 1 (11:16):
I do over the shoulder. I've been having like my
guests and friends like holding it more than I have.
They're like, oh, my god, the man.

Speaker 3 (11:24):
Here. This is a generous shout.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
My guy Clayton would be all, oh, for sure, I
wanted to ask you this last time. I just didn't
get it in there, and I've been beating myself up
about it, so it's I'm excited to get to ask you.
This is also from my friend Clayton Thomas shout out
what was your perfect booking for hit Row? Meaning how
would you have booked the group?

Speaker 1 (11:45):
I think when we hit the scene on NXT with
the North American Championship win, I think that was like
as hot as you could be at that especially at
that time.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
You know, at that time, I think they had some
old Joe.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
As NX champion if you do across, so they were
tied up like there, but I think it was like
Adam Cole and O'Reilly then it was like Joe and.

Speaker 3 (12:07):
Cross and stuff.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
So going from doing what we did to like all
the way to like getting drafted to SmackDown, I'm like,
I think that was great, and I just think like,
once again, it would have been cool to have more time.
It would have been cool to like jump right into
like something with like establishing another established faction, not just
Brionna Brandy not being let go and not just us three.
I think there was a lot of magic we could
have made with a lot of different people there. But

all these all these things happened for a reason. If
that doesn't happen, then you wouldn't see me here as
aw World champion, So I won't be I wouldn't be
able to make history without those things falling through. It
was almost like a blessing in disguise, which is hard
to see at the time, but it was just like, man,
there has to be something more and something bigger winning
for me.

Speaker 3 (12:48):
On the other side of that, I feel like this
was it.

Speaker 2 (12:51):
You spoke on a collision after you you won the
championship about sacrifices that had to be made on this journey,
not just the obstacles that got in your way, but
self inflicted pain, sacrifice right sacrifice away from family, away
from loved ones, all to show that this dream isn't

just a dream, but it's a plan. You're the champion now,
and I would imagine you have less time as champion,
with corporate responsibilities and having to meet with investors and
travel all around and all the public engagement, speaking announcements,
doing this podcast and the hundred others that you have
to do. Is do you feel like it's a greater

sacrifice now but it's still a part of the plan.
Or have you been able to feel a lot of
the joys that come with being a champion? Have you
been able to share that with your family? Have you
been able to show them, Look, this is what happens
when you do sacrifice.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
I feel like it gets lonelier at the top as
you go. It really does. And that's kind of like
what I was somewhat expecting. And as a lot of
people don't really understand about these things. It's like, when
you sacrifice, you sacrifice. You've got to give everything you
really do. Some people think like you like you could
have it all. It's like, nah, nah not. If you

want to like be the epitome in the top of anything,
you have to give up something because you have to. Like,
these people that are investing you, investing in you require
so much from you and your time and your energy,
in your mind and your spirit and your body. So
and if you if you want to reap the rewards

of that, you have to sacrifice a lot. And if
like you don't sacrifice. It's like, Okay, you can be
home if you want to, but you just can't have this.
You can't have the best best of this, And like,
that's that's tough. That's in people. That's why a lot
of people go like wild. You see, like a lot
of these celebrities at the top of the game, like

they go literally wild because there's a lot of people
try to pull from them and there's not a lot
out of that. They don't get that other fulfillment from
family members, loved ones, true loved ones, true family members,
like their kids. They don't get a lot of that nurse,
that true nourishment. On the other side of things, it's

off balance. It's all this but very minimal of this,
and that's tough for a lot of people. And I'm
seeing it too, like it it gets a little lonely.
It's a lot of like I gotta I gotta get
in town two days earlier and I gotta leave hours
later yep. And everybody else is going away back to

the hotels or go back to go do this. I'm like,
I gotta stay late, work work with TV and work
with production. I gotta come in two days earlier before
everybody else gets there, and I can't set plans. I
gotta get there early because I gotta talk to these
news stations. I gotta talk to these like I gotta
be in person with the championship looking the best I can.

So I gotta get in the gym. I gotta make
sure I look good. I gotta these things in order. Sorry,
the house is not going to get that thing put
in at the time because I'm not going to be
here for it.

Speaker 3 (16:09):
I got to get out of here and leave.

Speaker 1 (16:10):
So I bought a house over year that I barely
end because I got to be on the road to
support this company that still needs to grow, you know,
and it still needs these things. With my kids and stuff, like,
I see them when I can, and i'd love to
fly them out more. But they're getting older. They have camp,
they have clubs that they got to be a part of.
They have these things that they are committed to. Now

as they're fourteen, twelve years old, they're committed to certain things.
So it's like it's not like they were five, six,
seven years old and they could just like, oh, we
have nothing, we can just fly over and come see
my dad for like a week and a half.

Speaker 3 (16:43):
I'm gonna have that anymore.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
My kids are almost the same edge. I feel the
same way. And you're talking about the artist's life and
the artists struggle, and you know, to be great as
an artist, there is a level of selfishness that has
to exist. Jeff knows this as a successful comic. You
know it in the wrestling profession. I certainly know it
in the acting profession. And I don't mean selfishness in

a bad way. I mean there has to be some
focus on self to constantly be evolving and constantly changing.
Now you're in a position where you are now at
the pinnacle of that sport, and you're talking about all
these responsibilities and the sacrifice.

Speaker 3 (17:20):
What is it you're doing?

Speaker 2 (17:22):
And if there's no answer to this, there's no answer
to this. But what is it you do to recharge
your battery? What is it you do to just be
able to be you for a moment instead of having
to be all these things for all these different people.

Speaker 3 (17:45):
What is it you do to recharge your battery.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
I'm a video gamer, so like I definitely like I
get into my games. Literally, people see me like traveling
with this big TV, true airports, I got the game case.

Speaker 3 (17:58):
Yeah, and they're like, oh, man, I can't do it
without it. Now they're like, oh, what is this thing?

Speaker 1 (18:04):
I'm like, this is my serenity. That's what that is
ema alone. But that's what keeps my peace. That's what
levels me out. Definitely my biggest battery rechargers seeing my
children doing something with them, like flying up to the
Pennsylvania area and.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
Like, like, at this point, we've seen like that area
so much.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
I'm like, we've seen they've seen Times Square on the
ball drop, they've seen Liberty, the Liberty Bill, they've seen DC,
they've seen the Capitol, they've seen the Rocky Steps in Philadelphia,
they've seen they we went to the Lady Liberty and
the Statue of Liberty and stuff. So like it's trying
to find new things. I'm like, Okay, we've been doing
this for a while. What new things can we do?

Speaker 3 (18:43):
What they you know?

Speaker 1 (18:44):
So now it's just like getting them to travel more
because they don't really get to travel that often, So
just trying to get them to travel more and like
me experiencing new things with them, so we're both experiencing.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
New things together.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
So that's been the new challenge for like, that's my
but that's my battery, like recharge every time.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
Go ahead, Jeff, you got something in there.

Speaker 4 (19:02):
I was gonna ask him when he plays the video
game A E W Fight Forever, who does he pick?

Speaker 2 (19:07):
You know?

Speaker 4 (19:08):
Have you played as anyone else? Or is it do
you play as yourself?

Speaker 3 (19:11):
What do you?

Speaker 4 (19:11):
What do you? Who do you pick? Well?

Speaker 3 (19:13):
Now I picked myself. Now it took a while for
me to get it back and get on the game.

Speaker 4 (19:18):
But now in May, I'm like, yeah, like before you
were on it, who'd you pick?

Speaker 1 (19:23):
I played with Darby and then like I got beat
by Penta and I was like, I can't play with
Derby anymore.

Speaker 4 (19:29):
Yeah, pent Penta is the guy I picked the most
guys flying all over the place on that game.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
Yeah, I like Darby, throw him out Candy's Derby. I
use Malachi for sure because it was funny. Like in
the two K game, I mo capped Alistair black Yo.

Speaker 3 (19:45):
Really, I didn't know that. That's cool.

Speaker 4 (19:47):
Is there a game you play that we would never
guess he would play?

Speaker 3 (19:51):
Yeah, what are your favorites? I started Evil West like
an indie game. I know what game that is. Yeah,
it came out like I think late early this year
or late last year. It's like it's like a.

Speaker 1 (20:04):
Western zombie game with like some it feels like Got
a War in a sense, like it plays like the
new Guy of War.

Speaker 3 (20:10):
I was like, okay, something just new. I need.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
I need a new game other than Madden. I gotta
shoot something. I gotta get away from like like plays
and all that stuff. I need to need a change. Well,
was it Remnants too? We were on and my group
we played Destiny for a while, a game. I'm trying
to think of a game that's like, no I would
think I would play like I. I can go back

to PlayStation games though.

Speaker 3 (20:34):
Like what what system do you travel with? Oh? PS five? Okay,
so the PS.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
Five sleek slim it fits well in that super briefcase.
Is it the games that is the President Travel the one.

Speaker 4 (20:45):
That says G A E. M. S. Because that's the
same one that that whatever that company is, I.

Speaker 3 (20:50):
Don't even have to round it. That's the one I had.

Speaker 4 (20:51):
I have it for Red Dead with an airport Vanguard Vanguard.

Speaker 2 (20:56):
Yeah, that's we all have the same nerdy things.

Speaker 4 (20:59):
I still haven't play Red in the hotels with it.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
They have a bigger one now and that thing is
like I've seen people play the McDonald's. They just set
it up. It's like a seventeen inch screen. I'm like,
that's too much heavy.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
Okay, man, we're wrapping up the first half or first
two thirds of this and I want to get into
some of the external stuff. But are you when you're
not wrestling watching wrestling all the time? Do you have
to take a break from it? I know, like some
UFC fighters that don't watch the UFC they just compete
in it. But you said there's a pay per view

next week they don't watch. Are you somebody who enjoys
watching other wrestlers work or do you just not have
the time to watch the twenty hours of wrestling there
is a week?

Speaker 1 (21:41):
Still, I still keep up with weekly television programs just
because I have a lot of friends everywhere and I
want to see like how they're being used, what they're
doing and stuff that week and stuff like that. So
I do support my friends of mine. Even when I
won the championship, a lot of those guys they supported
me and watch and gave me congratulations. So I feel

like it's only right to like, oh man, I'm watching
you guys too, you know, showing that support to them.
So that's where like that goes. I watched some highlights
every once in a while. It's very rare I watch
like a full thirty minute match to study something, sure,
because I kind of want my ideas and my organicness

of what I'm creating in the ring to just come
from nothing. It just came from like I would like
to think so but maybe somebody like, oh, that came
from so and so from nineteen ninety five super Juniors
or whatever. Like For me, I like the inspiration to
just come just right out of thin air or something
like that.

Speaker 3 (22:37):
I'll even watch stunt stunt.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
Reels and come up with movements and come up with
different like transitions how to just me personally, I'm like,
I'm always trying to figure out how to move people
in a different, unique way. How do I create like
just perpetual motion without just irish whip and just running,
you know, like, how do I move you in the
right way, get your shoulder in a certain position, get

your hips in a certain position. So I watch a
lot of those combat just combat, like actual combat, just
just followed movement without having to move someone.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
I want to send you all my favorite Jackie Chan
fight scenes from the eighties because that's like, oh.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Oh, there's a good chance I've already watched there was
a good chance I've already watched them. I've been watching
them things for like since like my first like ten
years of wrestling. I've seen them, but I got they
are good to go back and like watch though, but
still like a Tony Jaiz someone else, Oh hell yeah,
I study of Michael Ji White, Scott Adkins, Yep, my

buddy gid Da Silva, who's I actually get to go
to the jam sessions in LA and work with him.
And the guys who are like grabbing the phone and
getting the cameras are like these guys.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
Worked on chang Chi and stuff like that. So I'm
getting like expertise, Like you.

Speaker 2 (23:53):
Know, no, the list of names you gave is enough
street cred, right.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
Right, Yeah, those are like these are guys I like
that's literally molded the last like i'd say, five six
years of what I've been doing.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
We got to get you the Tony Jai the Elephant
Bones where he strapped him to his arms and just
man bust on Nathan jones.

Speaker 3 (24:14):
Yell front foot and to just double the elbows. Yeah crazy.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
All right, Well, you're going to get into a bit
of business here on the podcast. Don't go anywhere, Swerve.
We have more with Swerve on our unsanctioned Thursday. You
guys can hear the rest of the interview, but we
ask you guys to leave us reviews and we picked
the best ones or the worst ones, whether you want
to be kind or mean, and we're gonna read them
live on the show. So this week is Brian Bowse
or Bose. I'm gonna say Bose like the speaker, and

he says, screw tribalism, more wrestling please. All right, so
this is going to be a nice one. Thank you
for the five star review, and he says, so glad
I gave this a chance. I'm not a Day one listener,
but was always intrigued. Intrigues a great word. By the way,
plan on supporting the FED once Freddy Land's a TV deal.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
Oh thank you for that, dude. I hope I do.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
I am an aew die hard but not a tribalist.
Really rooting for you, Freddie, Bryan Bowse, you sound like
an awesome dude.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
Thank you for that. Keep your fingers crossed. For me.

Speaker 2 (25:13):
Swerve actually knows that I'm out with the wrestling project
right now. You're one of the few people that I
actually kind of showed the teaser two to get to
get your opinion on.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
So we are out with that.

Speaker 2 (25:23):
I've got only gotten one no, close to a yes
on one and two others. I don't know, but it's
been a while, so I'm starting to go crap, Maybe
it's a no, and then the other half of me
goes no.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
Maybe someone's fighting for you. Maybe it's a yes.

Speaker 2 (25:34):
Oh I just think yes, Yeah, tevyworks, so Michelle, it does.
It does, and I'm used to movies, so maybe that's
what it is. But you guys stay locked Unsanctioned Thursday
and we will get a little more personal with Swerve
and get to know the man even more than we have.
So thanks for tuning in, everybody. This is Wrestling with Freddie,
Wrestling with Friends with Jeff Die, the aw World Champion

Swerve Strickland. Make sure you tune into Dynamite to night
and we'll see all of you Thursday on Unsay.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
This has been a.

Speaker 2 (26:04):
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