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June 26, 2024 25 mins

This week Jeff and I dive into the stories that are continuing to drive WWE forward.  We weigh in on what is surrounding the title picture on RAW with Drew, Seth, and Damien Priest!  We also discuss the Wyatt Six faction and the potential members of the group, while I express my reservations about the Uncle Howdy character.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
They've given us teaser after teaser, Easter egg after easter egg,
they've given us reasons to believe that they're gonna be
here on certain dates, and then nothing so much teasing
to finally get the greatest entrance of not only a
wrestler's return, but a faction.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
And now Your Mate event introducing the hosts of Wrestling
Win for Ready Jeff Died and for Ready Prince Junior.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
What's going on? Everybody? Welcome to a brand new episode
of Wrestling with Friends with me is always just the
great Jeff Die, I'm Freddy Prince Junior, and I'm talking
fast because we've got a lot of shows. So let's
start it. Mister Jeff, how are you sorry?

Speaker 1 (00:49):
I'm feeling good, dude. Never been more excited to hop
on the microphone with you this week. This this might
be the best week of wrestling we've had.

Speaker 3 (00:59):
In a long ahead. What do you want to what
do you want to talk about? First? You're so excited?

Speaker 1 (01:04):
Well, I'm just saying, like you know, we have WrestleMania's,
we have Summer Slams, we have Roy Rumbles, we have
all these plees as we're calling them now that are
very exciting. But this week in WWE best SmackDown in
raw I've ever seen.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
I mean, this should have been paper view stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
This was awesome. It was all very very good. So
I was just gonna say was there was a lot
of good ship. You're right about that.

Speaker 3 (01:24):
The only if you don't count on w it was
a great week a websday. We'll get into that too.
We might get into aw on Thursday show. I don't
know if we'll have enough time today to get to it,
but we'll start with Monday Night Raw and mister Rollins
is back. It's mister Rollins neighborhood. It's mister Rowlins Show.
It's Monday Night Rollins, It's the Visionary Show. And he

was dressed like a bad guy from Indiana Jone.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Let me tell you this guy Seth. Rollins's closet is
funded by Disney. I think this guy's got it. What
a crazy closet he has? How big is this? How
big is the Rolins closet? Is it bigger than the
Lynch closets?

Speaker 3 (02:01):
Probably? You know they have separate classts. It's a room,
it's an entire they just transferred a bedroom into a closet.
I love Seth Rollins. I think he's one of the
best wrestlers in the world. I Uh, the way he
dresses is so weird to me. I don't know why
I don't get it. I know everybody else loves it.
I know him in the minority, but it's so weird
to me. And he looked like that guy Belloc from

Raiders of the Lost Ark, the other competing I was
gonna say, conquistador, the other archaeologist who's like competing against
him to get that gold skull in the beginning of
the movie. Yea as the French accent Doucor Jones, Welcome
to Monday Nights. That's all he needed And I was
all in. But I don't care Becky.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
Becky and Seth Rowins both live in Iowa, Okay, and
a lot of room for a classet, a.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
Lot of space to be able to big closet.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
However, can you imagine those two humans going to get
like coffee or a or a nice like lunch or
something together in I What the people must go? What
are these crazy looking people like? If you don't watch
ress like Yes, also Becky dresses like that in public?

Speaker 3 (03:13):
Yes she does. No, I have it not on like
not on a Thursday to love.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
I have a pretty good source that she wears like
bell bottoms and giant glasses and.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
All right, so let me throw this theory at you.
Did they live in a small town. It's probably set
his hometown. They love Seth, they love they a nice
girl to settle down with. So maybe they go, hey, man,
he's just he's an artist. He's expressing himself. Just let
him dress the way he dresses. You put your overalls
on the right way, not one strap, you do too,
but let Seth do what he does. And so maybe

that's you know, it's a small, nice, sweet town. You
don't know.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
No, I just think it'd be hilarious if you didn't
watch Wress and you just watch these two, these two strong, muscular,
like they're both gorgeous people, and they're wearing like just
like he's dressed like Jeff Jarrett. He's got chains off
him and straps, and then she's wearing bell bottoms and
her bright crazy hair. I mean, like, it's just like
such a funny idea to picture them going table for two.

Speaker 3 (04:09):
With this nice little family diner and they're like, who
the place that makes its own pies too, you know what. Anyways,
all right, well let's talk his back and he gets
interrupted by Damian Priest. Nobody walks with purpose right now
better than Damian Priest. When he comes to the ring,
it looks like a rock stars coming to the stage,
and he's about to like go like that kind of music.

He's awesome like that. But he made a critical error.
He made a critical error because Seth Rollins already said
he was willing to go to Money in the Bank
to earn a shot at the title. He lost because
he was hurt. Let's be real. Drew beat him, but
Seth had been through the ringer otherwise. He straight up,
he beats him, and he says he's willing to go

through all this, and the champion comes out and says, no, no, no, no,
no no, you don't have to go through anything, no gauntlet, nothing.
In fact, you don't even have to challenge me as
the champion. I'm going to challenge you to wrestle for
my title at Money in the Bank. This is a
critical air, a critical air by Babyfaces, and I mean

it in both figuratively and literally. In the literal sense,
I think it means it. Set's about to win the
title again and they're going to take it off Damien
because they haven't really given him a story. I don't
think it's his fault that he gotten over with the title,
but because he hasn't had a story. But I don't
think he's gotten over with the title really, and I
think this is the way that you get it off him.
I'll say this, They've done this before. They did it

with Christian Cage or sorry, just Christian back then when
he won the title off Alberto Del Rio and then
Randy Orton talks him into the very next day basically
the same kind of scenario where Christian's like, yeah, I'll
fight you for the title. Let's go right now. And
then they took it off Christian right away and Randy
won it again. And so that was the first thought
in my head was pure terror because I was like,

oh shit, they're going to take it off them already.
That sucks, which means good through rollins, but I could
be Look, not all my predictions are right and this
and it's early, there's still story to tell. But as
a character choice, dude, you never give them what they want.
You make them work for it. You run him through
the gauntlet. You put him through hell and back and
if he's still standing at the end, he can have

a shot and then your friends are going to f
him over. Anyway, that's how you pull that off. But
but they did it this way, and it makes me
worry about the Damian Priests character potentially losing the title.
Although I think both these guys are studs. I don't
care who the champ is as long as the match
kicks ass. What did you think of it?

Speaker 1 (06:35):
I agree with what you're saying, Like it seems a
little too easy. Also, does it seem like a quick
return by Seth?

Speaker 3 (06:42):
This is like the bro he's a stud? What do
you be? That's why I'm shocked. I'm like shocked. How
fast it does? Heal fast? Yeah? I heal slowly. I'm
still hurt because I'm not a stud bro. Well, but
I just I'm like, I was like when he came back,
I was all excited. I got it.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
I popped away everyone else did that he returned, But
I was also like, wait a minute, has it been
has is time just fly or something?

Speaker 3 (07:01):
But I feel like he just left.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
But anyways, I was glad that to turn I will
be shocked if they take the belt off of Damian,
I think instead they should just build a story for
him instead of saying, oh, we haven't made like like.

Speaker 3 (07:13):
I think they should just build a story like batter.
The only thing that's hard to do with that is
because the next story has to be Gunther, because Gunther
has the guaranteed title shot at Summerslams, So I don't
That's why I feel like he's gonna lose it and
then it's.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
Gonna be Seth and Gunther one of these instead of
goes for Damian Priest's title run and then they'll give
him another shot, you know, in a couple of years
or a few months, whatever however it works out. He
should be in that discussion. As in the championship circle, right,
there's only a small group of guys that are I think,
year round in the circle where you could put the

belt on him, and I think he's one of them.
But when I see it written out that way and
the champion is the babyface champion in this case, I
guess they're both badass ill faces, so that doesn't apply.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
Never mind, I won't. That doesn't apply because neither one's
a baby face or a heel you love both guys
because they're kind of dicks. So that doesn't so that
one doesn't doesn't apply. But anyway, I think with the
Gunther thing coming, maybe it goes to Rold's I hope
I'm wrong, man, I'd like to see Priest hold it
a little while like Christ although I will say this
and I think we both agree, when it is time
for Summer Slam, Kunther should wait and be that champ

for a long time. Well, I don't know, dissension, Yes,
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (08:32):
Okay, what do you want to get to next?

Speaker 3 (08:47):
What do you want to get to?

Speaker 1 (08:48):

Speaker 3 (08:48):
I know what you want to get to. You want
to get to the end of the show. You want
to get to the Wyatt six. I can talk about
Wyatt six for seven hours. I'm gonna I'm gonna shut
the hell up and I'm gonna let you talk Why
at six for seven and a half? No, I just
like what they're doing the show.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
They've given us teaser after teaser, Easter egg after Easter egg.
They've they've given us reasons to believe that they're gonna
be here on certain dates and then nothing. I mean,
we've heard rumors that they're gonna come back at every
pl e like like it's just so much teasing to
finally get the greatest, in my opinion, entrance of a

of not only a wrestler's return, but a faction. We
get a whole group, the Wyat's Six, which people are wondering.
I'm wondering, is it six? Is it? Is it Uncle
Howdy plus six? What is the deal? Who else will
be added to this group? Who's being brainwashed by them?
If you watched it, it's the number one viral video

on the WWE YouTube channel. Everybody's been watching, everybody's been
sharing it. Even other groups around things have become involved.
But everybody's wondering will they fight Some of the people
that were in the little backstage area that were like
of the takeover.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
Who did you see? Who did you see backstage?

Speaker 1 (10:07):
Well, so obviously the big one is Chad Gable with
the big bullet shot in the side of his head
or whatever, like.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
Yeah, it looked like a bullsh it looked like it,
did it weird? I would have put that cut higher.

Speaker 1 (10:18):
I would have put it like in the thing and
bleeding down, but instead they made it look like he
was assassinated.

Speaker 3 (10:22):
With a Jfkden right after they resign, and then the
other one was, uh, it looked like Damian Priest was
in the pile.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
I didn't see that it looked like that, but some
said it might be Carmelo Hayes. Some said it might
be I'm trying to think, well, the other I heard
bronze Stroman maybe was beat up back then claims he
wasn't in the building. Bron Stroman said, oh good, the
good thing I got out of there. But I think
bron Stroman might also join this thing because of his
ties to bray Wyatt. I also think we see Alexa

Bliss in this six eventually or part of it, or somehow.
Obviously she's in seah gosh, what else we gonna say?
There was other guys in that pile. I'm trying to
remember who who was, And some people claim that that's
not true, that the people that are that are being
identified in that pile of people aren't the people that
people are thinking they are. So that's that's another thing.
But I think this is the most exciting one. So

who's in the group. We got Nikki Cross, who plays
basically the doll you got Dexter Loomis who's playing the bird.
Basically that like what is the the Austro's culture thing.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
You have.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Gosh, obviously Eric Rowdy is is Bo Dallas. You have
Eric Rowans as the rabbit that like that rabbit character,
and then the pig is played by ar wrestler that
I'm forgetting the name of Joe Gacy. Oh, John Gacy
is the famous murderer of young boys. He could he
could be in fit in the group, let me tell you.
But I think that this is so, so, so exciting,

But I'm I'm so nervous that it could get ruined
or that in six months we might be sitting here going, oh,
it's not as exciting as it once was. So I
think that might be part of the slow drawing it out,
like making sure it's right. But they did everything correct.
Bray Wyatt's glove was being warned by Uncle Howdy. He
had Bray written on it, which was pretty sweet. So

many cool things about the Wyatt's Six that I think
they're doing it perfectly, and I'm just praying that they
keep it, that they keep it crawling out the way
that they're doing it.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
What do you think I will I'll say this, I
thought It was shot wonderfully, and I thought it was
a really cool idea, and I thought it was one
of the coolest ways, like you to introduce a faction
that that I definitely did. I have been iffy on
this Uncle Howdy character since the beginning.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
I have.

Speaker 3 (12:48):
I didn't connect with the mask. You know, I'm a
big mask. It was hard for him to talk. They
fixed that, fixed the mask yet, so that that beef
is gone. They listened to the show. They know time
it is, so you know, I'm watching it, and I
try to tell myself, Okay, this is perhaps for the kids,
right or the young at heart, Like you're young at heart,
You're going to be a kid for life. You're going

to baseball games and shooting ranges in the same day.
I'm so jealous. That was awesome, by the way, So
I'm like, okay, it's for kids. But then it's in
the last hour, so kids can't even watch that. So
I'm like, all right, who is this for? And I
guess it's for everyone, and I'm just the minority because
I haven't connected with this story yet. There hasn't been enough.

I thought the build up was way too long and
it was just internet stuff that I don't do, like,
I've never scanned a QR code in my life. My
daughter had to show me how to do it on
a menu one time because they didn't have menus at
a restaurant anymore. It was humiliating. Yeah, forget wrestling, we're
talking menus and proper etiquette and restaurants. No, so I

haven't clicked with it, but it was executed flawlessly outside
of the gunshot wound to Chad's head after you just
resigned him. Outside of that, it was perfect and I
loved everybody. I thought Uncle Howdy was cool. I thought
he did a good job with that. With the weird here,
there's a lot of pressure on that line. It could
have gone a lot of different ways, and instead it
went the right way. And I love to blow out

and the goodbye at the end. So I thought they
did a great job cinematically with it. I thought, you know,
the acting was cool in it. They didn't have words
to say except Uncle Howdy. But even the name Uncle Howdy,
it's tough for me to say because it's just hard
for me to take it as seriously as I want
to take it. But yeah, so you know, I'm not
in love with the storyline, but I acknowledge that I

am in the minority on this one and everybody else
loves this.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
I also think there's a huge missed demographic of wrestling
fans in the past. Okay, So I live in Los Angeles,
very Latino heavy area of California, right when I go
to Hollywood Horror Nights, right which I once went and
got to hang out with Bray Wyatt for a couple

hours while we read Hollywood Horor Nights. One of my
cherished memories, especially now that he's passed. And one thing
that Latinos like, or a large demographic of Latino's like,
is Halloween horror, and horror is a huge part of
an overlapping wrestling fan base, and nobody did it, nobody
like Since the beginning of wrestling, there was no like

horror kind of guy, and Bray Wyatt was one of
the first ones. And I remember walking around with him
at Hollywood horn Nits going, man, he fits in here
so perfect. There was so many wrestling fans at that
because so many wrestling fans like horror things, and he.

Speaker 3 (15:34):
Was that dead on. He was the horror wrestler.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
You got a bunch of horror fans, got a bunch
of wrestling fans, and it's like this perfect trifecta that
all loved Bray Wyatt. Anyways, all that rambling aside, I
think that them leaning into this perfectly suits dudes like
me and people like I got to meet those two
hours at Hollywood hor Nights who just love scary movies
and we love the paranormal and we love kind of

like this thing. I think Matt Matt, he tried to
do it a little bit with like his well.

Speaker 3 (16:02):
Undertaker was that yeah, yeah, and then he got cool
later though it was the American badass and then their
horror was gone. But Bray's the first sense Taker's debut.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
Yeah, And I think that like with Bray passing, like
this is a great way to go what would be
the vision? And then that makes them really take that
makes them really take it serious. It makes wrestling, It
makes the writers and all the people in the n
WB go, Man, we can't just kind of half ask
this and see if it sticks to the wall, because
this is a person we all love who's passed away.

So it forces them to put the time into it,
the effort into it, right, and the U and the
commitment to it makes it serious because we've got a
wrestler that literally everyone was obsessed with. So I just
think it's awesome and I think maybe, like you said,
it just plays to all my specific interests.

Speaker 3 (17:03):
We're moving on to SmackDown, and this was an awesome episode.
So the show in Chicago, they started hot with cmpunk.
We heard the music kick in, he came in, he
gave us. He didn't give us a magical promo. He
gave us the typical punk promo, which is like a
nine eight or a nine. Right. He has earth shattering
ones that have that have been tense before, but even

his like I'm phoning it in is an eight or nine.
Like that's how sick you are, Carr. You got on
the microphone and he's not going to phone in it
at home. But this wasn't so much about what he
had to say. This was more about what he had
to do. And he's interrupted by the only person who
could probably get away with it and not get beat
the hell up is Paul Hayman, who has a big

history with here. And Paul comes into the ring and
he's been terrified lately. He looks like like just's he's
like an abusive relationship and he's like shattered and about
to crack or call the cops every minute of his life.
He comes in the rig with a very shaky breath
and shaky voice. He gets a big hug and it
goes on a long time, this hug, but he needs

a big, long hug. And he gets out and he
basically says, yo, man, I'm here to warn you. If
you don't get out of here, Solo Sokoa and these
crazy Tonguan motherfuckers are going to come out here and
whip your ass in your hometown. And Seempunk's like, look,
I ain't going nowhere, do I'm cempunk f these guys,
and boom here they come. They come out and Sampunk

doesn't get scared. He's like, yo, I'll fight you right now.
If you guys a bunch of fake ass USO's and
your little bitch ass Roman Reigns, let's freaking go. And
so they're gonna kick the shit out of him. And
then here comes Cody Roads, Coded Roads, and he runs
in with two baseball bats. It's good that they always
bring baseball bats to wrestling shows because they've been they're
necessary so often that and kendo sticks very important today. Yeah,

they set all this up for a fight at the end,
So I guess the story is the bloodline, not so
much seampunk. He's in a different storyline that if we
have time, we'll get in. We'll get into. But it
leads to a match between Cody Rhodes and Solo Socoa
where there's not gonna be any hell, you can't have

the Crazy Tongans their band, and he's not gonna bring
Kevin Owens and Randy Orton, who's freaking gigantic, y'all. They
listed him at two seventy and on the hard camera
following him to the ring, he's like two seventy. Hell
with that, I'm way bigger, and he's like pointing up
like he's more like two ninety and he's I'm gonna

cuss again. It's a big cussing podcast. He's fucking gigantic.
He's never been this big and he looks amazing, so
he's not gonna come out. Bad move, bad move. Cody
and Kevin Owens the toughest Canadian ever outside of like
you know, maybe the Mounting. He was pretty tough, cowardly
but tough, cut he's not gonna come out. So they
have this match and Solo's getting the eat down. Cody

Rhodes came out in the in the all My My
Hero Academia jacket, this anime that if you guys haven't watched,
is totally where he got the idea for him. I
don't care what anybody says. They have the fight, Cody's
beating him down, and all of a sudden, this freaking
gigantic Samoan dude. And I don't mean like fat, I
mean big, like thick, like Jim Tomy thick. He jumps

into you know what I mean, like it looks like
a tree speaking my language. There we go. He comes
in the ring and he kicks the shit out of
Cody Rhodes does a fucking frog splash off the day
and he's huge and does a frog splash onto an
announced table and beats the hell out of everybody. He's
he's the man, He's the tough guy. Jeff. I know

a lot of people are comparing the Bloodline to the nWo,
but I don't think it's like that at all, Because
the nWo was bringing in guys that were already on
the roster that needed to rub. These are always new
faces that are in and making an impact based on
their loyalty, not to the bloodline, but to Solo, to
one man. Right, they're not they're putting up the ones

because Solo puts up the one. Right. It's like the
way people followed Roman, so it's less of or sorry
the way people followed Roman. It was a family. This
is not a family. This is a mafia. This is
a different kind of family. And he's acting like John Gotti,
who was a very reckless For those who don't know it,
was a reckless mob boss, and they called him the
teflon Don. But he was so reckless that he eventually

got caught too many times and one of his boys
got caught and that boy turned on him, and John
Gotti went to jail and he was no longer Teflon.
This can happen to Solo too, because he is a
reckless guy. And when when Roman does come back, it's
like the old mob boss coming back, like getting out
of jail and going, what the fuck did you do
to the family? What kind of business are we doing here?

You broke all these rules? And then the young mob
boss is like, hey man, this is the way that
things go, and I'm the one that kept us aflow
and then they get this great mob war, this turf war,
which I think is where they're going. That'll be a
great storyline. But how did you feel seeing all this
breakdown and are you still into the bloodline story the
way I am? Or okay, cool? Cool?

Speaker 1 (22:08):
I think it's better than ever and also I liked this,
so I think it's And I also think it's different
than the nWo because the nWo started as this dope
ass bad guy three guys Raisa Ramon, Kevin Nash and
then Hulk Cogan and so that was kind of perfect.
But then as it grew, it got less and less
cool in factually diluted. Yeah, it diluted it, and then

it was like the least exclusive thing in the world.
You're like, wait, we have seventy five guys in the nWo.
Literally everyone you've ever liked from WCW eventually was in
the nWo. And then it became well, no, we're the nWo.
That's red.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
Then it's like, no, now we're the nWo.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
Just the wolf Pack is the original, but I know
we didn't have that name that you knew of then,
Like it was just like so like there's too much
and so I think the Bloodline has very finite rules.
As long as the people that are in the Bloodline
are actually in real life life in the Bloodline, then
I love it. I think that's really cool, Jeff. I
think it's so fun that those are the rules. And

in fact, I don't like seeing a sam he's aying
in the Bloodline. I can't wait for them to turn
on Paul Hayman because he's technically not in the Bloodline.
And also, Paul Hayman is so good. I mean, the
dude deserves an Academy Award just for that performance he
put on this week.

Speaker 3 (23:24):
He's so so good.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
So it's not like if Paul Haman is removed from
the Bloodline that he's not in wrestling anymore. He'll be
paired up with like a different wrestler that he could bro.
He could just go back to rule again, and he could.
But that's the thing again, that we could use him
in a wrestling can use him in a way that
we still get more Paul Haman.

Speaker 3 (23:41):
He is a He's the best, the best bro.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
He ain't going nowhere, But I do think he should
be turned on by the bloodline, like the bloodline should
stay pure bloodline, and I love as much as that grows.
As long as they're really in the bloodline, I say,
bring over Rakishi as a manager, bring over Naya Jacks
as you're female enforcer, bring over anybody who is in
that actual bloodline. And I don't care if they're new

or if they're an old or not old, but like
if they're like a WWE superstar or a freaking Hall
of Famer for that matter, I don't care if they're
brand new and young blood. I don't care if they're
old blood, but if they're in the bloodline, I support
it and I love it, and I think it's really
really exciting what they're doing and a great way to
do it.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
I think that's awesome, dude. Yeah, I think that's a
great take on it. I love If they are really
in the family, then all aboard. And if they're not,
that's bullshit. Keep it out. You guys are awesome. We
love you. We thank you for listening. Tune in Thursday.
We're going to get into all things aw lot of
WWE stuff this week. If you want, you can reach

out to us. You can leave reviews, if you leave
a review, whether it's five stars or whatever stars. We'll
read it. We'll read it here on the show. Give
us those reviews and tell your friends. I know social
media is the key, right share, share, share, na man,
just tell your friends next to me. Oh, I'll listen
to this podcast. You should check it out. That's a
really direct way to communicate. If you love us, share us.

And I almost choked and died right there on behalf
of jeff Die. Tune into all of Us tomorrow Thursday.
I'm Freddy Prince as Jeff Die. This is Wrestling with
Freddy Friends. This has been a production of Iheart'smichael Toura
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Let’s Be Clear… a new podcast from Shannen Doherty. The actress will open up like never before in a live memoir. She will cover everything from her TV and film credits, to her Stage IV cancer battle, friendships, divorces and more. She will share her own personal stories, how she manages the lows all while celebrating the highs, and her hopes and dreams for the future. As Shannen says, it doesn’t matter how many times you fall, it’s about how you get back up. So, LET’S BE CLEAR… this is the truth and nothing but. Join Shannen Doherty each week. Let’s Be Clear, an iHeartRadio podcast.

The Dan Bongino Show

The Dan Bongino Show

He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

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