Do not trust those who have only dropped 1 Star. A Must See!!!
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a documentary that provides an alternative perspective on World War II and its aftermath. It challenges the mainstream narrative by presenting evidence and testimonies that question the widely accepted version of events. The film runs for approximately 6 hours and is divided into two parts. The documentary starts by examining the origins of the conflict, highlighting the role of communism and the Soviet Union in the events leading up to the war. It argues that the Western Allies, including the United States and the United Kingdom, were aligned with the Soviet Union, which was responsible for numerous atrocities during the war. The second part of the documentary focuses on the aftermath of the war and the consequences of the Allied victory. It covers topics such as the Nuremberg Trials, the occupation of Germany, and the establishment of the state of Israel. The film argues that the Allies were more interested in punishing Germany than in rebuilding it, which led to the division of the country and the rise of the Iron Curtain. Throughout the documentary, "Europa: The Last Battle" presents interviews with historians, researchers, and witnesses, who offer alternative viewpoints on key events and figures. The film also uses archival footage and photographs to support its arguments. One of the strengths of this documentary is its thorough and comprehensive approach to the subject matter. It covers a wide range of topics and provides ample evidence to support its claims. However, some viewers may find the length of the film to be overwhelming, and the presentation of certain ideas may be challenging for those who are not familiar with the alternative history movement. In conclusion, "Europa: The Last Battle" is a thought-provoking and comprehensive documentary that challenges the mainstream narrative of World War II and its aftermath. It offers alternative viewpoints and evidence that may be eye-opening for those who are willing to consider different perspectives on this complex and important period in history.
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