One of the most important documentaries
13 February 2024
Watching the lies unravel before my eyes has been a most fascinating thing and I feel like life's taken on a new chapter since then. Since I was a kid I knew that something was off kilter but how could I say anything? I just went along with it and bought into the lies we were told about the world wars, about the Germans, Adolf Hitler, the Jews, etc.

Lying to myself became serious delusion and the conflict was hard to get through but this was one of the last things that finally knocked me loose and now I can see just how terribly we've been lied to.

I can see what faces our race now. I can see every sick, twisted lie used against us. I can see that we need to fight back.

This should be mandatory viewing in schools for all White folks. Should be on the big screens. Should be seen all over!

If you can, get the files for the blu-ray/DVDs (you can buy them on moneytree too, that's what I did) and clone the disks so you can spread the word.

Spread Europa The Last Battle far and wide!
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