599 Reviews
I can identify with this movie
gp-1346818 July 2017
My grandson advised me to watch this movie. I'm not much of a movie watcher but was greatly impressed with the movie. I was employed by a major company in the late 60's This movie occurred a little before that. I was actually a teen when John Glen took his trip into space. I and many other blacks had no knowledge of this crew of women and how they contributed to the NASA project. In the late 60's, there were race riots and lots of racial conflicts. I remember in my senior year, Westinghouse Electric was located in a black community but had no black employees. They came to the black high schools and wanted the top 3 stenographers from each school to apply to their company. This was based on efforts from the community to hire black employees. We were tested. We all had to have 3.8-4.0 QPA's and be able to type 80-100 words per minute and transcribe at 100 wpm. I was 1 of the lucky ones. I had an academic diploma with business classes as my minor. Ten women were hired. I was so excited. But the minute I walked out on the floor, all eyes were on me. There were no black/white bathrooms, but we were pushed to the back of the line and not allowed to use the mirrors until all the white girls had left the restrooms. It wasn't a rule, but we were shoved to the back. We were laughed at and talked about in front of our faces. But under no circumstances was I going to allow somebody else to take this job away from me. We took it! We were treated like we were from a 3rd world country. The white girls didn't even know how to change the typewriter ribbons. Their typing speeds only had to be 45-50 to get in. Shucks, I had to be the best! I was awed to have typed on the IBM Selectric typewriter. The same one in the movie! But we had to care for their machines as well as our own. In high school we only had manuals. Eventually I went to Univ of Pgh. to study accounting at night. I took all of the courses required to get out of the steno pool, but was consistently turned down 10 years trying to become an Accounting Clerk. While whites with less education and less seniority were chosen over and over again over me. I had to type for the controller, because of my super fast, error free statistical typing skills while his secretary filed her nails and poured coffee. Of course, I was never paid what she made. To make a long story short, we black women stayed. Some of us for 40 years. It took years before we were looked at like humans--before people would talk to us, eat at the same lunch table, sometimes they would make us wait last to get on the elevators to go home. But over the course of 10- 40 years, we earned that respect. We did become manager secretaries. We did earn engineering degrees at night and worked our way up. We did end up with white women becoming our best friends. We became their bridesmaids instead of their maids. We went to their parties, instead of cleaning up after the parties. This movie may make some people uncomfortable, and perhaps you don't believe it was like that for smart black women, actually any black person. But believe me, I am a living witness at age 67 to recall the bigotry and hatred I once experienced as a young woman 18 years old, only to retire from the company with much respect. Many of my friends that started when I started, are still in touch. We always laugh and say "We were the first." Because we knocked down those walls of prejudice and differences and created a path for people of all colors to follow. I loved the movie. I only wished that those women had been recognized a little sooner for their contributions to the NASA PROJECT. The portrayal of bigotry and indifference is real. It really did happen in the 60's. As a child I remember the black/white bathrooms--not being allowed in Howard Johnson's on the turnpike and going shopping in the department store via the back warehouse door. Katherine was older than me. Did she run almost a mile to the bathroom? Maybe, maybe not. But don't judge this movie based on that. Some real prejudices were worse than that. History cannot be changed, only learned about. I am proud to be a part of that growing history along with Katherine.
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Punches all my buttons: segregation, space, engineering, computers
steven-leibson7 January 2017
I'm an engineer. I designed computers, I grew up in the south during the 1950s and 1960s. I was heavily involved in the space race at an early age and watched every launch and recovery on black-and-white TV. I never saw separate restrooms and drinking fountains for "colored" but they were there. I never rode on segregated public buses, but they were there and I knew it. This movie, "Hidden Figures," brings all of these worlds back to me. No, it's not a painstakingly accurate picture. NASA didn't have flat-panel screens back then. Communications between the ground and the Mercury capsules were not static-free. But a lot of this movie feels real. Very real.

The protagonists in this movie are three women of color working in one of the most unwelcoming environments they might hope to find: NASA Langley, Virginia, in 1961. As women, they were employed as human "computers" because they were less expensive and they got their numbers right. As "colored" folk, they got their own separate (and sparse) restrooms and their own, separate dining facilities. This was not America's shining hour, even in some place as lofty as NASA.

At the same time, civil unrest was rising in the towns. This is the time of Martin Luther King's rise to prominence. It's a time just before the rise of militant civil rights groups. It's a time when resistance to segregation and discrimination was still civil, but as the movie shows, that resistance was beginning to firm up and become widespread.

There are several reasons to see this movie: from a civil rights perspective; from a feminism perspective; from the perspective of the early space race when we lagged the Soviet Union, badly. If you lived during this time, see the movie to remember. If you were born later, see this movie to see what things were like.
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I first gave it a 9 then almost gave it a 4 but have settled on 7
sam2146217 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First I would like to say that I thought this was a tremendous movie. It is well written, acted, directed, and the story is amazingly compelling. Then I read a bit about the true story of these amazing women. There were such great liberties taken with their stories that I was a bit appalled. While it did a great job making us feel just how amazing these women were it failed to show the role NASA played correctly. I will simply paste the wiki of the reality of the mindset of NASA as well as the real story, in a super condensed way. Science is anti-stupidity and racism is stupid. I wish that NASA and science had been presented in a bit better light. Paste starts here:

The film, set at NASA in 1961, depicts segregated facilities such as the West Area Computing unit, an all-black group of female mathematicians, who were originally required to use separate dining and bathroom facilities. However, in reality, Dorothy Vaughan was promoted to supervisor of West Computing in 1949, becoming the first black supervisor at the NACA and one of the few female supervisors. In 1958, when the NACA made the transition to NASA, segregated facilities, including the West Computing office, were abolished. Dorothy Vaughan and many of the former West Computers transferred to the new Analysis and Computation Division (ACD), a racially and gender-integrated group.

Mary Jackson completed her engineering courses and earned a promotion to engineer in 1958, becoming NASA's first black female engineer. Katherine Johnson was assigned to the Flight Research Division in 1953, a move that soon became permanent. When the Space Task Group was formed in 1958, engineers from the Flight Research Division formed the core of the Group and Katherine moved along with them. She coauthored a research report in 1960, the first time a woman in the Flight Research Division had received credit as an author of a research report.

The Space Task Group was led by Robert Gilruth, not Al Harrison, who was created to simplify a more complex management structure. Vivian Mitchell and Paul Stafford are composites of several team members reflecting common social views and attitudes of the time. Karl Zielinski is based on Mary Jackson's mentor Kazimierz "Kaz" Czarnecki. John Glenn, who was much older than depicted at the time of launch, did ask specifically for Johnson to verify the IBM calculations, although she had several days before the launch date to complete the process.
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Good movie but, sadly, Hollywood must tinker with facts
maricam23 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed watching Hidden Figures. The story was compelling and laid out neatly for our viewing pleasure. It shone a spotlight on a part of history with which I wasn't familiar. And, most importantly, it made me want to learn more about Katherine Goble Johnson, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan. What a shame the screenwriters felt they had to preach at me about racism rather than just tell the true story of these amazing and talented women. They weren't amazing and talented "in spite" of being black or "in spite" of being women, they were just amazing and talented in their own right. One day, perhaps, Hollywood will get a clue and give audiences credit for having a brain.

Much of the atmosphere of racism in the movie did not ring true for me. In many cases it didn't even make sense, so I looked into it. The first question I had for the internet was "Did Katherine Goble have to run half a mile to use a bathroom on the NASA complex?" The answer is no. For more info on the conditions and life of Katherine Johnson check out the interview with her here: https://youtu.be/r8gJqKyIGhE. In particular check out 11:49 where she says she "didn't feel segregation". Everyone was working. The job was important and they weren't going to jeopardize the mission with foolish racist antics. She was part of a team. I would've liked to have heard so much more about Katherine and her mind and work, less about the social issues of the 1960s!

I understand screenwriters have to condense a large amount of information into a couple of hours but the ham-handed and, let's be honest, false representation of racism at NASA and the treatment of these women was a repeated and unwelcome intrusion into what should have been a very interesting and educational movie about such remarkable women. For example: I strongly suspect Katherine Goble never, ever would have been so unprofessional as to scream at her boss and co-workers like she does in what Hollywood probably sees as a "cathartic" scene. It was completely out of character and a distraction from what should have been the real story, that of Katherine's accomplishments. Goble was a conscientious and intelligent woman who would've never done such a thing which, to my way of thinking, says a lot more about her than this silly, manufactured scene.

But I don't want to run the risk of being just as ham-handed in my review and I'll leave my criticism at that. I'll only add, don't let the prospect of being bludgeoned by an anti-racism message keep you from going to see Hidden Figures.
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Major Feel-Good Movie, just gets better as it goes along
A_Different_Drummer12 January 2017
In the opinion of this reviewer, an extraordinary achievement.

The characters on which the film is based were special and unique on their own, and well deserving of the sort of semi-documentary films that Hollywood likes to serve up.

However, to take that story and bump it up to a major "feel-good film" that engages the viewer from the getgo and does not let up until the very end of its 2 hour and 5 minute running time, THAT is what elevates this project to greatness.

I want to be clear on this because it is important. There are two ways to do a feel-good film. One is (ironically!) by the numbers, using proved plot arcs and other script devices to make it work. An example of this for example is the latest Disney release MOANA which has taken some heat from critics for being derivative and not original. But that, you see, is the tried and true method to achieve the effect that the producers wanted. And it works.

The other way to make a film engaging and fun is to use your instincts and your actors to get the most from each scene. No rule book, no fixed way of doing a scene, just doing what works. This is, I believe the way that writer/director Theodore Melfi set out to do Hidden Figures, and boy did he pull it off! The acting is stellar. Costner has matured in his latest film roles and his work here is as far from the nonsense he used to do (like the dreaded Robin Hood) as the earth is from the sun.

Taraji P. Henson finally lands a great role, the kind of role she was looking for when she left the hit series Person of Interest a tad early.

And every good film or TV series needs a character who is "the glue" or a reference point that the viewer can use, like a compass needle, to see where we are in the main story. Here Octavia Spencer gives the performance of her life as that "glue" and helps the director to pace the film.

Highly recommended.
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Don't let "Hidden Figures" be a hidden treasure!
dave-mcclain13 January 2017
Appreciation. It's a condition which requires information and understanding and results in increased compassion, acceptance and inclusiveness. There are few ways to enhance appreciation for others more effectively than a well-made movie and the 2016 historical drama "Hidden Figures" (PG, 2:07) takes full advantage of that opportunity. Without being too busy or too preachy, this film helps the audience better appreciate the struggles of being a minority – and a working woman (and even a mother working outside the home) – in the early 1960s, the pressure involved in competing with the Soviet Union in the early years of the space race, the difficult challenges surrounding getting man into space (and returning him safely to earth) for the first time and the courage it required of those who were willing to go. That's a lot for one movie – and might be too much for many – but "Hidden Figures" is up to the challenge.

The film is an adaptation of Margot Lee Shetterly's book of the same name and follows three black women who worked in NASA's computer section in 1961. That's not to say that they worked on computers – THEY were the computers. Back when electronic computers (with only a fraction of the capacity and speed of today's mainframes) took up an entire room – and were just beginning to be installed in places like NASA – talented mathematicians did calculations for the space program by hand.

Dorothy Vaughn (Oscar winner Octavia Spencer) is a mathematician who is also mechanically-inclined, develops a talent for programming IBM computers and is a natural leader, but is denied a well-deserved supervisory position by NASA culture – and her supervisor (Kirsten Dunst). Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson) is a brilliant mathematician who struggles to balance the demands of her increasing responsibilities at NASA with caring for her three young daughters whose father has passed away. Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe) is an outspoken aspiring engineer who is held back from becoming an actual engineer because of her lack of education, which she has difficulty overcoming because of segregation.

All three women make progress in their attempts to reach their goals and fulfill their potential, but with much difficulty, based on their gender and their race. Dorothy has been managing the women of the computer section for some time, but has to fight for the title and the pay – and even takes it upon herself to learn more about NASA's newly-arrived IBM computer, while understanding that doing so could eventually cost her and her co-workers their jobs. Mary continues to make valuable contributions to NASA's efforts, while trying to work through the catch-22 of needing additional education to become an engineer, with the only nearby school offering such classes refusing to accept any black students.

But most of the screen time belongs to Katherine's story. As the most talented mathematician of all of NASA's human computers, she is called up to work in NASA's Space Task Group where she works directly with the standoffish Paul Stafford (Jim Parsons) and is supervised by the group's director, Al Harrison (Kevin Costner). Even as Katherine continues to demonstrate her capabilities, she is still subjected to drinking coffee from a pot labeled "Colored" and having to walk 20 minutes (each way) to the building where the nearest restroom for black females is located. Eventually, she earns the respect of her peers – and comes to the attention of astronaut John Glenn (Glen Powell) himself, who comes to trust her calculations above all others. Katherine also attracts a different kind of attention from the commander of a local Army Reserve base, Lt. Col. Jim Johnson (Mahershala Ali), who is also single. Embodying the dual meaning of the movie's title, Katherine works out the hidden figures needed for Glenn's mission and Jim doesn't mind that her figure is hidden beneath those unflattering 1960s dresses, as he comes to care more about her heart – and the very sharp mind hidden behind her even less flattering eye glasses.

"Hidden Figures" is a marvelously entertaining film. The script adaptation by Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi tells its true story accurately and engagingly, weaving its many story lines together seamlessly, educating and entertaining their audience throughout. Melfi also directs and uses his talented and award-worthy cast to thrill us, to make us cheer and give us moments of humor and just plain fun. I was impressed at how much this movie packed in without seeming cluttered, how much it affected me emotionally without being manipulative, and how much appreciation I gained for these women, their struggles and the importance of the times in which they lived and accomplished so much. It's also surprising that so little has been widely known about these women – until now. Don't let "Hidden Figures" be a hidden treasure. See it soon! It's… out of this world. "A+"
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Really Good Movie
nadrojh6 May 2017
Hidden Figures is a really good movie. I never read Margot Lee Shetterly's book, but I might now. This is a wonderful movie about civil rights, space travel, and new technology. It pulls in many different characters and personalities. Theodore Melt did a wonderful job directing. The story focus on the technical aspects. However the movie is never slow, it keeps moving and keeps you interested. The casting was good. Octavia Spencer, Taraji Henson, Janelle Mona, and Kevin Costner did an incredible job. There was also wonderful performances by Jim Parsons and Kirsten Dunst. Hidden Figures is a fun and exciting movie about advancement in ideas and technology. Its is also a very uplifting movie about bravery and taking chances. It is really good. I enjoyed it.
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Evident Heroism, Hidden Doubts
svorva18 January 2017
This is one of those "based on true events" films that the moment you return from the theater you're going to hop on the internet and explore the story. That's a good sigh. Unfortunately, here the need to do some fact checking might not stem from all the right reasons.

Hidden Figures is an upbeat, inspiring tale about the role three African-American women played in the NASA program during the early 60's. First Katherine Johnson (Henson), our lead, a gifted mathematician and human computer trying to carve out a roll in the Space Test Group. Second, Dorothy Vaughan (Spencer), leader of the "colored computers." She wants both the supervisor title she deserves and to survive the transition to IBM's mechanical computers. Finally Mary Jackson (Monae), who is trying to overcome discriminatory policies to become NASA's first female engineer. These women must meet challenges in the workplace then return home to more struggles African-Americans were fighting nationwide.

Having the performances to anchor your character drama goes along way. Henson is solid, but Spencer is Oscar worthy and Monae's performance is part of a spectacular 2016. I will be on the lookout for more from this talent. Kudos to the supporting roles played by Ali and Costner. Beyond the highlight performances, the scenario is well worth a shot. We have seen heroes fighting against segregation. We have seen space race movies. The mix presents America at its finest and most appalling. A cute combo. The woman at the core are also very deserving of a chance in the sun. The problems creep in with presentation. The director/writer Melfi and co-writer Schroeder were clearly unsatisfied with the quiet, real nobility with which these woman conducted themselves. I cannot say if what the creators did is ethical, but the addition of obviously manufactured drama was a damning decision. This leads to some awkward trust issues. After watching some Hollywood like Johnson erupting at her boss's boss, it becomes more difficult to believe in the little things. Did Johnson really need to run a half a mile just to use the restroom? Or even the climax. On the day of the launch, did John Glenn trust Johnson's calculations over the IBM? It turns out only one of these inclusions are factual. Not the one you think, and perhaps the true story demonstrates more bravery.

I'm not going to share any more of my digging here. Others asked the same questions and the answers are readily available. The point is after I watched Hidden Figures I wanted to learn if I had been lied too. Sad, because doubts are not what stories this wonderful deserve. Beyond this major stumble, Hidden Figures is well worth anyone's time. Educational, but entertaining. Positive without preachy. Family friendly in a genuine way. At the theater, I sat next to a nineish year old who kept asking her mother questions. The daughter was interested and wanted to follow every detail. The mother gave brisk answers not wanting to miss a moment. That's a true event, I swear, and the best praise for Hidden Figures I can muster.
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It made for an old-fashioned movie going experience...
AlsExGal22 January 2017
This is the true story of three African-American women who worked for NASA on the Mercury program in the early 1960s. Solid performances by all, some laugh-out-loud scenes, and some very emotional moments. It's also an important look back at the civil rights issues of the time period. The climax is a bit Apollo 13ish, and I'm fairly certain some scenes were embellished, but who cares. You should walk away from this film smiling, maybe even a bit choked up.

And in spite of it being an overall positive experience, I could feel the oppression at certain points - Dorothy at the library just trying to find the right book, but it is in a part of the library to which she cannot gain admittance due to her race. Mary being reminded that she must sit in the back of the court room, again because of her race. Katherine runs across campus just to find a bathroom that she is allowed to use and never once complaining about it until she is publicly berated about her use of time. Kevin Costner's character appears to be a generally good person who doesn't care about race, and yet still never even thought about the difficulty of being forced into a certain bathroom half a mile away.

You don't need to understand the mathematics to enjoy the film, but I admit, it was fun to hear some concepts I haven't heard since my college days.

The theater was almost full, with people of all ages. I was particularly happy to see some kids there, as there is much for them to take away from this film.

Twice during the movie the audience broke into applause, and then applauded at the end credits as well. I don't recall the last time I heard that at a film. And most importantly - I did not see a cell phone light up the whole time - truly a miracle.
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Black women in the space program film that gilds the lily
blanche-211 June 2017
We baby boomers remember the intensity of the space program very well, and it's brought home in "Hidden Figures," a 2016 film starring Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spancer, Janelle Monae, Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst, and Jim Parsons.

The acting in this inspiring story is excellent, natural, and low key.

Based on a non-fiction book by Margot Lee Shetterly, the film is about three black women who entered the space program as mathematicians. At NASA they had a dual fight - not only were they black, but they were women in a man's world. The film shows the segregation and prejudice they encountered. It also shows a world just before computers came in, with space trajectories figured out in pencil. Totally amazing. The story culminates with - what else - John Glenn's historic orbiting of the earth.

Fortunately for these brilliant, ambitious, and determined women, the prejudice shown in the film was actually overdone to make the story of their accomplishments stronger. Their accomplishments were pretty darned impressive anyway.

In the film, Katherine (Henson) has to walk 40 minutes to the "colored" bathroom until her supervisor, Harrison (Costner) finds out about it. In truth, though this is something Mary (Monae) did encounter, Katherine didn't know about a segregated bathroom and used the regular one for years. Katharine, in fact, when interviewed, said that while prejudice existed underneath, in truth, everybody was concentrated on their work.

Costner's character is a mixture of different people, as is often done in films. He didn't really allow Katherine into an important meeting - she started pushing to attend them, and did, beginning in 1958. When Mary goes to court so she can attend a white school at night, this didn't happen, though the school was segregated. She requested and received an exemption. You can see that would have looked pretty unexciting on film.

I don't think embellishing incidents and creating new ones that don't hurt the true story is a bad thing - the screenwriters wanted to make a point and more importantly, since it is film, do something visually. I think they could have done it without every character so totally against these women. I'm white, and having worked in many offices, I can promise you there's a Jim Parsons character in every one no matter a woman's color. Back then men resented women in positions of authority. Probably many of them still do.

The purpose of true stories told in film, I feel, is to get you interested in the topic and read about it. Anyone looking for complete accuracy is going to be sadly disappointed, as I think some of the reviewers on this board were. But in the end, we still had three amazing women working in the space program - and John Glenn did in fact ask Katherine to verify the IBM calculations before his launch. Pretty darned impressive.
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Powerful and Inspiring
ethanbresnett14 December 2020
Hidden Figures is a real gem of a film.

First and foremost this is down to some incredible performances. Taraji P Henson, Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monae were an absolute joy to watch. From the very first scene with all three of them on screen together, you just knew the film was going to be something special. All three of them were fantastic and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. The supporting cast were also great, but it really was all about these three talented actresses smashing it.

The story is something very special too. It was one I knew nothing about, but am so glad I now know more about it thanks to this film. Hidden Figures tracks the careers of three women working at NASA at the height of the space race. The film is so inspiring as we witness their perseverance, their incredible spirit and talent, and their pioneering impact on humanity's exploration of space. This alone would have been impressive, but these women were able to achieve what they did in the face of gut wrenching sexism and racism. Hidden Figures does such a good job of shining a light on the racism and despicable attitudes that these women had to face, and as a result is a pretty tough watch at times.

What also makes this film very special is the expertly crafted script. If, like me, you have no idea about science and maths, don't let that put you off. The script does a great way of simplifying things, so that you can appreciate the gravity and importance of what these women were doing, without getting bogged down in heavy exposition.

I really could not recommend this film enough. Everything about it fits together so perfectly, from the direction to the acting to the score, its just such a good well rounded film.

Watch Hidden Figures ASAP! You will not be disappointed.
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Well-meaning film undermined by inaccuracies
jamesrupert201413 September 2017
The stories of the roles women played in the U.S. space program make for good counter-points to works such as 'The Right Stuff', which focused on the astronauts and the mission controllers (overwhelmingly male). 'Hidden Figures' presents the stories of three 'coloured' women (to employ a contemporaneous term used throughout the film) who worked for NASA at the dawn of the 'space-age'. Each of the three represented significant firsts for African American women in the space program: Mary Jackson became as an NASA engineer, Katherine Goble/Johnson as a high-level mathematician co-authoring research reports and Dorothy Vaughan as a supervisor (and later computer programmer). The women achieved these milestones through persistence, competence and drive and their stories deserve to be told and celebrated. Unfortunately, the movie chooses to make up facts and alter the time-line, presumably to make the story more dramatic. The whole '1/2 mile trip to the coloured toilet' is fiction, NASA had desegregated before the story takes place, and after the second or third trip, the scenes began to strike me as demeaning. The segment where Dorothy Vaughan, having read an introduction to Fortran, walks into the room containing the non-functioning IBM mainframe and immediately spots the problem (not plugged in?) is ridiculous. No one expects movies to be history lectures and telling complex stories in a couple of hours requires a lot of streamlining and consolidation (e.g. Kevin Costner's character is a composite of a number of senior NASA team-members), but making up significant events simply because they look good on screen undercuts the credibility of the story and is unpardonable in a movie that wants to be taken seriously (Harrison didn't exist, and if a metaphorical crowbar was taken to the "colored" bathroom sign, it was welded by Goble/Johnson). All of this is unfortunate, as the movie is (IMO) generally entertaining and presents a story worth telling. I was quite enjoying it until the IBM scene, which seemed so unlikely that I googled up the 'accuracy' of the film, and hit endless critical 'fact checking' sites (many neutral but some with an agenda). Like the dire "Red Tails" (2012), the filmmakers should have had more faith in their material (and their audience).
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Appropriately inspiring.
planktonrules29 December 2017
"Hidden Figures" came out several months ago and there are already quite a few reviews for it. Because of this, I don't plan on saying a lot.

The film is the story of some inspiring black women who worked in the space program during an era when black women were highly marginalized. The acting is terrific and the production all around is well made and enjoyable. Not surprisingly, the movie did well in the box office and no doubt you'll have a nice time if you see the film.

Do I have any quibbles? Well, a few details here and there were changed to make the story more cinematic...which is the norm for Hollywood films and something I can look past since the story is essentially true.
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Driven Figures...
Xstal24 July 2023
There was a world not long ago where lines were drawn, where demarcation was defined when you were born, opportunities were withheld, life's ambitions cruelly quelled, aspirations, dreams, desires could not be formed. Although the ladies down at NASA had some fight, and to complement their toughness they were bright, conjuring numbers, equations, to prevent Russian invasions, as they conquered syntax, these girls had some byte. Now because of this great film they are recalled, it will leave you captivated and enthralled, the meaning of the great space race, exacted with finesse and grace, although at times you may just feel, slightly appalled.
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Excellent representation of the 60's
pamma0913 January 2017
A well told story of the 60's - fashion, seriousness of the space competition, but more importantly the contributions of 3 women in a time where they were not even given the credit of having a brain. Why this has not been known for many, many years - that is a sad state. Thank heaven the daughter wrote the book and these women will have the credit they so deserved. A good showing of the discrimination shown the black people in the 60's - it was well represented but the story took front page. I love these women - they were mothers, wives and eventually recognized as experts in their field of math and coding. I grew up in the late 50 and 60's - so impressive that the three did not let anything hold them back. They did it quietly and with respected results - but this story should have been told in the 60's. The acting is excellent, the sets are so believable, the culture is there - thank you Theodore Malfi for a an entertaining and educational film. And Pharrell for the music.
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A must see
louehp27 January 2017
Now that is a movie that everyone needs to see. It relates the life of three women, but in their tracks the life of millions of blacks who have contributed to American culture and success.

The cast is outstanding, the music off the hook. The cinematography spotless. Dream-like. The right combination of colors and light. A beauty.

It also shows that intelligence connects beyond gender and race. I am referring to the roles - one/played by Costner and 2/ the part of Glenn Allen that show that true intelligence fosters tolerance, and it brings the human race forward.

The story is touching, and it might spark a love for mathematics in you--even if you come from anti-nerd matter!

No need to mention that the trinity Spencer, Monae, Hensen are as bright as the stars they are trying to reach in the movie. Costner true to himself is an incarnation of tolerance and genius as i remembered him in the Bodyguard. And the guy who plays Glenn Allen is candy for the eye: these two remind us that there are some nice folks out there--and that intelligence breaks all barriers.

Truly stimulating for the mind--one of the best movie I have seen lately (after SPOTLIGHT, same level)

This movie deserves all possible awards;for it is just "avant-garde", in the style, the content, and the strength it oozes!

Came out the day of my birthday--Epiphany. That has to mean something! Support that gem of a movie!
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Never chooses to rise above its safely formulaic Hollywood trappings
spencergrande625 February 2017
A well-meaning crowd-pleaser, with nice performances and a truly exceptional true story running things, that never chooses to rise above its safely formulaic Hollywood trappings.

I found this movie's depictions of such clearly bigoted white people and their Civil Rights era forms of racism (colored bathrooms and coffee pots) that never really digs into the more insidious nature of institutional racism, to be problematic. This overtly racist world feels so far removed that it almost makes it seem like racism has been solved, that it's no longer an issue.

All you have to do is be exceptional, a once in a lifetime genius, and racism won't be able to stand in your way. It suggests that black people do have to work harder and be superior in an obvious way in order to overcome, and this is never addressed in the movie. Don't be common, no one can help you then.
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Exceptional, Jarring, and Thought-Provoking Unsung Heroes
valen06012 January 2017
Not knowing what to expect, I checked out to see how the story of three female individuals made a difference at NASA back in 1961. I've witnessed in past historical dramas of where racism included violence, but that is not the case regarding Hidden Figures. Rather it focused more on how it was overcome in casual, everyday life (especially the workplace).

The story revolves around three brilliant African-American women by the names of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson as they live their lives working at NASA among a nearly all-white staff. Despite segregation still circulating at the time, each of them proved that no matter what color they were, it's their intellect and willpower that got them through each obstacle of the day and also helped make history for astronaut John Glenn to be the first American astronaut to completely orbit the Earth.

With an interesting balance of wit and drama, I found its tribulations to be the main focus. Since the movie was based on true events, to me it felt like a wonderful tie-in to the 2014 drama "Selma" since that too revolved around a time when people marched to spread the word of ending segregation. But unlike Selma where black people and Dr. Martin Luther King fought for the right to vote, Hidden Figures tackled both the obstacles of racism and even sexism in of all places NASA. It was very jarring to see that despite the characters' extensive knowledge in their work and upon receiving their own respective degrees in their studies, it's still looked down upon by the self- righteous higher-ups. Taraji P. Henson (Empire) sure brought out a splendid performance as mathematician Katherine Johnson. Likewise for her costars Octavia Spencer (The Help) and Janelle Monae as they helped balance the drama, including sass to boot. Kevin Costner and 'Big Bang Theory' star Jim Parsons also helped give some depth (though I wouldn't call them antagonists) in these women's lives.

Personally, I enjoyed the events that unfolded overall. When it came to the racial undertones and confrontations in a few scenes, myself and a few others in the theater old or young were left curious and appalled at the same time by how this was a thing in the 1960s compared to the present. It's sure to go far with various accolades.

The moral: If you put your mind to it, things can be accomplished no matter how many would say otherwise.
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Inspiring But Not Particularly Realistic
Mike_Yike1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film recently on TV. I really enjoyed it. I have an appreciation for movies where the downtrodden and those facing discrimination overcome and succeed. I have a close friend that overcame dyslexia to follow his dreams. In the case of Hidden Figures, it was racial discrimination. To be honest, I had this fear that the film would portray white characters as sinister with few of them having a sense of fairness and tolerance. I think that fear was avoided. There's nothing quite so annoying has a movie that's theme seems to be to combat discrimination and racism only to use its own brand of racism in the process.

Anyway, it was an uplifting film. I did chuckle when John Glenn, in full space gear, was walking to the lauchpad moments from lift-off when he gets a telephone call telling him that the math was correct and he would land at the predetermined splashdown point. I don't think astronauts would get last minute directions on where exactly they are going to go.
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Exceeded my expectations!
donnacaratozzolo15 January 2017
The performances by Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe,and Kevin Costner were compelling. Taraji P. Henson was superb. The story line is remarkable and that it is based on a true story makes it so meaningful.

Aside from the fact that I thought it was well made, strong story line and fantastic chemistry between these characters, it may have resonated more with me from the professions they help, their individual self respect for self and one another, and how they looked beyond their perceived lot in life. To the really life women who the story is about, how courageous you all were and how important was your work. So very happy this story was told in such a tasteful, factual way.
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Solid Performances, Story Falls Flat,
lesleyharris302 March 2018
Hidden Figures is a good movie with a reasonably well developed plot and a terrific cast. There are uplifting performances from the likes of Janelle Monáe, Kevin Costner and Marshala Ali, who all are truly commited to their roles and have left their own personas, portraying these real life beings with all their soul. Taraji P. Henson is without a doubt the highlight as Katherine G. Johnson, she is absolutely mesmeric in this part and had me engaged every single moment she was on screen, delivering a real, truly extraordinary performance.

I did find that the film did not try hard enough to bring the struggles of these three women to the forefront. While I would usually like this kind of light hearted humour that features here, it felt like an injustice for such an incredible true story, it failed to uplift me as a result.

As well as that, I was never convinced by Octavia Spencer, it felt as if she was just acting and was not truly immersing herself in to this part. She was going through the motions which made the ensemble of the three females fall flat.

Flawed, but enjoyable. Certainly not perfect, Hidden Figures still brings an incredible, unknown true story to the forefront, which certainly makes it worth a watch if you are looking for a good biography film.

Follows three female, African-American mathematicians who served a major role during the early years of NASA.

Best Performance: Taraji P. Henson / Worst Performance: Octavia Spencer
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A Richly Entertaining History Lesson
cschultz-217 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's a scene in Hidden Figures in which Al Harrison, the harried NASA administrator tasked during the early 1960s with getting an American into space—quick—tells his staff of scientists, mathematicians, theorists, and engineers, "We all get there together or we don't get there at all." He's speaking not about ego or seniority or degrees of education, but about the integration of an enormously-gifted African-American woman into their ranks.

Although that line of dialogue, as spoken by actor Kevin Costner as Harrison, is inspiring enough to have been prominently featured in the television, radio, and computer advertising for the picture, there's really nothing particularly special about Costner's delivery of the line in the movie—the words are spoken with some authority, but also fairly quietly, almost conversationally, without any emphasis.

And that's one of the most likable aspects of Hidden Figures, the new 20th Century-Fox/Fox 2000 motion picture about the early days of the US space program and the importance of three very special people to the project's eventual success in landing a man on the moon. NASA was during that time very much a man's domain. The story of a handful of uniquely-gifted women who were able to gain entry to that exclusive territory is inspiring enough. That some of these women were African-American during a time of segregation and oppression makes a great story even better.

With the possible exception of the three women whose story it depicts, Hidden Figures is populated by characters who are sometimes flawed and eccentric or motivated by their own narrow personal agendas, but united in a mission to navigate the impossible, and in the process invent an entirely new branch of science.

In this way, Hidden Figures is refreshingly a movie about integration and civil rights in which integration and civil rights are almost—but not quite—secondary to a crackerjack story about exceptional people during exceptional times.

Katherine Goble, played by Taraji P. Henson, is an intellectual prodigy whom since childhood has grasped advanced theoretical mathematical concepts as if God Himself were her tutor. A shy, reserved, and bespectacled widow and mother of three, Henson plays the role as if segregation is an unfortunate and irritating inconvenience which only serves to distract her from her primary scientific passion.

Mary Jackson, played by model and recording artist Janelle Monae, is a research mathematician and physical scientist who yearns for an education in engineering. The mother of two and married to a civil rights activist, Mary is more career-oriented, determined and irreverently outspoken than her friend Katherine—the word sassy springs to mind. Unable to pursue her educational degree in a state where scholastic segregation is still legal, Mary ultimately takes her ambitions into a courtroom and challenges the law.

Dorothy Vaughn, portrayed by the wonderful Octavia Spencer, is the most philosophically-canny of the three friends, seemingly willing to compromise with segregation for as long as it doesn't interrupt her plans or career path. A mathematician assigned because of her gender and race to a secretarial pool, Dorothy finally employs subterfuge, and even a humorous little piece of larceny, as a means of gaining the information she needs to operate the new room-sized IBM computer NASA's experts don't even know how to turn on.

Registering the most impact among the supporting characters is Kevin Costner as Al Harrison. As played by Costner, Harrison is so consumed and obsessed with his mission of placing an American into space that he's virtually oblivious to the world and society which surrounds him. A consummate professional, the gruff, humorless Harrison needs the best scientists in the country to help him invent the new science required of his mission…no matter their color. Harrison is a fictional character, an amalgamation of several different NASA administrators, and Costner plays him perfectly.

Also notable is actor Glen Powell as astronaut John Glenn. Although he does not bear even the slightest resemblance to the astronaut, Powell easily captures Glenn's million-megawatt charisma and charm. When the IBM computer's trajectory figures appear shaky, Glenn insists Goble personally—he calls her "the smart girl," the cardinal plaudit in Glenn's vocabulary—check the numbers before he climbs onto the rocket for his launch into history. It's a charming, little-known detail to an American legend, and it's absolutely true.

Theodore Melfi guides Hidden Figures with a loose and relaxed hand, wisely allowing the story to unfold naturally, in its own time. He essentially lets the story to speak for itself. While the viewer never gets the sense that actual historical events are unfolding on screen, it's a consummately agreeable history lesson. is so fascinating to others.

Hidden Figures takes more than a few liberties with the facts, but the filmmakers will be quick to point out that the picture is not a documentary—the words projected on screen at the beginning of the movie read, "Based on a True Story." As Americans, we sometimes seem to hobble ourselves, and move forward only with great reluctance and deliberation. And even accounting for the progress we achieve, often after a period of enlightenment we take a step or two backward and build walls of mistrust instead of bridges of understanding.

While Hidden Figures is being described accurately as a "feel-good picture," at the time of the historic space mission of John Glenn which concludes the picture, the fire hoses and police attack dogs shamefully used during the historic civil rights demonstrations of Selma and Birmingham were still a year or so in the future.

So as we're patting ourselves on the back and congratulating ourselves on how far we've traveled since that time in the early 1960s when Kevin Costner's character in Hidden Figures tells his newly integrated staff "We get there together or we don't get there at all," we might also want to be mindful of how far we still need to go.
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Not a film to remain hidden
TheLittleSongbird17 May 2018
Wanted to see as many 2016 films as possible, especially those that won or were nominated for the big awards. 'Hidden Figures' also had the further interest on being based on an incredible true story, with just as incredible people, set during a very interesting and still hard-hitting period of history.

'Hidden Figures' was one of the best-received films of the year critically and it is not hard to see why. Not saying that it's perfect or one of my favourites of all time, and it won't work, and has not worked, for everybody. Can definitely see the criticisms directed against it, or at least a few of them. There are a lot of exceptional elements here too that make it an illuminating and entertaining film that is hard to dislike regardless of any factual inaccuracies and distortions.

The film is very well made, beautifully shot with the 60s setting recreated and evoked expertly. The direction keeps things moving while giving some breathing space, allowing the character interaction and situations to shine through (and shine through they do) and making the most of the story and period. The music is a dynamic fit.

Particularly good here are the performances, with Octavia Spencer and especially Taraji P. Henson giving two of the year's best performances. Kirsten Dunst is given her meatiest material in years and her performance is one of her best, likewise with Kevin Costner. The three lead characters are ones you root for all the way, ones you laugh with, are moved by and are inspired by. Katherine in particular.

Much of the script sparkles in sharpness, wit and insight. Parts are amusingly absurd which provides a levity that stops the film from becoming overly-serious. Parts make one reach for the tissues. Parts make one angry in a way that is appropriate. And throughout a great job is done honouring these characters while not making them complete saints.

Not everything works. The colleague characters, though acted very well, are nowhere near as interesting or well developed. They are instead too one-dimensional and pat, with only Costner's character showing a glimpse of any kind of an open mind.

It does get a little heavy-handed, a hard trap to avoid with the subject matter and period and credit is due not trivialising segregation. Especially true in most of the characterisation being too neat, parts that are a little preachy and the coloured bathroom running gag getting a little repetitive. Personally wouldn't call 'Hidden Figures' offensive, more that subtlety isn't a strong suit.

Overall, very well done, not a film to remain hidden and does inspire to read more about the story, the characters and the period. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Heartening and disheartening all at the same time.
s-hicks3 April 2017
Disheartening because of the horrible racial prejudice shown - hard to believe that things were like they were. Heartening because of the undoubted success these three women made of their lives, and of course they are a representation of what countless others did.

My one criticism of the film is that I find it hard to believe that some of the situations presented actually happened. Did the Costner character really not see the kettle marked "coloured"? Was it really a trek to the bathroom?

But this can only be a minor criticism and surely represent the prevailing attitudes of the days in parts of the USA - and lets be honest still in existence in many other parts of the world today. In this sense the film is a salutary reminder of how insidious prejudice can be.

An entertaining, moving and sobering film.
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Delightful and powerful from start to finish
Oberrated26 January 2017
To answer my question brought about in the intro of this review, 'Hidden Figures' falls in the ranks of being a titan in its class. This film brings on an array of emotions throughout the duration of its run time. From delightful happiness, to laughter, to anger, and more. Overall though, it was a pure delight and feel-good film to witness and enjoy. The story is empowering to see what these three women overcame during their life and stopped at nothing to achieve what they set their minds to. For a dialogue heavy drama, I was impressed by how attention-grabbing the story of 'Hidden Figures' was. Usually, I have a tendency to lose focus on dramas but this film did such a great job at delivering a captivating performance of the story through the multitude of emotions it presented to the audience... The cast of 'Hidden Figures' all are such powerhouse performances during their respective screen time. Easily, my favorite was Taraji P. Henson, the "star" of the film, so to speak, all though surrounded by other equally powerful actors and actresses. Alongside of her, Kevin Costner had a great performance and very memorable one on top of it for me. If there were any negatives I can truly put together for 'Hidden Figures', it may be that I feel Janelle Monáe's character was a bit underplayed with the screen-time given to Taraji's and Octavia's, but it was still an enjoyable performance to witness.

A rightful film deserving of its 2017 Oscar nominations. 'Hidden Figures' is a delightful film to watch with a story that captivates its audience through an array of emotions. A highly recommended film from Oberrated.

-- Oberrated.com --
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