How Apartment Therapy Increased Plays 2x and Ad Fill Significantly with JW Player and JW Recommendations


When Apartment Therapy, the leading online lifestyle and interior design publisher, struggled with video engagement and viewability across their platform, they consulted JW Player’s Demand team and implemented JW Recommendations. The results: Apartment Therapy was able to more than double their plays in one month from 10M to 24M and increase their ad revenue.

Business Goals

Annie Carroll, General Manager of Video at Apartment Therapy Media, says that while the initial implementation of JW Player worked well, and Apartment Therapy was serving up premium content (and ad inventory, generating high CPMs!) — AT was not seeing the video engagement and viewability results they were hoping for. Then, the Apartment Therapy team implemented JW Recommendations. They liked that it enabled their viewers to get an immediate sense of all the other content they had to offer. Because the Apartment Therapy video implementation was relatively new, Carroll says, JW Recommendations provided a great way to introduce their audience to the video-based content. Plus, the implementation was smooth and straightforward for the Apartment Therapy developers.

apartment therapy logo

"Using Recommended playlists has created a personalized experience for our audience as well as a profitable one for our company."

Annie Carroll | GM of Video | Apartment Therapy Media


The JW Player recommendations engine gives publishers the power to present relevant videos and keep viewers engaged for an extended time. The engine indexes a publisher’s content library and selects the best videos for each viewer based on content traits and what’s trending in the publisher’s network. JW Recommendations is updated in real time, so playlists are always fresh. Continuously improving and adjusting our underlying algorithms to drive the deepest audience engagement possible. The benefit is not only that that videos suggested to your viewers are more engaging, but also that they require much less effort than a human-curated playlist.

The Result

After a year of success with JW Player in a regular implementation, Apartment Therapy turned on JW Recommendations.

In just one month, Apartment Therapy:

• More than doubled their plays — from 10M to 24M

• Significantly Increased ad revenue

• Is seeing higher completion rates

Apartment Therapy also uses the engagement data from recommendations to learn about what content their audience craves, and which content may not be worthwhile to produce.

Ready to see JW Player in action?