Suspended Gay Calif. Priest Laments: Abp. Gomez a ‘Sharp Thrust to the Right’ for LA Diocese

Tuesday April 27, 2010 Suspended Gay Calif. Priest Laments: Abp. Gomez a ‘Sharp Thrust to the Right’ for LA Diocese By Kathleen Gilbert FRESNO, California, April 26, 2010 ( – A suspended gay activist Fresno priest has expressed dismay over the pope’s appointment of Archbishop José Gomez to head the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in place of Cardinal Roger Mahony. California Catholic Daily last week highlighted Rev. Geoffrey Farrow’s April 17 blog post referring to Gomez’s appointment: “What does this mean for the future of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles and California? It means a sharp thrust to the […]

Eighth U.S. Bishop Severs Ties with Anti-Poverty Arm, CCHD

Monday April 26, 2010 Eighth U.S. Bishop Severs Ties with Anti-Poverty Arm, CCHD By Patrick B. Craine GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, April 26, 2010 ( – Bishop Lawrence Brandt of Greensburg, Pennsylvania announced Thursday that his diocese will no longer support the U.S. bishops’ domestic anti-poverty arm, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), because the national organization has funded groups that promote activities contrary to Catholic teaching. Speaking at a fundraising dinner for Catholic Charities of Greensburg, the bishop announced his plan to develop a Diocesan Poverty Relief Fund to support the poor locally with funds that had previously been sent […]

“Insulting” UK Foreign Office Document Invites Pope to Open Abortion Facility

Monday April 26, 2010 “Insulting” UK Foreign Office Document Invites Pope to Open Abortion Facility By Hilary White ROME, April 26, 2010 ( – In an internal memorandum that has since been withdrawn by an embarrassed Foreign Office, officials of the Labour government suggested that the “ideal” papal visit would include Benedict presiding over the opening of an abortion facility and a homosexual “marriage” ceremony. The document also suggested that the pope should launch a special “Pope Benedict” brand of condoms. Despite official apologies, Catholic leaders and commentators have reacted angrily to the document that they say typifies the attitude […]

Stupak Slams Pro-Lifers, Defends Planned Parenthood

Wednesday March 24, 2010 Stupak Slams Pro-Lifers, Defends Planned Parenthood By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., March 24, 2010 ( – Once the beacon of hope for pro-lifers in their fight against the abortion expansion embedded in the Senate health care bill, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) on Tuesday turned around and blasted his pro-life critics, dismissed the Catholic hierarchy as having no control over Catholic legislators, and expressed support for Planned Parenthood and its provision of “health care” in his district. Stupak and a crucial handful of other House Democrats holding out for an abortion funding ban took the whole country […]

ObamaCare Lowdown: What Exactly Will the Health Reform Bill Do?

Thursday April 1, 2010 ObamaCare Lowdown: What Exactly Will the Health Reform Bill Do? By Kathleen Gilbert and Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., April 1, 2010 ( – Now that President Obama has signed the Senate health care bill into law, pro-lifers and conservatives may still be wondering exactly what this massive piece of legislation will mean, not only for abortion, but other issues such as health care rationing, government expansion, a new health insurance mandate, and heavy taxation, including what amounts to a penalty for married couples. Following is a list of top concerns over the law as it […]

Glenn Beck Tells Pro-Lifers: ‘There is a Profound Evil Coming our Way’

Tuesday March 30, 2010 Glenn Beck Tells Pro-Lifers: ‘There is a Profound Evil Coming our Way’ By Martha Schieber March 30, 2010 ( – Before a sold-out audience of 1,200 enthusiastic pro-life supporters, Glenn Beck warned of a “profound change” coming to America that he said would wreak havoc on the sanctity of life. Beck’s comments came at the Vitae Foundation’s 18th annual pro-life benefit dinner in Jefferson City, Mo., on March 13. With his signature blackboard behind him, the Fox TV host said that society is changing and people have to work hard to get the word out that […]

Leaked Document: No Opt-Out for Children from Pro-Gay Classes in Ontario Schools

Monday February 15, 2010 Leaked Document: No Opt-Out for Children from Pro-Gay Classes in Ontario Schools By Patrick B. Craine HAMILTON, Ontario, February 15, 2010 ( – Public school children in Hamilton, Ontario will not be permitted to withdraw from classes that promote homosexuality, according to the Hamilton Mountain News. At the same time, according to a leaked document obtained by a local journalist, teachers are being instructed to tell parents who object to the curriculum that “this is not about parent rights.” At the end of January, the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) hosted a professional development day dedicated […]

Gay Activists File Complaints against Dutch Priest over Communion Refusal

Wednesday February 24, 2010 Gay Activists File Complaints against Dutch Priest over Communion Refusal By Patrick B. Craine REUSEL, Netherlands, February 24, 2010 ( – The Dutch priest who refused Communion on February 13th to his town’s openly homosexual Carnival “prince” is now facing police complaints from homosexual activists. The complaints follow a protest by homosexualists at the Catholic parish in Reusel on Sunday, which was held in response to the decision of the pastor, Fr. Luc Buyens, to withhold Communion from Gijs Vermeulen, 24, at the town’s traditional Carnival Mass. Fr. Buyens had alerted Vermeulen in advance, stating that […]

Top India State Court Rules Unborn Child is “Living Person”

Wednesday March 7, 2007 Top India State Court Rules Unborn Child is “Living Person” By Gudrun Schultz MUMBAI, India, March 7, 2007 ( – An Indian state consumer court has delivered an unprecedented ruling in favour of a woman seeking an insurance claim on the death of an unborn child–the court determined that the unborn baby was a living human being entitled to personhood and required the insurance company to pay the claim. Kanta Kotecha filed the claim on the deaths of her husband, her son and daughter-in-law, and her unborn grandchild of seven months gestation, who were all killed […]

Hawaii House Sneaks Gay Civil Unions Bill out of the Closet and into Law with Surprise Vote

By Peter J. Smith HONOLULU, April 30, 2010 ( – Pro-family advocates were taken by surprise when the Hawaii House of Representatives unexpectedly revived and passed legislation that would establish same-sex civil unions and make them equivalent to marriage, nearly three months after everyone thought the issue was a dead letter. The Senate bill taken up by the House (HB 444) “extends the same rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities of spouses in a marriage to partners in a civil union.” Back in February, the House decided to take the legislation off its agenda for the rest of the legislative year […]

Pro-Lifers to Protest Largest Planned Parenthood Facility in Western Hemisphere

HOUSTON, April 30, 2010 ( – Houston Pro-life groups are planning a huge prayer vigil today (Friday, April 30) in protest of Planned Parenthood's Gala celebration of the completion of the largest abortion facility in the western hemisphere.  The 78,000-square foot facility, which has been constructed to perform late-term abortions, is scheduled to open on May 11.  In a press release the Houston Coalition for Life notes that the new facility will make Houston “the abortion capital of the southern part of the United States and South America. Viable unborn children will die in this facility with Planned Parenthood performing […]

Lesbian Teacher’s Allegation She Was ‘Fired’ From B.C. Catholic School Sparks Debate

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski VANCOUVER, April 30, 2010 ( – Debate over the right of religious schools to expect staff to follow a code of conduct in keeping with the school's moral values has been re-ignited after lesbian music teacher Lisa Reimer claimed she was “fired” by Little Flower Academy, one of three private Vancouver Catholic schools. Reimer says she was fired when school administration discovered that she and her homosexual partner were having a baby. Reimer, who is not Catholic, said she signed a “Catholicity clause” at Little Flower Academy saying she would respect the Catholic school's faith and […]

Archbishop Warns of “Civil Unrest” in Wake of UK Court Ruling against Christian Counselor

By Peter J. Smith LONDON, April 30, 2010 ( – The clash between Christians and the state has intensified, with a UK court now having upheld the dismissal of a Christian psychologist who refused to give advice on sexual intimacy to homosexual couples – a decision the former Canterbury Archbishop Lord Carey has denounced as a prelude to “civil unrest” between Christians and the secular government. Gary McFarlane, 48, a Bristol solicitor, father of two, and evangelical Christian, had worked part-time as a psychological counselor with Relate for five years, during which time he even gave advice to homosexual couples […]


* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac LIFE ISSUES Hospital Apologizes to Nurses Over Abortion Decision – Newsday Nassau University Medical Center president Arthur Gianelli has rescinded sanctions against eight nurses who refused to take part in an abortion and has apologized to some of them, saying they “did nothing wrong.” Baby Born Alive After Abortion Rejected by Mother for Cleft Palate – Dies A baby found alive nearly a day after a […]

U.S. Bill Would Amend Health Care to Exclude Abortion Funding

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 29, 2010 ( – Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) has introduced bipartisan legislation that aims to apply the Hyde amendment to the recently passed health care law. Rep. Pitts' bill would amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to prevent federal funding for abortion or abortion coverage through government exchanges, community health centers, or any other program funded or created by PPACA.  Additionally, the bill protects the right of conscience for health care professionals and ensures that private insurance companies are not forced to cover abortion. H.R. 5111, the Protect Life Act, has 57 Republican and Democrat […]

California Personhood Amendment Falls Just Shy of Needed Signatures

By Kathleen Gilbert SACRAMENTO, California, April 29, 2010 ( – A California grassroots campaign to enshrine in law the personhood of all human beings regardless of age has fallen just short of the large number of signatures needed to put the amendment to a popular vote. The California Human Rights Amendment spearheaded by pro-life leader Pastor Walter Hoye reads: “The term 'person' applies to all living human organisms from the beginning of their biological development, regardless of the means by which they were procreated, method of reproduction, age, race, sex, gender, physical well-being, function, or condition of physical or mental […]

Campaign Life Coalition Applauds MP Bruinooge on Anti-Coercion Bill Initiative

This article is excerpted from the May CLC National News Re-published with permission TORONTO, Ontario, April 28, 2010 ( – Rod Bruinooge (C, Winnipeg South) has introduced C-510, a private member's bill formally entitled An Act to Prevent the Coercion of Women to Abortion. The bill would protect pregnant women from intimidation and pressure to have abortions against their will. We applaud Mr. Bruinooge, who serves as the chairman of the Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus, for this initiative that would amend the Criminal Code in order to protect women from being coerced into having abortions. The bill is also called Roxanne's […]

Liberal Toronto Star Set To Take Over Canada’s Last Conservative Newspaper

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski TORONTO, April 29, 2010 ( – Torstar Corporation, publisher of the Toronto Star, is emerging as a favorite to buy cash-strapped Canwest Global Communications Corp.‘s insolvent newspaper assets, including the National Post, the Globe and Mail reported. The National Post is seen by many to be the last, if sometimes ambivalent, voice of conservatism in the Canadian press, while the Toronto Star, often referred to as the Red Star by critics, has a long history of liberal bias in its reporting of stories related to traditional morality and any institutions supporting that morality. “The Toronto Star […]

Quebec Parents to Take Mandatory Relativistic Ethics Course to Supreme Court

MONTREAL, Quebec, April 29, 2010 ( – The Drummondville couple who requested that their children be exempted from Quebec's new program in relativism, Ethics and Religious Culture (ERC), have decided to take their case to the Supreme Court of Canada following the February decision of the Quebec Court of Appeal to deny their appeal. The parents are being supported in this effort by the Coalition for Freedom in Education (CLE), who praised the family Wednesday for their “principled and courageous” fight for the authentic education of children. Sylvain Lamontagne, CLE's president, declared that “as far as the parents are concerned, […]

Theme for Campaign Life Quebec 2010 Annual Conference Revealed

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski QUEBEC CITY, April 29, 2010 ( – As part of the “Day of the Family” to be held Saturday, May 15, 2010 (two days after the National March for Life in Ottawa), Campaign Life Quebec is organizing a conference in Quebec City with the theme, “A Struggle for the soul of Quebec: two visions of marriage and family.” Georges Buscemi, president of Campaign Life Quebec, told LifeSiteNews (LSN) that he hopes that all those who are challenged by the ethical and moral issues faced by the family and by the assault on human life (i.e. abortion, […]

English Bishops’ Catholic Education Service Hits Out at Pro-Life Critics

By Hilary White LONDON, April 29, 2010 ( – The UK’s Catholic Education Service has hit back at pro-life critics of the organization’s newly appointed deputy director, a former Labour party MP with a long anti-life and anti-family voting record. Oona Stannard, director of the Catholic Education Service of England and Wales (CESEW), a body of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, said in a statement that she had received some “very misleading and diverting correspondence from a small number of people” regarding the appointment of Greg Pope, the former MP for the Hyndburn riding in East Lancashire. […]

New U.S. Bill Would Overturn Restrictions on International Abortion Funding

By Terrence McKeegan, J.D. April 29, 2010 (C-FAM) – Last Friday, a Congresswoman from Brooklyn, New York introduced a bill in the United States House of Representatives that would greatly expand international funding for abortion, contraception, and sex education, and would effectively eliminate the long-standing Helms Amendment prohibiting the use of U.S. foreign assistance funds for abortion. The Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Act of 2010, sponsored by Representative Yvette Clarke and co-sponsored by at least 17 other House members, appears to be linked to the U.S. statement at the recently concluded United Nations Commission on Population and Development (CPD).  […]

The Official vs. the Unofficial Story of the Early Retirement of Miami’s Archbishop

By John-Henry Westen MIAMI, April 29, 2010 ( – Miami Archbishop John Favalora announced an early retirement on April 20, only eight months before he was set to reach the normal episcopal retirement age of 75. Despite the fact that the Vatican usually only accepts early resignations for serious illness or another “grave cause,” the official explanation given by Archbishop Favalora himself says he is in “good health,” and presents no other “grave reason” for the unexpected retirement.   Meanwhile, a group of lay Catholics in the archdiocese has revealed communications that they have had with the Vatican regarding an alleged […]

Orthodoxy vindicated: the real reason Archbishop Favalora of Miami was made to resign

By Eric Giunta First published April 21, 2010 on Today is a glorious day, one for which Catholics should rightly be proud. The Bishop of Rome has responded to years of documented moral and financial mismanagement of the Miami Archdiocese by Archbishop John Favalora. On April 20, the Holy See compelled Favalora to tender his resignation “in accordance with canon 401 para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law,” in the words of the official Vatican press release. The canon in question reads as follows: A diocesan bishop who has become less able to fulfill his office because of ill health or some other grave […]

Nazis Were First to Exploit Pedophile Priests to Attack Entire Catholic Church

Friday April 23, 2010 Nazis Were First to Exploit Pedophile Priests to Attack Entire Catholic Church By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman ROME, April 22, 2010 ( – “There are cases of sexual abuse that are coming to light every day against a great number of the members of the Catholic clergy. Unfortunately, we are perhaps not talking so much about individual cases but rather a collective moral crisis that the cultural history of humanity may never have known at such a frightful and concerning level. Numerous priests and religious have confessed to the crime. There is no doubt that the thousands […]

News Briefs on Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse V

Monday April 26, 2010 News Briefs on Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse V * Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac Note: This on-going series of both positive and negative news briefs are presented to help LSN readers better understand the significance of this controversy. The context for us is the culture war and the immense role of the Catholic Church in that war. LSN does not assume that all readers are Catholic or necessarily even […]

Time to Ask Legislators to Enforce Laws Against Pornography: Morality in Media

Monday April 26, 2010 Time to Ask Legislators to Enforce Laws Against Pornography: Morality in Media By Thaddeus M. Baklinski NEW YORK, April 26, 2010 ( – The president of a media watchdog organization says that U.S. legislators have made great strides in enacting obscenity laws to combat pornography, but when it comes to enforcing these laws, Congress has been “asleep at the switch.” Robert Peters, President of Morality in Media, a non-profit U.S. organization working to stop the traffic in pornography constitutionally, said in the current issue of the group’s newsletter, “To summarize, when it comes to enacting legislation […]

Rumor: Fisichella to Take New Pontifical Council for Evangelization of the West

Monday April 26, 2010 Rumor: Fisichella to Take New Pontifical Council for Evangelization of the West By Hilary White ROME, April 26, 2010 ( – A rumor is flying in Rome that the controversial current head of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV), Archbishop Salvatore “Rino” Fisichella, will be rewarded with an appointment to a soon-to-be formed dicastery, The Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization. Archbishop Fisichella has been the centre of a storm of controversy since he published an article in L’Osservatore Romano in March last year in which he appeared to condone the abortion of the twin children […]

Sympathetic ‘Dr. Death’ Kevorkian Biopic Set to Air on HBO Saturday

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Sympathetic ‘Dr. Death’ Kevorkian Biopic Set to Air on HBO Saturday By Kathleen Gilbert April 20, 2010 ( – A biopic of Dr. Jack Kevorkian that portrays the famous mass-murderer in a sympathetic light is set to air on HBO Saturday night. Known to many as “Dr. Death,” Kevorkian has admitted to murdering over 130 disabled, terminally ill, and healthy suicidal individuals. “You Don’t Know Jack,” which stars Al Pacino and reportedly takes a lighthearted approach to Dr. Kevorkian’s trail of murders that led to his national celebrity status, has already been shown in a premiere […]

U.S. Clerical Abuse Prosecutor Obsessed with Hunting Down Vatican, Pope

Friday April 23, 2010 U.S. Clerical Abuse Prosecutor Obsessed with Hunting Down Vatican, Pope By Kathleen Gilbert ST. PAUL, Minnesota, April 23, 2010 ( – The U.S. attorney who sent documents to the New York Times that the paper used in an article published last month that attempted to link the sex abuse scandal to Pope Benedict, and that set off a global controversy, has been pursuing an obsession with taking down the Catholic Church, and even wants to question the pope in court, reports the Washington Post. A Post article Monday detailed the career of Jeff Anderson, a 62-year-old […]

Bishop Slattery Decries Pain of Women Who ‘Lost Part of their Soul’ to Abortion

By Kathleen Gilbert April 26, 2010 ( – In a stirring homily delivered in the magnificent National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. this Sunday, Bishop Edward Slattery of Tulsa, Oklahoma, called attention to the pain of countless post-abortive women who now grieve the loss of their child – pain that is largely ignored or silenced by the pro-abortion lobby and media. (Read the complete homily here) Slattery was celebrating a pontifical high Mass in honor of the anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI, in the first traditional Latin Mass to be celebrated at the high […]

Law Targeting International Sex Trafficking Moves Forward in U.S. House – Sponsored by Chris Smith

By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., April 28, 2010 ( – The battle against international sex-trafficking took a new step forward Wednesday after the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs approved legislation that would establish an international database of registered sex offenders and traffickers – an international version of the U.S. “Megan’s Law”– which its sponsors say would greatly assist authorities worldwide in preventing the exploitation of children by international sex tourists. The measure, sponsored by U.S. Congressman Chris Smith, a New Jersey Republican, is called “the International Megan’s Law of 2010” and would establish mandatory reporting requirements for convicted sex traffickers […]

Military Chaplains Urge Obama to Maintain Ban on Open Homosexuals in Military

By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., April 28, 2010 ( – Over 40 retired military chaplains are urging President Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates to consider the impairment of religious liberty that would likely result from imposing a “non-discrimination” policy regarding open homosexuals in the military. The Family Research Council (FRC) and the Alliance Defense Fund Wednesday released a letter signed by the chaplains expressing concern over what they claim would be a threat to Christian free speech if the military's “don't ask, don't tell” (DADT) policy on open homosexuals in the military were to be lifted.  Defense Secretary Gates confirmed […]

‘I Stand by My Statement Absolutely’: Scottish Candidate Sacked by Conservatives for Opposing Gay Ag

By Hilary White LONDON, April 28, 2010 ( – Being sacked by the UK’s Conservative party as their candidate for the Ayshire and Arran riding in Scotland has not led Philip Lardner to back away from his stand supporting traditional Christian moral values, nor has it stopped him from running in the riding as an independent, even though he says it may cost him his job.  Lardner told (LSN) today that since being dropped by the party yesterday for defending traditional Christian views on homosexuality he has been threatened by homosexualist activists and placed on “cautionary suspension” by his […]

Gruesome Find: 300 Urns Dumped in Lake Zurich, Likely by Swiss Suicide Facility

By Hilary White ZURICH, April 28, 2010 ( – Local authorities in Zurich are asking questions about the assisted suicide facility Dignitas, after 300 urns containing human ashes were found in Lake Zurich this week. The urns bear the logo of the Nordheim crematorium, which is used by Dignitas. The Daily Telegraph quoted Roman Ruetz, a police diver, who said, “After 50 we stopped counting. They lay there in a big heap.” The urns were discovered accidentally by divers from a rescue service on Lake Zurich who were looking for a sunshade that had broken off one of their boats. […]

Letters to the Editor

 Re: “We Will Not Abandon the Unborn Child”: Calgary Pro-Life Students Threatened with Expulsion Copy of letter to the interim Dean at the University of Calgary. I fully support the 8 students who are having to endure this—please pass this on to them if you are able. Dear Dr. Veale, I am writing to ask you to support our right as Canadians to free speech.  I understand that at least eight of the students from the U of C are facing discipline as a result of their convictions to speak for the unborn child. And here I thought that it […]

Parents Must Stand against Explicit Sex Ed in Ontario Catholic Schools: Pro-Family Group

By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, April 28, 2010 ( – A prominent Catholic pro-life and pro-family organization is calling on parents and other concerned individuals to take action in the wake of an attempt by the Ontario Ministry of Education to force a new controversial elementary sex-ed curriculum on Catholic schools. Campaign Life Catholic (CLC), which has been lobbying against the curriculum behind-the-scenes since the fall, says that parents cannot let up on the pressure against the curriculum despite the government's decision last week to shelve it for further consultation. “Thanks to pressure from pro-family & Christian leaders, Dalton […]

Suspended Gay Calif. Priest Laments: Abp. Gomez a ‘Sharp Thrust to the Right’ for LA Diocese

By Kathleen Gilbert FRESNO, California, April 26, 2010 ( – A suspended gay activist Fresno priest has expressed dismay over the pope's appointment of Archbishop José Gomez to head the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in place of Cardinal Roger Mahony. California Catholic Daily last week highlighted Rev. Geoffrey Farrow's April 17 blog post referring to Gomez's appointment: “What does this mean for the future of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles and California? It means a sharp thrust to the right.” Rev. Farrow was suspended from the priesthood in 2008 when he declared himself an open homosexual and urged his congregation to […]

Two More Bishops Cut CCHD Collection

By Patrick B. Craine WASHINGTON, D.C., April 27, 2010 ( – Two more U.S. bishops have discontinued their diocesan collection for the national fund of the U.S. Bishops' domestic anti-poverty arm, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), LifeSiteNews (LSN) has learned. Bishop Joseph Adamec of Altoona-Johnstown decided to discontinue the CCHD collection in the fall of 2009, said Tony DeGol, the diocese's secretary for communications. “The bishop felt that we needed to do an annual special collection for Catholic Charities, so he decided to replace the Catholic Campaign for Human Development with the collection for Catholic Charities, that will […]

NewsBytes – Earth Day/Climate Change, Islam, Miscellaneous, Homosexuality

Friday April 23, 2010 NewsBytes – Earth Day/Climate Change, Islam, Miscellaneous, Homosexuality * Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac Note: George Neumayr’s article, “From Woodstock to Civility Commissions” brings to mind that the critics of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Development and Peace were said to be “uncivil”. There were repeated calls for “civility” from the critics by some notably very “uncivil” defenders of the institutions. Rep. Steve Israel’s statement that Climate […]

Pouillon Murderer Sentenced to Life in Prison

Friday April 23, 2010 Pouillon Murderer Sentenced to Life in Prison By John Jalsevac April 23, 2010 ( – Harlan Drake, the truck driver who shot and killed pro-life activist James Pouillon and local gravel pit owner Mike Fuoss, has been sentenced to life in prison. The sentence was handed down by Circuit Judge Gerald D. Lostracco on Thursday. According to the Flint Journal, the judge told Drake that, “As you go off to prison today, you’re certainly no hero in anyone’s book.” Drake shot and killed Pouillon on September 11, 2009, as the pro-life grandfather stood outside of the […]

Anti-Life Language Inserted in UN Document after Last-Minute Backroom Negotiations

Thursday April 22, 2010 Anti-Life Language Inserted in UN Document after Last-Minute Backroom Negotiations By Samantha Singson and Terrence McKeegan, J.D. NEW YORK, NY, April 22, 2010 (C–FAM) – Observers were left scratching their heads trying to figure out what went wrong in the final few hours of the United Nations (UN) Commission Population and Development (CPD), which ended last Friday at UN headquarters in New York. After three days of marathon negotiating sessions, the UN Commission on Population and Development came together in the final plenary to adopt an eight-page text on “Health, Morbidity, Mortality and Development.” Despite reassurances […]

Earth Day News Briefs – Global Warming, Etc.

Thursday April 22, 2010 Earth Day News Briefs – Global Warming, Etc. * Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac Earth Day: Humanity — Earth’s best friend By Pierre Desrochers Behind Earth Day lies the view that humans are alien to nature. A larger and more prosperous population does not just mean more mouths to feed but also more brains and more creative people, as well as more resources for creating new technologies. Human beings […]

Earth Day Campaign Celebrating Life Hits Four U.S. Cities

Thursday April 22, 2010 Earth Day Campaign Celebrating Life Hits Four U.S. Cities CHICAGO, April 21, 2010 ( – CatholicVote’s campaign to encourage Americans to rethink how they celebrate Earth Day will be broadcasting its pro-life message in four cities Thurday, the 40th annual Earth Day. The campaign has found its way onto buses in Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and will run for four weeks. “Our goal is to use Earth Day to get Americans to think more deeply about what it means to truly respect the Earth and creation,” said Brian Burch, President of Education […]

Irish Labour Party Would Overhaul Pro-Life Constitution

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Irish Labour Party Would Overhaul Pro-Life Constitution By Hilary White DUBLIN, April 20, 2010 ( – The Labour Party of the Republic of Ireland has announced there will be an overhaul of the country’s constitution, including its protection for the unborn and marriage, should they form the next government. In his keynote address to his party conference, Eamon Gilmore announced that “it is time for a fundamental review of the constitution.” Gilmore said that while the existing constitution has served the country well, it “is a document written in the 1930s for the 1930s” and in […]

Cardinal George’s Homily Delivered at the Dr. King Prayer Service and Racial Justice Awards

Thursday April 8, 2010 Cardinal George’s Homily Delivered at the Dr. King Prayer Service and Racial Justice Awards “For it was by hope that we were saved; but if we see what we hope for, then it is not really hope. But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” How can we see something not yet here? We must look with eyes filled with love. “Because we know that in all things, God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.��� If we look with […]

Top Abortion Law Firm: Government Funded Abortion is a Human Right

Thursday April 22, 2010 Top Abortion Law Firm: Government Funded Abortion is a Human Right By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. April 22, 2010 (C-FAM) – A top abortion-rights law firm recently released its conclusion that the last decade of international legal trends indicate that abortion is not only an international human right, but that government funding is part of that right. They claim that the “vicious” health care debate in the United States over abortion funding shows that the U.S. is flouting international law. In “Reproductive Rights at the Start of the 21st Century: Global Progress, Yet Backpedaling on Gains in […]

Ottawa Archbishop Urges “Firestorm of Response” to Explicit Sex Ed Curriculum

Thursday April 22, 2010 Ottawa Archbishop Urges “Firestorm of Response” to Explicit Sex Ed Curriculum By Patrick B. Craine Update: Since this story was published, Premier McGuinty has announced that he is indefinitely suspending plans to implement the new sex-ed curriculum across the board, due to the intense backlash that it has received. Read more here. OTTAWA, Ontario, April 22, 2010 ( – Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa has called on Ontario Catholic parents to issue “a firestorm of response” to the Ontario government in light of Premier Dalton McGuinty’s assertion Wednesday that Catholic schools will be required to implement […]

News Briefs on Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse IV

Friday April 23, 2010 News Briefs on Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse IV Compiled by Steve Jalsevac Pope replaces George Bush as the Man Some People Love to Hate – David Quinn, the Independent Those circles include aggressive secularists, angry ex-Catholics and some within the Catholic Church itself who still suffer from the delusion that the purpose of the Second Vatican Council was to turn the church into another form of failed liberal Protestantism. The paradox of relativism is that it claims to treat all points of view equally but in fact it damns and condemns those who deny relativism. In […]

Editorial: Canadian Top Court Bilingual Requirement Could Stack the Ideological Deck

Friday April 23, 2010 Editorial: Canadian Top Court Bilingual Requirement Could Stack the Ideological Deck Editorial by John-Henry Westen April 23, 2010 ( – Without much public notice or debate, legislation to require Canadian Supreme Court Justices to be fully bilingual – Bill C-232 – passed the House of Commons last month and is currently being debated in the Senate. Given the statistics on bilingualism in Canada, the requirement would appear to bias the selection of Supreme Court Justices to individuals from Quebec. Combined with statistics that indicate that Quebec is the most liberal Canadian province in many areas, including […]

Archbishop of Westminster Praised Labour’s Sex Education Bill

Friday April 23, 2010 Archbishop of Westminster Praised Labour’s Sex Education Bill By Hilary White LONDON, April 23, 2010 ( – In an early April interview with the BBC Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster, and head of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, praised the Labour government’s approach to sex education, saying it “is trying to set sex education much more in the context of relationships, therefore much more in a moral context.” The comments came as the country’s leading pro-life and pro-family lobby group was working desperately, and ultimately successfully, to defeat wording in the government’s Children, […]

Eighth U.S. Bishop Severs Ties with Anti-Poverty Arm, CCHD

By Patrick B. Craine GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, April 26, 2010 ( – Bishop Lawrence Brandt of Greensburg, Pennsylvania announced Thursday that his diocese will no longer support the U.S. bishops' domestic anti-poverty arm, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), because the national organization has funded groups that promote activities contrary to Catholic teaching. Speaking at a fundraising dinner for Catholic Charities of Greensburg, the bishop announced his plan to develop a Diocesan Poverty Relief Fund to support the poor locally with funds that had previously been sent to the national CCHD. “This change allows our diocese to know exactly how […]

Catholic Loyola Marymount University Announces Pro-Abortion 2010 Commencement Speakers

By James Tillman April 26, 2010 ( – Loyola Marymount University, a Jesuit institution in Los Angeles, has announced that Deval Patrick, the current governor of Massachusetts, and Marlene Canter, former member of the Los Angeles Unified School District board, will be speaking at their 2010 commencement; both are on record as being in favor of abortion and homosexual “marriage.” Deval Patrick, who served as Assistant Attorney General during the Clinton administration, worked to prevent a referendum eliminating same-sex “marriage” from coming before the people while governor of Massachusetts.  His campaign website boasts that he “helped lead the fight to keep […]

2010 Canadian March for Life Rose Dinner Features Undercover Investigator Lila Rose

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, April 26, 2010 ( – The Rose Dinner at this year's National March for Life in Ottawa will feature undercover pro-life journalist, investigator, and organizer of numerous sting operations against Planned Parenthood, Lila Rose. Lila is a student activist at UCLA who has dedicated herself to building a culture of life and ending abortion. At age fifteen, Lila founded Live Action, a student-led organization and that uses “new media” to educate and mobilize both local and national audiences to demand accountability from the abortion industry, and human rights for the pre-born. In 2006, Lila began […]

D&P Rep Admits Partner Pushes Contraception, Opposes Philippine Bishops

By Patrick B. Craine MONTREAL, Quebec, April 26, 2010 ( – A representative of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P), the official development arm of the Canadian bishops, has issued a public statement in which, at the same time as he lambasts a March (LSN) story about a D&P partner, he openly admits that the partner in question pushes contraception. The admission marks the first time that a representative of D&P has publicly confirmed that a specific partner is involved in activities that violate Church teaching. The LSN report had revealed that D&P is planning to send […]

Rumor: Fisichella to Take New Pontifical Council for Evangelization of the West

By Hilary White ROME, April 26, 2010 ( – A rumor is flying in Rome that the controversial current head of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV), Archbishop Salvatore “Rino” Fisichella, will be rewarded with an appointment to a soon-to-be formed dicastery, The Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization. Archbishop Fisichella has been the centre of a storm of controversy since he published an article in L’Osservatore Romano in March last year in which he appeared to condone the abortion of the twin children of a nine year-old rape victim. Italian journalist and specialist on the Vatican, Andrea Tornielli, wrote […]

Commentary on April 27 News

Remember to wear your pro-life T-shirts Tuesday, as it is the first day of pro-life T-shirt week. And with the Development and Peace and Fisichella affairs again in the news, these quotes from 1973 remains ever current.  And given they were by Dietrich von Hildebrand, a philosopher very highly regarded by three popes, they take on special significance… “One of the most horrifying and widespread diseases in the Church today is the lethargy of the guardians of the Faith of the Church. I am thinking [here] of the … numerous bishops … who make no use whatever of their authority when it comes […]

Time to Ask Legislators to Enforce Laws Against Pornography: Morality in Media

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski NEW YORK, April 26, 2010 ( – The president of a media watchdog organization says that U.S. legislators have made great strides in enacting obscenity laws to combat pornography, but when it comes to enforcing these laws, Congress has been “asleep at the switch.” Robert Peters, President of Morality in Media, a non-profit U.S. organization working to stop the traffic in pornography constitutionally, said in the current issue of the group's newsletter, “To summarize, when it comes to enacting legislation to combat obscene materials, whether in the media or in the marketplace, Congress has been great; […]

Governors Issue Proclamations Highlighting Trauma of Abortion

Monday April 12, 2010 Governors Issue Proclamations Highlighting Trauma of Abortion By Peter J. Smith UNITED STATES, April 12, 2010 ( – The U.S. governors of Texas and Minnesota have both issued official proclamations that put the spotlight on the traumatic effects of abortion on individuals and families and the healing that is available, by declaring April “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month” – drawing praise from pro-life groups and ire from abortion advocates. Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota noted in their declarations that abortion recovery services are fostering “a culture of life and hope” and playing […]

Pro-Abort Groups Praise Justice Stevens, Call for Pro-Abort Successor

Monday April 12, 2010 Pro-Abort Groups Praise Justice Stevens, Call for Pro-Abort Successor By James Tillman WASHINGTON, D.C., April 12, 2010 ( – As Justice John Paul Stevens retires from the U.S. Supreme Court, pro-abortion groups are calling upon President Obama to ensure that another firmly pro-abortion justice will succeed him. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, praised Justice Stevens for his “long and productive tenure as an associate justice.” Stevens was among the majority of the members of the Supreme Court who voted to uphold Roe. v. Wade in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey. He also opposed […]

Pope Benedict XVI Calls on Christians to Stand against Injustice of Abortion

Thursday April 1, 2010 Pope Benedict XVI Calls on Christians to Stand against Injustice of Abortion By Thaddeus M. Baklinski VATICAN, April 1, 2010 ( – At this morning’s Chrism Mass, celebrated at Rome’s cathedral, the Basilica of St. John Lateran, Pope Benedict XVI called on Christians not to accept “injustices” which have been turned into law, first among these being abortion. The pontiff said, “Christians, as good citizens, respect the law and do what is just and good. They also refuse to accept laws which guarantee what is not a right but an injustice.” Christian martyrs, he observed, “refused […]

Virginia Axes ‘Health’ Exception in State Funding for Abortions

Thursday April 22, 2010 Virginia Axes ‘Health’ Exception in State Funding for Abortions By Peter J. Smith RICHMOND, April 22, 2010 ( – The Virginia General Assembly has approved budget changes requested by pro-life Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell on Wednesday, which would prohibit state funding for elective abortions except in cases of rape, incest, fetal abnormality or when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. The Republican-dominated House of Delegates approved the changes to the budget by an overwhelming majority of 64 votes in favor, 30 against, with 1 abstention. The Democrat-led Senate just approved McDonnell’s amendment narrowly by […]

Gibbs Stumbles over Questions about Obama’s Non-Litmus Test Litmus Test for Supreme Court

Thursday April 22, 2010 Gibbs Stumbles over Questions about Obama’s Non-Litmus Test Litmus Test for Supreme Court By John Jalsevac April 22, 2010 ( – On the same day that President Obama sent apparently contradictory signals about his expectations about the abortion views of his next Supreme Court nominee, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs struggled to explain how the president could say that he will not have a “litmus test” on abortion, but then go on to say that he expects his nominee to uphold the right to abortion. During yesterday’s press briefing, reporters queried Press Secretary Gibbs on […]

Canadian Province May Scrap Controversial Human Rights Tribunal

Wednesday April 21, 2010 Canadian Province May Scrap Controversial Human Rights Tribunal By Thaddeus M. Baklinski and John Jalsevac REGINA, April 21, 2010 ( – The Saskatchewan government is considering scrapping that province’s controversial Human Rights Tribunals and having human rights cases heard by the regular court system. Saskatchewan Justice Minister Don Morgan said last week that the chief of the Human Rights Commission, Judge David Arnot, has recommended doing away with the quasi-judicial tribunal and have complaints that can’t be resolved by the Commission go directly to the Court of Queen’s Bench. “This is a recommendation that’s come forward […]

Embryologists to Media: There are no Such Things as Human “Fertilized Eggs”

Monday November 26, 2007 Embryologists to Media: There are no Such Things as Human “Fertilized Eggs” Counter ridiculous LA Times article “Abortion opponents push for ‘personhood’ for eggs.” By Hilary White LOS ANGELES, November 26, 2007 ( – Human beings, being mammals, do not lay eggs. This fact, known to most school children, is frequently forgotten by those in the media reporting on advancements in embryo and cloning research. The latest example of media misrepresentation on embryo research comes from Saturday’s Los Angeles Times which ran the headline, “Abortion opponents push for ‘personhood’ for eggs.” The Los Angeles Times reporter […]

Tennessee First State to Opt Out of Abortion Mandate in Health Bill

Wednesday April 21, 2010 Tennessee First State to Opt Out of Abortion Mandate in Health Bill NASHVILLE, Tennessee, April 21, 2010 ( – Less than one month after Congress passed its sweeping health care bill, Tennessee’s Legislature has become the nation’s first to make clear that abortion will not be a funded benefit in its health exchange programs. Bipartisan majorities in both the state House (70-23) and the state Senate (27-3) easily approved language which states, “No health care plan required to be established in this state through an exchange pursuant to federal health care reform legislation enacted by the […]

“We Will Not Abandon the Unborn Child”: Calgary Pro-Life Students Threatened with Expulsion

Wednesday April 21, 2010 “We Will Not Abandon the Unborn Child”: Calgary Pro-Life Students Threatened with Expulsion April 21, 2010 ( – What follows is the speech that Cameron Wilson, a student at the University of Calgary, gave to the media on Monday, April 19, 2010. He read it on behalf of the team of pro-life students who were charged with non-academic misconduct, with the possibility of expulsion, for displaying the Genocide Awareness Project on campus (Read more about this story here): We of Campus Pro-Life have been told countless upon countless occasions that the Genocide Awareness Project, and the […]

Canadian Pro-Abort Group Calls for Criminalizing of Pro-Life Activism

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Canadian Pro-Abort Group Calls for Criminalizing of Pro-Life Activism By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, April 20, 2010 ( – The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) has responded to Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge’s proposed bill to ban coercive abortion, unveiled in a press conference last week, by calling instead for a ban on “coerced childbirth,” and even suggesting that Canada outlaw pro-life activism. “The entire anti-choice movement has been trying to force women into pregnancy and motherhood for decades, by working to outlaw or restrict abortion,” said Joyce Arthur, ARCC’s coordinator, in a Monday press […]

Quebec Judge Denies Families Religious Exemption From Mandatory School Course in Relativism

Thursday September 3, 2009 Quebec Judge Denies Families Religious Exemption From Mandatory School Course in Relativism Course presents homosexuality as normal choice – Is also mandatory for homeschoolers By Patrick B. Craine DRUMMONDVILLE, Quebec, September 3, 2009 ( – The Quebec Superior Court has denied a petition from concerned Catholic parents who wanted exemptions for their children from the province’s mandatory relativism program, ‘Ethics and Religious Culture’ (ERC). In making his decision, the judge, Justice Jean-Guy Dubois, relied heavily on two Catholic sources: (1) the testimony of a Catholic theologian who emphasized that the Catholic Church values instruction in other […]

Accusations that Pope Complicit in Abuse Cover-Up Fall Flat

Monday March 29, 2010 Accusations that Pope Complicit in Abuse Cover-Up Fall Flat By James Tillman March 29, 2010 ( – Since the New York Times attempted to connect Pope Benedict XVI with the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, pundits have not let up on the pressure on the pontiff. Christopher Hitchens wrote recently that Benedict XVI’s “whole career has the stench of evil,” joining a host of pundits that have attacked him over the abuse crisis, and even called for his resignation. Yet according to defenders of the pope, the noise caused by the three primary claims […]

Two Lesbians Listed as “Parents” in UK Birth Certificate First

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Two Lesbians Listed as “Parents” in UK Birth Certificate First By Hilary White BRIGHTON, April 20, 2010 ( – Two lesbians have become the first in the U.K. to be allowed to enter their names as “parents” on the birth certificate of a child they obtained through in vitro fertilization, under the provisions of the Labour government’s Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 2008. Lily-May Betty Woods was born in Brighton to 38 year-old Natalie Woods, whose name was entered on the birth certificate along with that of her “partner,” 47-year-old Betty Knowles. They did not name […]

Vatican to “Implement Effective Measures” to Combat Sex Abuse by Clerics

Thursday April 22, 2010 Vatican to “Implement Effective Measures” to Combat Sex Abuse by Clerics By Hilary White ROME, April 22, 2010 ( – Following the emotional meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and eight Maltese victims of clerical sexual abuse, the Vatican issued a statement yesterday saying that the pope had told the men that the church would investigate the allegations and bring to justice those responsible for the abuse. In addition, the statement said that the Vatican will “implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future.” In his weekly general audience on Wednesday, recalling his Maltese […]

News Briefs III On Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – The Role of Homosexuality, Other News

Tuesday April 20, 2010 News Briefs III On Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – The Role of Homosexuality, Other News * Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac See previous News Briefs on this issue: News Briefs on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – Media Frenzy, Unmentioned Homosexuality, More News News Briefs II on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy: Radcliffe, De Souza, Coulter and More Note: The denial that homosexual clergy had a major role in the abuse […]

LifeSiteNews Clarification Re: NETWORK on Abortion

Monday April 19, 2010 LifeSiteNews Clarification Re: NETWORK on Abortion April 19, 2010 ( – Current and former members of NETWORK, a lobby group of Catholic religious sisters and some lay members, recently contacted (LSN) to request that we correct references in our articles to the group as pro-abortion, which were deemed “highly offensive.” When LSN asked for the group’s official position on legalized abortion, NETWORK Communications Coordinator Stephanie Niedringhaus responded only that “we don’t lobby on abortion just as we don’t lobby on other important issues, including the death penalty and human trafficking.” The references to NETWORK as […]

20 Democrats Targeted for Defeat over Obamacare

Tuesday April 20, 2010 20 Democrats Targeted for Defeat over Obamacare By John Jalsevac WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20, 2010 ( – On Monday the Family Research Council Action PAC announced plans to target the districts of 20 Democratic incumbents who voted for President Obama’s abortion-funding health care bill. On the FRC Action website, the organization explains that the 20 targeted Democrats are “those so called ‘pro-life’ Democrats who seemed destined to heroism when they joined forces with Bart Stupak on a House bill that would have precluded any use federal dollars for abortion, but who caved under White House and […]

Bishop Brandt Blocks Expansion Efforts of Nuns who Supported Health Bill

Monday April 19, 2010 Bishop Brandt Blocks Expansion Efforts of Nuns who Supported Health Bill By James Tillman GREENSBURG, PA, April 19, 2010 ( — The Sisters of St. Joseph in Baden, Pennsylvania opposed the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops by supporting the Health Care Reform Bill. Now Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt of Greensburg has withdrawn his diocese’s support for their community by prohibiting the use of any diocesan media or parishes in their recruitment efforts. “He has the right to disapprove a request from a religious community that wants to host a recruitment event when that community has […]

Brian Brown Takes Helm of National Organization for Marriage

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Brian Brown Takes Helm of National Organization for Marriage By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., April 19, 2010 ( – After just three years of existence, one of the forefront organizations for defending the natural institution of marriage is announcing a changing of the guard. Maggie Gallagher, president and co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage, has announced that she is stepping down as president and placing the organization in the hands of NOM executive director Brian Brown. “In promoting Brian Brown to President, we are recognizing Brian’s extraordinary record of achievement in NOM’s phenomenal growth […]

Oregon Doctor Warns Canadians to Reject Assisted Suicide Legislation

Tuesday April 6, 2010 Oregon Doctor Warns Canadians to Reject Assisted Suicide Legislation By Thaddeus M. Baklinski PORTLAND, Oregon, April 6, 2010 ( – A doctor practicing in one of the two U.S. states where physician-assisted suicide is legal has written an open letter to Canadians advising them to beware of the “misguided legislation” of Bill C-384, the bill that would legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada. “A message to my Canadian neighbors” was written by Dr. William Toffler, the national director of Physicians for Compassionate Care in Portland Oregon, a national organization of physicians who oppose euthanasia and […]

Editorial: Canadian Top Court Bilingual Requirement Could Stack the Ideological Deck

Editorial by John-Henry Westen April 23, 2010 ( – Without much public notice or debate, legislation to require Canadian Supreme Court Justices to be fully bilingual – Bill C-232 – passed the House of Commons last month and is currently being debated in the Senate.  Given the statistics on bilingualism in Canada, the requirement would appear to bias the selection of Supreme Court Justices to individuals from Quebec. Combined with statistics that indicate that Quebec is the most liberal Canadian province in many areas, including on euthanasia, abortion and same-sex ‘marriage,’ the picture that emerges is of requirement that could ideologically bias […]

Ruling Mexico City Party Seeks Imprisonment for Doctors who Refuse to Cooperate with Abortions

By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Latin America Correspondent MEXICO CITY, April 23, 2010 ( – Members of Mexico City's ruling Party, the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which passed legislation in 2007 legalizing abortion on demand during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, are now pushing legislation that would throw doctors in prison for refusing to do abortion referrals. According to the proposed law, doctors will be subject to one to four years imprisonment, and a fine equivalent of 100 to 300 days of minimum wage, as well as the suspension of their license, should they fail to inform women that they can […]

U.S. Clerical Abuse Prosecutor Obsessed with Hunting Down Vatican, Pope

By Kathleen Gilbert ST. PAUL, Minnesota, April 23, 2010 ( – The U.S. attorney who sent documents to the New York Times that the paper used in an article published last month that attempted to link the sex abuse scandal to Pope Benedict, and that set off a global controversy, has been pursuing an obsession with taking down the Catholic Church, and even wants to question the pope in court, reports the Washington Post. A Post article Monday detailed the career of Jeff Anderson, a 62-year-old attorney based in St. Paul, who already boasts tens of millions of dollars won […]

Nazis Were First to Exploit Pedophile Priests to Attack Entire Catholic Church

By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman ROME, April 22, 2010 ( – “There are cases of sexual abuse that are coming to light every day against a great number of the members of the Catholic clergy. Unfortunately, we are perhaps not talking so much about individual cases but rather a collective moral crisis that the cultural history of humanity may never have known at such a frightful and concerning level.  Numerous priests and religious have confessed to the crime.  There is no doubt that the thousands of cases that have come to be known to the authorities represent only a small fraction […]

Canadian Bishops: “Catholics for Choice” is Not Catholic

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Canadian Bishops: “Catholics for Choice” is Not Catholic By John-Henry Westen OTTAWA, April 16, 2010 ( – The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has reiterated that the group “Catholics for a Free Choice” is “not Catholic” and “does not represent the teachings or views of the Catholic Church.” The small group, originating in the United States and described as “fraudulent” by faithful Catholics, made media headlines in recent weeks by criticizing the Harper government for refusing to push abortion in the G8 maternal healthcare push. Mainstream media outlets such as Canadian Press, the Montreal Gazette, […]

For Bishops: Seven Steps to Stop Sexual Abuse

Tuesday April 20, 2010 For Bishops: Seven Steps to Stop Sexual Abuse Commentary by Deal Hudson April 20, 2010 ( – To rebuild the trust of U.S. Catholics in the Church and its leaders and to make reparations to the victims left in the wake of this scandal, the bishops need to address several points: 1. The bishops should make clear that this is a crisis and that they are not conducting business as usual. Powerful men don’t want to admit their mistakes; they often resort to wiggle words such as “oversight” and “misunderstanding” to explain their actions instead of […]

Development & Peace Admits Concern over Diocese Funding Restrictions

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Development & Peace Admits Concern over Diocese Funding Restrictions By Patrick B. Craine MONTREAL, Quebec, April 20, 2010 ( – The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P) has admitted that they fear financial difficulties stemming from new diocesan policies that have been implemented recently by some Canadian bishops. The new policies have been developed in response to revelations over the last year that dozens of D&P partners in the developing world are engaged in promoting abortion and other questionable activities. The admission came from D&P’s executive director, Michael Casey, in an online video to […]

Monday Commentary

Clowes research affirms Benedicts actions, Impressive Pittsburgh conference, REAL Women honor appreciated

LifeSiteNews Awarded 2010 National Award by REAL Women of Canada

Monday April 19, 2010 LifeSiteNews Awarded 2010 National Award by REAL Women of Canada NORTH BAY, ON, April 16, 2010 ( – On Saturday, April 17, 2010 at their annual national conference, REAL Women of Canada announced LSN as the recipient of their 2010 National Award. REAL Women National President Cecilia Forsyth explained that the award signifies that the recipient individual or organization has made an exemplary contribution to society. Nominees are expected to demonstrate “honesty, integrity and responsibility; respect for the traditional family unit in society; support for the basic right to life of all human beings; and Judaeo-Christian […]

Planned Parenthood Cheers ‘Brave’ Nuns for Supporting Pro-Abortion Health Bill

Monday March 29, 2010 Planned Parenthood Cheers ‘Brave’ Nuns for Supporting Pro-Abortion Health Bill By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., March 29, 2010 ( – Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards has given her highest accolades to the social justice lobby of Roman Catholic nuns who “broke with the bishops and the Vatican” to support the health care bill that is set to unleash federal funding for abortion. “In the final days before the bill was passed, it was the Roman Catholic nuns who most importantly broke with the bishops and the Vatican to announce their support for health care reform,” gushed […]

Hundreds Take Part In New Zealand’s First March For Life

Monday April 19, 2010 Hundreds Take Part In New Zealand’s First March For Life By Thaddeus M. Baklinski CHRISTCHURCH, April 19, 2010 ( – Over 300 people marched in Christchurch on April 10 to highlight the value of all human life, and to speak out against abortion. The first ever March For Life held in New Zealand focused especially on the application by the pro-abortion Family Planning Association, a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, to the New Zealand Abortion Supervisory Committee for a license to use the chemical abortion drug RU 486 at their Hamilton clinic. A press […]

Earth Day Campaign Celebrating Life Hits Four U.S. Cities

CHICAGO, April 21, 2010 ( – CatholicVote's campaign to encourage Americans to rethink how they celebrate Earth Day will be broadcasting its pro-life message in four cities Thurday, the 40th annual Earth Day. The campaign has found its way onto buses in Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and will run for four weeks. “Our goal is to use Earth Day to get Americans to think more deeply about what it means to truly respect the Earth and creation,” said Brian Burch, President of Education Fund. “Prevailing environmental attitudes too often view humans as the enemy of nature. […]

Gibbs Stumbles over Questions about Obama’s Non-Litmus Test Litmus Test for Supreme Court

By John Jalsevac April 22, 2010 ( – On the same day that President Obama sent apparently contradictory signals about his expectations about the abortion views of his next Supreme Court nominee, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs struggled to explain how the president could say that he will not have a “litmus test” on abortion, but then go on to say that he expects his nominee to uphold the right to abortion. During yesterday’s press briefing, reporters queried Press Secretary Gibbs on how the two apparently contradictory statements could be reconciled. “The President just said when asked about the […]

Hamilton, Ontario Public Schools Closer to Implementing Controversial “Gender Equity” Policy

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski Update: Since this story was published, Premier McGuinty has announced that he is indefinitely suspending plans to implement the new sex-ed curriculum across the board, due to the intense backlash that it has received. Read more here. HAMILTON, April 22, 2010 ( – Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board trustees gave unanimous approval last week to their controversial “gender equity policy,” moving the board closer to implementing the homosexuality and “anti-homophobia” curriculum mandated by the Ontario Ministry of Education's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy. The Hamilton Spectator reported that the board's equity policy, “dealing with the rights and […]

Anti-Life Language Inserted in UN Document after Last-Minute Backroom Negotiations

By Samantha Singson and Terrence McKeegan, J.D. NEW YORK, NY, April 22, 2010 (C–FAM) – Observers were left scratching their heads trying to figure out what went wrong in the final few hours of the United Nations (UN) Commission Population and Development (CPD), which ended last Friday at UN headquarters in New York. After three days of marathon negotiating sessions, the UN Commission on Population and Development came together in the final plenary to adopt an eight-page text on “Health, Morbidity, Mortality and Development.” Despite reassurances from governments that controversial language regarding “sexuality education” and “reproductive rights” would not be […]

Letters to the Editor

Re: Earth Day Campaign Celebrating Life Hits Four U.S. Cities CatholicVote has managed, once again, to come up with an absolutely brilliant campaign. Their Obama ad was absolute genius – as it took a popular pro-choice figure, and used him as the basis of a pro-life message. The Earth Day ad does something similar, taking a day that is often associated with radical environmentalism, population control, and other ideas that aren't really affirming of human life – and framing it in a way that makes a powerful pro-life point. The ideal goal of any environmental protection is to safeguard an environment […]

Ontario Liberal Premier: Catholic Schools Must Teach Explicit Sex Ed – Conservative Disagrees

By Patrick B. Craine Update: Since this story was published, Premier McGuinty has announced that he is indefinitely suspending plans to implement the new sex-ed curriculum across the board, due to the intense backlash that it has received. Read more here. TORONTO, Ontario, April 22, 2010 ( – Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty announced Wednesday that the Ontario government will be requiring Catholic schools to teach the new provincial, explicit sex ed curriculum that been slammed not only by Catholic leaders but the Progressive Conservative party and secular columnists. “They're part of the publicly funded school system here in Ontario and […]

Dramatic Turnaround: Ontario Premier Backs Down – Explicit Sex Ed Needs ‘Serious Rethink’

By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, April 22, 2010 ( – After intense criticism in recent days, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty announced this afternoon that he has decided to delay implementing the government’s controversial and explicit new elementary sex ed curriculum. “It’s become pretty obvious to us that we need to give this a serious rethink,” he told reporters.  He admitted that the changes in the new curriculum had been communicated poorly, and noted that parents were clearly distressed over it.  The government must “find a policy and a curriculum that [parents are] comfortable with,” he said. “The net we […]

Another Undercover Video Shows Kentucky Abortuary Failing to Report Child Sex Abuse

By Peter J. Smith LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, April  21, 2010 ( – Undercover pro-life journalists have released another hard-hitting exposé showing an abortion facility not only hiding child sexual abuse, but offering to circumvent parental consent laws in order to keep a minor’s abortion secret from her parents. The student-led pro-life group Live Action released footage Wednesday showing an employee at Kentucky’s only abortion provider, EMW Women’s Surgical Center, an affiliate of the National Abortion Federation, freely volunteering to violate Kentucky law, which requires those with evidence of suspected child abuse to inform law enforcement. Kentucky defines sex between an adult […]

ALL to Launch Pro-Life T-Shirt Week, iPod Touch Contest April 27

By Kathleen Gilbert April 21, 2010 ( – The American Life League is gearing up for its annual Pro-Life T-Shirt Week next week, when pro-lifers across America will wear proudly a message proclaiming the personhood of life within the womb. American Life League's National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week is Tuesday, April 27 – Monday, May 3, 2010. The group says it's launching the promotion “to increase awareness of abortion and the reality of how many innocent babies are murdered every day.” “Primarily, we are concerned with getting people to think of the child as a person from the moment of creation,” […]

“We Will Not Abandon the Unborn Child”: Calgary Pro-Life Students Threatened with Expulsion

April 21, 2010 ( – What follows is the speech that Cameron Wilson, a student at the University of Calgary, gave to the media on Monday, April 19, 2010.  He read it on behalf of the team of pro-life students who were charged with non-academic misconduct, with the possibility of expulsion, for displaying the Genocide Awareness Project on campus (Read more about this story here): We of Campus Pro-Life have been told countless upon countless occasions that the Genocide Awareness Project, and the pictures contained therein, are offensive and hurtful to look at. But if an action is too terrible […]

Irish Pro-Life Advocates Question ‘Non-Judgmental’ Catholic Crisis Pregnancy Service

By Hilary White DUBLIN, April 21, 2010 ( – Pro-life advocates in Ireland are questioning the methods of and the close association between the Catholic Church’s “non-judgmental” pregnancy counseling service CURA, and a government program for pregnant women called Positive Options. Fr. Sylvester Mann, writing in the recently founded magazine Catholic Voice, has asked whether CURA, which is receiving state funding through the Irish Health Services Executive (HSE), has not been forced to compromise its Catholic pro-life principles. Calling it a simple case of moral relativism, Mann wrote that CURA’s use of the “non-directive counseling” technique undermines their commitment to […]

University of Ottawa President Admits Involvement in Ann Coulter Fiasco

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, April 21, 2010 ( – The President of the University of Ottawa, Allan Rock, has acknowledged his involvement in the series of events that culminated in conservative pundit Ann Coulter's speaking engagement at the school being cancelled. Rock admitted, in an address to the university senate, that he authorized the University’s provost, Francois Houle, to write an email to Coulter advising her to use “restraint, respect and consideration” when speaking at the school, lest she run afoul of Canada's “hate speech” laws, even though he said that at the time he “didn't know much” about […]

Catholic Civil Rights League Backs Ban on Coercive Abortion

By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, April 21, 2010 ( – The Catholic Civil Rights League announced Thursday their support for a private member’s bill introduced April 14th by MP Rod Bruinooge (Winnipeg-South) that would make it a criminal offence for anyone to coerce a woman to abort her unborn child. Bill C-510, also known as 'Roxanne's Law,' is named in memory of a pregnant Winnipeg woman who was murdered by her boyfriend after she refused to have an abortion.  Working as the chair of the multi-party parliamentary pro-life caucus, Bruinooge, a staunch supporter of the pro-life position, said he […]

Fordham Study Provides ‘Empirical Evidence’ for Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

By Hilary White   April 21, 2010 ( – Researchers at Fordham University in New York have published a study in the March edition of the Journal of Men's Studies, showing that positive results can be gained by homosexual men seeking to change their “orientation” by developing healthy non-sexual relationships with other men.   According to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homoseuxality (NARTH), the study rovides “valuable empirical evidence” from the mainstream of psychological research supporting environmental factors as the cause of homosexuality.   The study, by Dr. Elan Y. Karten and Dr. Jay C. Wade, examined […]

Kansas Governor Torpedoes Reform of Late-term Abortion Ban

Friday April 16, 2010 Kansas Governor Torpedoes Reform of Late-term Abortion Ban By Peter J. Smith WICHITA, Kansas, April 16, 2010 ( – Democratic Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson has followed in the footsteps of his predecessor, US Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius, by vetoing a bill that would have discouraged late-term abortionists from taking up the role left vacant by murdered late-term abortionist George Tiller. The measure, S Sub HB 2115, would have allowed patients or family members (such as a husband, domestic partner, or a minor girl’s parents) to file civil actions against abortionists if they have […]

Survey: Concerned Parents Want Media, Gov’t to Fight TV Smut

Friday April 16, 2010 Survey: Concerned Parents Want Media, Gov’t to Fight TV Smut By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., April 16, 2010 ( — Parents have deep concerns about the impact depictions of violence, sex, drugs, and profanity have on their children, and want the media industry and government to help them do something about it, according to a new national survey. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) commissioned the survey, saying they had special concern as more than 68 million people in the U.S. belong to the Church, with many families needing help “navigating the digital […]

Head of WHO Backs U.S. Over Canada: Pushes Abortion in ‘Maternal Health’

Thursday April 15, 2010 Head of WHO Backs U.S. Over Canada: Pushes Abortion in ‘Maternal Health’ By Patrick B. Craine NEW YORK, April 15, 2010 ( – The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has come out in favor of the U.S.’s approach to maternal health, which includes the promotion of abortion, over that of Canada. At a UN news conference Wednesday, WHO’s director-general Dr. Margaret Chan praised U.S. President Barack Obama’s promotion of the legal “right” to abortion. Dr. Chan sat next to Canada’s Minister for International Cooperation Bev Oda. Both of them were joining UN Secretary-General Ban […]

Virginia Governor Seeks to Ban State Abortion Funding

Thursday April 15, 2010 Virginia Governor Seeks to Ban State Abortion Funding By John Jalsevac April 15, 2010 ( – Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell has put forward an amendment to the state budget that would ban abortion funding by the state, reportedly along the lines of the federal Hyde amendment. The Hyde amendment bans federal funding of abortion, except in cases of rape, incest, or risk to the life of the mother. Olivia Gans, the President of the Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL), told (LSN) that she was unable to comment specifically on the amendment, as she has […]

U.S. House Ethics Panel Seeks to Recognize Gay ‘Marriages’

Friday April 16, 2010 U.S. House Ethics Panel Seeks to Recognize Gay ‘Marriages’ By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., April 16, 2010 ( – The House ethics committee has drafted rules that for the first time would define gay married couples as “spouses” for the purposes of filling out their annual Congressional financial disclosure forms, Roll Call (RC) reported Thursday. While the changes would not directly affect any openly gay congressmen, as none have been legally “married” to a homosexual partner, the regulations could affect any number of senior Congressional staff, who are also required to complete the form, notes the […]

Vatican Appoints Strongly Pro-life Bp. Wenski to ‘Gay-Friendly’ Miami Archdiocese

By Kathleen Gilbert and John Jalsevac VATICAN CITY, April 20, 2010 ( – Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Bishop Thomas Wenski of Orlando, Florida, to become the next metropolitan archbishop of Miami, which has gained a reputation as a “gay-friendly” diocese for hosting homosexualist events. Wenski will replace Archbishop John Favalora, whose resignation was accepted by the Vatican on Tuesday. Although Favalora will not turn 75, the usual age for requesting retirement, until this December, the Vatican did not give a reason for allowing the early resignation. He led the archdiocese for 16 years. Archbishop-elect Wenski, who speaks English, Spanish […]

Arguments Conclude in Christian Legal Society’s Supreme Court Battle for Status at University

By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20, 2010 ( – Oral arguments concluded Monday before the U.S. Supreme Court over whether a public university could deny recognition to a Christian legal society that would not allow non-Christians to be full voting members. The court heard arguments from attorneys representing both a chapter of the Christian Legal Society and University of California's Hastings College of the Law, based in San Francisco. Hastings has fought since 2004 to deny CLS the status of an official campus organization deserving of school financing and benefits, because they say the Christian law student group […]

Scottish Catholic Bishop to EU Leaders: Speak out When Vatican Says Something ‘Stupid’

By Hilary White April 20, 2010 ( – The Catholic bishop of Aberdeen, in Scotland went on the attack on Friday, telling the EUobserver that EU leaders should speak out whenever the Vatican said something “stupid.” Bishop Peter Moran, the bishop of Aberdeen, Scotland was reacting to comments made by the Vatican’s Cardinal Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone, who told a press conference in Chile earlier this month that the sex abuse scandals among the clergy are more the result of homosexuality in the priesthood, not pedophilia or the discipline of priestly celibacy. Moran told the EU Observer, “I would […]

Letters to the Editor

Re: Survey: Concerned Parents Want Media, Gov't to Fight TV Smut Regarding the best way to monitor television and other media. The opening sentence is very disturbing: “Parents have deep concerns about the impact depictions of violence, sex, drugs, and profanity have on their children, and want the media industry and government to help them do something about it, according to a new national survey.” We must not default on our duties as parents by looking to the government to act as parents, doing our work for us. The government will do this the way it currently protects our children's […]

News Briefs III On Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – The Role of Homosexuality, Other News

* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac See previous News Briefs on this issue: News Briefs on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – Media Frenzy, Unmentioned Homosexuality, More NewsNews Briefs II on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy: Radcliffe, De Souza, Coulter and More Note:The denial that homosexual clergy had a major role in the abuse is being very effectively challenged by some writers. Unbelievably outrageous is the Washington Post claim that ”the ostensible increase in gay priests […]

Interview: Calif. Pro-Lifer Targets Apathetic Local Churches for Pro-Life Message

By Kathleen Gilbert VENTURA, California, April 19, 2010 ( – Imagine getting kicked out of your church community simply for protesting the murder of the unborn through abortion. According to Todd Bullis of Ventura, California, that’s exactly what happened to him. Now Bullis spends his Sundays protesting abortion, not outside the local Planned Parenthood, but at the doorsteps of the Christian churches in his town. Bullis says he is on a two-year-long mission to picket outside each Ventura Christian church, in an effort to encourage them to speak out against abortion – a topic that he says local Christians have […]

Leader of Mexico’s Predominant Political Party Declares herself Pro-Abortion

Wednesday March 17, 2010 Leader of Mexico’s Predominant Political Party Declares herself Pro-Abortion By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Latin America Correspondent MEXICO CITY, March 17, 2010 ( – The leader of Mexico’s predominant political party has declared herself in favor of “freedom” for abortion, according to local news reports. Beatriz Paredes Rangel, leader of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), said during a conference last week that “I do define myself. I am in favor of women making decisions about their bodies with full freedom.” Rangel’s comments were made at the Electoral Justice with Gender Equality forum held on March 9 in […]

Tory MP Accuses Grit of Setting Him Up to Back Pro-Abort Parliamentary Group

Thursday April 15, 2010 Tory MP Accuses Grit of Setting Him Up to Back Pro-Abort Parliamentary Group By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, April 14, 2010 ( – Conservative Member of Parliament Peter Goldring (Edmonton East) is accusing pro-abortion Liberal MP Raymonde Folco (Laval—Les Îles) of deliberately misleading him in order get his weight behind an association of parliamentarians that he has now learned is bent on promoting abortion in the developing world. Folco, who serves as chair of the Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (CAPPD), asked Goldring to serve as vice-chair on the executive committee of […]

Dissident Nun Set to Address Canada’s Televised Catholic Lenten Mission

Friday February 12, 2010 Dissident Nun Set to Address Canada’s Televised Catholic Lenten Mission By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, February 12, 2010 ( – The National Catholic Broadcasting Council (NCBC), which airs the daily Mass on Vision TV, has announced that they will be hosting a religious sister on their annual televised Lenten mission. But the nun in question, Sr. Joan Chittister, is renowned for promoting positions contrary to Christian teaching, including on the issues of abortion, contraception and women’s “ordination.” Sr. Joan Chittister will address this year’s mission, which is set for March 29-30 on Vision TV with […]

News Briefs on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – Media Frenzy, Unmentioned Homosexuality, More News

Tuesday April 13, 2010 News Briefs on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – Media Frenzy, Unmentioned Homosexuality, More News * Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac Note: Because of the great importance of this situation we are presenting this broad list of reports to help leaders and regular LSN readers better understand what is occurring. This crucial issue demands wide reading in order to avoid being drawn into the various agendas at work and to […]

Windsor Children’s Aid Society Pursuing Homosexual Foster Parents

Tuesday April 13, 2010 Windsor Children’s Aid Society Pursuing Homosexual Foster Parents By Thaddeus M. Baklinski WINDSOR, Ontario, April 13, 2010 ( – The Windsor branch of the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) has formed a partnership with a local homosexual advocacy group, ‘Windsor Pride,’ to encourage adoptive and foster parenting by the area’s homosexual community. The Windsor Star reports that the initiative’s first public information session, which will feature homosexuals who have already adopted or are foster parenting children, will take place on April 14 at the homosexual organization’s downtown center. “I think a lot of people in the LGBT […]

CEDAW to Elect New Members in June – Campaign for Pro-Abort Members Begins

Thursday April 15, 2010 CEDAW to Elect New Members in June – Campaign for Pro-Abort Members Begins By Samantha Singson April 15, 2010 (C-FAM) – The controversial compliance committee for the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is preparing to hold elections to fill almost half of its seats. Pro-abortion groups like the International Women’s Rights Action Watch (IWRAW) are calling on their members to start lobbying their national governments in an attempt to ensure that only those sympathetic with their views are voted in. On June 28, States Parties to CEDAW will elect […]

Another Wisc. Planned Parenthood Caught Giving Misleading Medical Information

Tuesday April 13, 2010 Another Wisc. Planned Parenthood Caught Giving Misleading Medical Information MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, April 13, 2010 ( – A new undercover video reveals medically inaccurate abortion counseling at a tax-funded Milwaukee Planned Parenthood clinic. The video, released by the youth-led pro-life group Live Action, records Planned Parenthood staff distorting basic facts of fetal development and pressuring a woman to have an abortion. In the video, a staffer tells a woman who is reportedly 6 to 8 weeks pregnant that at this stage her baby has “no arms, no legs, no heart, no head, no brain.” The staffer emphasizes […]

Support for Repealing Health Care Law Rises to 58%: Rasmussen

Monday April 12, 2010 Support for Repealing Health Care Law Rises to 58%: Rasmussen By Kathleen Gilbert Updated 1:06 pm 4.13.2010 WASHINGTON, D.C., April 12, 2010 ( – Nearly three weeks after President Obama signed the federal health care bill into law, more U.S. voters hope to see it repealed than not, according to a Rasmussen poll. 58% of respondents in the telephone survey said they favored repeal for the measure, including a solid half of U.S. voters who “strongly favor” repeal, reported the pollster Monday morning. Thirty-eight percent of voters oppose repeal, with 32% strongly opposing it. In surveys […]

U.S. House Ethics Panel Seeks to Recognize Gay ‘Marriages’

By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., April 16, 2010 ( – The House ethics committee has drafted rules that for the first time would define gay married couples as “spouses” for the purposes of filling out their annual Congressional financial disclosure forms, Roll Call (RC) reported Thursday. While the changes would not directly affect any openly gay congressmen, as none have been legally “married” to a homosexual partner, the regulations could affect any number of senior Congressional staff, who are also required to complete the form, notes the news service. RC reports that the new rules were briefly posted on both […]

Harper Spokesman Won’t Say if PM Will Allow Free Vote on Coercive Abortion Bill

By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, April 16, 2010 ( – Prime Minister Stephen Harper's spokesman, Dimitri Soudas, refused today to say whether the PM would allow a free vote in his party on the recently-tabled private members bill from Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge that seeks to protect women from coercive abortions. Asked by LifeSiteNews (LSN) whether there would be a free vote, Soudas responded that “the government's policy is that we will not initiate or support legislation that reopens the debate on abortion.” “That's been the consistent policy of this government and this Prime Minister since he took the […]

Translation of Notice of Clarification by Archbishop Fernando Saburido on Abortion

Source: Archdiocesan website, dated April 15, 2010 NOTICE OF CLARIFICATION In the face of the misunderstanding resulting from an interview with me published in the Diário de Pernambuco, on the 10th of the current month, regarding ABORTION, I would like to clarify the following points: 1. I share, in all senses, the orientation of our Holy Church which defends life and does not admit, in any hypothesis, that it be eliminated because it is a gift of God and it is only proper for Him to eliminate it. 2. In our Country, abortion is not penalized in specific cases.  […]

Homosexuality is ‘Totally Destructive of Christian Teaching’ Says Traditional Anglican Primate

Wednesday March 10, 2010 Homosexuality is ‘Totally Destructive of Christian Teaching’ Says Traditional Anglican Primate Says “the family is under attack in more ways than it’s been since the Roman Empire” By Patrick B. Craine See Part I and Part II of this LifeSiteNews exclusive interview. HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, March 10, 2010 ( – The head of the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC), Archbishop John Hepworth, told LifeSiteNews (LSN) that it is “ludicrous” to suggest that God is present with same-sex couples in the same way as he is with husband and wife, and urged clear teaching on the true nature […]

Dutch Catholics Upset at Diocese for Backing Down on Communion for Open Homosexuals

Monday March 8, 2010 Dutch Catholics Upset at Diocese for Backing Down on Communion for Open Homosexuals By Patrick B. Craine ‘S-HERTOGENBOSCH, Netherlands, March 8, 2010 ( – A priest and professor of canon law with the Diocese of Den Bosch has criticized the diocese and its bishop, Antoon Hurkmans, for backing down on denying Communion to open homosexuals. At the same time, a group of Dutch Catholics have launched a petition calling on the diocese to support the priest whose actions sparked the controversy over the issue. The diocese initially supported Fr. Luc Buyens, the pastor in Reusel, after […]

Clash of the Abortion Titans: Planned Parenthood Launches ‘Pro-Choice’ Football Ad

Friday February 5, 2010 Clash of the Abortion Titans: Planned Parenthood Launches ‘Pro-Choice’ Football Ad By Kathleen Gilbert February 4, 2010 ( – Striking back at the pro-life Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America has issued its own abortion-themed football video, claiming that the true lesson of Tebow’s story is that society should “respect and trust women” to make the decision to abort their child. The Washington Post also added to the football-themed abortion debate this week, re-publishing a 1989 video of NFL players who condemned the destruction of unborn life for an American Life […]

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Exec Chaired Pro-Abortion, LGBT Rights Group

Monday February 1, 2010 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Exec Chaired Pro-Abortion, LGBT Rights Group Washington, DC, February 2, 2010 ( – A national group that promotes abortion and homosexual rights has deep ties with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, according to a report released Monday. Top USCCB executive John Carr held simultaneous leadership roles, creating a conflict of interest, with the USCCB and the radical Center for Community Change. “The closer we look at the Bishops Conference [staff and programs], the more we find a systemic pattern of cooperation with […]

Slaughter House Surprise: Simply ‘Deem’ Health Bill Passed after Voting on Fix Bill

Friday March 12, 2010 Slaughter House Surprise: Simply ‘Deem’ Health Bill Passed after Voting on Fix Bill By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, DC, March 11, 2010 ( – Democrats struggling to find enough votes to pass the Senate bill in the House of Representatives could bypass the problem by simply “deeming” the health bill passed after voting for a separate compromise measure, rather than actually voting on it, according to House Rules Committee chair Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY). Congress Daily reported Wednesday that Rep. Slaughter is considering preparing a rule that would deem the abortion-expanding Senate health care bill passed once […]

UPDATED – American Idol: 9th Child of 12, Daughter of Pro-Life Blogger Advances to Next Round

Friday January 15, 2010 UPDATED – American Idol: 9th Child of 12, Daughter of Pro-Life Blogger Advances to Next Round By Patrick B. Craine BOSTON, Massachusetts, January 15, 2009 ( – Maddy Curtis of Bluemont, Virginia, the 16-year-old daughter of an award-winning pro-life blogger, impressed American Idol judges on the show this week, who unanimously advanced her to the next round. The opening segment featured a powerful testimony about her family of 12 children, and her brothers with Down syndrome – one biological (Jonny) and three adopted (Jesse, Daniel, and Justin). Maddy explained that her parents, Tripp and Barbara, adopted […]

Pesky Florida Pro-lifers Bring End to Planned Parenthood Program Funding

Thursday March 11, 2010 Pesky Florida Pro-lifers Bring End to Planned Parenthood Program Funding By Kathleen Gilbert MARTIN COUNTY, Florida, March 11, 2010 ( – After four years of dedicated activism, a group of Florida pro-lifers is celebrating a “David and Goliath victory” after consistent pressure apparently forced a Planned Parenthood program not to re-apply for a county grant. Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast has acknowledged it will not request a $50,000 grant from the Martin County Children’s Services Council for its La Promesa program, which was aimed at teaching the Hispanic community about contraception and […]

A Short Story of a Loving Mother’s Miscarriage and Her Fruitful Sorrow

Thursday March 11, 2010 A Short Story of a Loving Mother’s Miscarriage and Her Fruitful Sorrow By Adrianne Adderley Editor’s note: This article by Adrienne Adderley tells the powerful story of how her miscarriage and the recovery of the body of her 12-week gestated baby for burial touched the hearts of the hospital staff, including one pro-abortion doctor. March 11, 2010 ( – This is a story of the great war that is being fought on a thousand fronts and more, at this dark hour. I saw action on one front, along with my son Philip, during the Ember Days […]

CCHD Scandal Picks Up Steam as Bishops React

Friday February 5, 2010 CCHD Scandal Picks Up Steam as Bishops React By Patrick B. Craine and John-Henry Westen WASHINGTON, D.C., February 5, 2010 ( – Various offices of the U.S. Bishops Conference (USCCB) have reacted to the two new reports issued by the Reform CCHD Now coalition (RCN) this week, but the reactions, claims RCN, have not addressed the core message of their reports. While RCN has offered evidence that 31 CCHD grantees are partnered with a pro-abortion and homosexualist group, the Center for Community (CCC), and that two USCCB officials have served on the same group’s board, the […]

Homosexuals on Vatican Staff Removed after Prostitution Ring Revelations

Monday March 8, 2010 Homosexuals on Vatican Staff Removed after Prostitution Ring Revelations By Hilary White ROME, March 8, 2010 ( – Two Vatican staffers have been removed after revelations that they were involved in a homosexual prostitution ring. Angelo Balducci, a Papal Gentiluomini (“Gentleman” usher who helps greet dignitaries), and Thomas Chinedu Ehiem, a 29 year-old Nigerian and professional chorister with the Giulia Choir, which performs at St Peter’s Basilica, were working together to provide Mr. Balducci with homosexual prostitutes. The discovery was made by Italian police wiretaps during an investigation into Balducci’s involvement in political corruption over public […]

At Least Two Canadian Cities Ban Offensive “Virgin” Transit Ads

Friday January 8, 2010 At Least Two Canadian Cities Ban Offensive “Virgin” Transit Ads By Thaddeus M. Baklinski CALGARY, Alberta, January 8, 2010 ( – Calgary is one of at least two Canadian cities that have pulled sexually suggestive ads, one of which involved a gay theme with two men, from public transit shelters after an outburst of complaints. The ads for Virgin Mobile cell phones show two men, or a man and a woman, in passionate embraces, with one person in each picture dressed up with angel’s wings. The caption under the picture reads “Hook Up Fearlessly.” In current […]

Family Breakdown Costing UK GBP41 Billion a Year: Report

Wednesday March 10, 2010 Family Breakdown Costing UK £41 Billion a Year: Report By Patrick B. Craine CAMBRIDGE, U.K., March 9, 2010 ( – Family breakdown now costs Britain £41.7 billion per year, estimates the Relationships Foundation, a British-based think tank. “It is an unpopular truth that choices have consequences and costs, and that these are not always borne by the choice-maker,” they write in a February report, entitled “Counting the Cost of Family Failure.” The Foundation’s estimate includes £12.38 billion in tax credits and benefits, £4.27 billion in housing support, and £13.68 billion in health and social care. The […]

School Prom Canceled after ACLU Insists on Cross Dressing and Gay Dates

Thursday March 11, 2010 School Prom Canceled after ACLU Insists on Cross Dressing and Gay Dates By John-Henry Westen OXFORD, MS, March 11, 2010 ( – A small town Mississippi High School has decided to cancel its school prom after the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) demanded the school permit a female student to wear a tux to the prom and attend with her lesbian partner. Now the ACLU is suing the school, asking the courts to force the Itawamba County School District to hold the prom and permit 18-year-old Constance McMillen to attend with her lesbian partner and to […]

Tom Cruise’s Religion in the Spotlight Over Forced Abortion Allegations

Wednesday March 10, 2010 Tom Cruise’s Religion in the Spotlight Over Forced Abortion Allegations By Peter J. Smith CANBERRA, Australia, March 10, 2010 ( – The Church of Scientology, popularly known as the church to which Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise belongs, is facing increased scrutiny in Australia and elsewhere over allegations that the organization has abused members and even coerced women psychologically into having abortions. Australia’s Senate plans to vote soon on whether to conduct an inquiry into the allegations of the church’s abuse of Australians, and especially of members of the Sea Organization, Scientology’s elite religious group, whose members […]

Interview: Global Disaster Coming Warns Human Life International Priest-President

Wednesday January 6, 2010 Interview: Global Disaster Coming Warns Human Life International Priest-President By Hilary White, Rome correspondent ROME, January 6, 2010 ( – The killing of 50 million unborn children a year and the moral degradation of the post-Christian west will naturally and necessarily lead to a global political and financial crisis even greater than that which is already happening, said the head of Human Life International (HLI), the world’s largest pro-life organization . In a lengthy interview, Fr. Thomas Euteneuer spoke to (LSN) at the HLI office in Rome and said that he anticipates a disaster like […]

Do you want to know why will cost upwards of $500,000 in 2010?

Friday March 12, 2010 Do you want to know why will cost upwards of $500,000 in 2010? Dear LifeSiteNews Readers, Every so often we receive reader inquiries regarding this question, to which we issue personal replies explaining LSN’s annual costs. In fact, we were just informed by one reader that no donation would be coming our way if we did not explain how we could spend $500,000 per year on LifeSiteNews. So let me give a brief overview of our costs. After reading this, I hope more readers will consider making a donation today to help us cover the […]

Confirmed: Tim Tebow Superbowl Ad Set to Run

Monday January 18, 2010 Confirmed: Tim Tebow Superbowl Ad Set to Run By James Tillman COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, January 18, 2010 ( — Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam Tebow, are set to appear in a pro-life Super Bowl ad run by Focus On The Family. Focus on the Family has said the Tebows will share a personal story centered on the theme “Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life.” No details have been released regarding the content of the ad. Many consider it likely, however, that the ad will be related to Pam Tebow’s decision to carry her son […]

UK Tories Publish “Rainbow List” of Gay Candidates

Wednesday March 10, 2010 UK Tories Publish “Rainbow List” of Gay Candidates By Hilary White LONDON, March 10, 2010 ( – The British Conservative party has published a “rainbow list” of twenty openly homosexual candidates, five of whom are likely to win their seats, according to polls. Of these, eleven told party leadership they were “happy” to be named in the first ever authorized list of homosexual Conservative candidates. A party spokesman said that seven more had wanted to be included in the list but were not ready to have their names published. The candidates, five of whom are expected […]

Donate to LSN’s Heroes Campaign

Monday March 8, 2010 Donate to LSN’s Heroes Campaign “They depended on each other, and the world depended on them.” The tagline from Tom Hanks’ and Steven Spielberg’s popular World War Two (WWII) mini-series, “Band of Brothers”, sheds insight on the incredible story of Easy Company of the US Army 101st Airborne division and their mission in WWII Europe. The men from Easy Company were heroes – they made incredible sacrifices so that others could live freely. But the Band of Brothers tagline is not only a fitting description of the men of Easy Company, it also aptly describes those […]

Doctor Shortage Looms Thanks to Health Care Law: Medical Association

Tuesday April 13, 2010 Doctor Shortage Looms Thanks to Health Care Law: Medical Association By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., April 13, 2010 ( – America faces a shortage of as many as 150,000 primary care physicians in the next 15 years, a threat directly aggravated by the new health care reform law, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that the AAMC projects a worsening shortage – despite an ongoing push by teaching hospitals and medical schools to boost doctors’ ranks – thanks to the sudden influx of insured individuals under the […]

Complaints Dismissed against Maine Counselor for Supporting True Marriage

Tuesday April 13, 2010 Complaints Dismissed against Maine Counselor for Supporting True Marriage AUGUSTA, Maine, April 13, 2010 ( – A state licensing board in Maine Friday dismissed two complaints filed against public school counselor Don Mendell for publicly supporting marriage as being between a man and a woman. The complaints claimed that Mendell, a licensed counselor at Nokomis Regional High School, violated the professional code of ethics for social workers by appearing in a television ad in the fall of 2009 that urged Maine voters to approve Ballot Question 1. In November, voters approved Question 1, which re-established Maine’s […]

Canadian Researchers Call for Doctors to Take Measures Against Sex-Selective Abortion

Tuesday April 13, 2010 Canadian Researchers Call for Doctors to Take Measures Against Sex-Selective Abortion By Patrick B. Craine EDMONTON, Alberta, April 12, 2010 ( – Two Canadian medical experts have called for new medical guidelines to prevent sex-selective abortions in Canada, noting that with the country’s legal vacuum on abortion, the burden of regulating the practice is left to obstetricians and gynecologists. In an article published in the January 2010 edition of the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, Dr. Brendan Leier, a bioethicist at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Allison T. Thiele, a resident in obstetrics and […]

Tennessee House Strikes Blow to ObamaCare Abortion Coverage

Tuesday April 13, 2010 Tennessee House Strikes Blow to ObamaCare Abortion Coverage By Peter J. Smith NASHVILLE, Tennessee, April 13, 2010 ( – A strong bipartisan majority in the Tennessee House of Representatives voted to exercise its right to opt the state out of the abortion mandate in the new national health care reform law. The measure approved by the House forbids insurance companies receiving public subsidies in the state-run health exchange from offering or requiring abortion coverage. The House passed HB 2681 on the floor Monday by an overwhelming 70 votes in favor, with 23 against. The legislation states: […]

Canadian Bishop Urges Prime Minister to Focus On Palliative Care, Not Euthanasia

Monday April 12, 2010 Canadian Bishop Urges Prime Minister to Focus On Palliative Care, Not Euthanasia By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, April 12, 2010 ( – A letter from Pierre Morissette, Bishop of Saint-Jérôme and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, urges the PM to ensure that every Canadian in need of palliative care has “the assurance of receiving physical, psychological, social, spiritual and practical care as well as support,” and not to focus the government’s attention on legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide. Currently there is a private members bill before Canadian parliament, […]

NRLC: Vote for Health Bill ‘a Career-Defining Pro-abortion Vote’

Friday March 5, 2010 NRLC: Vote for Health Bill ‘a Career-Defining Pro-abortion Vote’ WASHINGTON, DC, March 5, 2010 ( – The following statement may be attributed to Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of affiliated right-to-life organizations in all 50 states. HOW IMPORTANT IS THE HOUSE VOTE ON THE HEALTH CARE BILL? On abortion policy, the health care bill that Speaker Nancy Pelosi brought to the House floor last November was extremely bad (before the House fixed it by adopting the Stupak-Pitts Amendment) — but the Senate health bill (H.R. 3590) is […]

Calif. Judge Gives Man 50-Yr. Sentence for Murdering Unborn Baby

Monday April 12, 2010 Calif. Judge Gives Man 50-Yr. Sentence for Murdering Unborn Baby By James Tillman SACRAMENTO, California, April 12, 2010 ( – Last Friday, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Greta Curtis Fall sentenced a 32-year-old man to 50-years-to-life imprisonment for killing his girlfriend’s unborn baby by stabbing her in the stomach with a 13-inch butcher knife. On December 31, 2006, Danny Ray Poplin Jr. attacked his girlfriend, Vanessa Roberts, thinking that her six-month old unborn child was the child of another man. DNA tests later confirmed the child was his own. He will serve the sentence for murder only […]

Austin Pregnancy Resource Centers Forced to Post Sign Saying No Abortions

Friday April 9, 2010 Austin Pregnancy Resource Centers Forced to Post Sign Saying No Abortions By John Jalsevac AUSTIN, Texas, April 9, 2010 ( – Austin’s city council on Thursday voted unanimously to become the second city in America to force pregnancy resource centers to post signs saying that they do not provide or refer for abortions or emergency birth control. The other city is Baltimore, Maryland, which passed a similar ordinance last year. Austin Council Member Bill Spelman proposed the ordinance, along with Council Members Laura Morrison and Mike Martinez. Pro-abortion lobbyists urged the council to adopt the mandate […]

Alberta Minister: Boissoin Human Rights Case Should Never Have Gone to Commission

Friday April 9, 2010 Alberta Minister: Boissoin Human Rights Case Should Never Have Gone to Commission By Patrick B. Craine CALGARY, Alberta, April 9, 2010 ( – The Alberta minister in charge of the province’s human rights commission is saying now that the human rights complaint against Red Deer pastor Stephen Boissoin shouldn’t have ever gone to the commission. “[The commission’s] not there to mediate hurt feelings caused by some words or not,” Culture Minister Lindsay Blackett told CBC. “If it’s hateful, then that’s a hate crime. And that’s something for the Crown attorneys and the police services to investigate.” […]

U.S. Court: National Day of Prayer is Unconstitutional

By John Jalsevac April 15, 2010 ( – In a decision released Thursday, U.S. District Judge Barbara B. Crabb declared the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional.  The decision comes in the case filed by The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a Wisconsin-based organization, which challenged the constitutionality of a 1988 federal law giving the president the authority to designate the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer. The day of prayer “goes beyond mere 'acknowledgment' of religion because its sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular […]

Mother of Murdered Daughter, Unborn Grandson Calls for Renewal of Unborn Victims of Crime Bill

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski EDMONTON, Alberta, April 15, 2010 ( – Mary Talbot, mother of Olivia Talbot who, along with her unborn son Lane, was murdered in 2005 by Jared Baker, has sent an email to supporters saying she intends to renew efforts to reintroduce the Unborn Victims of Crime Bill C-484 to Canada's Parliament. The initiative follows a March 19 decision by the Supreme Court of Canada dismissing an appeal by Baker of his 2007 first-degree murder conviction for killing the then 19-year-old Olivia. Baker was not tried or convicted for the killing of Olivia's unborn child due to […]

Tory MP Accuses Grit of Setting Him Up to Back Pro-Abort Parliamentary Group

By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, April 14, 2010 ( – Conservative Member of Parliament Peter Goldring (Edmonton East) is accusing pro-abortion Liberal MP Raymonde Folco (Laval—Les Îles) of deliberately misleading him in order get his weight behind an association of parliamentarians that he has now learned is bent on promoting abortion in the developing world. Folco, who serves as chair of the Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (CAPPD), asked Goldring to serve as vice-chair on the executive committee of her group. Goldring told LifeSiteNews (LSN) that Folco made it seem that CAPPD, which was founded in […]

Head of WHO Backs U.S. Over Canada: Pushes Abortion in ‘Maternal Health’

By Patrick B. Craine NEW YORK, April 15, 2010 ( – The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has come out in favor of the U.S.'s approach to maternal health, which includes the promotion of abortion, over that of Canada. At a UN news conference Wednesday, WHO's director-general Dr. Margaret Chan praised U.S. President Barack Obama's promotion of the legal “right” to abortion. Dr. Chan sat next to Canada's Minister for International Cooperation Bev Oda. Both of them were joining UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon as he announced the UN's new effort to curb maternal deaths during childbirth and pregnancy. Chan […]

New Global Study Shows Maternal Mortality Significantly Lower Than Previously Thought

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. and Austin Ruse April 15, 2010 (C-FAM) – A new study out this week by the leading British medical journal shows maternal mortality rates have been significantly overestimated by United Nations (UN) agencies. The Lancet reports that maternal deaths worldwide in 2008 totalled 342,900, rather than the 500,000+ used by the World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) in recent years. The study finds both that the numbers from WHO and UNICEF were faulty due to a lack of proper reporting and also imprecise statistical modelling. But The Lancet study also […]

NewsBytes – April 15, 2010

* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac Note:Coming up next from President Obama – ramming massively costly anti-global warming measures on the American people and shutting down the free flow of alternative news and information on the Internet. Both are about even more control of the economy and the people. Don't believe it? Well, if you are waiting to see if it really happens, by then it will be too late. At least that is […]

News Briefs II on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy: Radcliffe, De Souza, Coulter and More

* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac Note: This is getting hot! Exceptional commentary continues from a wide variety and sometimes most unexpected of sources. Even prominent atheists are defending the pope, while others say he should just apologize, apologize and not respond to the massively damaging lies, hatred and other calumny against himself and the Church. And then there are the hate spewing articles. One thing is sure, there has for some time been a need to […]

Abortion Mailing Hoax Victimizes Pro-Life Action League

Tuesday April 6, 2010 Abortion Mailing Hoax Victimizes Pro-Life Action League By Peter J. Smith CHICAGO, April 6, 2010 ( – The Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League says that has become the victim of mail fraud, with an anonymous group sending out flyers for a “Home Abortion Kit” and listing the pro-life organization’s address and telephone number as the contact information for the kit. The Pro-Life Action League learned about the mail fraud when a Minnesota woman and a member of Kentucky Right to Life told them that they had received the flyers from a fake organization calling itself “American Women’s […]

North Dakota Measure Seeks to Ban Decapitation, Skull Crushing during Abortions

By Kathleen Gilbert MINOT, North Dakota, April 14, 2010 ( – A measure to prohibit physicians from decapitating and crushing the skulls of live unborn children during abortions is seeking clearance to begin gathering signatures for the November ballot, a North Dakota grassroots pro-life organization has announced.   Daniel Woodard, head of North Dakota's Stop Decapitation Network, filed the paperwork to the North Dakota Secretary of State and Attorney General on Tuesday.  The group aims to collect 12,844 signatures by August 4 in order to place the measure on the 2010 ballot. “It's unconscionable and unthinkable that any physician who claims […]

Sodano’s “Head Should Roll”: Report Reveals Close Ties Between Vatican Cardinal and Disgraced Legion

By Hilary White ROME, April 13, 2010 ( – Speculation is growing about the future of former Vatican Secretary of State, Angelo Sodano, in the wake of revelations about the financial dealings of the late Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, the founder and spiritual guru of the Legionaries of Christ – a Roman Catholic religious order. An exposé of Maciel’s activities by the leftist Catholic paper National Catholic Reporter (NCR), claims that much of the support and protection he received from the Vatican stemmed from his astonishing talent as a fundraiser and dispenser of massive “largesse” to key members of the […]

Organ Donor Wishes Recorded Incorrectly for 800,000 Britons

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski LONDON, April 14, 2010 ( – As many as 800,000 people on the UK organ donor register may have had their preferences about which organs they wished to donate recorded incorrectly according to the BBC. The foul-up concerns UK residents who gave details of which organs they were willing to have removed after their death on the application to renew their driver's license. Stephen Banks, 27, from Redditch, Worcestershire, told the BBC he was shocked to discover that upon his death, his eyes could be made available for donation – against his wishes. He said that […]

Polish Court Upholds Verdict against Catholic Magazine for Calling Abortion “Killing”

Friday March 5, 2010 Polish Court Upholds Verdict against Catholic Magazine for Calling Abortion “Killing” By Thaddeus M. Baklinski KATOWICE, Poland, March 5, 2010 ( – The Katowice Appeal Court has today upheld the verdict of the Katowice District Court which ruled in September ’09 that the Polish Catholic newspaper Gosc Niedzielny (Sunday Visitor) and its editor-in-chief Fr. Marek Gancarczyk were guilty of making offensive comments by saying abortion is the killing of an unborn child. A further appeal is expected to go to Poland’s Supreme Court. Fr. Gancarczyk had appealed the earlier decision in the case brought against him […]

Jewish Former NYC Mayor Koch: Enough with the Attack on the Pope Already

Friday April 9, 2010 Jewish Former NYC Mayor Koch: Enough with the Attack on the Pope Already By John-Henry Westen NEW YORK, April 9, 2010 ( – “I believe the continuing attacks by the media on the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI have become manifestations of anti-Catholicism,” said former New York City Mayor Ed Koch in the Jerusalem Post yesterday. Koch, a Conservative Jew, says he disagrees with the Catholic Church (and Orthodox Judaism) on abortion, homosexuality, divorce, contraception and more, but nevertheless says that the Church has a right to hold to these beliefs and much of […]

Another Wisc. Planned Parenthood Caught Giving Misleading Medical Information

MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, April 13, 2010 ( – A new undercover video reveals medically inaccurate abortion counseling at a tax-funded Milwaukee Planned Parenthood clinic. The video, released by the youth-led pro-life group Live Action, records Planned Parenthood staff distorting basic facts of fetal development and pressuring a woman to have an abortion. In the video, a staffer tells a woman who is reportedly 6 to 8 weeks pregnant that at this stage her baby has “no arms, no legs, no heart, no head, no brain.” The staffer emphasizes the difficulties of adoption, urges the woman to obtain an abortion as soon as […]

Canadian Researchers Call for Doctors to Take Measures Against Sex-Selective Abortion

By Patrick B. Craine EDMONTON, Alberta, April 12, 2010 ( – Two Canadian medical experts have called for new medical guidelines to prevent sex-selective abortions in Canada, noting that with the country's legal vacuum on abortion, the burden of regulating the practice is left to obstetricians and gynecologists. In an article published in the January 2010 edition of the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, Dr. Brendan Leier, a bioethicist at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Allison T. Thiele, a resident in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Saskatchewan, point out that widespread availability of ultrasound technology and […]

Homosexual Altar Server’s Complaint against Peterborough Bishop Goes to Mediation

By Patrick B. Craine COBOURG, Ontario, April 13, 2010 ( – The human rights complaint filed against Bishop Nicola De Angelis of Peterborough, Ontario over his decision to disallow an open homosexual from acting as an altar server in the diocese will now go to mediation, with a hearing scheduled in Toronto for May 11th. The complaint was filed with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal by Jim Corcoran, owner of a highly-rated spa in Grafton, Ontario, on June 17th, 2009 following the bishop's decision that April.  Alleging discrimination based on sexual orientation, Corcoran is seeking up to $25,000 in damages from the […]

Former Postulant in French Convent Arrested after Entering Toronto Abortion Clinics to Witness to Li

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski TORONTO, April 13, 2010 ( – Mary Wagner from the Vancouver, British Columbia area has spent the past four years discerning her vocation in a Catholic convent in France, which she says she felt called to leave in order to share Jesus' love with those involved with abortion – a calling that has most recently landed her in a Toronto prison. On Monday, March 29, during Holy Week, Mary entered the “Woman's Care” abortion facility where she said she was able to “speak to a few grieving Dads, whose partners had already gone in for their […]

News Briefs on Catholic Sexual Abuse Controversy – Media Frenzy, Unmentioned Homosexuality, More New

* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information. Compiled by Steve Jalsevac Note: Because of the great importance of this situation we are presenting this broad list of reports to help leaders and regular LSN readers better understand what is occurring. This crucial issue demands wide reading in order to avoid being drawn into the various agendas at work and to develop an informed and ethical response. We strongly encourage you to take the time to at least scan […]

Commentary on April 13 News – Catholic Abuse Scandals, Saturday Speaking Engagements.

The Catholic clergy sexual abuse saga has produced a raging tsunami of media reports the likes of which we have never seen. This is a massive story with many complex aspects. It seems to be the final, howling blowout of the diabolical 1960s sexual revolution which itself was likely in large part generated by intense Post World War II Communist efforts to destroy the social foundations of the West. Especially targeted were the religious beliefs and related moral principles that undergirded Western freedoms and the dignity and natural rights of the individual human person and the family. They had to be corrupted […]

Vatican Reiterates: First Responsibility in Sex Abuse Allegations Lies with the Local Bishop

By Hilary White ROME, April 13, 2010 ( – The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) has issued guidelines for procedures in cases of sex abuse by priests, reiterating that local bishops have the first responsibility to protect young people and to monitor the behavior of their priests.  Under the guidelines posted to the Vatican website on Monday, the responsibility to investigate accusations of abuse by clerics is first that of the local diocese. If it is found that an allegation has “semblance of truth,” then the case, with all documentation, is to be referred to the […]

Boulder School Refuses Entry to Child in Care of Lesbian ‘Couple’

Monday March 8, 2010 Boulder School Refuses Entry to Child in Care of Lesbian ‘Couple’ By James Tillman BOULDER, Colorado, March 8, 2010 ( — A preschool student at the Catholic Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Boulder will not be permitted to re-enroll in kindergarten next year because the student’s guardians are two lesbian women. “The issue is not about our not accepting ‘sinners,'” said Father William Breslin of Sacred Heart Church. “It is not about punishing the child for the sins of his or her parents. It is simply that the lesbian couple is saying that their relationship […]

Ultrasound Coupon Saves Baby’s Life

Friday March 5, 2010 Ultrasound Coupon Saves Baby’s Life By David Bereit, National Coordinator, 40 Days for Life March 5, 2010 (40DaysforLife) – Last week, we reported on a young mother in Louisville, Kentucky who chose life for her baby after redeeming a coupon for a free ultrasound. That story struck a chord with the 40 Days for Life team in Southfield, Michigan. The Southfield team tried the same idea … and it worked! Howard, one of the prayer volunteers, showed his “free ultrasound” coupon to women who were approaching the abortion facility. One woman took the coupon – she […]

Interview: Development & Peace South African Partner Freely Admits Abortion Advocacy

Tuesday March 16, 2010 Interview: Development & Peace South African Partner Freely Admits Abortion Advocacy By Patrick B. Craine CAPE TOWN, South Africa, March 16, 2010 ( – The director and another employee of a South African partner of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P) have both freely admitted in a telephone interview and an e-mail sent to (LSN) that their organization actively advocates in favor of “abortion rights,” including sitting on the steering committee of the Reproductive Rights Alliance, which pushes for expanded access to legal abortion in the country. D&P is the Canadian Catholic […]

Police Refuse to Release Federal “Threat Assessment” on Wis. Pro-Lifers

Monday February 8, 2010 Police Refuse to Release Federal “Threat Assessment” on Wis. Pro-Lifers by James Tillman MIDDLETON, Wisconsin, February 8, 2009 ( – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) conducted and shared with local police a “threat assessment” last year against pro-lifers for a peaceful demonstration in Wisconsin before abandoning the project, it has been revealed. The Middleton Police Department refused to release the assessment in response to an open records request in January, several months after the DHS ruled that the investigation was an improper use of resources directed against legitimate First Amendment activity. “The majority of Americans […]

Nebraska Advances Bill Requiring Mental Health Screenings Before Abortion

Friday April 9, 2010 Nebraska Advances Bill Requiring Mental Health Screenings Before Abortion By Peter J. Smith OMAHA, Nebraska, April 9, 2010 ( – The unicameral Nebraska legislature gave its second round of approval to a bill on Wednesday that would require abortionists to prescreen women extensively for potential physical and mental health problems before performing an abortion. “Everywhere else in medicine we expect doctors to stay up-to-date on their specialty,” said Sen. Cap Dierks of Ewing, the bill’s main sponsor, according to the Journal Star. He then added, “Why would we want standards of care for abortions to be […]

Vatican to Introduce “Zero Tolerance” Rules on Clerical Sex Abuse: Reports

Friday April 9, 2010 Vatican to Introduce “Zero Tolerance” Rules on Clerical Sex Abuse: Reports By Hilary White ROME, April 9, 2010 ( – The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) will produce a new set of protocols to be applied globally in dealing with sexual abuse of minors by clerics, according to a report from the Italian daily La Stampa. The paper said that the new rules will be modeled on the “zero tolerance” policy instituted by the U.S. bishops in 2002. Individual bishops must implement the new unified rules or resign. Rome Reports, an English […]

Twitter RU-486 Abortion Chronicles to ‘Demystify’ Procedure Go Sour

Friday March 5, 2010 Twitter RU-486 Abortion Chronicles to ‘Demystify’ Procedure Go Sour By Kathleen Gilbert March 5, 2010 ( – A blogger known as Angie the Anti-Theist caused a stir both on the Internet and the mainstream media last month after word spread that she had decided to “live-tweet” her abortion – that is, issue regular updates on the process of her RU-486 medical abortion on the microblogging tool Twitter. But what followed – a raft of complaints about severe pain and days of unexpected bleeding – may have had the opposite of the intended effect. A Youtube video […]

Country Music Star Randy Travis to Headline Terri Schiavo Benefit Concert

Friday March 5, 2010 Country Music Star Randy Travis to Headline Terri Schiavo Benefit Concert By Peter J. Smith INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, March 5, 2010 ( – Country music stars Randy Travis and Collin Raye will both be performing in Indianapolis in April to benefit the foundation set up in honor of Terri Schiavo and to help commemorate the five year anniversary of her death. Randy Travis is headlining The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Concert scheduled for Sunday, April 11, 2010, 7 PM at the Murat Theatre in Indianapolis. Bobby Schindler, Terri Schiavo’s younger brother, spoke with about the […]

No Tomorrow for Extreme Pro-Abort Obama Nominee at Office of Legal Counsel

By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., April 12, 2010 ( – Dawn Johnsen has withdrawn her bid to head the White House’s Office of Legal Counsel, throwing in the towel after interminable delays and bipartisan opposition in the Senate, in part due to some of her radical pro-abortion views. “Unfortunately, my nomination has met with lengthy delays and political opposition,” she said in a statement on Friday. “I hope that the withdrawal of my nomination will allow this important office to be filled promptly.” ABC’s White House Political Correspondent Jake Tapper reports that a source in the Senate Democratic leadership […]

Canadian Bishop Urges Prime Minister to Focus On Palliative Care, Not Euthanasia

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, April 12, 2010 ( – A letter from Pierre Morissette, Bishop of Saint-Jérôme and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, urges the PM to ensure that every Canadian in need of palliative care has “the assurance of receiving physical, psychological, social, spiritual and practical care as well as support,” and not to focus the government's attention on legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide. Currently there is a private members bill before Canadian parliament, sponsored by MP Francine Lalonde, that would legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia. It is scheduled to […]

Christian Ads Promoting Biblical Take on Sexuality Pulled From Toronto Public Transit

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski TORONTO, April 12, 2010 ( – The Christian group “Bus Stop Bible Studies” has voluntarily removed one of the forty ads it is currently running on Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) buses and streetcars because the transit authority received some complaints about one of the “Life Questions” posed for consideration by riders. The ad in question asks “Does God care if I'm gay?” and directs the reader to the Bus Stop Bible Studies website to find the answer, which said, in part, ”We know from passages throughout Scripture that God hates homosexual acts BUT no more than any other […]

Vatican’s Number Two Official: Homosexuality is the Cause of the Sex Abuse Crisis

By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Latin America Correspondent SANTIAGO, Chile, April 12, 2010 ( – The Vatican's number two official, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, said today that the Church's problems with pedophile priests have not been caused by celibacy, but by homosexuality. “Many psychologists, many psychiatrists, have demonstrated that there is no relationship between celibacy and pedophilia,” said Bertone in a press conference in Chile today. “But many others have demonstrated, and have told me recently, that there is a relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia.” “That is the truth, this is the problem,” added Bertone. Noting that pedophilia is a […]

Ignatius Press Head Responds to “Stalled Pedophile Case” Blamed on Cardinal Ratzinger

By Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J. April 12, 2010 (IgnatiusInsight) – The following is Fr. Joseph Fessio's response to an Associated Press report claiming to have found evidence that Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), delayed de-frocking a priest who had sexually abused children: The so-called “stalled pedophile case,” blame for which has been laid at the feet of then-Cardinal Ratzinger, had nothing to do with pedophilia and everything to do with strengthening marriage and the priesthood. Here's what was happening in 1981, when Bishop Cummins of Oakland first wrote the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith asking that one of the priests from his Diocese […]

B.C. Civil Liberties Association Goes to Bat for Pro-Life Student Club

Monday February 8, 2010 B.C. Civil Liberties Association Goes to Bat for Pro-Life Student Club By Thaddeus M. Baklinski VICTORIA, British Columbia, February 8, 2010 ( – Youth Protecting Youth (YPY), the embattled pro-life club at the University of Victoria (UVic) which has been fighting for fair treatment from their student union for years, has received a helping hand from an unexpected quarter. The B.C. Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA ) has declared that the University of Victoria Student Society’s refusal to give the club official status and funding infringes on the rights of campus clubs to freedom of expression. “We’re […]

Canadian Pro-Lifer Jailed for Refusing to File Tax Returns over Abortion Funding

Friday April 9, 2010 Canadian Pro-Lifer Jailed for Refusing to File Tax Returns over Abortion Funding By Patrick B. Craine FREDERICTON, New Brunswick, April 9, 2010 ( – A Fredericton pro-life man was jailed for 66 days Thursday over his refusal to file tax returns due to tax-funded abortion in Canada. “I don’t want to co-operate with an entity that takes my money and pays gynecological assassins to kill my brothers and sisters,” said David Little, 65, in an interview with the Canadian Press. “I’m prepared to die in jail, if necessary. I can no longer cope with the hypocrisy […]

Liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to Retire

Friday April 9, 2010 Liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to Retire By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., April 9, 2010 ( – Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who became known as the leader of the left-leaning judges on the court during his 34 years of service, has announced that he plans to retire at the end of the current term in June. Stevens, who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1975 by Gerald Ford, voted to uphold Roe v. Wade in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and supports the notion that the U.S. Constitution supports […]

Battle of the Judges Continues in Argentina over Gay ‘Marriage’

Thursday April 8, 2010 Battle of the Judges Continues in Argentina over Gay ‘Marriage’ By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Latin America Correspondent BUENOS AIRES, April 8, 2010 ( – An Argentinean judge has yet again authorized a homosexual “marriage” in the city of Buenos Aires, despite the fact that all such previous rulings have been struck down by higher courts. On April 5, Administrative Judge Guillermo Scheibler of Buenos Aires ordered the city government to celebrate a “marriage” between two men, Carlos Álvarez e Martín Canevaro, declaring the nation’s laws regarding marriage to be “unconstitutional.” Articles 172 and 188 of Argentina’s […]

Pediatricians Warn Educators: ‘Pro-Gay’ Attitude toward Gender Confusion Damages Children

Wednesday April 7, 2010 Pediatricians Warn Educators: ‘Pro-Gay’ Attitude toward Gender Confusion Damages Children By Kathleen Gilbert GAINESVILLE, Florida, April 7, 2010 ( – The American College of Pediatricians has cautioned educators about the management of students experiencing same-sex attraction or exhibiting symptoms of gender confusion, saying that a pro-homosexuality attitude could disrupt a natural uncertainty in youth for the worse. “As pediatricians, our primary interest is in the health and well-being of children and youth,” Dr. Den Trumbull, Vice President of the College explains. “We are increasingly concerned that in too many instances, misinformation or incorrect assumptions are guiding […]

New States Join Courtroom Revolt Against ObamaCare

Wednesday April 7, 2010 New States Join Courtroom Revolt Against ObamaCare By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., April 7, 2010 ( – Five more U.S. states have now joined the attorneys general of a dozen other states in a lawsuit aimed at toppling the federal government’s new health care law. The states assert that portions of the health care legislation signed into law by President Obama on March 23 amounts to constitutional overreach that infringes on the right of states and individuals to manage their own affairs. “We welcome the partnership of Indiana, North Dakota, Mississippi, Nevada and Arizona as […]

New York Cops Nab Pharmacist Charged With Murdering His Unborn Child

Thursday April 8, 2010 New York Cops Nab Pharmacist Charged With Murdering His Unborn Child By Peter J. Smith BATH, New York, April 8, 2010 ( – State Police in New York have apprehended a pharmacist on the run from the law for allegedly forcing his mistress against her will to abort their unborn child. The man is said to have secretly induced his mistress to miscarry, because the baby’s birth would complicate his engagement to another woman. According to the Star Gazette, police in Steuben County caught up with Orbin Eeli Tercero, 38, a pharmacist for the Wegmans supermarket […]

Euthanasia Prevention Group: Contact Your MP Now to Vote against Euthanasia Bill

Thursday April 8, 2010 Euthanasia Prevention Group: Contact Your MP Now to Vote against Euthanasia Bill OTTAWA, April 8, 2010 ( – The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) is urging concerned Canadians to make a last minute push to convince Members of Parliament to vote against Bill C-384, the bill that would legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada. Alex Schadenberg, the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, told LifeSiteNews today: “Currently Bill C-384, the bill that was introduced by Francine Lalonde MP (BQ), will is scheduled to receive its second-hour of debate on Tuesday, April 20 and then be […]

NYU Law Panelist: CEDAW Would Bring “Radical Transformation of American Law”

Thursday April 8, 2010 NYU Law Panelist: CEDAW Would Bring “Radical Transformation of American Law” By Terrence McKeegan, J.D. NEW YORK, NY, April 8, 2010 (C-FAM) – Last week in New York, Janet Benshoof, a panelist at an event commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), declared CEDAW to be “radical international law,” which should be thought of “as a tool for power.” Benshoof, who is currently President of the Global Justice Center, founded the pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (since renamed the Center for Reproductive Rights). She stated that […]

Montana Bishop Boots Gay Group from Parish Hall

Thursday April 8, 2010 Montana Bishop Boots Gay Group from Parish Hall By Kathleen Gilbert BILLINGS, Montana, April 8, 2010 ( – Bishop Michael Warfel of Great Falls-Billings has asked a local support group for homosexuals to move its meetings out of a local parish hall to avoid confusion over the Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality. The pro-homosexuality group Always Our Children had scheduled an open house meeting in a hall at St. Pius X Parish in Billings for April 6. The group had been allowed to meet at the parish previously, before complying with the bishop’s recent request that […]

Filipino Bishop Warns Faithful about ‘Catholics for Choice’

Thursday April 8, 2010 Filipino Bishop Warns Faithful about ‘Catholics for Choice’ By Thaddeus M. Baklinski MANILA, April 8, 2010 ( – A press release from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has warned the public to “become wary of a catholic group that endorses the use of condoms.” Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes has called on Catholics to be cautious of the Washington D.C.-based pro-abortion group called Catholics for Choice (CFC), which has given its full support to the recent condom distribution program of the Department of Health (DoH). “Be wary of this group. Let us not allow […]

Kansas Late-Term Abortion Bill Awaiting Governor’s Signature

Thursday April 8, 2010 Kansas Late-Term Abortion Bill Awaiting Governor’s Signature April 8, 2010 ( – A bill that would require abortionists to report the reason why they performed abortions after 21 weeks is sitting on the desk of Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson, awaiting his signature. The measure passed out of the Senate on Tuesday, March 30, in a 24 to 15 vote. The Associated Press reported Thursday that Gov. Mark Parkinson, an “abortion rights Democrat,” has one more week to decide what to do with the bill. The bill would supply a layer of accountability to abortionists who have […]

Church’s Opposition to Abortion and Gay “Marriage” behind Media “Hate Campaign” – Cardinals

Wednesday April 7, 2010 Church’s Opposition to Abortion and Gay “Marriage” behind Media “Hate Campaign” – Cardinals By Hilary White ROME, April 7, 2010 ( – Three high-level Vatican cardinals have denounced the “campaign of hatred” that is being waged against the Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI over the clerical sex abuse crisis, saying the motive behind the campaign is the pope’s defence of the unborn and marriage. In an interview with Vatican Radio, Spanish Cardinal Julian Herra, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, said on Tuesday, “The Pope defends life and the family, based on […]

Lutheran Pastor Defends Pope Against Attacks over Sex Abuse Crisis

Tuesday April 6, 2010 Lutheran Pastor Defends Pope Against Attacks over Sex Abuse Crisis By Patrick B. Craine April 6, 2010 ( – As Pope Benedict XVI faces media accusations over his handling of the sexual abuse crisis in the Church, Lutheran theology professor John Stephenson has issued some “ecumenical thoughts” in defense of the pontiff, and has called on Lutherans to offer prayers for the pope. On the blog of Logia, a Lutheran journal of theology, Dr. Stephenson points out that the secular media has been attacking Pope Benedict XVI since at least 1985 when The Ratzinger Report, a […]

U.S. Medical Society Sues to Overturn ObamaCare

Wednesday April 7, 2010 U.S. Medical Society Sues to Overturn ObamaCare WASHINGTON, D.C., April 7, 2010 ( – The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has filed a lawsuit against the newly enacted health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), making them the first U.S. medical society to take legal action against the sweeping health care overhaul. The AAPS filed suit March 26 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. “If the PPACA goes unchallenged, then it spells the end of freedom in medicine as we know it,” said Jane Orient, M.D., […]

Vancouver School Board Hosts Homosexual Conference for Teens at Elementary School

Tuesday April 6, 2010 Vancouver School Board Hosts Homosexual Conference for Teens at Elementary School By Thaddeus M. Baklinski VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 6, 2010 ( – The Vancouver School Board (VSB) held “Vancouver’s first-ever anti-homophobia conference for students” at Queen Mary Elementary School on Wednesday, March 24, 2010. “The conference will focus on the experiences, needs and plans of students to address homophobia and gender stereotypes in their schools,” said Steve Mulligan, VSB’s anti-homophobia and diversity coordinator, prior to the event. “The conference will include students from around the Lower Mainland (and as far away as Campbell River), who […]

‘Catholics for Choice’ Demands Abortion in Canada’s G8 Maternal Health Plan

Wednesday April 7, 2010 ‘Catholics for Choice’ Demands Abortion in Canada’s G8 Maternal Health Plan By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, April 7, 2010 ( – The pro-abortion organization “Catholics for Choice,” which has been denounced repeatedly by Catholic bishops for falsely promoting abortion in the name of the Catholic Church, has written a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper demanding that he include abortion in his G8 initiative on maternal and child health. Several mainstream media news agencies have already reported on the letter from the anti-Catholic activist group as if it actually represents a valid Catholic position. However, […]

Rhode Island Bishop Severs Hospital from Pro-Obamacare Catholic Health Association

By Kathleen Gilbert PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, April 9, 2010 ( – Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island has denounced the Catholic Health Association for supporting the abortion-laden federal health care reform law, and has asked that a local hospital be removed from membership in the group, reported ETWN Friday. CHA, a for-profit trade association personally wooed by President Obama to support his health care overhaul, garnered heavy criticism from U.S. bishops for supporting the massive bill despite its lack of a ban on federal abortion funding – effectively making it the most pro-abortion piece of legislation since Roe v. Wade. […]

Alberta Minister: Boissoin Human Rights Case Should Never Have Gone to Commission

By Patrick B. Craine CALGARY, Alberta, April 9, 2010 ( – The Alberta minister in charge of the province's human rights commission is saying now that the human rights complaint against Red Deer pastor Stephen Boissoin shouldn't have ever gone to the commission. “[The commission's] not there to mediate hurt feelings caused by some words or not,” Culture Minister Lindsay Blackett told CBC. “If it's hateful, then that's a hate crime. And that's something for the Crown attorneys and the police services to investigate.” “But the goal of the commission is to make sure people are protected against discrimination where […]

Canadian Pro-Lifer Jailed for Refusing to File Tax Returns over Abortion Funding

By Patrick B. Craine FREDERICTON, New Brunswick, April 9, 2010 ( – A Fredericton pro-life man was jailed for 66 days Thursday over his refusal to file tax returns due to tax-funded abortion in Canada. “I don't want to co-operate with an entity that takes my money and pays gynecological assassins to kill my brothers and sisters,” said David Little, 65, in an interview with the Canadian Press.  “I'm prepared to die in jail, if necessary. I can no longer cope with the hypocrisy of praying for life … and paying for death.” Little, who has refused to file tax […]

Warning That Physician-Assisted Suicide Not “legal” in Montana

MONTANA,  April 9, 2010 ( -  Today, the Missoulian reported that the suicide/euthanasia promotion group, Compassion & Choices, has claimed that more than one Montanan has used physician-assisted suicide since a Montana Supreme Court ruling was issued on December 31, 2010.  In a release today, Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and Senator Greg Hinkle emphasized that the ruling in Baxter v. State, did not, however, “legalize” physician-assisted suicide in Montana.  They noted that Baxter instead held that a physician accused of homicide for killing his or her patient would be allowed to assert a “consent of the victim defense.”  Read analysis here. […]

Feds Raid Home of PA Abortionist – Seize Documents

Wednesday April 7, 2010 Feds Raid Home of PA Abortionist – Seize Documents PHILADELPHIA, PA, April 7, 2010 ( – The FBI raided the home of abortionist Kermit Gosnell and executed a search warrant yesterday in an ongoing investigation into an abortion death, federal drug violations, and illegal late-term abortions. Boxes of documents were seized and removed from Gosnell’s home. According to news reports, a second search warrant was also executed by the FBI at Gosnell’s now closed abortion office in West Philadelphia. Gosnell’s recent legal problems came when authorities began investigating the abortion-related death of Karnamay Mongar, who died […]

Three Italian Regional Governments Move to Block Abortion Drug RU-486

Tuesday April 6, 2010 Three Italian Regional Governments Move to Block Abortion Drug RU-486 By Hilary White ROME, April 6, 2010 ( – Following last month’s regional elections, several newly elected regional heads around Italy have moved to block the sale of the abortion drug, RU-486. Three regional presidents have said that the use of the drug violates the standing abortion law, Law 194, that allows only surgical abortions, carried out in hospitals. In the north, the new governor of Piedmont, Roberto Cota, has launched an offensive against the sale of the deadly abortion drug RU-486, saying it would “rot […]


Tuesday May 4, 1999 THE CANADIAN LATE-TERM ABORTION COVER-UP Orwellian Double-Speak Used To Justify Late Abortions CALGARY, May 4 (LSN) – MP’s looking into late-term abortions in Canada have been given official responses full of lies and deception in federal and provincial government attempts to conceal the late-term abortion holocaust. Official Opposition Health Critic Dr. Grant Hill wrote provincial health ministers and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (SOGC) of Canada last October requesting information on third trimester abortions. Responding in late January, the SOGC told Dr. Hill “abortions are performed after 20 weeks only if the physician judges that […]

Scott Roeder Gets Max Sentence for Tiller Slaying

Tuesday April 6, 2010 Scott Roeder Gets Max Sentence for Tiller Slaying By Peter J. Smith WICHITA, Kansas, April 6, 2010 ( – A Kansas judge on Thursday sentenced Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion activist who slew late-term abortionist George Tiller in cold blood last June, to fifty years in prison on a charge of first-degree murder. Sedwick County District Judge Warren Wilbert deliberated for nine hours before giving Roeder 50 years to life in prison for gunning down Tiller as the abortionist ushered for church services at Reformation Lutheran Church last June. Wilbert said that he could not give Roeder […]

Calif. D.A. Snubs Pro-Lifer’s Plea after Harassment by Off-Duty Officer

Tuesday April 6, 2010 Calif. D.A. Snubs Pro-Lifer’s Plea after Harassment by Off-Duty Officer By Kathleen Gilbert VENTURA, California, April 1, 2010 ( – After a Ventura County pro-life witness complained that an off-duty police officer harassed and drenched him in water, the local district attorney has said that it will not pursue charges, although it has admitted that the harassment technically qualified as battery. Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek broke the story of pro-lifer Todd Bullis and John Hixon, a Ventura County police officer and parishioner at the First Assembly of God Church in Ventura. In a video captured on […]

Canadian P.M. Prorogues Parliament – Vote on Euthanasia Delayed Again

Monday January 4, 2010 Canadian P.M. Prorogues Parliament – Vote on Euthanasia Delayed Again By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, January 4, 2010 ( – The federal Conservative government has suspended Parliament until after the Winter Olympics, the Prime Minister’s Office announced last Wednesday. According to the CBC, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s spokesman, Dimitri Soudas, said the government sought the suspension to consult with Canadians, stakeholders and businesses as it moves into the “next phase” of its economic action plan amid signs of economic recovery. “This is quite routine but it is also important to give Canadians an overview of where […]

LifeSiteNews Daily News for Tuesday March 2, 2010

Tuesday March 2, 2010 SHARE THIS PAGE: E-mail Print New LifeSiteNews Regional Versions and Other Changes Pelosi: I’ve Spoken with Bishops, There’s no Abortion Funding in Health Bill Federal Judge: Teacher has Right to Display Banners that Mention ‘God’ D.C. Archdiocese Forced to Drop Coverage for Spouses over Same-Sex “Marriage” 13-Year-Old Pro-Life Superstar Tackles Euthanasia Interview: My Mom’s Abortion Failed, so I’m Alive to Talk about it Mandatory Curriculum for Ontario Schools Promotes Homosexuality, Masturbation Embattled University of Victoria Pro-Life Club Stages Free Speech Protest Abortion Is Devastating the African American Community… Is Anyone Noticing? UK Bishops Appeal to Save […]

U.S. Birth Rate Drops Below Replacement Level

By Patrick B. Craine WASHINGTON, D.C., April 7, 2010 ( – U.S. births dropped 2% in 2008, bringing the country's birth rate below replacement level, new government statistics released Tuesday reveal. The U.S. National Vital Statistics Report showed that the U.S. birth rate dropped in 2008 to 2.08 births per woman, below the 2.1 level needed to replace the population.  The report indicates that the birth rate had surpassed replacement level for 2006 and 2007, after having been below replacement since 1972. The drop in 2008 follows a period of growth, with fertility in 2007 reaching its highest point in […]

Euthanasia Prevention Group: Contact Your MP Now to Vote against Euthanasia Bill

OTTAWA, April 8, 2010 ( – The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) is urging concerned Canadians to make a last minute push to convince Members of Parliament to vote against Bill C-384, the bill that would legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada. Alex Schadenberg, the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, told LifeSiteNews today: “Currently Bill C-384, the bill that was introduced by Francine Lalonde MP (BQ), will is scheduled to receive its second-hour of debate on Tuesday, April 20 and then be voted-on Wednesday, April 21. It is possible that Lalonde will once again trade her time-slot with another […]

Commentary on April 8 News

Dear readers, The Archdiocese of Chicago was shaken up by our coverage of the proposed award to Obama-crazed pastor Pfleger. Our interview with an archdiocesan official who proclaimed that Obama was not pro-abortion but “pro-choice” garnered so much media attention that she publicly apologized for causing scandal.  Also, be sure to have a look at Cardinal George's talk at the award ceremony. As we predicted yesterday, the abuse scandal stories continue with many more revelations.  However, the biased media coverage is also turning the Catholic Church and the Pope in particular into an object of intense and irrational hatred.  The […]

UN Judge: Pope Should be Prosecuted at International Criminal Court for “Crimes against Humanity”

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. April 8, 2010 (C-FAM) – In London last Friday, a high ranking United Nations (UN) jurist called on the British government to detain Pope Benedict XVI during his upcoming visit to Britain, and send him to trial in the International Criminal Court (ICC) for “crimes against humanity.” Geoffrey Robertson touted his status as a UN judge in an article he published last week, in which he argued that jurists should invoke the same procedures that have been used to indict war criminals such as Slobodan Milosevic, to try the Pope as head of the Roman Catholic […]

Cardinal George’s Homily Delivered at the Dr. King Prayer Service and Racial Justice Awards

“For it was by hope that we were saved; but if we see what we hope for, then it is not really hope.  But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” How can we see something not yet here?  We must look with eyes filled with love.  “Because we know that in all things, God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” If we look with eyes filled with God’s love, then we see all those whom he loves, for God’s love is universal.  […]

Australia Bans Christian Schools from Teaching Creationism

Thursday March 4, 2010 Australia Bans Christian Schools from Teaching Creationism By Thaddeus M. Baklinski ADELAIDE, South Australia, March 4, 2010 ( – The South Australian Non-Government Schools Registration Board has published a new education policy that states it requires the ”teaching of science as an empirical discipline, focusing on inquiry, hypothesis, investigation, experimentation, observation and evidential analysis.” It then goes on to state that it “does not accept as satisfactory a science curriculum in a non-government school which is based on, espouses or reflects the literal interpretation of a religious text in its treatment of either creationism or intelligent […]

European Court of Human Rights: Poland Must Recognize Homosexual “Rights”

Wednesday March 3, 2010 European Court of Human Rights: Poland Must Recognize Homosexual “Rights” By Patrick B. Craine STRASBOURG, France, March 3, 2010 ( – The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has determined that a municipality in Poland committed a human rights violation when it denied a homosexual man’s petition to inherit his partner’s tenancy agreement after the partner died. The ECHR accepted that the protection of the family founded on the union of a man and a woman, as expressed by the Polish Constitution, was in principle a legitimate reason which might justify a difference in treatment. But […]

U.S. Medical Society Sues to Overturn ObamaCare

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 7, 2010 ( – The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has filed a lawsuit against the newly enacted health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), making them the first U.S. medical society to take legal action against the sweeping health care overhaul. The AAPS filed suit March 26 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. “If the PPACA goes unchallenged, then it spells the end of freedom in medicine as we know it,” said Jane Orient, M.D., the Executive Director of AAPS. “Courts should not allow this massive […]

Contraceptive-Making Pharmaceutical Company Sued for Pressuring Employee to Abort Baby

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski NEW YORK, April 7, 2010 ( – The Swiss-based pharmaceutical company Novartis is the subject of a class action lawsuit in the U.S. due to begin today. The lawsuit claims that the company has sexist practices that discriminate against women in areas of pay, promotions, and pregnancy-related matters. Among the allegations is that at least one employee was pressured to abort her baby. The 17 plaintiffs, women who worked for the drug giant in the United States, claim they are representing 5,600 of their colleagues and are seeking total damages of $200 million. The law firm […]

“Right” of Couples to IVF Trumps Children’s Right to a Normal Family – European Court of Human Right

By Hilary White STRASBOURG, April 7, 2010 ( – The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has issued a Chamber judgment that Austria’s laws restricting in vitro fertilization procedures are “discriminatory” and violate the right to a family life under the European Convention on Human Rights. Seven judges of the Court ruled that the Austrian Artificial Procreation Act preventing the use of donated sperm or ova in artificial fertilization procedures violates the “right to respect for family life” of two married couples who suffer from infertility. With a few exceptions, Austrian law allows only “homologous” in vitro fertilization techniques that […]

Beijing Prof Fired for Having Second Baby

By Patrick B. Craine BEIJING, China, April 7, 2010 ( – A prominent university professor in Beijing has been fired because he and his wife had a second child in defiance of China's infamous one-child policy, says Chinese Human Rights Defenders. Law professor Yang Zhizhu was notified by officials from the China Youth University for Political Sciences on March 26 that he was being fired because he had violated Beijing's family planning regulations. Yang's wife gave birth to their second child on December 21, 2009.  On the same day, university officials promulgated guidelines that outlined punishments for employees who violated […]

Pediatricians Warn Educators: ‘Pro-Gay’ Attitude toward Gender Confusion Damages Children

By Kathleen Gilbert GAINESVILLE, Florida, April 7, 2010 ( – The American College of Pediatricians has cautioned educators about the management of students experiencing same-sex attraction or exhibiting symptoms of gender confusion, saying that a pro-homosexuality attitude could disrupt a natural uncertainty in youth for the worse. “As pediatricians, our primary interest is in the health and well-being of children and youth,” Dr. Den Trumbull, Vice President of the College explains. “We are increasingly concerned that in too many instances, misinformation or incorrect assumptions are guiding well-intentioned educators to adopt policies that are actually harmful to those youth dealing with […]

Editorial: Is the Catholic Church in that Time of Purification that Ratzinger Predicted?

Editorial By John-Henry Westen April 7, 2010 ( – The near-constant battering of the Catholic Church during the past month over the sexual abuse scandal has most Catholics reeling and much of the media in a feeding frenzy, seeing the scandals as an opportunity to bring down the archenemy of the sexual revolution.  This latest cycle of the sexual abuse scandal is different from that which took place in Canada and Boston years ago.  It involves new and disastrous revelations daily and from all over Europe and North America, with sustained coverage in the media. For over 35 years Pope […]

Church’s Opposition to Abortion and Gay “Marriage” behind Media “Hate Campaign” – Cardinals

By Hilary White ROME, April 7, 2010 ( – Three high-level Vatican cardinals have denounced the “campaign of hatred” that is being waged against the Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI over the clerical sex abuse crisis, saying the motive behind the campaign is the pope’s defence of the unborn and marriage. In an interview with Vatican Radio, Spanish Cardinal Julian Herra, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, said on Tuesday, “The Pope defends life and the family, based on marriage between a man and a woman, in a world in which powerful lobbies would like to […]

Letters to the Editor

Re: Interview: Development & Peace South African Partner Freely Admits Abortion Advocacy I have become aware that an article by Patrick B. Craine with the above title was published on your website. The article takes me back to the long years of apartheid where this was precisely the kind of poisonous mix of innuendo and vituperation used to justify locking up people who had the temerity to ask for basic human rights. Why the innuendo about ILRIG’s “ostensible” mission? Is there another one we’re not aware of? Why the reference to ILRIG’s position first being “uncovered” There is nothing to […]

Wisconsin D.A. Warns Schools: Sex Ed Liable to Promote Delinquency of Minors

By Kathleen Gilbert JUNEAU COUNTY, Wisconsin, April 7, 2010 ( – Teachers implementing a new law that requires explicit, pro-contraceptive sex education in public schools may risk criminal prosecution for promoting the delinquency of minors, a local district attorney warned Juneau County schools last month. In a letter to school districts March 24, Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth urged school administrators to withdraw from the human growth and development courses altogether, rather than submit to the new mandate requiring children to be taught how properly to use condoms and other contraceptives.  “To adopt the highly-controversial mandates of Act 134 risks […]

Calgary Church Loses Charity Status: Opposition to Abortion, Homosexuality Cited as Reasons

Thursday January 21, 2010 Calgary Church Loses Charity Status: Opposition to Abortion, Homosexuality Cited as Reasons By Patrick B. Craine CALGARY, Alberta, January 21, 2010 ( – The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has revoked the charitable status of Kings Glory Fellowship (KGF), a Christian church in Calgary. CRA cites a number of issues with KGF’s application, but the decision is based, in part, on the ground that certain KGF Board members have spoken out strongly against abortion, and other moral issues. “The members of the Board of Directors espouse strong negative views about sensitive and controversial issues, which may also […]

“I’ve Already Had 4 Abortions!”

Wednesday March 3, 2010 “I’ve Already Had 4 Abortions!” Commentary by David Bereit, National Coordinator, 40 Days for Life March 3, 2010 ( – A young woman walked up to the 40 Days for Life vigil outside an abortion center in Austin, Texas recently. She signed up to join the others in prayer … and then immediately sat down on the sidewalk and started to cry. One of the volunteers stopped praying for a moment to approach the young woman, whom she had never met before, and asked her if she needed a hug. This volunteer assumed that the thought […]

Montana Judge Rules School May Censor Religious References in Valedictory Speech

Monday March 1, 2010 Montana Judge Rules School May Censor Religious References in Valedictory Speech By James Tillman BILLINGS, Montana, March 1, 2010 ( – Last Wednesday Judge Gregory Todd ruled in a summary judgment that a student at Butte High School was not unconstitutionally censored for refusing to remove references to Christ and God from her valedictory speech. Her attorney has said that they will appeal to the Montana Supreme Court. Renee Griffith, one of the ten valedictorians in her class, had planned to say that she “didn’t let fear keep me from sharing Christ and his joy with […]

Hundreds of Dutch Gay Activists Protest at Cathedral over Communion Refusal

Monday March 1, 2010 Hundreds of Dutch Gay Activists Protest at Cathedral over Communion Refusal By Patrick B. Craine ‘S-HERTOGENBOSCH, Netherlands, March 1, 2010 ( – Hundreds of homosexual activists flocked to Mass at St. John’s Cathedral in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch) on Sunday to challenge the bishop for his support of a priest in Reusel who denied Communion to an openly practicing homosexual. The protesters joined the Mass wearing pink triangles, and some came dressed in pink wigs and gowns. Most of the throng walked out, shouting and singing, during the homily, which was given by Fr. Geertjan van Rossem. […]

Calif. D.A. Snubs Pro-Lifer’s Plea after Harassment by Off-Duty Officer

By Kathleen Gilbert VENTURA, California, April 1, 2010 ( – After a Ventura County pro-life witness complained that an off-duty police officer harassed and drenched him in water, the local district attorney has said that it will not pursue charges, although it has admitted that the harassment technically qualified as battery. Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek broke the story of pro-lifer Todd Bullis and John Hixon, a Ventura County police officer and parishioner at the First Assembly of God Church in Ventura. In a video captured on the sidewalk outside church grounds, Hixon is shown taunting Bullis, spraying what was described […]

Vancouver School Board Hosts Homosexual Conference for Teens at Elementary School

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 6, 2010 ( – The Vancouver School Board (VSB) held “Vancouver’s first-ever anti-homophobia conference for students” at Queen Mary Elementary School on Wednesday, March 24, 2010. “The conference will focus on the experiences, needs and plans of students to address homophobia and gender stereotypes in their schools,” said Steve Mulligan, VSB’s anti-homophobia and diversity coordinator, prior to the event. “The conference will include students from around the Lower Mainland (and as far away as Campbell River), who want to make their schools more inclusive.” The event was co-sponsored by four homosexualist advocacy […]

Australian Child Experts Demand Ban on Easy-Access Soft Porn

By Peter J. Smith CANBERRA, Australia, April 6, 2010 ( – More than thirty experts on children have made an open call for a ban on selling soft pornography by commercial venders such as newsstands, supermarkets, and convenience stores, saying its easy accessibility is contributing to the sexualization of children, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. Thirty-four academics, child professionals and advocates sent a letter to the current committee of attorneys-general/censorship ministers, arguing that the sale of soft pornography should be banned from areas where children can be exposed to it. The group also asked the ministers and attorneys general to review […]

Commentary on April 6 News

Best news first: A faithfully Catholic, notably pro-life and seemingly quite holy Bishop has been named to replace Los Angeles Cardinal Mahony. This can only be very good news for the cause of life and family in the US. The LA diocese is by far the largest and therefore most influential diocese in the country. Archbishop Gomez will need much support and prayer given the toxic nature of the LA Catholic establishment that he is inheriting. Would you have the strength to turn down a million dollar contract to uphold your morals? One Hollywood actor just did. Remember the Obama-crazed […]

Homosexual Brazilian Gets Asylum in US After Claiming ‘Persecution’

Thursday April 1, 2010 Homosexual Brazilian Gets Asylum in US After Claiming ‘Persecution’ By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Latin America Correspondent SAO PAULO, April 1, 2010 ( – A homosexual man from the city of São Paulo has been granted asylum in the U.S. after claiming he suffered “persecution” in Brazil for his homosexuality. As a consequence of the ruling, Augusto Pereira de Souza, 28, will enjoy the right to work and receive social security benefits in the United States, and will soon be able to apply for permanent residency, according to the Terra news service. The verdict was rendered despite […]

British Catholic Bishops Issue Limp Voters Guide

Thursday April 1, 2010 British Catholic Bishops Issue Limp Voters Guide By Hilary White LONDON, April 1, 2010 ( – In the lead-up to the UK’s general election in May, the Catholic bishops of England and Wales have issued a guide and questionnaire for voters, asking Britons to raise the question of what the sanctity of life means to candidates. But the guide and questionnaire have been criticized by pro-life campaigners who are saying they make the “seamless garment” error and fail to challenge candidates on the critical issues of the definition of marriage, assisted suicide and embryonic research. Published […]


Thursday December 3, 1998 BABY BORN AT 5 MONTHS GESTATION SURVIVES MAYWOOD, IL, Dec 3 (LSN) – Shel’be Pruitt, a child born a little over 20 weeks after her conception was released from hospital Saturday to go home with her overjoyed parents. In a story last Sunday covering the happy occasion, the Chicago Sun-Times noted that “A Canadian infant born 128 days early in 1987” is the world record holder for the most premature baby to survive. Ironically the Canadian Vancouver General Hospital admitted just yesterday to aborting babies older than this.

UK Government’s Education Expert Blames Homeschooling for Death of Child

Monday March 1, 2010 UK Government’s Education Expert Blames Homeschooling for Death of Child By Hilary White LONDON, March 1, 2010 ( – The British government’s lead expert on education is pointing to the tragic death of a Birmingham child, who had been taken out of school by her mother, as an illustration of the need for more government regulation of homeschooling. Supporters of homeschooling, however, are calling criticisms of home education because of the case a “red herring” to distract from the negligence of the local Birmingham social services. Seven year-old Khyra Ishaq died in 2008 of an infection […]

Americans for Truth About Homosexuality Labeled ‘Hate Site’ by Ultraliberal SPLC

Monday March 29, 2010 Americans for Truth About Homosexuality Labeled ‘Hate Site’ by Ultraliberal SPLC By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman MONTGOMERY, Alabama, March 29, 2010 ( – The website Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), a conservative activist group that opposes the homosexual political agenda, has been labeled an “anti-gay” “hate site” by the ultraliberal Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC is a non-profit legal organization that specializes in tracking “hate groups.” Its listings are sent to law-enforcement officials around the country, and are used in training some police departments. The “hate site” designation was given to AFTAH by SPLC […]

Tennessee Legislature: Abortionists Must Warn Clients against Coerced Abortion

Thursday April 1, 2010 Tennessee Legislature: Abortionists Must Warn Clients against Coerced Abortion By Peter J. Smith NASHVILLE, Tennessee, April 1, 2010 ( – Overwhelming majorities in both houses of the Tennessee General Assembly have passed a law requiring abortionists to post signs in their clinics informing women that it is against the law for anyone to coerce them into having an abortion. The law also applies stiff penalties to abortion facilities that fail to post the signs. The newly-passed Freedom from Coercion Act, SB 3812, requires abortion facilities to post a sign in large 40 pt. Arial font in […]

Brooklyn Bishop: Catholic Church Won’t be NYT’s ‘Personal Punching Bag’

Wednesday March 31, 2010 Brooklyn Bishop: Catholic Church Won’t be NYT’s ‘Personal Punching Bag’ By Kathleen Gilbert BROOKLYN, New York, March 31, 2010 ( – Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn has joined the chorus condemning the New York Times’ attempt to implicate Pope Benedict XVI in clerical sex abuse cover-ups, saying that the Catholic Church will no longer stand to be treated as the paper’s “personal punching bag.” “Enough is enough! Two weeks of articles about a story from many decades ago, in the midst of the Most Holy Season of the Church year, is both callous and smacks of […]

Babies’ Bodies Found Dumped in Chinese River

Wednesday March 31, 2010 Babies’ Bodies Found Dumped in Chinese River By Thaddeus M. Baklinski BEIJING, March 31, 2010 ( – The bodies of 21 infants were found floating or lodged in the mud of a river near the eastern Chinese city of Jining last weekend, according to a China Daily report. The bodies—some in diapers, some in plastic bags marked “medical waste”—were found under a bridge over the Guangfu river. Eight of the bodies were said to be wearing identification bands on their ankles showing they had come from the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University. The grisly discovery […]

Top Vatican Official Rebukes New York Times for Attacks on Pope

Wednesday March 31, 2010 Top Vatican Official Rebukes New York Times for Attacks on Pope By Hilary White ROME, March 31, 2010 ( – Cardinal William Levada, the third highest-ranking prelate in the Vatican has joined his voice to those defending Pope Benedict’s record from attacks by the New York Times in its coverage of the sex abuse cases by priests. Levada, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), wrote in a letter, published by the San Francisco Catholic and dated March 26, that in his dealings with clerics from countries around the world, “I […]

Australia Rescinds Special Status for “Non-Specific” Sex

Thursday April 1, 2010 Australia Rescinds Special Status for “Non-Specific” Sex By Samantha Singson April 1, 2010 (C-FAM) – Last month, the Australian government made international headlines for being the first to officially recognize a third gender on a state-issued document. Just days after conferring the new “sex not specified” status, the government rescinded the certificate, leaving a raging controversy over the definition of “gender” in its wake. The “sex not specified” status legally recognized Norrie May-Welby as neither male nor female. May-Welby was born in Scotland and registered as male at birth, but underwent sex change surgery 20 years […]

Oklahoma House Passes Pro-Life Bills by Massive Margin

Wednesday March 31, 2010 Oklahoma House Passes Pro-Life Bills by Massive Margin By John Jalsevac March 31, 2010 ( – On Monday the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed three different pro-life bills by a wide margin. The language in all three of the bills, which was drafted by the National Right to Life Committee, was originally included in a single piece of legislation passed in 2008 – but that bill was later struck down by the state Supreme Court, which decided that it violated the “single issue” rule. The original bill has now been split up into seven different pieces […]

Report: Planned Parenthood Endangering Women with Remote Abortions

Tuesday March 30, 2010 Report: Planned Parenthood Endangering Women with Remote Abortions By John Jalsevac DES MOINES, Iowa, March 30, 2010 ( – A new report by the pro-life group Operation Rescue (OR) tackles the increasingly popular practice of “telemed” chemical abortions, which OR charges is putting women at “unacceptable” risk, as well as pushing up insurance costs due to the exorbitant rate that Planned Parenthood typically charges insurance companies for the procedure. A telemed abortion is abortion via a teleconferencing service. Mothers seeking an abortion go to a clinic that has no physician on staff, and they then briefly […]

Editorial: Pope Deserves Strong Defense, but Catholic Church Problems Still Far From Resolved

Thursday April 1, 2010 Editorial: Pope Deserves Strong Defense, but Catholic Church Problems Still Far From Resolved Editorial by Steve Jalsevac April 1, 2010 ( – The current media storm over the Catholic Church sexual abuse scandals is a déjà vu for LifeSiteNews (LSN). We’ve been here before – in 2002, when the U.S. clergy scandal storm broke. LifeSiteNews extensively covered that saga for the next few years. And we must cover today’s developments as well – for very good reasons for the cause of life and family. For those new to LSN, see those reasons spelled out in the […]

Largest Pro-life Rally in Ireland in Fifteen Years Expected Saturday

Thursday July 5, 2007 Largest Pro-life Rally in Ireland in Fifteen Years Expected Saturday DUBLIN, July 5, 2007 ( – Organizers are describing a pro-life rally to be held in Dublin this coming Saturday, 7 July, as Ireland’s largest pro-life event in fifteen years. Abortion remains illegal in Ireland, despite the legal quandary left by the X case ruling in 1992. Two things protect the unborn child from abortion in Ireland: first, the provisions of the 1861 Offences Against the Persons Act and, secondly, a pro-life amendment made to Ireland’s constitution in 1983. The latter was, however, later interpreted, in […]

Commentary: The Pope and His Pharisaical Attackers

Tuesday March 30, 2010 Commentary: The Pope and His Pharisaical Attackers Commentary by George Neumayr Note: This article republished with permission from The Catholic World Report (CWR). George Neumayr is editor of CWR. March 30, 2010 (CatholicWorldReport) – The very secularists and libertine Catholics who wanted the aberrant sexual revolution to enter the Church in the 1960s and 1970s now hold Pope Benedict XVI responsible for its lingering effects. This takes considerable gall, but that has never stopped them before. Moreover, what moral authority and “credibility” do they bring to the issue of protecting children, exactly? These are the same […]

Shepherds and Flocks: Catholic Bishop Personally Leads Pro-Life Protests in Rhode Island

Wednesday March 31, 2010 Shepherds and Flocks: Catholic Bishop Personally Leads Pro-Life Protests in Rhode Island By Peter J. Smith PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, March 31, 2010 ( – Bishop Thomas Tobin, the leader of Rhode Island’s Roman Catholics, took a personal lead in the 40 Days For Life Lenten campaign last Friday, joining his flock and other Christians in two peaceful pro-life demonstrations at Rhode Island abortion clinics. Tobin reminded pro-life advocates that they were setting a positive example by challenging social acceptance of abortion and giving the issue a high profile, when others would rather keep the problem of […]

Five Years Later, Pro-Life Leaders Remember Terri Schiavo’s Murder

Wednesday March 31, 2010 Five Years Later, Pro-Life Leaders Remember Terri Schiavo’s Murder By Kathleen Gilbert PINELLAS PARK, Florida, March 31, 2010 ( – On the fifth anniversary of the court-ordered death by starvation and dehydration of Terri Schindler Schiavo, Terri’s family, pro-life leaders and anti-euthanasia advocates have united to call attention to the silent abuse of people with disabilities, and the new dangers posed by the recently-passed federal health care reform legislation. The Christian Defense Coalition, Faith and Action and Generation Life announced they will pray and leave a single rose on the public sidewalk in front of the […]

Austrian Church Funds Independent Investigation in Response to Abuse Reports

Wednesday March 31, 2010 Austrian Church Funds Independent Investigation in Response to Abuse Reports By Hilary White VIENNA, March 31, 2010 ( – The Catholic Church in Austria has set up an independent investigation as hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse of young people by priests have begun to surface. Waltraud Klasnic, a former governor of the Alpine republic’s southern province of Styria will head the investigation, which will be funded by the Church but not staffed with clerics. The cardinal archbishop of Vienna and the head of the Austrian bishops’ conference, Christoph Schönborn, told television news on Saturday, “We […]

Vatican Objects to Condom Vending Machines in Rome High School

Friday March 12, 2010 Vatican Objects to Condom Vending Machines in Rome High School By Hilary White ROME, March 12, 2010 ( – The Vatican and the mayor of Rome have objected to plans by the Province of Rome to install condom vending machines in schools. Rome’s mayor, Gianni Alemanno, was quoted by the ANSA news agency as saying, “On the one hand it’s childish to think young people need these vending machines, on the other hand it seems like a bad message to them.” The “ringleader” in the program is the Liceo Scientifico Keplero (Kepler Scientific Institute), a high […]

IPPF Complains Canadian Conservative Government Delaying Millions in Funding

Thursday February 11, 2010 IPPF Complains Canadian Conservative Government Delaying Millions in Funding By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, February 11, 2010 ( – The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the world’s largest abortion provider, is complaining that the Canadian government has not yet responded to their request for a funding renewal of $18 million over the next three years. IPPF spokesman Paul Bell told Canwest News Service that IPPF was “taken by surprise” after Michael Ignatieff pointed out the delay in IPPF’s funding last week while he was pushing for abortion in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s new G8 maternal […]

2,000 Stand up for Life at 1st ever Brussels Pro-life March

Tuesday March 30, 2010 2,000 Stand up for Life at 1st ever Brussels Pro-life March By Hilary White BRUSSELS, March 30, 2010 ( – Organizers of the first March for Life in Brussels say they are pleased with the international turn-out at the event on Sunday, March 28, with crowds estimated to number about 2000. March organizer Elizabeth Hickson told (LSN), “We really had no idea what to expect but we were full of excitement despite all the lack of sleep and pressures.” The event was intended to be a non-political, non-religious “neutral platform where many organizations could come […]

Michael O’Brien Slams the Media’s Use of the Sexual Abuse Crisis to Attack Pope Benedict

Monday March 29, 2010 Michael O’Brien Slams the Media’s Use of the Sexual Abuse Crisis to Attack Pope Benedict Commentary by Michael O’Brien Note: Michael O’Brien is a Catholic visual artist and author of numerous novels, including “Father Elijah” and “Strangers and Sojourners.” His website can be found here. March 29, 2010 ( – The media’s desperate straining to find evidence of Pope Benedict’s complicity in a sexual abuse case in Munich is so very interesting, and very revealing. That he is entirely innocent of cover-up or lack of prudence in the matter is ignored, while the little shreds of […]

Canada Ratifies UN Convention on Rights of Disabled

Tuesday March 16, 2010 Canada Ratifies UN Convention on Rights of Disabled By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, March 16, 2010 ( – The Canadian government announced last week that they have ratified the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, meeting both praise and caution from pro-life leaders and advocates for the disabled. The Hon. Lawrence Cannon (CPC-Pontiac), Minister of Foreign Affairs, ratified the Convention at the UN headquarters in New York on Thursday. “Canada is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities and enabling their full participation in society,” he commented […]

Poll: Majority of Ohioans Oppose Use of Federal Funds for Abortion

Tuesday January 26, 2010 Poll: Majority of Ohioans Oppose Use of Federal Funds for Abortion COLUMBUS, OH, January 26, 2010 ( – Ohioans are paying more to attention to issues like federal funding for abortions as a result of the months-long debate over national health care reform, according to a poll released today by Ohio Right to Life Society. In the third installment of its Ohio Cultural Index, the group also found Ohioans continue to have a strong faith in God and believe abortions have a negative impact on the women who have the procedure. “The combined results of three […]

Head of Italian Bishops Conference: Consider “Unfathomable Crime of Abortion” When Voting

Monday March 29, 2010 Head of Italian Bishops Conference: Consider “Unfathomable Crime of Abortion” When Voting ROME, March 29, 2010 ( – The head of the Italian bishops conference told Italian voters last week that the supreme human right is the right to life and that all other political considerations must be subservient to it. Writing on today’s vote for the presidency of the Lazio region, which includes the city of Rome, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco said that the “unfathomable crime of abortion in all its forms, is one of the non-negotiable issues by which Catholics must vote in the upcoming […]

March for Life in Johannesburg South Africa Attended by Over 2000

Monday March 29, 2010 March for Life in Johannesburg South Africa Attended by Over 2000 By Thaddeus M. Baklinski JOHANNESBURG, March 29, 2010 ( – The South African Culture of Life Campaign, formed by lay people of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg at the request of their archbishop, who called for a commitment to promote life, especially life in the womb, held a March for Life on March 13th. Over 2000 pro-lifers gathered for the event. South Africa, where abortion on demand was legalized on February 1, 1997, has the continent’s most liberal abortion laws as well as an extremely high […]

Cardinal Ouellet: Quebec Must ‘Return to God’

Monday March 29, 2010 Cardinal Ouellet: Quebec Must ‘Return to God’ By Patrick B. Craine QUEBEC CITY, Quebec, March 29, 2010 ( – Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada, has once again called for Quebec to renounce its anti-religious secularism and return to its Catholic-Christian roots. “I sadly note that the total rejection of our Catholic identity leads more and more to a total mess in education,” the Cardinal wrote last month in Le Soleil. “The byproducts are well known: fragile couples, broken families, massive abortions, soon euthanasia, suicides at alarming rates, evident school dropouts, work […]

Love Letters from Heaven: a 40 Days Update

Friday March 26, 2010 Love Letters from Heaven: a 40 Days Update By David Bereit, National Coordinator, 40 Days for Life March 26, 2010 (40DaysforLife) – Everywhere I go, people ask the question: “Are our prayers really making a difference?” The answer, I am convinced, is often: “Yes, they most certainly are — and in ways you may never know. So just have faith that God is at work — somewhere!” That answer was confirmed recently by a taxi driver in Providence, Rhode Island. Joanne said the driver pulled his cab over to the area where 40 Days for Life […]

March 31 Marks Fifth Annual National Memorial for ‘Terri’s Day’

Monday March 29, 2010 March 31 Marks Fifth Annual National Memorial for ‘Terri’s Day’ NAPLES, Florida, March 29, 2010 ( – Friends of Terri Schiavo are calling on the pro-life community to commemorate her murder by dehydration and starvation on March 31, the anniversary of her death, by learning more about Terri’s story and praying for other vulnerable individuals at risk of a similar fate. Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, will be the celebrant and homilist at the Annual National Mass for Terri’s Day, Wednesday night, March 31 at the Ave Maria Oratory of Ave Maria […]

Tennessee Legislature: Abortionists Must Warn Clients against Coerced Abortion

By Peter J. Smith NASHVILLE, Tennessee, April 1, 2010 ( – Overwhelming majorities in both houses of the Tennessee General Assembly have passed a law requiring abortionists to post signs in their clinics informing women that it is against the law for anyone to coerce them into having an abortion. The law also applies stiff penalties to abortion facilities that fail to post the signs. The newly-passed Freedom from Coercion Act, SB 3812, requires abortion facilities to post a sign in large 40 pt. Arial font in their waiting room with the words: “Notice: It is against the law for […]

Comprehensive USCCB Memo again Concludes: Abortion Executive Order Meaningless

By Kathleen Gilbert and John Jalsevac WASHINGTON, D.C., April 1, 2010 ( – A detailed legal analysis from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops of the health care bill has reinforced the bishops' conclusion that the Executive Order that Rep. Stupak obtained in exchange for his vote does little to nothing to solve the abortion-related problems in the bill. The USCCB memo concludes that “the Executive Order cannot and does not fix the statutory problems of direct funding of abortion at CHCs (Community Health Centers), and of funding insurance plans that cover abortions; it cannot and does not make up […]

Sask. Human Rights Commission Seeks Supreme Court Case against Catholic Activist

By Patrick B. Craine REGINA, Saskatchewan, April 1, 2010 ( – The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has announced their intention to take their case against Bill Whatcott, a Christian fighting the encroachment of homosexualism, to the Supreme Court of Canada. Whatcott told LifeSiteNews (LSN) Thursday that the SHRC has informed his lawyer, Tom Schuck, of their intention to appeal the February 25th decision of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals. Whatcott suggested that, while he does not want to take the case “for granted,” the SHRC's appeal is a poor strategic move in light of the current negative feelings over […]

U.S. Congressmen: Clinton’s G8 Abortion Push is “Outrageous,” Misrepresenting America

By John-Henry Westen WASHINGTON, April 1, 2010 ( – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has received a flurry of criticism from politicians on both sides of the border for pushing abortion as a necessary component of the Canadian government's G8 maternal and child health initiative.  While Canadian Conservative politicians and even the prime minister resented Clinton’s interference into Canadian politics, several Congressmen from her own nation have decried her intervention as misrepresenting America. Speaking by telephone, leading pro-life Congressman Chris Smith told (LSN) that Clinton’s abortion push was “outrageous.” Particularly in a discussion of maternal and child health, […]

Christian Couple Forced to Sell Hotel after being Cleared of Religious Discrimination Charges

By Hilary White LIVERPOOL, April 1, 2010 ( – A UK Christian couple has been forced to put their hotel up for auction, even after having been cleared of all accusations in a religious discrimination case. Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang said that business at their nine-bedroom Bounty House hotel has collapsed and they are losing about £8,000 per month. The couple is receiving help from the Christian Institute and is considering legal action against Merseyside police and the Crown Prosecution Service. The charges were brought in April 2009 by a guest at the hotel who is a convert to Islam. […]

American Street Preacher Arrested in Britain for Declaring Homosexual Behavior a Sin

By Hilary White GLASGOW, April 1, 2010 ( – An American street preacher has been arrested and fined £1000 in Glasgow for telling passersby, in answer to a direct question, that homosexual activity is a sin. Shawn Holes was kept in jail overnight on March 18, and in the morning pled guilty to charges that he had made “homophobic remarks…aggravated by religious prejudice.”  Holes, a 47 year-old former wedding photographer from Lake Placid, New York, was in Glasgow as part of a preaching tour of Britain with a group of British and American colleagues. He said, “I was talking generally […]

UN Report Calls for $24 Billion/Year on “Modern Family Planning” including Abortion

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. April 1, 2010 (C-FAM)  – A just-released United Nations (UN) report backed by the world’s top population organizations argues that nations should double their investment in family planning and abortion in poor countries for a total of $24 billion a year, claiming this would dramatically reduce maternal and child deaths and solve a host of social ills.   The report, entitled “Adding it Up: the Costs and Benefits of Investing in Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Health,” makes the claim that if UN member states invest another $12B a year into “modern family planning,” the world-wide result […]

Pope Benedict XVI Calls on Christians to Stand against Injustice of Abortion

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski VATICAN, April 1, 2010 ( – At this morning's Chrism Mass, celebrated at Rome’s cathedral, the Basilica of St. John Lateran, Pope Benedict XVI called on Christians not to accept “injustices” which have been turned into law, first among these being abortion. The pontiff said, “Christians, as good citizens, respect the law and do what is just and good. They also refuse to accept laws which guarantee what is not a right but an injustice.” Christian martyrs, he observed, “refused to accept injustice, to participate in idolatry, to worship the emperor, to bow down before falsehood […]

Editorial: Pope Deserves Strong Defense, but Catholic Church Problems Still Far From Resolved

Editorial by Steve Jalsevac April 1, 2010 ( – The current media storm over the Catholic Church sexual abuse scandals is a déjà vu for LifeSiteNews (LSN). We've been here before - in 2002, when the U.S. clergy scandal storm broke. LifeSiteNews extensively covered that saga for the next few years. And we must cover today's developments as well – for very good reasons for the cause of life and family. For those new to LSN, see those reasons spelled out in the 2002 page “Why is LifeSite Covering This Issue?” This time, however, the danger is greater. It has become more international and menacing, […]

Catholic Register Editorial Denounces D&P;’s “Bizarre” Document against CLC, LifeSiteNews

Friday March 26, 2010 Catholic Register Editorial Denounces D&P;’s “Bizarre” Document against CLC, LifeSiteNews By Steve Jalsevac TORONTO, March 26, 2010 ( – The Catholic Register, published out of Canada’s largest diocese, has denounced Development and Peace for its document, revealed by LifeSiteNews on March17, that disparaged LifeSiteNews, Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) and the international pro-life movement in general. The Register also published a report by Deborah Gyapong in the same edition that included comments by D&P executive director Michael Casey confirming that D&P did in fact send to D&P stakeholders the harshly worded document that Casey said was “regrettably, […]

US Bishops Anti-Poverty Arm Defunds Accused Group

Thursday March 25, 2010 US Bishops Anti-Poverty Arm Defunds Accused Group By Patrick B. Craine PORTLAND, Maine, March 25, 2010 ( – The U.S. Bishops’ domestic anti-poverty arm, Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), has defunded a Maine homelessness advocacy group over its support for same-sex “marriage,” following reports last fall from members of the Reform CCHD Now coalition. Homeless Voices for Justice (HVJ), an advocacy program run by Portland-based Preble Street, had received funding from the CCHD for 13 years. But Preble Street joined a “No on 1” coalition in the fall, which fought to uphold the state’s recognition […]