NewsBytes – Obama

Obama's Christmas Proclamation; So Many Obama Outrages; Rush Limbaugh; Obama publicly 'outed' himself; Obama Ambush Election Prevention; Obama 101; The Year in Obama Scandals; Obama’s secrets; NEA endorses Obama, more...

NewsBytes – Tea Party

The Tea Party's Achilles' Heel; Tea party has proven to be the harbinger of a world wide movement; Sen. Kerry on 'Absurd' Tea Party Ideas; Times' Maureen Dowd on Tea Party; Incivility at the Tea Party, more...

Last Call!

This is our last call for donations to our Christmas season fundraising campaign. Now is the time for those who have not yet contributed to help us get past the still large $41,000 shortfall from our campaign goal.

Last Call!

This is our last call for donations to our Christmas season fundraising campaign. Now is the time for those who have not yet contributed to help us get past the still large $41,000 shortfall from our campaign goal.

Christian-Founded Dating Website eHarmony Forced to Cater to Homosexuals

Christian-Founded Dating Website eHarmony Forced to Cater to Homosexuals by By Kathleen Gilbert TRENTON, New Jersey, November 21, 2008 ( – A New Jersey man has won a settlement forcing, a leading dating website founded by Christian Dr. Neil Warren, to offer homosexual dating services through an equivalent website, entitled “Compatible Partners.” The settlement ended a 3-year court battle in which eHarmony was accused of discriminating against homosexuals by operating a setup that did not extend searches to include partners of the same sex. In addition to setting up the new website, the settlement requires eHarmony to advertise […]

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Federal Protection for Pro-Life Medical Professionals

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Federal Protection for Pro-Life Medical Professionals by WASHINGTON, November 15, 2006 ( – A federal appeals court yesterday upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by a pro-abortion group challenging the “Weldon Amendment.” The Weldon Amendment is a federal statute that prohibits the federal government or state and local governments receiving certain federal aid from discriminating against medical professionals who refuse to perform or refer for abortions. “Doctors and nurses should not be forced to participate in abortions against their religious beliefs or conscience. Under the banner of ‘choice,’ the National Family Planning and Reproductive […]

Explicit “Sex-Education” Pamphlet to be Given to Six Year-Olds in British Schools

Explicit “Sex-Education” Pamphlet to be Given to Six Year-Olds in British Schools by By Hilary White LONDON, September 18, 2008 ( – Six year-old children in British schools will be given puzzles and games to help them identify their sexual organs as part of a new government-funded sex-education initiative. The Family Planning Association (FPA) has produced a 12-page comic-style booklet entitled “Let’s Grow with Nisha and Joe” that includes pictures of naked boys and girls and quizzes to help teach clinical terminology. The pamphlet, the FPA says, introduces “ideas about love, relationships and body names at a very basic […]

NewsBytes – Life Issues

Steyn: Baby Boomer Values Behind Culture of Death?; Abortion and mental health; Are we sleepwalking through the great infanticide?; plans for compulsory sterilization, abortion; Abortion Battle Heats Up on the Hill; more...

A special request

We have a special request of you this year. Could you please offer special prayers for our Rome correspondent Hilary White who has been struggling with cancer the past several months?

Merry Christmas from LifeSiteNews!

Several of our staff have videotaped Christmas greetings for you that have been joined together in the following brief video. We are delighted to be able to communicate with you in this personal, visible way.

Merry Christmas from LifeSiteNews!

Several of our staff have videotaped Christmas greetings for you that have been joined together in the following brief video. We are delighted to be able to communicate with you in this personal, visible way.

Abortion makes lonely toys cry on Christmas billboard

An AdWeek blogger is one of those who doesn’t like a new pro-life billboard now on display in Toronto, Canada: Toronto’s Niagara Region Right to Life organization blames abortion for the “coarsening of politics and civic life,” but they’re the ones guilt-tripping people with sad-toy-themed billboards a week before Christmas. If this is the only alternative to all the inappropriately sexual Christmas ads I’ve been seeing, then bring on the smut. Niagara Region Right to Life’s Suresh Dominic told me this morning the organization gets calls from both sides, supporters and opponents, when it erects its controversial crying toy billboard […]

News Commentary

Must see video interview; astonishing move by Peruvian president; Chaos within Ontario Catholic community seems to all point back to the provinces' bishops.

I recommend the TV show Terra Nova

Hey, not that you should watch TV over the holidays, but since you might, here’s a suggestion. Given the scarcity of good programming on TV these days it’s nice to find a show that is at the same time well produced, captivating and doesn’t majorly offend moral sensibilities.  It’s also a bonus if in some small way the show has some point that jives nicely with traditional morality. There is such a show, at least in the first season of episodes.  That show is Spielberg’s Terra Nova.  Of interest to pro-lifers, the show’s premiere episode revolves around a family who […]

Obama Makes History: Thanksgiving Proclamation First Ever to Omit Direct Mention of God

Obama Makes History: Thanksgiving Proclamation First Ever to Omit Direct Mention of God by By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., November 27, 2009 ( – President Obama’s brief proclamation of Thanksgiving Day on November 26 was unique among all recorded Thanksgiving proclamations by his predecessors: it is the first one that fails to directly acknowledge the existence of God. The beneficence shown by God to America is a theme that traditionally defines the Thanksgiving holiday, and this theme is strongly emphasized in the original Thanksgiving Day proclamations and consistently acknowledged even by modern presidents. Obama’s unprecedented proclamation, however, only makes […]

Religious Believers Happier than Atheists and Agnostics: Study

Religious Believers Happier than Atheists and Agnostics: Study by By Hilary White LONDON, March 18, 2008 ( – Another study has found that sincere and active religious belief makes people happy, the Daily Mail reports. Statistical analysis has shown repeatedly that church attendance, family life and stable marriages are the building blocks of a happy life. Prof. Andrew Clark of the Paris School of Economics, and Dr. Orsolya Lelkes of the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research presented their research at the conference of the Royal Economic Society in Coventry. They said that religious believers are happier […]

NewsBytes – Christmas

5,000 outraged Texans join rally in support of Christmas scene, U.S Air Force Operation Christmas Child stopped, We're winning war on Christmas, Iman say Christmas pathway to Hell, Christmas service featuring Qur'an readings, Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas, more...

William Buckley:  A Voice against Liberalism and for Life

William Buckley: A Voice against Liberalism and for Life by By Michael Baggot February 29, 2008 ( – On Wednesday February 27, 2008 William Buckley Jr. left this world after 82 years of life. During his life it seemed that practically every person familiar with Buckley or his work, whether political friend or foe, had strong words of praise for the recently deceased hero of conservatism. “For people of my generation, Bill Buckley was pretty much the first intelligent, witty, well-educated conservative one saw on television,” said William Kristol, editor of the influential conservative Weekly Standard, in 1999. “He […]

Constitutionality of Public Financing of Abortion Challenged in Estonia

Constitutionality of Public Financing of Abortion Challenged in Estonia by TALLINN, Estonia, September 23, 2008 ( – The Institute for the Culture of Life, a pro-life group based in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, has filed an application to the Chancellor of Justice of the Republic of Estonia, asking him to declare public financing of abortion unconstitutional. For years the Government of the Republic of Estonia has been paying 70 percent of the cost of every elective abortion, despite Article 16 of the constitution of Estonia, which states, “Everyone has the right to life. This right shall be protected […]

“Dishonesty at Heart of System” Keeps Catholic Church “Pretending” on Birth Control, CUA Prof Says

“Dishonesty at Heart of System” Keeps Catholic Church “Pretending” on Birth Control, CUA Prof Says by By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, D.C., July 16, 2008 ( – A history professor at Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, D.C. has blamed Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical “Humanae Vitae,” for creating what she calls “paralysis” in the Catholic Church that constitutes “dishonesty at the heart of the system.” The 1968 encyclical was a response to calls during the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s to permit artificial birth control; Pope Paul VI, however, surprised those agitating for a loosening of the Church’s […]

Texas Late-Term Abortionist and Baptist Minister Admits: “Am I killing? Yes, I am”

Texas Late-Term Abortionist and Baptist Minister Admits: “Am I killing? Yes, I am” by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski DALLAS, November 6, 2009 ( – In a jarringly candid statement made to WFAA-TV in Dallas, Texas, late term abortionist and Baptist Minister Dr. Curtis Boyd said that when he performs abortions he is “killing,” and he has no issues with it whatsoever. “Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that,” Boyd said during a video interview with the news station following the opening of the Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center abortion facility. By law, Boyd must have a surgery center […]

Book Review: The Tyranny of Nice – How Canada Crushes Freedom in the Name of Human Rights

Book Review: The Tyranny of Nice – How Canada Crushes Freedom in the Name of Human Rights by By John Jalsevac November 13, 2008 ( – If there is any fatal flaw to be found in this handy little volume jointly authored by Kathy Shaidle and Pete Vere it is simply this: it runs the risk of not being believed. That is, it may not be believed because most people still abide by the belief that most other people are decent and reasonable chaps, and that being a decent and reasonable chap isn’t an indictable offense. This conviction of […]

Bethlehem: thank goodness it’s not Hollywood

Picture a group of Hollywood script writers trying to come up with a movie about an infinitely powerful Being coming to our planet so as to conquer His enemies and liberate the people He has loved since the beginning of time.

‘Shawinigan handshake’, Jean Chretien and Abortion

This morning former Prime Minister Jean Chretien wrote in a fundraising letter for the Liberal party, “Unless we are bold. Unless we seize the moment. Everything we built will start being chipped away. The Conservatives have already ended gun control and Kyoto… next may be a woman’s right to choose… one by one, the values we cherish as Canadians will be gone.” Question, Mr. Former Prime Minister: since when is allowing a woman the choice to have an abortionist kill her preborn baby considered a “value”. I know you’ve been out of politics for a while, and may or may […]

NewsBytes – Internet News

New Washington bill said to be dangerous overkill, China the model for US Internet control says Chris Dodd, Blow the whistle on Internet porn, Dot-XXX Domains Go Live, Digital Pearl Harbour, Facebook to repair terrible privacy reputation, more...

Advent reconciles mother and preborn child

The introduction to the lectionary, when speaking of the Sundays of Advent, says, “Each gospel reading has a specific theme: the Lord’s coming in glory at the end of time (first Sunday), John the Baptist (second and third Sundays), and the events which immediately prepared for the Lord’s birth (fourth Sunday)” (No.11). We focus, in other words, on the first and second comings of the same Christ, and on the one who teaches us how to prepare for His arrival, namely, by repentance. “Reform your lives! The reign of God is at hand.” The New Testament readings throughout Advent complement […]

NewsBytes – Religion – Catholic News

Why priests are happy or not, Most US Catholics support abortion, Catholics and Girl Scouts problem, Homosexuality and German Church, Wiegel on rise of evangelical bishops, Why do Catholics keep funding radical left, O'Malley resists gay pressure, more....

Sebelius’ sensible decision

The recent overruling of the FDA decision to sell Plan B over the counter (OTC) to children as young as eleven years of age has engendered no small amount of outrage by proponents of the FDA plan, and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has come in for severe criticism from women’s health and advocacy groups. Setting aside for a moment the undercurrent of abortion and the distrust between warring parties over the issue, this decision by Secretary Sebelius is a victory for the very children the FDA purports to serve and protect. According to FDA labeling on Plan B: “Ectopic pregnancies […]

Ted Turner defunds pro-abortion website

Ted Turner must have promised funding to RH Reality Check for only five years. Either that or he’s not happy with the product. Or perhaps he has decided to stop promoting abortion, which would be the best news of all. For whatever reason, Turner’s United Nations Foundation is dropping the abortion-pushing website he launched in 2006 from his list of “Campaigns and Initiatives” as of December 31. Beginning January 1, 2012, RH Reality Check will join the ranks of the unendowed and have to make it on its own, just like the rest of us ideologues without a sugar daddy. […]

No Abortions on P.E.I. Soil, says Premier

No Abortions on P.E.I. Soil, says Premier by By Tim Waggoner CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I., July 8, 2008 ( – In the wake of Dr. Henry Morgentaler’s induction into the Order of Canada, the Premier of P.E.I. has affirmed that his government will not revisit the province’s abortion policy. Current policy forbids abortions from being performed in the province, but states that the P.E.I. government will cover the cost of an abortion if the woman procures it in a hospital in a different province and under the recommendation of two doctors. Despite criticisms from pro-abortion organizations, the Chronicle Herald has reported […]

Florida Quarterback Tebow Leaves Reporters Speechless: “Yes I am” Saving Myself for Marriage

Florida Quarterback Tebow Leaves Reporters Speechless: “Yes I am” Saving Myself for Marriage by By John Jalsevac July 30, 2009 ( – Last week Florida Gators Quarterback Tim Tebow’s photo may have graced the cover of Sports Illustrated, the same magazine that is best known for its annual “swimsuit issue,” but the contrast between the two cover stories couldn’t have been more glaring. At 21 years of age and graced with boyish good looks, Tebow is one of the most talked about rising stars of the NCAA; but the football superstar literally left reporters speechless last week when he […]

“Life is Short. Have an Affair.”: Toronto Transit System Rejects Adultery-Promoting Ad

“Life is Short. Have an Affair.”: Toronto Transit System Rejects Adultery-Promoting Ad by By Thaddeus M. Baklinski TORONTO, December 11, 2009 ( – The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) today rejected a proposed advertizing campaign that woulud have involved wrapping its streetcars with advertisements for the Ashley Madison Agency, an online dating site that promotes adultery. The advertising plan would have seen one of the city’s streetcars wrapped in purple with the phrase, “Life is short. Have an affair,” in bold letters running from front to back on both sides. The phrase would also occupy every ad slot inside the […]

Just give me plain, Jesus-lyin-in-a-manger Christmas!

As we all struggle against the tide of corporate advertizing and political correctness to connect with the real meaning of Christmas, perhaps we could all use a refreshing dose of laughter and common sense. The clip is from a recent episode of “The Office.”

Mary smiled at me… Ba rum pa pum pum

I’ve always loved this song, It speaks of coming to Christ with our nothingness and Him finding us beautiful.  Winnipeg 16-year-old Sean Quigley, had that same love for this song, but he performed it so well that his amazingly well-done video went viral and even the largely anti-Christian CBC took notice. “Drummer Boy speaks to me so much,” he told the Canadian public broadcaster. “The whole song is a story. It’s about this boy who gets word of Jesus being born and he goes to see him and he doesn’t have anything to give him; he’s like ‘I don’t have […]

Obama opposes free access of minors to morning-after pill…but supports it for abortion?

In a press conference today President Barack Obama was asked whether he agreed with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ decision yesterday to overrule the FDA and block the sale of the morning-after pill to minors without a prescription. Obama responded, “As the father of two daughters, I think it is important for us to make sure that we apply some common sense to various rules when it comes to over-the-counter medicine.” After adding he did not get involved in the decision-making process, Obama expounded: As I understand it, the reason Kathleen made this decision was she could not be confident that […]

Letter from Planned Parenthood employees to Congress

December 7, 2011 The Honorable Fred Upton 2183 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Henry Waxman 2204 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Chairman Upton and Congressman Waxman: As former officers and or employees of affiliates of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), we support the decision by your Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations to investigate various aspects of the operations of the organization of which we were once a part. This examination, and the request for comprehensive documentation with which it is beginning, represent not only an appropriate exercise of government responsibility with […]

Controversial New Study Strongly Links Child Porn Use and Child Abuse

Controversial New Study Strongly Links Child Porn Use and Child Abuse by By Matt Anderson December 11, 2009 ( – A recent study performed by psychologists among inmates of the Bureau of Prisons suggests a strong link between the use of child pornography and child abuse. The study, conducted between 2002-2005 and chronicled in an article by Tori DeAngelis in this month’s edition of the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Pyschology, studied men who had already been convicted of child pornography crimes to see if they had also molested children. Clinical psychologists Michael Bourke, PhD, and Andres Hernandez, PsyD […]

Head of USCCB Meets with Obama: Also Releases Video Saying Decision on Conscience Protection a Move

Head of USCCB Meets with Obama: Also Releases Video Saying Decision on Conscience Protection a Move by By John Jalsevac March 17, 2009 ( – On the same day that Cardinal Francis George released a video expressing, on the behalf of all American bishops, his deep concern about the Obama administration’s decision to rescind conscience protection regulations put in place by the Bush administration, he has met with President Obama at the White House. News of the private, half-hour meeting between the two was only released late this afternoon. The meeting was not included in President Obama’s daily schedule. […]

Michael O’Brien Makes an Appeal

Renowned author/artist Michael O’Brien has penned a letter relating how important LifeSiteNews is to him and his own work of writing novels and articles for the building of a Culture of Life:

Christmas is for the unborn too

Our Christmas cannot be complete until we join in the great effort to end the oppression of the unborn once and for all, and let them hear that for them, too, a Savior has been born.

‘Gayest Superbowl halftime show ever’?

The gay and lesbian news outlet Xtra is predicting that the 2012 Superbowl halftime show will go down in history as the “gayest Superbowl halftime show ever.” The NFL announced on Sunday that the show’s feature performance by Madonna will be “imagined�� by Cirque du Soleil under the direction of Jamie King. The show is the most-watched musical event of the year with more than 162 million U.S. viewers tuning in last year. While the content of the show will be kept under close wraps till its game-day unveiling, and whether or not Xtra!‘s somewhat tongue-in-cheek predictions ultimately prove true, […]

Michael O’Brien Makes an Appeal

Renowned author/artist Michael O’Brien has penned a letter relating how important LifeSiteNews is to him and his own work of writing novels and articles for the building of a Culture of Life:

Newt Gingrich: Life Begins At….?

The rising presidential candidate stirred controversy over the weekend by stating that life began at fertilization, and then stating that it began at conception the following day.

Sperm donor children speak out

There are only four things Alana Stewart knows about her father: he has blonde hair, blue eyes, a college degree, and his assigned number at the sperm bank is 81.

LifeSiteNews launches new commenting system

We know that sudden changes can always be a bit jarring, especially for those of you who don’t spend every waking hour on the internet like us, so we’ve prepared an easy guide to help you adjust to the new system.

News Commentary

Be sure to view video; Hilary White not doing well; Many critical developments on homosexual issue

NewsBytes – Climate change, global warming

ClimateGate 2.0: 5,000 New Emails Confirm Deception, Collusion; Arctic Ice Not Disappearing; Insurance industry role in great scare; New NASA data; Climate witchcraft; The moral climate; Activist scientists; more...

How to talk to those pesky pro-life relatives about abortion during Thanksgiving: Planned Parenthood

By Jackie Anderson Picture Thanksgiving. Thankfully (pun intended), we don’t have to think back any farther than last Thursday to remember a house full of family members we rarely see outside the confines of the holidays, dirty sweatpants that serve as the only tangible trophy from backyard family football, and a turkey the size of the dinner table. Thanksgiving serves as our reminder to appreciate and hold dear to our hearts the many blessings we’ve received. It also serves as one of the handful of days throughout the year that eating too many courses of homemade food, watching a dog […]

Tragedy: Randall Terry’s oldest son killed in car accident

I was so sad to open an email this morning from pro-life activist Randall Terry: Dear Friend. Yesterday morning, at approximately 7 am eastern (11/30/2011), my 31 year old son, Jamiel Terry [pictured right], was killed in a head on collision. The three passengers in the other car were injured in varying degrees, but the police told me they will all be ok. We are all in a state of shock, and unthinkable grief. I loved him dearly; we all did. I beg you for your prayers for our family, and I beg you to pray for the mercy of […]