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(LifeSiteNews) — Dear LifeSiteNews readers,

Our Summer Campaign continues and the world provides many more astonishing developments for us to tell you about. There is no longer any dull day for us during this time in history.

The Biden administration’s indictment of Dr. Eithan Haim for doing what any responsible doctor should do after discovering what Texas Children’s Hospital did to sexually confused children reveals how far the United States has fallen. The doctor should have been profusely thanked and presented as a hero instead of perversely facing a possible 10 years in prison for exposing child mutilations secretly done in that “health care” institution. Alternative media like LifeSiteNews have a moral duty to report the full, honest facts on this situation for the benefit of all children since no mainstream media will do so.

Canada continues down the path of sexual madness led by Justin Trudeau. Bill C-404, “An Act to establish National Conversion Therapy Awareness Day,” was completed on June 13. It is intended to further raise awareness of what has already been heavily forced on Canadians by government, media and most education institutions for years. It seems these people will not stop until the natural family is completely destroyed. These are deeply hateful, mentally and spiritually disturbed people, totally intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them.

Another disturbing report on Canadian Basilian priest, Father Thomas Rosica, this time being seen going into and coming out of a gay bathhouse. It just never ends. Sad.

It is now time for a major revolution in Canada from the grass roots. The still sane majority MUST all become more involved in taking action in the political, social and educational realms like never before. It can no longer be left to others. YOU are the others.

We have published two reports, one on Friday and another today, on the inspiring response of Candace Owens to the arrogance and disrespect of Piers Morgan during his lengthy interview with her. This is a MUST WATCH, really positive news development we are thrilled to write about. Candace is a fireball of truth and quick thinking as she shows us how to decimate the ugly left’s fake, empty arguments. Here is another shorter program by Candace that summarized the highlights of her tour de force. Wow! Just as things seem to be becoming hopeless, God sends us people like this fearless, truly God-loving young woman who is obviously inspired by the Holy Spirit to proclaim much-needed truth.

Please help us to help you learn the truth on the most important issues of our time.

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God bless,

Steve Jalsevac

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

