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FRONT ROYAL, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) — I saw a headline recently which really caught my attention. It read…

“COVID jab may have led to rise in excess deaths.”  

As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you.  

But its source might… 

Because this headline is not from an independent news source like LifeSiteNews.   

This headline is from the front page of The Telegraph, the mouthpiece of the British establishment.   

The story continues: 

Researchers from the Netherlands analyzed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) said the unprecedented figures ‘raised serious concerns’ and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms. 

This BMJ study is an important step forward in the fight for the truth about the abortion-tainted jab.  

The BMJ is one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, and it cannot be ignored.  

That’s why former British cabinet minister David Davis MP wrote:  

This is a serious report, published by serious people. The potential link between COVID vaccines and excess deaths needs to be properly investigated.

And ex-Japanese cabinet minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi said: 

I apologize to all of you. So many have died, and they shouldn’t have. 

He continued:  

When I travel around to different areas, I see those who can’t stand, can’t walk, can’t go to school, can’t go to work. We could have prevented these injuries from happening, but we did not. 

The world is waking up to the harm caused by the experimental jab. 

But why did it take so long?  

LifeSiteNews was telling you the truth about the COVID-19 “vaccine” from the beginning.  


In October 2022, the Times newspaper declared: 

Antivaxxers are a global menace who must be defeated. 

That same month, LifeSiteNews published numerous articles that revealed the harm caused by the jab. These included:  

In fact, in the same month in which we were called “a global menace,” we published two articles that anticipated the questions raised by the BMJ study:  

And yet the Times called us “a global menace who must be defeated” and the Telegraph complained of a “bizarre anti-vaccine conspiracy.” 

The facts are plain to see.  

LifeSiteNews told you the truth. Other media sources told you lies.  

It is impossible to know how many lives have been saved by LifeSiteNews coverage or how many families have been spared the horror of lifelong physical and mental injury.  

You should be very proud of the contribution you have made to saving so many lives, because you had the courage to believe us and to lend us your financial support. 

LifeSiteNews will never stop speaking out and supporting those in need.  

We will NEVER stop telling the stories that need to be told – but we need your support to make that pledge a reality. 


Since our foundation in 1997, LifeSiteNews has been a voice for the voiceless and has spoken out on behalf of people who would otherwise be forgotten.   

We have told the stories that the mainstream corporate media will try to hide.  

These are stories like that of the young seminarian Julian Young. Julian loves God and wanted to give his life to His service. That’s why he entered the seminary. 

But in 2021, Julian received his first COVID-19 jab under the influence of media and political fearmongering.   

Soon after, he began to experience inflammation and pain in his lower back.   

At first, he didn’t associate it with the shot, but after taking the “booster” jab six months later, the inflammation spread throughout his body, and he was soon confined to a wheelchair.   

Thanks to the generosity of LifeSiteNews donors, who were moved by his story, Julian has been able to receive treatment at a specialist clinic and is making progress in his recovery. 

But what would have happened to Julian if LifeSiteNews wasn’t there to tell his story?  


Without access to support networks and honest advocate organizations like LifeSiteNews, many people find themselves trapped in a system that denies that their problems exist or has no financial interest in helping them to heal.  

Kayla Pollock, a 37-year-old mother from Ontario, Canada, was left paralyzed from the neck down after receiving a Moderna COVID booster shot.  

She began to lose control of her legs just four days after receiving the jab and was soon completely paralyzed. She is now unable to work, her son has been taken into care, and she requires carers to assist her with the most basic tasks of life.   

In response to her intense suffering, the Canadian medical authorities offered to kill her by euthanasia.  

This shocking story shows how little western governments value the lives of their people.  

They injected Kayla with a deadly poison and, when it didn’t kill her, they offered to finish the job by euthanasia. 

Some globalists would actually prefer that young mothers like Kayla were dead because they don’t believe resources should be expended on people who are not “economically productive.”  

Vaccine injury stats in Canada reveal an extraordinary total of 55,145known “adverse events.” But that is likely not the real total because of heavy pressures on medical personnel to not associate Covid with any negative outcomes.  

Some of the recorded injuries are:   

  • 332 blood clots   
  • 289 strokes  
  • 283 heart attacks  
  • 198 cases of facial paralysis  
  • 99 spontaneous abortions  
  • 79 kidney injuries   
  • 37 instances of liver damage 
  • and who knows how many deaths? 

And this is just one country, with a population ten times smaller than the United States.  

There is no doubt about it: The mainstream media and the globalist-controlled western governments have the blood of innocents on their hands.  

They spread the conspiracy theory that the COVID-19 “vaccine” was “safe and effective,” even as evidence grew that this claim was false.  

And they condemned LifeSiteNews for telling the truth. 

But we will never give in to their pressure or buckle in the face of their threats and their lies.  

There are still too many stories that need to be told.  


One story that the mainstream media will never tell is that the U.S. federal government has tortured nine brave pro-lifers in Washington, D.C. 

Nine heroic men and women are currently behind bars for engaging in a peaceful traditional rescue of the unborn at a late-term abortion facility in the U.S. capital.  

Exceptional investigative reporting by LifeSiteNews journalist Louis Knuffke has exposed the brutal torture meted out to these heroic defenders of unborn babies.   

Direct testimony of this torture has been gathered by LifeSiteNews and made public. We have also brought the results of our investigation to the attention of the U.S. Congress.  

The brutal torture inflicted on these innocent Americans includes: 

  • Prolonged solitary confinement of a mother of 15 children for 22 days  
  • Sleep deprivation by exposure to 24/7 artificial light for 22 days 
  • Deprivation of heat and appropriate clothing for a 74-year-old woman, leading to her contracting pneumonia 
  • Deprivation of medical treatment for three weeks to the same woman suffering from pneumonia 
  • Deprivation of medical treatment for nine months to the 74-year-old woman while she suffered excruciating osteoarthritis 
  • Intimidation, manipulation, and harassment of defendants by the FBI and the division for domestic terrorism.  

This treatment was meted out to those whose only “crime” was trying to help women keep their babies. 

This is a shocking example of what the Biden government – and all other globalist-controlled regimes – have in store for pro-lifers and Christians under the new world order.  

If the establishment can suppress stories like this, they will win. Our fellow citizens will have no idea what’s going on until it is too late.  

But if we can get the truth out to millions of people – as we are doing right now – then we can wake up America, we can wake up the world, and we can win.  

The role that LifeSiteNews has to play in this victory is significant. 

You see, LifeSiteNews doesn’t just report the news from afar 

We engage in original investigative reporting, like that of Louis Knuffke, and we bring to light stories that would otherwise be hidden. 

We make sure that the guilty cannot rest easily in their beds. They know that LifeSiteNews is on their trail and that their crimes cannot be kept hidden forever. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ said: 

There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: nor hidden, that shall not be known. For whatsoever things you have spoken in darkness, shall be published in the light: and that which you have spoken in the ear in the chambers, shall be preached on the housetops. (Lk 12:2-3) 

On the Last Day, the globalists will be punished for their crimes.  

But if they are to be brought to justice in this life, we need your help. 


The need for an independent media that isn’t controlled by big business or big government has never been clearer.  

If LifeSiteNews didn’t exist, stories like Julian Young’s and those of the Washington D.C. pro-life heroes would never get out.  

But an independent media needs to be paid for. 

If we don’t receive enough donations from ordinary men and women like you, we cannot continue.  

We need to meet our campaign target to fund our investigations, pay our reporters, and defend our site against increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks.  

The enemy is determined to bring us down. And if they can, they will.   

We are dependent on your prayers and on your donations.  


We give you our personal pledge that LifeSiteNews will always be dedicated to telling the truth.   

We will always strive to report the facts and provide you with the information you need to navigate our increasingly dangerous world.  

We told you the truth about COVID-19 when no one else did, and we promise you, we will keep telling the truth to the end, no matter how much they threaten us or what they call us.  

They are the real conspiracy theorists, and one day soon the whole world will know it.   

Please support LifeSiteNews TODAY and we will keep giving a voice to forgotten people and forgotten stories.   


With our deepest love and gratitude,  

John-Henry Westen and Steve Jalsevac

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John-Henry is the co-founder, CEO and editor-in-chief of He and his wife Dianne have eight children and they live in the Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada.

He has spoken at conferences and retreats, and appeared on radio and television throughout the world. John-Henry founded the Rome Life Forum, an annual strategy meeting for life, faith and family leaders worldwide. He is a board member of the John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family. He is a consultant to Canada’s largest pro-life organization Campaign Life Coalition, and serves on the executive of the Ontario branch of the organization. He has run three times for political office in the province of Ontario representing the Family Coalition Party.

John-Henry earned an MA from the University of Toronto in School and Child Clinical Psychology and an Honours BA from York University in Psychology.

