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(LifeSiteNews) — Dear LifeSiteNews readers,

Our Summer Campaign ends on Tuesday, July 2, and thanks to the generosity of many, donations have reached 25 percent toward our necessary minimal goal. That also means we are short 75 percent, which is a lot, especially considering the needed goal this year is significantly higher than last year for the same period because of inflation and other increased expenses.

PLEASE consider a gift for life, faith, family, freedom, and rare truth-in-news reporting.


Tucker Carlson astonished us with his bold, incredible comments against abortion and transgenderism. He is far more emphatic and honest about these evils than many Christian church leaders have been. He told Alex Jones he believes abortion is a demonically driven “human sacrifice” that acts as an “offering to the spirit world.”

And he proclaimed transgenderism is “a form of mass suicide” because “you prevent your children from having children. Therefore, you go extinct.” Wow! He is clearly more pro-life than even many self-proclaimed pro-life politicians and other leaders, who tend to have exceptions. He has to have caused many to reconsider their views on abortion and transgenderism. Some of Carlson’s comments were a little confusing, BUT we’ll take most of what he said and proclaim it to the world. Continue to pray for Tucker Carlson, who has a vast audience. We do every morning.

Donald Trump has once again confirmed his strong stance in favor of abortion exceptions. We can never accept that. It appears that he wrongly believes he has to have that policy to get elected. The many pro-life congressmen, senators, and governors who do not have those exceptions and keep getting re-elected strongly disagree with him. However, as weak as his position is, he is far more preferable to anyone the Democrats will present for election to the presidency. He has many good policies and a number of very concerning ones. There is no pro-life champion for the office of president this time around. We leave it up to our U.S. readers to decide what to do, but do not stay home on election day.

We should be grateful that Trump called out Joe Biden for “persecuting” Catholics. Many of his comments at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference on Saturday were praiseworthy and not anything a Democrat presidential candidate would ever say.

More GOOD NEWS from Trump: He says he will get jailed pro-lifers like Paulette Harlow “out of the gulag” if re-elected. “We’re going to get that taken care of immediately. First day,” Trump vowed. That would be amazing if it does happen!

In Canada, Petition e-5010, sponsored by Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Jamil Jivani who recently won a by-election in Durham, Ontario, by a wide margin, says that the “protection of our youth from irreversible and harmful medical interventions should be a top priority for the government of Canada.” BRAVO! Canadians, go all-out to support this hugely important legislation.


The U.N. is determined to globally eradicate freedom of speech. We can’t let this happen and must fight it, together with others, with all that we can muster. Contact elected leaders and insist that they speak out strongly against it.

More was reported Monday on the Texas Children’s anti-child Hospital that has been in the news recently thanks to conscientious whistleblowers in the hospital. Contact Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, an exceptionally principled, ethical person, and encourage him to continue his investigations into this criminal situation and hold those responsible accountable.

A really good pro-life song by Nashville songwriter Chris Wallin and performed by young country artist Rachel Holt is doing really well in the music world. It reached number 5 on the iTunes country charts. Few pro-life songs reach that high a level. Take a listen.

Donald Trump and others, listen to Dr. Ingrid Skop, only the latest of many OB/GYNs we have reported on who emphasize from personal, longtime experience that direct abortion is never medically necessary to save the life of a mother.


Doug Mainwaring movingly recalls the overwhelming joy that he and many other pro-life leaders experienced June 24, 2022, when the U.S. Supreme Court astonishingly ruled, “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion!” For many of us, that was the highlight of many years working and praying for the court to make that long overdue ruling. It has since saved many thousands of mothers and their babies from the evil of abortion.

More GOOD NEWS: The EU has canceled a vote on its subversive ‘chat control’ bill after the massive public backlash it received over privacy concerns. See, if we are organized and persistent, we can defeat the censoring of the globalists! We far outnumber them.

Over a thousand Irish people have decided to counter the pride movement by flying Sacred Heart flags, posters, and banners. God bless them!

Nurses are suing U.K.’s NHS after being forced to change in front of a “transgender” male. Organized, aggressive action is what is needed everywhere that transgenderism is being forced upon employees, students, and others. We must act to save ourselves since no one else will. We cannot just sit back, let them dominate us, and give up. History is full of social struggles that were won by heroic, determined resistance.

There is still a lot more, but that is enough for today – many of them encouraging good news stories.

Help us to help you with our daily reporting on the most important news developments in the world with your generous financial support.


Lastly, it strongly appears that there will be an imminent outbreak of large-scale war in the Middle East as Israel is planning a major offensive against Hezbollah. Many of our information sources are deeply concerned this will lead to bringing Iran, Russia, and China into the battle, resulting in otherwise avoidable harm to Israel and many others in a wide region, including U.S. soldiers on aircraft carriers and other U.S. troops rushing there.

We should all be advocating and praying for PEACE, diplomatic negotiations, and a strong emphasis on saving the lives of innocent civilians, especially thousands of babies and children, in Israel and outside Israel, who have nothing to do with the fighting. The greatest concern is that some of the combatants possess nuclear weapons and may be willing to use them.

Every person in the region is made in the image and likeness of God and their lives are equally precious to Our Father in Heaven. If only they could all realize that and act according to that understanding.


For life, family, faith, freedom, and truth in news reporting,

Steve Jalsevac

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

