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Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganòYouTube/Screenshot

(LifeSiteNews) — Dear LifeSiteNews readers,

Our Summer Campaign is significantly behind last years’ campaign at this time while at the same time we need to raise even more than last year.

This has us concerned!

Please consider making the most generous donation that you able to make. DONATE.

Thursday and Friday’s reports greatly illustrate the need for what we provide you. Many of the stories are incredibly important and not reported in most other media or not reported as we report them – honestly.

Going down the list of titles seems overwhelming. Wow. What a storm of huge developments there are to tell you about!

Jordan Peterson does it again, this time boldly calling out Canadian schools for pushing “pride” month propaganda and insisting “it has to stop!” So right he is.

As we have reported Thursday and Friday in a number of reports, the Vatican is now out to shut down the great Archbishop Viganò. He is having too much influence it seems and is now the subject of an obviously kangaroo court trial in the Vatican. Please pray for him. He has been a giant champion for truth on what being done to the Catholic Church by the Bergoglion papacy.  He is not a schismatic but rather an exceptionally faithful servant of Christ trying to save the Church.


I have personally spent some time with the archbishop in Rome and can tell you that he is not at all as his enemies portray him. He is a gentle, kind, humble and very unassuming prelate and delightful to be with. But his fidelity to the Church is rock solid and he does not fear to say and do what is necessary for the good of the Church and souls.

Then, on the other hand, we have in the second highest position in the Vatican the sinister Cardinal Pietro Parolin ready to renew the secretive deal with Beijing yet again that will continue to leave the faithful Church in China under the control of the Communist regime. We presume the Vatican is in exchange probably receiving large financial compensations for doing this. At least that is the only thing that makes sense about this huge betrayal.

The Texas whistleblower doctor who exposed the illegal transgender procedures being done in the world’s largest children’s hospital is a wonderful example of integrity and medical responsibility. He is a shining light. All doctors should admire and imitate him for the sake of their patients in the currently very corrupt medical system. Thanks to his heroism, the deadly transgender program has been shut down. And it also looks like the hospital is going to be the subject of a major investigation and likely charges. We should all be asking, “why do any doctors want to be doing these horrific procedures?” Can it only be for money? Are they that depraved?

Nigel Farage presents some possibly crucial financial advice for all of us related to debanking. Don’t think it can’t happen to you and all your family.

Good News – Pornhub, the world’s largest pornography website, announced it will cease operations in four additional states this summer. This evil needs to be completely shut down. It causes devastating social harm, and it is a mystery how it continues to function. Enormous political corruption has to be behind its continued existence.


We should all pray for Poland and hope that it does not go the way of Ireland after just slapping a huge fine on a hospital in the country for refusing to kill a baby in its mother’s womb. The newly elected Tusk government has been proving to be determined to destroy traditional Polish culture.

Bravo to Singapore for cancelling a pro-LGBT event.

It makes no sense at all that a Canadian doctor has been forced to pay a $44K fine and serve a suspension for prescribing Ivermectin to treat COVID. He should instead be praised and congratulated for putting his patients’ health above bad bureaucratic policies that are a danger to patients’ lives.

PLEASE read and watch John-Henry Westen’s sobering warnings about the very influential and dangerous Chabad-Lubavitch – a particularly influential Hasidic Jewish organization. This should be taken very seriously. We could be facing an imminent war because of the huge negative influence of this group.

Also, related to this, is the astonishing information from Israeli news sources that the government and IDF knew well in advance the complete details about the October 7 Hamas attack and yet did nothing to prepare for and stop them. This is shocking but many Israeli citizens suspected it from the beginning and that is why protests in Israel are growing and becoming more militant. There is a great sense of betrayal from Netanyahu who is well known to be corrupt and does not appear to be sincerely concerned about rescuing the hostages as much as he wants to expand Israel and remove all Palestinians, Muslim and Christian, from occupied Gaza and the West Bank. Isrealis are afraid that his actions may have placed Israel in greater danger than it has ever experienced.

Americans should pray that the U.S. House Republican’s move to declare the January 6 committee illegal will be successful. That would be massively positive for the United States.

Again, please remember our financial needs. We totally depend upon you for our continued existence and for being able to tell you what is increasingly being suppressed by governments who don’t want you to know these things.

God bless,
Steve Jalsevac

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

