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Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass/Wikimedia Commons

(LifeSiteNews) — Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has expressed his gratitude over the open letter signed by leading members of British society in support of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM).

“The widely diverse coalition of signers of the petition to Pope Francis demonstrates that, even beyond its spiritual value, the Traditional Latin Mass is a cultural treasure that has inspired artistic creativity of every kind & in every age, building what we know as Western Civilization,” the archbishop of San Francisco wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“I thank them for making their voices heard,” he added.

READ: Leading British figures pen defense of Latin Mass to echo Agatha Christie’s famous petition

On July 2, The Times published an open letter signed by a group of well-known members of British society – including Catholics, Protestants, non-Christians, and atheists – praising the “magnificent spiritual and cultural heritage” of the traditional Mass.

Referencing the recent rumors about potential new restrictions, or bans, on the traditional Mass coming from the Vatican, the signatories stated that such news “is a painful and confusing prospect, especially for the growing number of young Catholics whose faith has been nurtured by it.”

“The traditional liturgy is a ‘cathedral’ of text and gesture, developing as those venerable buildings did over many centuries,” they wrote. “Not everyone appreciates its value and that is fine; but to destroy it seems an unnecessary and insensitive act in a world where history can all too easily slip away forgotten. The old rite’s ability to encourage silence and contemplation is a treasure not easily replicated, and, when gone, impossible to reconstruct.”

The letter harks back to the famous 1971 Agatha Christie letter, published by The Times, in which Catholics and non-Catholics (including Agatha Christie and leading members of British society) appealed to Pope Paul VI in support of the traditional Mass. As Sir James MacMillan, one of the signatories, noted – in an accompanying op-ed in The Times – the 1971 letter “became known as the ‘Agatha Christie letter’ because, apparently, Pope Paul VI was so startled to see the name of the ‘queen of crime’ that he allowed the old Mass to survive.”


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