Recent Canadian News

Canadian Province May Scrap Controversial Human Rights Tribunal

Wednesday April 21, 2010 Canadian Province May Scrap Controversial Human Rights Tribunal By Thaddeus M. Baklinski and John Jalsevac REGINA, April 21, 2010 ( – The Saskatchewan government is considering scrapping that province’s controversial Human Rights Tribunals and having human rights cases heard by the regular court system. Saskatchewan Justice Minister Don Morgan said last week that the chief of the Human Rights Commission, Judge David Arnot, has recommended doing away with the quasi-judicial tribunal and have complaints that can’t be resolved by the Commission go directly to the Court of Queen’s Bench. “This is a recommendation that’s come forward […]

Canadian Pro-Abort Group Calls for Criminalizing of Pro-Life Activism

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Canadian Pro-Abort Group Calls for Criminalizing of Pro-Life Activism By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, April 20, 2010 ( – The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) has responded to Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge’s proposed bill to ban coercive abortion, unveiled in a press conference last week, by calling instead for a ban on “coerced childbirth,” and even suggesting that Canada outlaw pro-life activism. “The entire anti-choice movement has been trying to force women into pregnancy and motherhood for decades, by working to outlaw or restrict abortion,” said Joyce Arthur, ARCC’s coordinator, in a Monday press […]

Oregon Doctor Warns Canadians to Reject Assisted Suicide Legislation

Tuesday April 6, 2010 Oregon Doctor Warns Canadians to Reject Assisted Suicide Legislation By Thaddeus M. Baklinski PORTLAND, Oregon, April 6, 2010 ( – A doctor practicing in one of the two U.S. states where physician-assisted suicide is legal has written an open letter to Canadians advising them to beware of the “misguided legislation” of Bill C-384, the bill that would legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada. “A message to my Canadian neighbors” was written by Dr. William Toffler, the national director of Physicians for Compassionate Care in Portland Oregon, a national organization of physicians who oppose euthanasia and […]

Editorial: Canadian Top Court Bilingual Requirement Could Stack the Ideological Deck

Editorial by John-Henry Westen April 23, 2010 ( – Without much public notice or debate, legislation to require Canadian Supreme Court Justices to be fully bilingual – Bill C-232 – passed the House of Commons last month and is currently being debated in the Senate.  Given the statistics on bilingualism in Canada, the requirement would appear to bias the selection of Supreme Court Justices to individuals from Quebec. Combined with statistics that indicate that Quebec is the most liberal Canadian province in many areas, including on euthanasia, abortion and same-sex ‘marriage,’ the picture that emerges is of requirement that could ideologically bias […]

Canadian Bishops: “Catholics for Choice” is Not Catholic

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Canadian Bishops: “Catholics for Choice” is Not Catholic By John-Henry Westen OTTAWA, April 16, 2010 ( – The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has reiterated that the group “Catholics for a Free Choice” is “not Catholic” and “does not represent the teachings or views of the Catholic Church.” The small group, originating in the United States and described as “fraudulent” by faithful Catholics, made media headlines in recent weeks by criticizing the Harper government for refusing to push abortion in the G8 maternal healthcare push. Mainstream media outlets such as Canadian Press, the Montreal Gazette, […]

Development & Peace Admits Concern over Diocese Funding Restrictions

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Development & Peace Admits Concern over Diocese Funding Restrictions By Patrick B. Craine MONTREAL, Quebec, April 20, 2010 ( – The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (D&P) has admitted that they fear financial difficulties stemming from new diocesan policies that have been implemented recently by some Canadian bishops. The new policies have been developed in response to revelations over the last year that dozens of D&P partners in the developing world are engaged in promoting abortion and other questionable activities. The admission came from D&P’s executive director, Michael Casey, in an online video to […]

LifeSiteNews Awarded 2010 National Award by REAL Women of Canada

Monday April 19, 2010 LifeSiteNews Awarded 2010 National Award by REAL Women of Canada NORTH BAY, ON, April 16, 2010 ( – On Saturday, April 17, 2010 at their annual national conference, REAL Women of Canada announced LSN as the recipient of their 2010 National Award. REAL Women National President Cecilia Forsyth explained that the award signifies that the recipient individual or organization has made an exemplary contribution to society. Nominees are expected to demonstrate “honesty, integrity and responsibility; respect for the traditional family unit in society; support for the basic right to life of all human beings; and Judaeo-Christian […]

Hamilton, Ontario Public Schools Closer to Implementing Controversial “Gender Equity” Policy

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski Update: Since this story was published, Premier McGuinty has announced that he is indefinitely suspending plans to implement the new sex-ed curriculum across the board, due to the intense backlash that it has received. Read more here. HAMILTON, April 22, 2010 ( – Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board trustees gave unanimous approval last week to their controversial “gender equity policy,” moving the board closer to implementing the homosexuality and “anti-homophobia” curriculum mandated by the Ontario Ministry of Education's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy. The Hamilton Spectator reported that the board's equity policy, “dealing with the rights and […]

Ontario Liberal Premier: Catholic Schools Must Teach Explicit Sex Ed – Conservative Disagrees

By Patrick B. Craine Update: Since this story was published, Premier McGuinty has announced that he is indefinitely suspending plans to implement the new sex-ed curriculum across the board, due to the intense backlash that it has received. Read more here. TORONTO, Ontario, April 22, 2010 ( – Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty announced Wednesday that the Ontario government will be requiring Catholic schools to teach the new provincial, explicit sex ed curriculum that been slammed not only by Catholic leaders but the Progressive Conservative party and secular columnists. “They're part of the publicly funded school system here in Ontario and […]

Dramatic Turnaround: Ontario Premier Backs Down – Explicit Sex Ed Needs ‘Serious Rethink’

By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, April 22, 2010 ( – After intense criticism in recent days, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty announced this afternoon that he has decided to delay implementing the government’s controversial and explicit new elementary sex ed curriculum. “It’s become pretty obvious to us that we need to give this a serious rethink,” he told reporters.  He admitted that the changes in the new curriculum had been communicated poorly, and noted that parents were clearly distressed over it.  The government must “find a policy and a curriculum that [parents are] comfortable with,” he said. “The net we […]