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Million Person March in Ottawa on September 20, 2023Campaign Life Coalition

(LifeSiteNews) –– Criminal charges laid against a Canadian man who participated in the pro-family 1 Million March 4 Children protest against radical LGBT ideology being taught in public schools have been dropped by the Crown. 

As noted by The Democracy Fund’s (TDF) legal team in a recent update, William Dalton was tasered multiple times during the “peaceful protest” held in Ottawa in October of 2023. Dalton was charged with obstructing a peace officer and causing a disturbance. A video of the incident went viral online.  

“Mr. Dalton joined the 1 Million March 4 Children to draw attention to recent significant changes in the public-school curriculum,” stated TDF.


TDF had represented Dalton and was in many discussions with the Crown and “throughout numerous court appearances.” TDF noted that Dalton was at first facing potential jail time, which was a “consequence exacerbated by the manner in which he was handled by police.” 

“The Crown ultimately agreed to drop all charges following negotiations by TDF.”

TDF-supplied lawyer, Adam Blake-Gallipeau, had expressed “satisfaction with the outcome.” 

“Mr. Dalton exercised his Charter rights to peacefully assemble and express his views on current issues. We are pleased with the resolution,” said Blake-Gallipeau.

The first Million Person March to fight back against radical LGBT ideology being taught in public schools was held in September of 2023. 

The protest was organized by Muslim Canadians and used the slogan “Leave our kids alone,” specifically regarding gender ideology, age-inappropriate sexual content in school libraries, and LGBT propaganda. 

Prominent voices attended the September march, including high school student Josh Alexander, who after being canceled by his school for saying there are only two genders has continued to protest radical gender ideology moving its way into Canada’s education system.  

