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U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — Remarks made by Tucker Carlson in response to biased questions posed to him by liberal journalists while on tour in Australia this week are going viral.

Earlier today, Carlson posted clips to his X account from his appearance at an exclusive lunch event at the Hyatt Hotel in Canberra.

Carlson is nearing the end of a five-city tour with billionaire businessman Clive Palmer for his “Australian Freedom Conference.”

According to Newsweek, ahead of Carlson’s visit the Australian Institute of International Affairs “warned that his presence would mean more mimicking of Kremlin propaganda.”

Carlson took a flamethrower to the flimsy attempts made by several reporters to depict him as a pro-Putin, xenophobic stooge who opposes science and free speech.

“A lot of (reporters) are insecure and weak and suck up to power,” he said at one point. “This alignment between media organizations and the government, I find disgusting.”

Before fielding their questions, Carlson gave preliminary remarks about the recently freed Julian Assange, which he called “wonderful news.”

“Typically, the way it works… (is) the guy who discovers the crime doesn’t go to jail. It’s the guy who commits the crime that goes to jail. And that’s been inverted in his case,” he said.

Carlson made special mention of former Trump CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Trump Vice President Mike Pence. He called Pence, who posted on X that he disagreed with Assange being freed, a “sad, weak man,” while noting that his remarks were “incredibly shameful.”

Carlson described Pompeo as a “criminal” who “tried to murder (Assange)” while he was detained in the United Kingdom.

The Sydney Morning Herald political correspondent Paul Sakka was one of several journalists who asked Carlson a question. Carlson laughed off Sakka’s agenda-driven inquiries.

“Did (Vladimir Putin) make you take the COVID shot?” Carlson shot back.

“The COVID shot saved probably tens of millions of dollars,” Sakka started to respond.

“Oh yeah, definitely,” Carlson mockingly retorted.

Carlson also took umbrage with Sakka’s comment that former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other “right wingers” consider Putin an enemy of “democracy” and of the “rule of law.”

Carlson replied by arguing that “Boris Johnson is a criminal buffoon who, like so many who claim to love Ukraine, is single-handedly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men in this war.”

He recalled that “Boris Johnson, on orders from the Biden administration, shut down … the peace negotiations almost two years ago.”

Carlson then shamed Sakka and Australian journalists generally for allowing “the Biden administration to push us into nuclear war” in Ukraine as they focus their energies on how Putin “doesn’t respect human rights or the rule of law.”

To emphasize his point, Carlson noted that the Australian government “did nothing” while Assange was in custody for 12 years.

“In the free world, we don’t hold people who haven’t been charged with a crime,” he said. “You tell me how that’s consistent with the rule of law or democracy. It’s not. It’s rule by the intel agencies. It’s lawlessness.”

Carlson also clarified to Sakka the numerous harmful effects of the COVID shot, which he said, “are everywhere.”

“There’s a database publicly available in the United States that shows you… (the) Pfizer (shot) has caused more injuries than all self-reported injuries than all the previous vaccination campaigns for the last 50 years combined. And no one in the media has written a story about it,” he noted.

Carlson was referring to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database, which includes hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions to the COVID jab. The latest conservative estimate is that over 17 million worldwide died from receiving the injections, making it the worst man-caused medical catastrophe in history.

Carlson argued that the reason the media has been silent about the shot’s harmful side effects is because Pfizer is “one of the largest advertisers on television in the United States.”

The “media should be like holding these people to the fire on that,” but they’re not, he exclaimed. “If you’re a journalist, your job is to challenge power on behalf of the powerless. It’s not to align with the powerful against the powerless. And that is precisely what you have done.”

Carlson also swatted off a question from Associated Press reporter Kat Wong who tried to paint him as a racist and insensitive to gun violence by asking about demographic changes in the United States that are making whites a minority.

“Native-born Americans are being replaced, including blacks, native-born Americans,” he replied. When “leaders shift their concern from the people whose responsibility it is to take care of to people around the world, to put their priorities above those of their own citizens, that’s immoral.”

“The movement of millions of people, mostly with low skills, and no native command of the language, and no shared culture of people who already live there… (is) the most destructive thing you can do to a country.”

Carlson was also asked by an audience member about the 2020 election and the security of elections going forward in the U.S.

He replied by noting the phrase “conspiracy theory” was invented by American intelligence agencies in 1964 to use as a “control tool” to shut down those who were noticing anomalies with the government’s investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He said those who use the term today are “discredited” and that concerns over future elections are reasonable given that even Republicans have not attempted to make them more secure.

Carlson concluded by warning his audience that Australia is a country with “almost no problems” and that it can be a global leader but only “if you don’t screw this country up on purpose through mass immigration,” which is what Britain, Canada, and the United States have done.

“One of the great lies that we in the modern world have been told is that prosperity is generated by banks and real estate. And that money lending is the engine of prosperity,” he also said “That’s a lie. What creates wealth is productivity, and what’s required for productivity are resources, and you have more resources than virtually anybody.”

He urged Australians to not be “taking orders” from the U.K. and to not think the U.S. will save them in the long run because “in the end, countries act in their own interests.”

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

