Articles tagged Faith & Reason

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EXPLOSIVE: Cardinal Müller Reveals Senior Vatican Official Thinks NO Mass at All is Better than the Latin Mass

Cardinal Gerhard Müller has revealed that a senior representative of the Roman Dicastery for Divine Worship told him that 20,000 young Catholics participating in the historic Paris to Chartres pilgrimage was “by no means a cause for joy, because Holy Mass was celebrated according to the old Extraordinary Latin rite.” Müller says that some people in the Vatican “see the old rite of Holy Mass as a greater danger to the unity of the Church than the reinterpretation of the Creed, or even the absence of Holy Mass.” Müller revealed this saddening information during his homily at an ordination of […]
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Dr. Abby Johnson on the crisis in the Catholic Church and her new film

Former Planned Parenthood director and pro-life advocate Dr. Abby Johnson boldly continues to expose the crisis within the Catholic Church as well as the dirty secrets and deep corruption hidden in the “pro-choice” industry — sharing never before seen insights gained from her firsthand experiences in her new summer documentary, “Unthinkable.” Dr. Abby Johnson is exposing “crimes against God and humanity,” working to make the biggest profit center of the leftist agenda completely “unthinkable” — while pushing for reforms and conversions within the Catholic Church itself. Amid the death and destruction that remains in the post-Roe world, it is time […]