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Arrested for defying COVID: Monica Smit continues resistance

Monica Smit led the resistance in Australia against COVID lockdowns with her peaceful opposition to government tyranny. Now Smit feels called by God to continue the fight against the encroaching globalist police state across the world. Monica provides an update for LifeSite viewers on what she has seen in her travels, highlighting what it means to be a frontline activist against government overreach while serving God in accordance with her Catholic faith. Citizens everywhere continue to be inspired by Smit’s tremendous witness, self-sacrifice, and unwillingness to bend her knee to the deep state globalists seeking to rule the world. Watch […]
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Book of Revelation: Is Pope Francis the true pope or false prophet? – Part 1

For centuries, Heaven has been giving messages to the Catholic Church to prepare its members for an unprecedented crisis: the rise of the False Prophet and a near total collapse of authentic faith within the Catholic Church. Are these warnings being fulfilled now with the papacy of Pope Francis? What would it mean for the Church if Pope Francis were the False Prophet foretold in the Book of Revelation? What will the False Prophet do to the Catholic Church, and are we experiencing the diabolic disorientation now? If so, how does Christ want His Church to respond? Find the answers […]
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EASTER 2024 | Love the Lord as St. Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene reached out for the Risen Lord in love and devotion on Easter Sunday after virtually everyone else had given up hope. While all but one of Jesus’ apostles abandoned Him at the hour of our salvation, St. Mary Magdalene bravely stood for the Truth of Christ. As the Church continues to sustain buffets, mockeries, scandals, and more, everyone is called to be like St. Mary Magdalene who followed the Lord, even to His tomb, and beheld the Risen Lord on that glorious Easter Sunday. St. Mary Magdalene kept the faith to the end and was greatly rewarded […]
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LifeSiteNews launches new citizen journalist initiative – LifeSite League

Citizen journalists across the world have been given a new mandate by LifeSiteNews to perform the job that the mainstream media refuses to do – record and witness to the truth under the banner of LifeSite League. LifeSite League is an exciting new initiative started by LifeSiteNews and spearheaded by its new coordinator, Jacinta Rigi, to help give citizen journalists a voice in the ongoing fight against censorship and marginalization of truth. Join LifeSiteNews Senior Correspondent Jim Hale as he goes one-on-one with Jacinta Rigi about the reasons for LifeSite League, the importance of citizen journalism, and the critical steps […]
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COVID-19 frontline Dr. Mark Trozzi EXPOSES medical misinformation

In a talk given in Peterborough, Ontario, on October 13, frontline doctor Mark Trozzi exposed the COVID-19 medical misinformation that was so aggressively spread by the mainstream media — responsible for locking down virtually the entire Western world in 2020. Dr. Trozzi explained the worldwide coordinated effort to enforce complete control over commerce, religion, and freedom — all in the name of the COVID-19 “pandemic.” As the world continues to destabilize in Russia, the Middle East, and China, Dr. Trozzi continues to put everything on the line — his entire medical career — to speak the truth about the global […]

All wars are bankers wars

The reality is, we do not 'need' central banks. Not in the slightest. A country, or even individual states, can create their own currency and run their own banks, either without usury, or with very low interest rates. That’s the path to freedom, and all that is required is the decision to do so, and the guts to carry it though.
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BREAKING: Pope Francis hit with ‘dubia’ from 5 Cardinals ahead of Synod, Cdl Fernández responds

Cardinals Burke, Brandmüller, Sarah, Zen, and Íñiguezto have published a new Dubia to express grave concerns to Pope Francis about the Synod on Synodality and possible attacks on Catholic doctrine. Read more here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-five-cardinals-write-dubia-to-pope-francis-on-concerns-about-synod-catholic-doctrine/ HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD: https://give.lifesitenews.com  LOVE LIFESITE? LOVE BEING PRO-LIFE? GET THE FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION PRO-LIFE SILVER ROUND FROM LIFESITENEWS: https://www.stjosephpartners.com/lifesite-silver-round SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH! https://shop.lifesitenews.com/  Connect with us on social media: LifeSite: https://linktr.ee/lifesitenews John-Henry Westen: https://linktr.ee/jhwesten
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Communism will never destroy the Catholic Church. Here’s why

Communists across history have tried their best to destroy the Catholic Church, but no power has ever taken down the Catholic Church — despite violence, forced lockdowns, mainstream media hijacking, fake news, and more. The Catholic Church has endured for over 2,000 years, giving rise to incredible martyrs — those who have died for the truth about the Catholic Church. Now, author and editor Kristen Van Uden is giving viewers a deeper look into the incredible stories of faithful Catholics who stood strong against the globalist and godless forces of their day with her upcoming book, “When the Sickle Swings: […]