Leak Confirms Apple's Work On 'Home Accessory'

Code discovered on Apple's backend by MacRumors confirms Apple is indeed working on a long-rumored home accessory in addition to the HomePod and Apple TV.

HomePod G4 Feature
The code references a device with the identifier "HomeAccessory17,1," which is a new identifier category. The name is similar to the ‌HomePod‌'s "AudioAccessory" identifier.

Interestingly, the 17,1 in the identifier name suggests that this device may receive Apple's upcoming A18 chip, which will be used in all four iPhone 16 models later this year. With the A18 chip, the HomeAccessory device would have the power for Apple Intelligence.

The code also indicates that this "home accessory" will be running a software variant of tvOS, much like the ‌HomePod‌. Earlier this year, MacRumors found evidence of Apple's work on homeOS, which could be the firmware running on this device.

On a similar note, the code also references two unreleased ‌Apple TV‌ models with the identifiers AppleTV14,4 and AppleTV14,5. Rumors suggest that an updated ‌Apple TV‌ could launch in 2024.

Apple is expected to announce new iPhones, iPads, and potentially other products in September.

(Thanks Nicolás Alvarez!)

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Top Rated Comments

turbineseaplane Avatar
1 week ago
They should make iMacs like that again

It was the best iMac design ever IMO

Loved how you could just finger touch move the screen around/up/down, etc
Score: 33 Votes (Like | Disagree)
mapsdotapp Avatar
1 week ago

On a similar note, the code also references two unreleased Apple TV models with the identifiers AppleTV14,4 and AppleTV14,5. Rumors suggest that an updated Apple TV could launch in 2024.
Please just put out an Apple TV with an M series chip. Why wouldn't Apple want to compete in the console space?
Score: 16 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Icehawk Avatar
1 week ago
Cool. Parents got an Echo years ago. They don't use it for much, but having something similar that is connected to all their apple stuff would rock, for the right price.

meanwhile, I'm glad to hear references to a new Apple TV. Want one but would rather wait for an updated one.
Score: 15 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Cervisia Avatar
1 week ago
So.. an ipad with a stand, but welded together? What am I missing?
Score: 12 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Premium1 Avatar
1 week ago
Wish they would make a soundbar with built in ATV. could cut down on all the needed "devices" and could put a beefier chip to run AI as well as future proof it.
Score: 10 Votes (Like | Disagree)
CJM Avatar
1 week ago

They should make iMacs like that again

It was the best iMac design ever IMO

Loved how you could just finger touch move the screen around/up/down, etc
They’d charge you £1000 just for the hinge.
Score: 9 Votes (Like | Disagree)