
Former President Donald Trump rolled out a flurry of videos in which he whipped up supporters with attacks on President Joe Biden and revived his old reality show slogan.

Trump has been cruising along in the Republican primary with easy wins against former Trump UN Ambassador Nikki Haley thus far, but on Sunday was sent to his first defeat when Haley won DC with 63 percent of the vote. Trump received 33 percent of the vote, barely more than half of what Haley got.

But the real test comes in the next few weeks, as Super Tuesday and a 4-state primary on March 12 loom, as well as contests like Monday’s North Dakota caucus. Over the weekend, Trump put out a flurry of videos on Truth Social aimed at rousing his voters to give him convincing victories and put an end to Haley’s challenge.

In the most recent clip, aimed at North Dakota voters, Trump raged about the economy, immigration, trans people, and President Biden:

Today, you’re going to send a big signal to the entire world that this is your country, and it’s also Trump country. We’re going to work on this together. We’re going to make it so great. We’re going to make our country better than ever before. And you’re going to send a message straight to Crooked Joe Biden that we are coming like a freight train this November

5th with your vote, we are going to tell Crooked Joe Biden, Joe, you’re FIRED! You were a terrible president and you are FIRED! This is the most important election in American history. Under Crooked Joe our country is being destroyed. Our economy is being wrecked by Biden’s inflation disaster. Our borders are being overrun. We’re being invaded. Our values are under attack.Men are invading women’s sports. America is being weakened and humiliated in the world stage. And Crooked Joe Biden is a-stumbling to the brink of World War three. Our country, in other words, is a mess.But we are not going to let this disaster continue. Three years ago, we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again. With your vote, we are going to once again fight for the American worker and American farmer like no one has ever fought before.We will stop Joe Biden’s inflation disaster. We will cut your taxes and cut your regulations. We will defend our great miners, and we will unleash American energy and liberty like never, ever before.We will secure our border. We will stand up for our values. We will reclaim our freedom, and we will restore peace through strength just like we had it.Four years ago we had the greatest country ever. And now our country is a laughingstock all over the world. We are not going to let
that continue. Not for a minute.Thank you once again for coming out today. I would truly be honored to have your vote. Together, we are going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country, and make America great again. Thank you.

Trump used the catchphrase in another video this weekend, in a plea to voters in Idaho. In another new video, Trump encouraged his voters to vote early on Super Tuesday — despite a history of slamming early voting that  seems to have stuck:

Trump also posted a video ahead of March 12’s four-state primary day asking them to deliver him a decisive victory. Trump goes into Super Tuesday with a 244 to 43 delegate lead over Haley, who could blunt at least Trump’s media momentum by beating expectations and collecting delegates.

Watch above via Truth Social.