
Accelerate your students' education

Mentava's first product is a software-based daily tutor designed to teach young kids to read.

Our company mission is to give options to kids whose learning needs aren't being met. We're building a software-based daily tutor because we believe more students should be doing college-level math and computer science before high school.

For more info on our learn-to-read software, join our mailing list here:

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Early reading

Our first product is a learn-to-read daily tutor. In 30 minutes a day, our reading tutor is helping kids as young as 2 learn to read.

However, most kids aren't ready to read this young. Our software-based tutor is intended for kids speaking in full English sentences. Our students often begin at age 3-4.

Love of learning

Kids are natural learners. They have an innate drive to learn to walk, learn to talk, and discover the world in general. Reading and math are simply the natural next steps in their progression of understanding the world around them.

After reading: math

Once a child can read, it becomes much easier for them to learn math. In about 30 minutes a day, it's possible for some 5 year-olds to master over 2 years of math in a year, entering 1st grade ready to do 4th grade math.

We've paused our math program while we focus on our reading tutor, but we're happy to recommend alternatives for now.

After math: computer science

At this accelerated pace, we expect some students will be ready for algebra before 5th grade. Algebra is the only pre-requisite for AP Computer Science, and if a student is ready for AP Computer Science in elementary school, we want to give them that opportunity. We have a lot of work to do before we get there, though.


Start the reading journey

Mentava's daily reading tutor is intended for students who are speaking in full English sentences and have begun showing interest in letters.